Properly interpreting a sign, signal, or device can mean the difference between life and death. Statistics show that more than half the collisions at highway/railway crossings happen at crossings equipped with lights and bells (with or without gates). Learn to look, listen, and live.
A quiz for drivers to test your skill and knowledge regarding highway/railway crossings. More rail safety information is at
To reduce vehicle-train collisions nationwide by bringing this video and safety material to newly-licensed drivers.
A training program (video available) and support materials for driver instructors, students, newly-licensed drivers, and a quiz for everyone. More rail safety information is at
The document discusses the benefits of meditation for reducing stress and anxiety. Regular meditation practice can calm the mind and help prevent worrying thoughts. Meditation lowers stress levels in the body by inducing a relaxation response.
The information contained in this program increases driver awareness of potential dangers at highway/railway crossings. It also teaches procedures to follow at such crossings to ensure the safety of their passengers and themselves. A training program (video available) and support materials for school bus driving instructors, students, and a quiz for everyone. More rail safety information is at
Snowplow operators should take special care when clearing snow at highway/railway crossings to protect safety. Operators should stop at least 5 meters from the tracks, look and listen for trains, and only cross when it is safe to do so with enough room on the other side. Piling snow at crossings can reduce visibility and should be avoided, and salt or chemicals should never be dumped directly on or near tracks as it can cause signal issues. Maintenance work near tracks also requires railway permission for safety.
To reduce vehicle-train collisions nationwide by bringing this video and safety material to professional motor coach and transit drivers.
A training program (video available) and support materials for motor coach and transit driver instructors, students, and a quiz for everyone. More rail safety information is at
Emergency responders devote their lives to the care of others. Taking care of others and themselves around trains, crossings, and railway property is critical. These tips help emergency responders look, listen, and live, even in trying circumstances.
A guide to emergency responders (fire, police, EMS, etc.) on how to keep themselves and those in their care safe around trains and railway property. More rail safety information is at
To make emergency responders aware of the potential dangers that exist at highway/railway crossings, and the steps to ensure their own safety as well as those in their care.
Training program (video available) and support materials for emergency response instructors, students, and a quiz for everyone. More rail safety information is at
The goal of this module is to reduce truck-train collisions nationwide by bringing this video and safety materials to professional truck drivers.
A training program (video available) and support materials for truck driver instructors, students, and a quiz for everyone. More rail safety information is at
Check out this infographic for information about rail safety in Canada. Produced for Public-Rail Safety Week 2014, it includes eye opening stats on trespassing and highway/railway crossing incidents in Canada. For more information visit:
This annual report summarizes the activities of Operation Lifesaver in 2012. It achieved its goals of expanding its successful Train to Drive program, presenting awards for its Off the Rails contest, and launching a new database. It provided rail safety education through over 500 presentations and events across Canada. Operation Lifesaver also recognized the efforts of its volunteers and continued adapting its messages using new media which led to awards for its online content. The report highlights the organization's ongoing work to prevent rail-related deaths and injuries through education, enforcement, and engineering initiatives.
The document summarizes Operation Lifesaver's annual report for 2011. Some key points:
- Operation Lifesaver is dedicated to preventing deaths and injuries related to highway-railway crossings and trespassing incidents through education.
- In 2011, they saw decreases in both crossing and trespassing accidents compared to previous years. They held over 300 events across Canada during Rail Safety Week and saw many community outreach activities.
- New initiatives in 2011 included the Off the Rails Contest targeted at youth and developing standalone PowerPoint materials for areas without presenters. Total presentations were over 500 for the year.
So in summary, the report outlines Operation Lifesaver's successes in 2011 in reducing rail-
AI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publication, UGC-MMTTC, MANUU, 25/02/2025, Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar Kanvaria, University of Delhi,
Check out this infographic for information about rail safety in Canada. Produced for Public-Rail Safety Week 2014, it includes eye opening stats on trespassing and highway/railway crossing incidents in Canada. For more information visit:
This annual report summarizes the activities of Operation Lifesaver in 2012. It achieved its goals of expanding its successful Train to Drive program, presenting awards for its Off the Rails contest, and launching a new database. It provided rail safety education through over 500 presentations and events across Canada. Operation Lifesaver also recognized the efforts of its volunteers and continued adapting its messages using new media which led to awards for its online content. The report highlights the organization's ongoing work to prevent rail-related deaths and injuries through education, enforcement, and engineering initiatives.
The document summarizes Operation Lifesaver's annual report for 2011. Some key points:
- Operation Lifesaver is dedicated to preventing deaths and injuries related to highway-railway crossings and trespassing incidents through education.
- In 2011, they saw decreases in both crossing and trespassing accidents compared to previous years. They held over 300 events across Canada during Rail Safety Week and saw many community outreach activities.
- New initiatives in 2011 included the Off the Rails Contest targeted at youth and developing standalone PowerPoint materials for areas without presenters. Total presentations were over 500 for the year.
So in summary, the report outlines Operation Lifesaver's successes in 2011 in reducing rail-
AI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publication, UGC-MMTTC, MANUU, 25/02/2025, Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar Kanvaria, University of Delhi,
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Mastering Soft Tissue Therapy & Sports Taping: Pathway to Sports Medicine Excellence
This presentation was delivered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the Institute of Sports Medicine to an audience of sports physiotherapists, exercise scientists, athletic trainers, and healthcare professionals. Led by Kusal Goonewardena (PhD Candidate - Muscle Fatigue, APA Titled Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist) and Gayath Jayasinghe (Sports Scientist), the session provided comprehensive training on soft tissue assessment, treatment techniques, and essential sports taping methods.
Key topics covered:
✅ Soft Tissue Therapy – The science behind muscle, fascia, and joint assessment for optimal treatment outcomes.
✅ Sports Taping Techniques – Practical applications for injury prevention and rehabilitation, including ankle, knee, shoulder, thoracic, and cervical spine taping.
✅ Sports Trainer Level 1 Course by Sports Medicine Australia – A gateway to professional development, career opportunities, and working in Australia.
This training mirrors the Elite Akademy Sports Medicine standards, ensuring evidence-based approaches to injury management and athlete care.
If you are a sports professional looking to enhance your clinical skills and open doors to global opportunities, this presentation is for you.
Odoo 18 Accounting Access Rights - Odoo 18 ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
In this slide, we’ll discuss on accounting access rights in odoo 18. To ensure data security and maintain confidentiality, Odoo provides a robust access rights system that allows administrators to control who can access and modify accounting data.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
Driver Quiz
1. Why do collisions occur at highway/railway crossings?
Statistics show that more than half of the collisions involving highway/railway
Statistics involving highway/railway crossings and
trespassers on railway property IMPOR TANT SIGNS TO ReM eM BeR
crossings happen at crossings equipped with lights and bell with or without Annually in Canada: AdvANCe WARNING SIGN RAILWAY CROSSING MULTIPLe TRACKS SIGN
gates. A motorist who ignores the warning devices takes an unnecessary risk Collisions.............................................337 This sign indicates a highway/ SIGN (CROSSBUCK) This sign tells you that there is
Fatalities................................................89 railway crossing ahead. BE The crossbuck tells you that you are more than one set of tracks at a
with their life and that of others. Keep in mind that these actions are illegal and
Serious injuries......................................69 PREPARED TO STOP. at a highway/railway crossing. You crossing. Trains could be traveling
Operation can be subject to fines and demerit points. Ultimately, it is your responsibility must yield to oncoming trains. SLOW in any direction on any track. BE
Lifesaver’s as a driver to yield to trains at crossings. LOOK, LISTEN AND LIVE! Note: Statistics are based on a 5-year average and supplied by the DOWN, LOOK AND BE PREPARED AWARE! THERE COULD BE MORE
goal is to reduce Transportation Safety Board of Canada TO STOP FOR TRAINS. THAN ONE TRAIN.
collisions at
Most highway/railway crossing collisions involve drivers
Answers comedy; in real life, there is nothing funny about such a scene — it
Take Quiz
crossings as well
as incidents living within _____ of the location of the collision. can be deadly, because even in a tie, you lose!
resulting from the
1 11
A. 10 km
B. 40 km B The advance warning sign warns you in advance of the FALSE
highway/railway crossing. You should slow down and be Do not proceed until you are sure that all tracks are clear and
C. 65 km
Come aboard the Operation Lifesaver train and take a alert as you are approaching a crossing. that all applicable automated warning devices have ceased
D. 100 km
moment to complete the following quiz. Remember to use your operation – you might walk or drive right into the path or side of
common sense, because failure to do so could be fatal! A freight train with 80 railcars traveling 100 km/h can C When you see the crossbuck sign, you know that you are a moving train on the same or other track.
at a railway crossing. It is your responsibility to slow down,
take _____ distance to stop.
look, listen and yield to oncoming trains.
A. Less than 500 metres FALSE
The Advance Warning Sign tells you: At night, some drivers overdrive their headlights. This means
A. There is a railway yard nearby
B. 1 km D The locomotive engineer is required, by law, to sound the
C. Up to 2 km train whistle when approaching most crossings. When you that you drive so fast that you cannot stop in the distance
B. To slow down, you are approaching a railway crossing illuminated by your headlights. Slow down when you see the
D. More than 2 km hear it, be prepared to stop. If a train is approaching, stop
C. There is only one railway track ahead
at least 5 metres from the nearest rail and ensure all tracks advance warning signs and be prepared to stop.
2 13
Some vehicles stop at all crossings. These may include: are clear before proceeding.
The crossbuck sign tells you: A. Public transit and motor coach vehicles carrying TRUE
Can you 4
A. To hurry across the tracks Before proceeding across the tracks, be sure there’s enough space
B. There is only one railway track ahead
paying passengers A If you are being careful and obeying the traffic signs, you
B. School buses should never find yourself on the tracks while the gates are for your vehicle on the other side. If it doesn’t fit, don’t commit!.
C. To slow down, look, listen, and be prepared to yield for an closing. The crossing lights start flashing before the gates
approaching train C. Hazardous material carriers
D. All of the above
come down. If you should find yourself in this situation, the 14 TRUE
the 3
best thing to do is to keep going. Don’t fall into the trap of knowing a crossing too well. Trains don’t
Trains sound the engine whistle at most highway/ always run at scheduled times. Extra trains may run at any time.
railway crossings as a safety warning. When you The main contributing factor of a train-vehicle collision is:
A. Weather conditions 5 B 40 km. As you might expect, familiarity with highway/railway cross-
ings breeds complacency. Many collisions occur close to home.
Remember any time is train time.
are approaching a crossing and hear an engine
whistle, you must:
B. Malfunctioning warning devices
A. Be prepared to stop
C. Poor eyesight
D. Vehicle driver error
6 C Even in an emergency, a train travelling at 100 km/h could take
up to 2 km to come to a stop. Remember, locomotives and
If your vehicle stalls on a crossing, get all the occupants out of
the vehicle and away from the track immediately. Do not run!
B. If a train is approaching, stop at least 5 metres from the
railcars are a lot heavier than the family vehicle, and it takes a Walk quickly to a point at least 30 metres away from the track.
nearest rail
C. Ensure all tracks are clear before proceeding
True or False greater distance to stop. You can stop much more quickly! This will prevent you from being struck by flying debris if the train
D. All of the above
9 It is illegal to drive around crossing gates.
7 D In some provinces, public transit and motor coach vehicles
hits the stalled vehicle.
4 10
carrying paying passengers, school buses and hazardous WANT MORE? Check out our website for Newly
You are driving across the tracks. The crossing Never race a train to the crossing.
material carriers may stop at all crossings. So be prepared
Licensed Drivers at
lights start flashing and the gates come down
11 It is okay for you to cross when the last car of a train clears to stop if you are following one of these types of vehicles.
while you are on the tracks. You should:
the crossing. In the event of an emergency, or if a dangerous situation exists at a
A. Keep going D According to studies, vehicle drivers who do not exercise crossing, contact the appropriate authorities. Many railway companies
B. Abandon the vehicle due caution at crossings are the main reason for highway/
Drivers often drive with their headlights off. This explains why many post emergency numbers prominently at crossings. If this is not
C. Stop railway crossing collisions. These drivers, who fail to obey
collisions involve a vehicle slamming into the side of a train at night. the case, please call 911 or your local emergency number. Always
D. Back up the warning signs and/or signals, take dangerous risks with
ensure that everyone in the area is safely away from the danger.
their lives and those of others.
Avoid stopping on the tracks in a traffic jam.
Operation Lifesaver
Operation Lifesaver is a partnership initiative of the Railway 14 A train should be expected on any track at any time. It is not only illegal, but also dangerous to drive around gates.
99 Bank Street, Suite 1401
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6B9
15 10
Association of Canada and Transport Canada and works in
If you stall on the tracks when a train is approaching, get away TRUE Tel.: (613) 564-8100
cooperation with the rail industry, government, police, unions
from your vehicle immediately The race for the crossing was a highlight of many an old movie
and many public organizations and community groups.
Operation Lifesaver