This document discusses various Apex development tools including:
- Running single test methods in isolation for faster testing and debugging
- Using the Metadata API and REST API to run test methods outside of a test context
- Adding eval() support to Apex to dynamically execute code
- Catching otherwise uncatchable exceptions
- The speaker's journey to becoming an MVP and sessions at Dreamforce 2015
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Dreamforce Campfire - Apex Testing Tips and Tricks
2. Running anonymous apex in a testing context
Running a single test method in isolation
Adding eval() support to Apex
Catching the uncatchable
Becoming an MVP
Dreamforce 2015
3. Idea Exchange - Running anonymous apex in a testing context
System.TypeException: Cannot call test methods in non-test context
Avoid side effects - built in isolation and rollback
Run single test methods
Faster turn around
See the log from the individual test case
Avoid encountering log size limit
Objective - circa 2012
4. The hard way - Using the Metadata API
Test class and test method must be public
public class Foo {
// Many other test methods here
public static testMethod void bar() {
System.Debug(LoggingLevel.Debug,'Example method');
// Assertions and testing stuff
Existing Apex Test Class
5. Create a wrapper class and call the test method
Zip generated files
Metadata API deploy()
checkOnly = true
runTests = array with generated class name
testLevel = RunSpecifiedTests (v34.0)
DebuggingHeader to control logging for transaction
public class FooWrapper {
public static testMethod void barWrapper() {;
7. The easy way - REST API
REST API only at this stage (Summer `15)
Accepts classIds (01p) and test method names
Support for:
@testSetup annotation
private methods
Winter `16 Dev Console
"classId":"<classId 1>",
"classId":"<classId 2>",
11. An alternative view of Apex test execution to highlight failures
Focus on failures first successes are just noise
Filter to select the tests you want to run
Ability to start a new test run from previous result *
Rerun the last selection *
Start single method runs *
Monitor progress using the Streaming API
Running Apex tests
* Winter `16
15. Separate callout context can have rollback.
A way of increasing limits.
Structured data can be returned using JSON
Handle uncatchable exceptions
Adding eval() support to Apex
Winter `16
Unlimited Callouts
to Internal
Salesforce URLs
19. Limit Bypass technique
What if you could catch
the uncatchable?
public class Unbreakable {
public static String somethingFragile() {
while(true) {
List<Account> a = [SELECT id FROM Account LIMIT 1];
return null;
// Attempt to serialize this
private String it {
get {
return somethingFragile();
public static void catchTheUncatchable() {
String val;
try {
//The system namespaced JSON.serialize implementation catches *any* type,
//and surfaces it as a JSONException, which we can catch back in apex land
val = JSON.serialize(new Unbreakable());
} catch(JSONException e) {
System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'A LimitException was caught as a
JSONException! n' + e);
22. Becoming an MVP
Presented at Auckland User Group - 2014
Presented at Dreamforce 2014
Wsdl2Apex Hackathon
Helped numerous people with SOAP integrations
Answered and asked questions on Salesforce StackExchange
Feedback to the Salesforce Docs team
Visual Studio - Salesforce Connected Services
23. Dreamforce 2015 Sessions
Welkin Suite
Meet the developers
Foosball IoT
My unconference/campfire conversation
9 am DevZone
Sometimes it would be ideal to just try some code out and know that any DML operations that get performed won't be committed. I wouldn't expect callouts to occur or emails to be sent.
Logs from multiple test methods can easily exceed the log limit. Especially when combined with Entering_Managed_Package or using finer logging levels.MAXIMUM DEBUG LOG SIZE REACHED
Focus in on the one test case that is failing.
Avoid needing to comment out the test methods that aren't of interest.
Run a single test method, check the result, inspect the log.
Went to Dreamforce 2014. Spoke to Josh Kaplan and other Salesforce developers.
2,500 voting point threshold
Meet the Developers feature is on the roadmap
#6: Create a Zip from FooWrapper.cls and generate a metadata xml file.
checkOnly to avoid actually deploying anything
runTests to execute the wrapper class
Once v34.0 is widely available thetestLevelshould also be set to RunSpecifiedTests.
Monitoring the AsyncResult and DeployResult until it complete and then extracting the RunTestsResult.
issues if the @testSetup annotation is being used in the target class.
#7: ExampleTestCases
Use Run Sync
Manual package for command line deployment will be in working directory
#8: Need to monitor debug log via TraceFlag
If you are using IDE v34.0.0.20150511 Beta Versionyou can use the new API to run a specific test method.
#12: Deliberately different to what the Developer Console offers.
Improved developer console support coming in Winter 16
#13: Deliberately different to what the Developer Console offers.
Improved developer console support coming in Winter 16
#14: Deliberately different to what the Developer Console offers.
Improved developer console support coming in Winter 16
#16: Older APEX API executeAnonymous method returns DEBUG log in the response.
Set logging level in the debug header to ERROR only.
Pass in all required data.
Kevin Poorman eval() with result via exception throwing.
Where a rollback may be required the separate context via the callout doesn't require the invoking Apex to rollback. You can still progress and make further callouts and subsequent DML operations.
An odd way of increasing limits. E.g. Each anonymous apex context gets a new set of limits.
JSON can be used in the response message to return structured data.
You can handle classes of exception that would otherwise be uncatchable, such as System.LimitException and System.ProcedureException (System.Version v = System.requestVersion(); - managed package only)