Drug testing may also be performed in schools aside from workplace. According to the study, younger generations are also using illegal drugs at an early age. With the substantial drug circumstances that happen in our schools nowadays, revised regulation is essential to stay away from illegal drugs abuse.
2. Drug testing
may also be
performed in schools
aside from workplace.
According to the
study, younger
generations are also
using illegal drugs at
an early age.http://drugabusecontrol.com/
3. There are several cities
which have already
applied compulsory drug
testing in some of their
government schools. This
program is needed not
just to protect the society
from possible harm but
to save the younger
generation from negative
effect of illegal drugs.
4. Schools are also
known as
workplace for
younger ones and
their employers
are the principals
and teachers.
5. Therefore it is possibly not
unexpected that certain people are
requesting for drug testing
procedures in schools. They are
conveying concerns not just about
the increasing circumstances of
drug abuse in general nevertheless
also about its effect among younger
people to be specific.
6. There are various reasons why
minors should be scheduled
for drug testing in schools.
10. Parents who
heard about
their children's
status would be
probable to ask
for help on this
11. In most schools and colleges, the
problem of drug testing most
often concentrates on sports.
Students who join in sports are
frequently required to submit
urine sample to make sure that
they are not into illegal drugs.