O documento descreve um torneio de futebol amador organizado pelo programa SBT Esporte, incluindo um campeonato entre times tradicionais com premia巽達o em dinheiro, um quadro semanal com dicas de futebol e uma disputa para eleger a "Rainha do Futebol Amador" entre musas indicadas pelos times.
This document provides recipes for several classic Polish dishes including dumplings, chicken soup, potato pancakes, beetroot, and meatloaf. It also includes instructions for making pork chops which involves soaking rolls in milk or water, mixing ground meat with onion, egg, salt and pepper, and shaping and breading the meat before pan frying and baking it until cooked through.
The document discusses the healthy eating habits of someone who tries to maintain a fit lifestyle through diet and exercise. They eat 4-5 meals per day consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, yogurt and protein like eggs. They drink a lot of water and freshly squeezed orange juice. While they mostly avoid sugary drinks and fast food, they occasionally indulge in cakes.
The document summarizes the hobbies of an 18-year-old person from Poland. They enjoy reading books by Andrzej Sapkowski, listening to rock, heavy metal, and other genres of music. Their favorite bands include Guns N Roses, Megadeth, and Alestorm. They also enjoy winter sports like snowboarding and skiing. In their free time, they like playing role-playing, first-person shooter, adventure, and action video games on their Xbox console such as the Assassin's Creed, Witcher, and Call of Duty series.
纏aneta is a tall, blond girl who wears glasses and goes to school every day. She enjoys reading books like The Vampire Diaries and The Last Song, as well as going shopping on Saturdays and to the cinema weekly with friends. Some important principles of healthy eating include eating regularly, having a variety of meals, avoiding excessive fat and cholesterol, eating vegetables and fruits, and drinking water.
Crossfit is a new fitness program that combines elements of gymnastics, weightlifting, combat sports, running, swimming, cycling, and rowing into a single high-intensity workout. The goal of Crossfit is to achieve total body fitness, including strength, endurance, balance, agility, flexibility, and accuracy.
The Power Station Plant and Coal Mine Plant "Tur坦w" are located in Bogatynia, Poland near the borders with the Czech Republic and Germany. The power station has been operating since 1962 and is one of the largest producers of electricity in Poland. It uses modern, environmentally-friendly technologies to reduce emissions. The coal mine plant has an open-pit mine 210 meters deep and 24 square kilometers in area that supplies brown coal to the power plant via conveyor belts. Together, the power and coal plants are major industries in the region and are owned by the Polish Energetic Group.
This document contains questions about textiles, fibers, clothing construction, fashion terminology, consumer strategies, and personal style. It asks what natural fibers and linen are, why acrylic was created, what a plain weave and twill weave are, the advantage of satin, and more. It also asks about impulse buying, overruns, required clothing labels, specialty stores, and fashion personalities.
Renaissance fashion reflected cultural progress and increased trade, which allowed more access to new materials. The rich wore elaborate, brightly colored robes and dresses decorated with gold and silver embroidery, often depicting legends and biblical scenes. Natural motifs were also used. People indulged in jewelry, furs, and wigs. Hairstyles were elaborately decorated with gems, brooches, wires, and ribbons to appear as large and high as possible, sometimes using wigs or hair additions. Dress consisted of layered skirts and dresses under petticoats for women, and for men, fashionable outfits evolved from English riding outfits to include tight pants and boots by 1800.
Crossfit is a new fitness program that combines elements of gymnastics, weightlifting, combat sports, running, swimming, cycling, and rowing into a single high-intensity workout. The goal of Crossfit is to achieve total body fitness, including strength, endurance, balance, agility, flexibility, and accuracy.
The Power Station Plant and Coal Mine Plant "Tur坦w" are located in Bogatynia, Poland near the borders with the Czech Republic and Germany. The power station has been operating since 1962 and is one of the largest producers of electricity in Poland. It uses modern, environmentally-friendly technologies to reduce emissions. The coal mine plant has an open-pit mine 210 meters deep and 24 square kilometers in area that supplies brown coal to the power plant via conveyor belts. Together, the power and coal plants are major industries in the region and are owned by the Polish Energetic Group.
This document contains questions about textiles, fibers, clothing construction, fashion terminology, consumer strategies, and personal style. It asks what natural fibers and linen are, why acrylic was created, what a plain weave and twill weave are, the advantage of satin, and more. It also asks about impulse buying, overruns, required clothing labels, specialty stores, and fashion personalities.
Renaissance fashion reflected cultural progress and increased trade, which allowed more access to new materials. The rich wore elaborate, brightly colored robes and dresses decorated with gold and silver embroidery, often depicting legends and biblical scenes. Natural motifs were also used. People indulged in jewelry, furs, and wigs. Hairstyles were elaborately decorated with gems, brooches, wires, and ribbons to appear as large and high as possible, sometimes using wigs or hair additions. Dress consisted of layered skirts and dresses under petticoats for women, and for men, fashionable outfits evolved from English riding outfits to include tight pants and boots by 1800.
1. Dress code w biurze
The rules of dressing - office
zbi坦r regu, jakimi powinnimy
kierowa si przy doborze stroju do
2. 1. Stonowane kolory
The subdued colors
najbardziej standardowymi kolorami w etykiecie biurowej s: czer, biel, granat, szaro oraz wszystkie
kolory ziemi. Tego typu kolory buduj presti甜 i kojarz si z powag i profesjonalizmem.
3. 2. Umiarkowanie w doborze bi甜uterii
Moderation in the selection of jewelry
nie nale甜y obwiesza si zotem, warto stosowa tutaj cenn regu, 甜e kobieta mo甜e jednoczenie mie
na sobie 2 elementy bi甜uterii (np. piercionek i bransoletk), nie wskazane s r坦wnie甜 wiszce kolczyki,
natomiast m甜czy添ni mog mie maksymalnie obrczk oraz zegarek.
4. 3. Minimalizm i prostota
Minimalism and simplicity
Zar坦wno w iloci kolor坦w (najlepiej w ubiorze nie czy wikszej iloci kolor坦w ni甜 3) jak i stylu. Wizerunek
su甜bowy musi budowa autorytet dlatego musi by zadbanym i eleganckim. Kolory stonowane, najczciej
biel i granat
5. 4. Staranna fryzura
Thorough hairstyle
Sw坦j profesjonalizm i zaanga甜owanie w prac nale甜y podkreli noszc spite dugie wosy. Wosy kt坦re
mo甜na nosi rozpuszczone nie powinny by du甜sze ni甜 do ramion
6. 5. Makija甜
Gentle makeup: eye
Podobnie jak nieogolony biznesmen nie wzbudza zaufania, tak i kobieta sukcesu bez makija甜u traci
wiarygodno. Makija甜 biznesowy powinien skupia uwag rozm坦wcy na oczach, kontakt wzrokowy w
relacjach midzyludzkich jest niezwykle istotny. Poza tym podkrelanie oczu makija甜em, to podkrelanie
wasnej wartoci intelektualnej i duchowej, w przeciwiestwie do ust, kt坦rych mocne malowanie
symbolizuje ch podkrelenia wasnej seksualnoci. Staranny makija甜 podkrela profesjonalizm i dbao o
7. 6. Zadbane donie i paznokcie
Well-groomed the hands and nails
Paznokcie nie mog by zbyt dugie. Ich krawdzie powinny wystawa nieznacznie poza opuszki palc坦w. I
jeszcze jedno nakada si na nie lakier nie rzucajcy si w oczy.