Farmers are resistant to adopting new drone spraying technology due to concerns about proper application of chemicals, risks to their crops, and dependency on labor. The presentation aims to address farmer concerns and show how drone spraying can help apply chemicals in a timely and even manner, monitor pest and diseases, reduce costs by almost 600 rupees per hectare, and lessen financial and time risks compared to manual spraying. Demonstrations of the technology and sharing testimonials from other farmers are proposed to increase farmer understanding and adoption of the new innovation.
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1. Topic : Farmer resistance to new innovation (Drone spraying)
Presented by :
Presented to:
Dr. S.John Mano Raj sir
2. Crop Spraying & Monitoring
We help you in solving your problems through pesticide tracking system,
crop maps with the help of drones.
3. Purpose of the innovation
Sustainability is the key to happy lives and livelihoods and we are
committed with our passionate team to bring new solutions to
producers, help them more sustainably protect their crops.
Crop wings helps you in solving your problems, pesticide tracking
system lets you create and access records with ease from your
smartphone, tablet, or computer by drone spraying.
Easily record sprays and pesticide application by block or row, and
analyze usage and costs over time.
4. Innovations characteristics
Relative advantage: they will get proper timely applications of crop
protection chemicals, timely monitory services of pest and diseases,
cost saving almost 600 per ha.
Perceived risk: even distribution of chemicals and right dose right
time application of chemicals
6. Consumer characteristics
Psychological variables
Perception :not only manual spraying can help we have the another
solution that is using drone
Motivation : we can cover the all corners of the field and to reduce to
much dependency on labor
Value orientation :we can reduce the financial risk and time risk
Belief :using testimonials and demos in the village can increase
7. Demo graphics
Age : all age group people will perceive about the peak season labour
issue and crop protection
Education : progressive farmers and
Income : small farmers to large can use because of affordability of the