The document discusses NTU's adoption of the Talis Aspire reading list system. Key points:
1) NTU rolled out Aspire to all schools in 2010 and achieved 70% usage by 2012.
2) In October 2012, the university mandated 100% usage of Aspire reading lists.
3) On October 19th, 2012 the library reported that this 100% target was achieved, though ongoing monitoring is needed as new modules are added.
4) While the target was met, some concerns remain about the quality of certain reading lists and how list quality should be defined and measured.
3. Email of 19th October 2012 reporting 100% take up
of Aspire use at NTU
RLMS Stats as of 11am Friday 19th October 2012
17 new Learning Rooms were added to the statistics this week from the Change Reports
School List not Populated Unpopulated %
A&D 446 158 0 100
AAH 905 303 0 100
ArchDBE 397 260 0 100
ARES 311 252 0 100
EDU 775 158 0 100
Graduate 62 7 0 100
NBS 1135 316 0 100
NLS 416 131 0 100
SOC 561 323 0 100
SST 746 408 0 100
Others 32 1 0 100
Total 5786 2317 0 100
7 February 2013
5. Brief Background
NTU using Aspire since Summer 2010
Tied in tightly with VLE Structure and Acquisitions processes
Rolled out by Academic Liaison Team of 10 Liaison Librarians
Target of 2000+ Aspire Lists to be created by the Academic Staff
Some old-style reading lists copied to Aspire
Full scale roll out no pilots
Widget linking to Aspire list prominently displayed in all modules of
study on the VLE
7 February 2013
7. Methods of Engagement
Demonstrations of the system to strategically important groups
University-wide emails
Bespoke training sessions for Schools
General training sessions
Offers of one-to-one training at the lecturers desk
Reports on progress of School/Programme at Programme and
School level committees
7 February 2013
8. Selling the system: Pros
Advantages of the system for the students
Accuracy of the lists produced by bookmarking
Sufficient books will be bought for Library
Articles and Chapters will be digitised
Links will be checked and made robust
Senior University Management support
The shame of having an empty widget?
Student focus groups
7 February 2013
9. Selling the system: Cons
Some academics struggled with the software
Some academics struggled with the concept of the toolbar button
(or sometimes their computers did)
Lack of time to devote to the process
Happy with reading list in a different format
Inability to replicate specific referencing systems
Some lecturers not happy about open access to lists from outside
the University
7 February 2013
11. 100% Target
After two years, take up plateaued at c. 70% of modules
University demanded 100% take up by October 2012
Library responsible for achieving 100% Target
Non-populaters allowed to email or post their old-style reading
lists to Library to be converted into Aspire
Possibility of empty lists having to be filled by raiding VLE for
indicative reading lists, which would then be converted to Aspire
7 February 2013
12. Result
100% achieved by October 19th 2012
However, statistics have to be collected on an on-going basis to
continue to prove 100% take up
New modules appearing each week on VLE = new empty Aspire
Lists = less than 100% take up!
More granular statistics required on modules labelled as Resource
Lists not Required
7 February 2013
13. Quality of Lists
Some lists of questionable quality
How is List Quality measured very different opinions
Currency, Length, Onlineness, Grouping, Ease of Obtaining
Materials, Annotation (by staff and students), etc.
A high quality list is one that is used and useful
Dashboard helps us to see usage
More student focus groups
Any other suggestions?
7 February 2013
14. Why this is important to us?
Increasingly Talis Aspire lists shape the collection
Less emphasis on collection building by subject librarians
Less emphasis on Patron Driven Acquisition?
High quality lists = high quality collection = satisfied students
(or am I just saying that)
A list that satisfies the student = a high quality list
7 February 2013
Editor's Notes
#8: 1-2-1 training more important in Bookmark Button olden days
#10: Not mandatory minimum specs say only A resource list + links to the library
#12: Had to raid when no mod lead appointed at 11 th hour