The document discusses the drivers for new transmission systems to transport renewable energy in the United States. It notes that renewable resources tend to be located far from areas of high energy demand and coal consumption. It argues that a national transmission system is needed to connect renewable energy sources to major population centers in a cost-effective way. Such a system would allow renewable resources across large regions like the Great Plains to be harvested and their variability dampened. It asserts that intermediate states must also benefit from such transmission infrastructure for large multi-state projects to be viable.
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Drivers Of The New Transmission System 031910
1. Drivers of the New
Transmission System
CLE International
Ritz Carlton, Denver
March 19, 2010
by: Ron Miller, P.E.
2. RE Project Ingredients
and the linchpin of any utility-scale project
is TRANSMISSION of energy to the end-
user market
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 2
3. Market Drivers
U.S. electricity demand, coal
consumption, & electricity
Renewable resource location
Federal direction
State renewable portfolio standards
Price convergence
Transmission use and constraints
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 3
4. U.S. Electricity Demand, Coal
Consumption, & Electricity Prices
Key electricity consuming areas:
Texas, California, Midwest
Key coal consuming areas for
electricity: Texas, Midwest, Southeast
Highest prices for electricity: Northeast,
California, Texas
These key criteria define the target market
for future renewable energy destinations
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 4
5. Electricity Consumption
High energy
demand areas
Source: National Priorities Project Database
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 5
6. Coal Consumption
High coal,
Source: National Priorities Project Database
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 6
7. Average 2008 Residential
Electricity Price in U.S.
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 7
8. U.S. Residential Electricity Price
Historical Trend
Growing energy use/price, even with DSM/energy efficiency
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 8
9. Renewable Resource Location
Wind in Intermountain / Great
Plains area, California
Solar in desert Southwest
Geothermal in Nevada, California
Best resources tend to be in
more remote locations, not
near major population centers, areas of
highest coal use, or areas with highest
electricity prices
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 9
10. U.S. Wind Resources
Source: NREL
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 10
11. U.S. Wind Potential
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 11
12. U.S. Solar Resources
Source: NREL
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 12
13. U.S. Geothermal Resources
Source: NREL
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 13
14. Federal Direction
Ensure that 10 percent of the nation's
electricity comes from renewable
sources by 2012 and 25 percent by 2025
Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade
program to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions 80 percent by 2050
Reduced GHG in tandem with retiring coal
plants opens a window for alternative
sources for energy mix, if it can be
delivered to the end-user market
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 14
15. Renewable Portfolio Standards
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 15
16. Price Convergence
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 16
17. Grid Use
Grid built to handle transmission &
distribution needs for a utilitys service
territory with ties to only adjoining
Never intended to handle cross-country
transmission of energy
Transmission investment and rate of
return have historically lagged generation
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 17
18. Current U.S. Grid
Source: Global Energy Decisions, LLC, June, 2008
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 18
19. National Extra High-Voltage
Overlay Proposal
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 19
20. Transmission Issues
According to North American Reliability
Council new generation supplies are
forecast to outpace transmission,
constraining wind development with a
planned 145,000 megawatts of capacity
over the next 10 years
Generation growth over 10 years: 21%
Transmission line growth over 10 years:
10% with 1,700 circuit miles
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 20
21. Transmission Solutions
Texas approved a $4.9 billion transmission
system upgrade moving power from West
Texas to major population centers.
Capable of transmitting 18,500 MW of
wind power. Cost: $4/month/retail
National upsurge in transmission investment
due to Congressional action to increase
transmission project allowed rate of return
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 21
22. Our Problem
High energy demand
& prices
Renewable resources
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 22
23. One Possible Future Solution
High voltage transmission
High energy demand & prices
Renewable resources
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 23
24. Value
North / South grid allows leveraging
natural variability of wind throughout
Great Plains and complementary solar,
just as a portfolio of different stocks
lowers overall volatility
East / West grid allows delivery to the
target markets with greatest value to
producers and producing states
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 24
25. Kinder Morgan Rockies Express
Natural gas pipeline from Cheyenne, WY to
Clarington, OH
Limited off-ramp to deliver gas to
ultimate destination, connecting market
with discounted gas prices (CO) to one
with premium prices (East Coast)
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 25
26. Kinder Morgan Northeast Express
Natural gas pipeline Clarington, OH to
Linden, NJ
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 26
27. Summary
Environmental concerns are leading
generation source changes
Renewable resources need connections
to end-user electric markets which offer
higher prices to spur renewable growth
Price convergence will multiply the need for
transmission to accommodate renewable
energy generation
Energy storage will dampen RE variability,
adding greater reliability and value to its
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 27
28. Summary, contd.
Choice between less-productive, local
renewable resources vs. highly-productive
resources connected to high-demand,
high-priced markets
Currently, intermediate states can derail
renewable generation and its multi-state
transmission to demand centers
Need to incent the intermediate states to
gain from transmission, not just producer
and end user
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 28
29. Summary, contd.
To harvest best resources with economies
of scale, national extra-high voltage
transmission system similar to interstate
highway & natural gas pipeline system
is needed
Combine different RE technologies whose
energy production profiles are
complementary to improve transmission
asset utilization and project rate of return
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 29
30. Contact Information
Ron Miller, P.E.
303-748-3441 cell
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 30
31. Questions and Answers
Copyright息 2010 Ronald L. Miller. Material can be shared or copied with attribution to
the copyright holder. 31