The document discusses tools and methods for digital strategists to think about the future, including scenario planning and tracking big trends. Scenario planning involves identifying key forces, ranking uncertainties, and fleshing out potential scenarios based on combinations of forces. Tracking big trends involves finding cross-pollinating ideas, exponential technologies, liberators of scarcity, areas of conscious inefficiency, and exploring new ideas outside one's comfort zone. Recommended further reading on related topics is also provided.
2. Digital Strategists Mental Toolkit:
Thinking about the future_
3. Key points_
What this section will cover:
Strategist as futurist
Scenario planning
Big trends
4. Futurism_
Educating yourself now, in order to make the proper decision in the
The future is already here, it is just not evenly distributed. William Gibson
5. Scenario planning_
An exercise to determine possible outcomes for decision support
1. Identify focal issue
2. Local forces
3. Macro forces
4. Rank and identify key forces
5. Set logics
6. Flesh out the scenarios
Source: The Art of the Long View; Peter Schwartz
6. Scenario planning_
1. Identify focal issue:
Start with an inside-out focus
Begin with a specific decision or issue
e.g. Should we invest in social media platform X
Source: The Art of the Long View; Peter Schwartz
7. Scenario planning_
2. Determine local factors
Key factors influencing the success or failure of the decision
What will key decision makers want to know when making choices?
e.g. What internal content resources will be available?
Source: The Art of the Long View; Peter Schwartz
8. Scenario planning_
3. Identify macro forces
Social, economical, political, environmental, and technological forces
What are the macro forces behind the local forces identified
e.g. Consumer loyalty to a social platform
Source: The Art of the Long View; Peter Schwartz
9. Scenario planning_
4. Rank key factors and forces
Degree of importance for the success of the focal issue
Degree of uncertainty surrounding the forces
Identify the two or three that are the most important and the most
e.g. The popularity of social platform X is highly uncertain given historical
Source: The Art of the Long View; Peter Schwartz
10. Scenario planning_
5. Set logics combos of forces
The results are the axes for each possible written scenario
Scenario drivers need to be limited in number or else you have an
explosion of possible combinations
e.g. low loyalty, low content availability where defection happens to
competitive platform where competitive brands have better content;
high loyalty, low content availability where consumers stay on the
platform but disengage from the brand; etc
Source: The Art of the Long View; Peter Schwartz
11. Scenario planning_
6. Flesh out the scenarios
Develop them along the priority axes but also include other key factors
and forces as required to create depth. Align them with one axis.
Weave them into a narrative
How would things get from here to there
What events make the endpoint plausible?
Return to the focal issue and look at the implications
How does the decision look in each scenario?
Source: The Art of the Long View; Peter Schwartz
12. Tracking big trends_
Seeking the big themes that may have an impact down the road:
Look for cross pollinators
Find the exponentials
Look for liberators
Time wasters
Deep design
Source: WIRED Magazine; Thomas Goetz
13. Tracking big trends_
1. Look for cross pollinators
Look for interdisciplinary pioneers
People good at reframing the problem with insights from another
e.g. Stewart Brand: How Buildings Learn was a fusion of evolution and
Source: WIRED Magazine; Thomas Goetz
14. Tracking big trends_
2. Find the exponentials
Cyclical, rapidly improving technologies
Innovators can follow on with cheaper, faster, better
e.g. Cost of broadband and the development of YouTube
Source: WIRED Magazine; Thomas Goetz
15. Tracking big trends_
3. Look for liberators
Those who recognize scarcity and move to eliminate it
Those who see assets that are locked up and they free them
e.g. Napster; AirBnB
Source: WIRED Magazine; Thomas Goetz
16. Tracking big trends_
4. Engage with time wasters
Where are people being consciously inefficient?
Look for people playing, exploring
e.g. Homebrew Computer Club lead to the birth of Apple
Source: WIRED Magazine; Thomas Goetz
17. Tracking big trends_
5. Read
Explore tangents
Step outside your comfort zone
e.g. Arts and Letters daily, Longreads
Source: WIRED Magazine; Thomas Goetz
18. Recommended reading_
Sources of Power; Gary Klein
How Buildings Learn; Stewart Brand
The Minds I; Douglas Hofstadter
The Art of the Long View; Peter Schwartz
What Technology Wants; Kevin Kelly
The Creative Priority; Jerry Hirshberg
The Seven Strategies of Master Presenters; Dr Brad McRae
You Are Not a Gadget; Jaron Lanier