This document discusses various rock drilling methods. It defines rock drilling and lists its objectives such as exploration and production. The document then classifies and describes several drilling methods - auger drilling, reverse circulation drilling, diamond core drilling, air core drilling, jumper bar drilling, jack hammer drilling, churn drilling, direct push rig, hydraulic rotary drilling, and sonic drilling. It provides details on the working principles, advantages, and limitations of each method.
2. 1. Definition
2. Objective of rock drilling
3. Classification of drilling
4. Brief description for each drilling
5. Drilling accessories
4. Exploration drilling for sample collected to
estimate the quality and quantity of the mineral
Locates and defines economic mineralization
Production drilling-in the mining cycle drilling
performed for the placement of the explosives
To generate under earth transportations and to
allow locomotives
In quarrying dimensions stone is freed by
cutting channeling.
5. Auger drilling
Reverse Circulation drilling
Diamond core drilling
Air core drilling
Jumper bar drilling
Jack hammer drilling
Churn drilling
Direct push rig
Hydraulic rotary drilling
Sonic drilling
6. Drilling is done with the helical screw
Hallow stem auger-softer ground
Solid fight auger-harder ground
Geo chemical sampling at un consolidated material
Cheap & fast method
Uncontaminated samples
But poor penetration
8. Its similar to the air core drilling
High pressure fluid forced down outer pipe
and returns chips to surface up inner pipe
Geochemical sampling in hard and soft rocks
Samples(rock chips) of fresh rock in large amount
Moderately priced & relatively cheap
Quick & un contaminated
Sample will contaminate below the water table
10. Diamond drilling utilizes diamond impregnated
drill bits that attached in the end of the hallow drill
To get cylindrical core samples.
It give whole rock sample and more geological
Un contaminated high quality samples
It can penetrate great depth.
But expensive and slow method and small sample
size water supply also required .
12. Hardened steel or tungsten blades are used to
Three blades arranged around the drill bit
The rods are hallow and contain inner tube
That sits inside the hallow rod barrel
Drill cuttings removed by injection of
compressed air
Geo chemical sampling into bed rock & it
produce small chunks of cored rock
More costly & slower than RAB method
Minimal contamination but small sample size
14. There are manually operate drill used for
making blast holes in stone and road material
The drill is consist of 1 -1.5 inch in diameter
and length between 2ft to 4ft
Percussion is given by striking the drill
manually by hammer
The sludge removed from the hole with a
scoop periodically
The drill made of high carbon manganese steel
15. In mechanized mining pneumatic drills are
worked by compressed air
The principle involved is same that of
manually operate jumper bar
A popular variation of compressed air drill is
jack hammer
The air pressure of the drill is 800-1000 lbs per
square inch
17. A portable drill rig using a bit fashioned on a
massive steel cylinder that is alternatively lifted
and dropped to a hole in earth and rock
It used to drill into soft carbonate rocks of lead
and zinc in hosted regions to extract bulk
samples of ore
A large version of churn drill is used in oil
drilling is known as cable tool drilling
19. This technology is pushing or hammering without
rotating the drill string
Its not mean the drilling but it achieves the same
result a bore hole
Its limited and drilling in un consolidated rock
& very soft material
The speed and depth of penetration dependent on
the soil type & weight of the power of rig
It can produce a large number of high quality of
samples quickly and cheaply
Least penetration
21. Oil well drilling utilizes tri cone ;carbide
embedded; fixed diamond impregnated drill
bentonite & barite infused drilling muds to
use to lubricate ;cool & clean the drill bit and
control down hole pressure and stabilize the
wall of the borehole
it can pollute water and also causes dangerous
fire risks
So redundant safety systems & highly trained
personnel are required to be implemented
23. Its works by sending high frequency resonant
vibrations down the drill string to the drill bit
Vibrations may also be generated within the drill
The frequency generated between 50 and 120 htz
(cycle per second)
Depend and varied by the operator
Resonance magnifies the amplitude of the drill bit
An internal spring system isolates these vibrational
forces from the rest of the drill rig