2. W H O A R E W E ?
Haltu Oy is founded 04/2010
Owned by Ilkka Hakkari (CTO) and Mikko S辰vilahti (CEO)
Both owners work fulltime in the company
Extensive professional in Mobile, Web, eCommerce and embedded software
We have currently 12 employees
9 very experienced software professionals and 3 junior developers
We think ourselves as enablers of digital world
Digitalization, IoT, Big Data, Platform Thinking and superior User Experience is built to our DNA.
We have been developing Dream Platform for public and b2b use since 2011
We are actively working with the future of Finnish edutech
e.g. Educloud Alliance
6. H O W T O D R E A M ?
Dream Platform was implemented in Private-Public-Academic Partnership
Together with different stakeholders to solve everyday problems at schools
Project started with a publicly funded project but the customer wanted us to continue with our
own RnD and funding (partly with Tekes)
Open Source - APIs - Integrations
We think that publicly funded projects should be available for everyone
We want the competition to be open
We want to prevent vendor locks and let the users decide
Bad services cant exists on todays work or educational life
7. A N D N O W ?
Haltu has invested almost 1M to the development during last 5 years
Dream Platform derived services are used by over 100 000 Finnish people
All maintained and supported by Haltu
Technologys maturity is excellent - very little maintenance and support for needed
Dream Platform was implemented in Private-Public-Academic Partnership
Together with different stakeholders to solve every day problems at schools
Project started with a publicly funded project but the customer wanted us to continue with our
own RnD and funding (partly with Tekes)
Most significant projects:
Dreamschool.fi (all started here 2011)
Edison learning environment by Kuntien Tiera (2013 ->, over 70k users)
Haltus own Seepra.fi project management tool (2011 ->)
8. C O N T A C T
Mikko S辰vilahti, founder, co-owner
Ilkka Hakkari, founder, co-owner