INITIAL iteration of an architecture for creating autonomous drones. The main idea is to clearly isolate the main components, like safety, autonomy, etc. from each other in a way that it is simple to check the behavior of each component.
4. Modules
? AW Autonomic MW - Creates ?ight plans based on the
coordination of activities with other drones
? Drone Safety Control - Basic rules to guarantee the
physical integrity of the drone
? APM Middleware - API for controlling drone orientation,
speed, etc. Provides APIs for creating ?ight modes
? PX4 Middleware - Controls the drone motors, integrates
the sensors, etc.
? NuttX OS - Real Time Operating System
5. Rationale - Drone Safety
? Keep the complexity low
? Possibility to have formal proofs of the software
? Few basic rules aiming at guaranteeing the safety
of the device
6. Rationale - Drone Safety
? Simple rules to guarantee drone integrity
? Eg.
? if battery has X Wh and Altitude >= Y => land
? if ?ying into direction of wall => stop ?ying
towards that direction