This presentation discusses drug protein binding. It covers the impact of altered protein binding on drug metabolism and distribution. Only unbound drug undergoes metabolism; changes in free drug levels alter volume of distribution. Distribution is measured as volume of distribution, which is influenced by typical fluid volumes in the body like plasma and intracellular volume. Equilibrium dialysis is commonly used to measure plasma protein binding but it is a slow process. In conclusion, drug protein binding significantly impacts drug distribution throughout the body.
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Drug protein binding
1. Presentation on: Drug protein binding.
Presentation by: ALI ASRAF SOHEL
Southeast university
2. Overview
Impact of the altered protein
Distribution and Plasma Protein
Measuring Plasma Protein
3. Impact of the altered protein
Only the unbound fraction of the drug
undergoes metabolism in the liver and
other tissues
As the drug dissociates from the protein
more and more drug undergoes metabolism
Changes in the levels of free drug change
the volume of distribution
4. Rapidly undergo metabolism, clearance is
dependent on the hepatic blood flow.
Slowly undergo drug directly change the
clearance of the drug.
If the amount of plasma protein is
decreased (such as liver disease, renal
disease), there would also be a higher
fraction unbound.
5. Distribution and Plasma Protein
The distribution of a drug is often
measured as a volume of distribution.
It is also a measure of the fluid volume.
It is important to note that the
measured volumes are not actual
physical volumes.
6. Typical Liquid Volumes For A
70kg Man Are (% And L)
Total Water: 60%, 42 L
Intracellular Volume: 40%, 28L
Extracellular Volume: 20%, 14L
Plasma Volume: 4%, 3L
Blood Volume: 8%, 5.5L
7. Measuring Plasma Protein
Equilibrium dialysis is the most widely
accepted method for assessing plasma
protein binding.
But is a relatively slow process, from 4-24
hours at 37 C.
For very highly bound compounds it can
be difficult to measure the concentration of
unbound drug.
8. Conclusion
Overall we can say it drug protein binding is
very important for drug distribution. In
every step of drug distribution it plays an
important role.