The document discusses the growth of the fitness industry and changing attitudes towards wellness. It notes that medical and education were previously more lucrative but fitness has now surpassed them. Several factors like technology, disease threats, and lifestyle changes have contributed to increased focus on health and fitness. The rest of the document provides an overview of different aspects of fitness like types of exercise, measuring health indicators, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle and routine for wellness. It also briefly mentions 2018 survey results on happiness and fitness levels in different countries.
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Dr.S.Akila fitness trends & healthy life style
1. Dr. S.Akila,
B.Sc.,B.P.Ed.,M.P.Ed, M.Sc(Yoga), M.Sc(Psy), B.Ed(MR).,
Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education,
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 641046.
2. The fitness business is big and its happening.
Medical and educational industry were the big
money minters of the past few decades.
It has been surpassed by fitness industries in the
recent days
Attitudes towards wellness has changed a lot in
the last five years
It is a well-known fact that trends come and go but
some are meant to stay for a longer duration than
the others.
3. Advancements in science and technology
Threat of diseases
Early morning walkers, doggers, joggers, bikers..
Do we care for ourselves
getting carried away by responsibilities.
4. Fat loss Vs weight loss
Staying healthy
Staying active
Basic fitness
Specific or goal oriented fitness
Sports specific fitness
30-40min of cardio
5. Fat% & Muscle%
Flexibility, Cardio respiratory fitness
How to know where we are
Minimum muscular fitness (Kraus weber test)
Shoulder finger test
Standing toe touch
Full squad test
Skin fold measurements
8. Healthy heart
Active lungs
Toned up muscles
Effective organs
Neutral hormonal secretions
Self confidence self esteem
Happy contented
Socially effective without complex
Emotionally balanced Vedathri Maharishi
9. Yoga
Aerobic dance
Zumba fitness
Dance fitness
Obstacle courses
Cross fitness
Rope fitness
Elastic fitness bands
HIIT healthy intensity interval training
Circuit training
Personal Trainers
10. Functional fitness
Occupational fitness
Group training 2nd
Own body resistance exercises
Piloxing cardio, dance, pilates
Exercise prescription module
Experts suggestions
Road running
Hill training
Water treading
11. World survey ranking
year/ world wide survey-American
College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), American
Council on Exercise (ACE), National Council on
Strength and Fitness (NCSF)
World happiness report
Colophon 2018, ranks 156 countries by their happiness
levels/ six of the key variables that have been found to
support well-being: income, healthy life expectancy, social
support, freedom, trust and generosity India at 133
15. Time
Type carb/ fat/ protein/ vitamins/minerals/water
Do not skip meals
seasonal millet diet
Palieo, mediteranian, quantity vs quality
Do not restrict too much
Dont avoid anything.. It affects
16. 5Ws
Fix up wellness objectives
Check for suitability
Check for possibility
Maintenance of a regular routine
Maintain Eat sleep and exercise bio-clock
Trying to adapt to the traditional wellness patterns
early to bed, early to raise seasonal millet diet
walk a lot
Warm up - exercise warm down