This document outlines the presentation "Open Source Desktop Applications". The presentation introduces open source software and its benefits. It aims to dispel myths about open source and explain why organizations should consider open source applications. The presentation covers finding quality open source equivalents to commercial software, strategies for transitioning to open source, and long-term planning considerations like support, training and licensing. Attendees are encouraged to share their open source experiences.
2. Audience
Anyone interested in learning more
about Open Source applications
Those looking for strategies for
encouraging the use of Open Source
within their organization
3. Outline
What this talk is not
Open Source demythified
Why bother?
Application Equivalents
5. A Quick Note on Format...
The slides are guidelines only
Let me know if it is time to pass out these:
7. A Quick Note on Format...
Share your experience: successes and
Don't be afraid to:
9. If your experience was a...
Explain why. Was it:
Lack of features?
Lack of support?
Something else?
10. If your experience was...
What made it so
The price?
The features?
The ease of use?
Something else?
11. A Quick Note on Format...
Please keep in
mind that we only
have three hours
12. A Quick Note on Format....
And to respect
After all, it is only
13. What this talk is not
Since I'm not a business analyst...
...there won't be much on ROI or TCO
If you need to bring some back to your
employer, show him these:
17. What this talk is not
Since I'm not a fanatic...
...there won't be (too) much of a sales pitch
for Open Source applications.
18. What this talk is not
Since I'm not anti-commercial software...
...there won't be any commercial bashing:
20. After all, it's only software
And you should always choose the best tool
for the job at hand
26. Open Source demythified
Only suited for protocols and programming
Geeks only need apply
Developers only need apply
Makes for a great server but a lousy
27. Open Source demythified
Everything is command line
GUI applications are ugly
Applications lack features
There is no such thing as application
28. Okay if those are all myths, that doesn't
sound too bad...
...but really:
35. Finding Quality Software
There is no lack of choice....
...if anything, there is too much to choose
Finding software can feel like sorting
through the good, the bad, and the ugly...
54. Surviving the Transition
How much are you changing at once?
What is your timeline?
Have you done your homework?
Do you have realistic expectations?
63. Long term Planning
Support options:
Community is double-edged sword,
especially for business needs
Many Open Source projects have a
commercial support arm
Non-project specific commercial support
options also exist:
67. Long term Planning
Training options:
Courseware and trainers are available for
most of the better known software
Many certification programs also exist