The document summarizes the spatial structure of Thrissur district in Kerala, India. It analyzes the hierarchy of settlements, nodes, and activity patterns to develop the spatial structure. Key points:
1) Thrissur Municipal Corporation is the highest order settlement, followed by 5 second order and 7 third order settlements.
2) Thrissur round is the primary node, with 20 suggested second order and 43 third order nodes.
3) Activity patterns of urban, primary, secondary, agriculture, and forest activities are analyzed.
4) A proposed road network is developed with 5 types of roads.
5) Considering settlements, nodes, activity patterns and roads, the overall spatial structure of
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Dsp thrissur ch11
District Spatial Plan - Thrissur SPATIAL STRUCTURE 143
Chapter 11
In this chapter, the spatial pat-
tern of activities, hierarchy of settle-
ment, hierarchy of nodes and road Hierarchy of settlements
& Nodes
network evolving out of the settle-
ment analysis are sinergically linked SPATIAL
to obtain the spatial structure. Connectivity
DISTRICT Activity Pattern
In settlement analysis, the fol-
lowing aspects pertaining to settle- Fig: 11.1: Spatial structure evolution
ments of the district were studied
1. Land use distribution settlement of the district evolved shows that Thrissur
Municipal Corporation is the highest order settlement
2. Population distribution
in the District. Chalakkudy Municipal Council,
3. Occupational structure Irinjalakkuda Municipal Council, Kunnamkulam Munici-
4. Functional character pal Council are the existing and Chelakkara and
Mattathur are the proposed second order settlements.
5. Hierarchy of settlements
Kodungallur Municipal Council, Guruvayur Municipal
6. Hierarchy of nodes Council and Grama Panchayats of Alagappanagar,
Pananchery, Venkitangu, Valappad and Wadakkanchery
7. Urban profile
are the proposed third order settlements. In general
Spatial structure of the district is derived mainly there is one first order settlement, 5 second order
from the Activity pattern, Hierarchy of settlements and settlements and 7 third order settlements in the Dis-
Hierarchy of nodes and Connectivity. (Fig 11.1) trict as shown in figure 11.2.
11.1.1 Hierarchy of settlemets 11.1.2 Hierarchy of Nodes
The study of hierarchy of settlement is explained The study of hierarchy of node shows that, obvi-
in the chapter 7. As per the settlement analysis, it is ously Thrissur round and surrounding area is the 1st or-
found that the settlements in the District can be der node of the District acting as a commercial centre
grouped into four hierarchies. The future hierarchy of
Department of Town & Country Planning, Kerala
2. 144 SPATIAL STRUCTURE District Spatial Plan - Thrissur
Fig: 11.2: Suggested hierarchy of settlements
serving the entire District. Based on the service area of profile is derived taking into account of occupational
the existing second order nodes, nine extra nodes are structure and hierarchy of settlements, the land use
proposed as second order and based on the service area concentration pattern is studied based on the land use
of the existing third order nodes, ten extra nodes are analysis) and real ground scenario is also taking into
proposed as third order for serving the entire area ef- consideration.
fectively by considering population distribution, cen-
By superimposing the five activity pattern, the
trality and existing status of the nodes. Finally there
final activity pattern of the district is emerging out. And
are 20 suggested second order nodes and 43 suggested
it is shown in fig 11.4.
third order nodes. The suggested hierarchy of nodes is
shown in fig 11.3 11.1.4 CONNECTIVITY
Modified proposed road network contains mainly
five types of proposed roads. They are as follows.
Activity pattern within the district is derived
based on the land use concentration pattern, functional 1. Ring Road around Thrissur Municipal Corporation
character and future urban profile. The activity pattern 2. Radial Roads (1st order Road) Connecting
of urban, primary sector, secondary sector, Agriculture 1st order settlement with second order settle-
and allied activity, forest activity are analyzed based on ment.
the above data. The three aspects namely Land use
3. Ring Road connecting second orders.
concentration pattern, Functional Charector and Urban
Profile which cover all the aspects taken for the study 4. Road connecting ring road with other major
of the settlements are combined in order to evolve the nodes.
activity pattern (functional character is determined 5. By Pass Roads.
based on population distribution and land use, Urban
Department of Town & Country Planning, Kerala
3. District Spatial Plan - Thrissur SPATIAL STRUCTURE 145
Fig: 11.3: Suggested hierarchy of nodes
Fig: 11.4 Activity Pattern of the District
Department of Town & Country Planning, Kerala
4. 146 SPATIAL STRUCTURE District Spatial Plan - Thrissur
Fig: 11.5: Proposed Road Network
The modified proposed road network is shown of Thrissur and Ernakulum districts . Primary related ac-
in fig. 11.5 tivity is more predominated in the eastern region of
the district due to the effect of activity pattern of
11.1.5 Spatial Structure of the Region (Thrissur & Palakkad district where primary activity is more con-
Surrounding Three Districts). centrated at the boundary between Thrissur and
The development of Thrissur district also af- Palakkad.
fected by the activity pattern of neighboring Districts Urban activity is predominating in the Methala,
especially due to presence of Ernakulam, the trade and Eriyad, and Edavilngu Grama Panchayats and
commercial centre of the State. The activity pattern of Kodungallur Muncipal Council, it may be due to the ef-
Thrissur district with adjacent district is shown in figure fect of activity pattern of Ernakulum on Thrissur dis-
11.6. From the figure it is clear that secondary and ter- trict. The study also reveals the transportation corridor
tiary activities are more predominant in coastal areas based developments which are shown in table 11.1
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5. District Spatial Plan - Thrissur SPATIAL STRUCTURE 147
Table 11.1 : Transportation corridor development based on regional spatial structure
Sl Name of Major Major Activity as Suspected
No transportation Transportation per spatial generators of
Corridor Net work structure development
1 Chavakkadu- NH-17 Tertiary Ernakulam Municipal
Guruvayoor- supported by Corporation and
Kodungallor Fisheries, SSI, Surrounding
Methala-Paravoor- and HHI Municipal Counsil,
Ernakulam Kodungalloor (MC) &
Surrounding Urban
2 Thrissur SH 22 & NH17 Tertiary Ernakulam Municipal
Irinjalakkuda supported by Corporation and
Kodungallur SSI, Agriculture Surrounding
Methala Paravoor- and Allied Municipal Council,
Ernakulam activities Thrissur Municipal
Kodungalloor (MC),
Irijalakkuda(MC) &
Surrounding Urban
3 Thrissur NH -47 Tertiary Ernakulam Municipal
Chalakkudy supported SSI & Corporation and
Angamali Aluva - large scale Surrounding
Ernakulam industries, Municipal Council,
Agriculture and Thrissur Municipal
Allied activities Corporation,
Chalakkudy (MC),
Angamali (MC) Aluva
(MC) & Surrounding
Urban Agglomeration.
4 Thrissur SH 22 Agriculture and Thrissur Municipal
Wadakkanchery allied activities, Corporation, Shornur
Shornur SSI and HH (MC) & Surrounding
industry Urban Agglomeration
5 Thrissur SH69 Tertiary activites Thrissur Municipal
Kunnamkulam- supported by Corporation,
Kuttippuram secondary Kunnamkulam (MC)
activities Shornur (MC) &
Kuttippuram &
Surrounding Urban
Department of Town & Country Planning, Kerala
6. 148 SPATIAL STRUCTURE District Spatial Plan - Thrissur
Fig: 11.6 Activity pattern of Thrissur district with adjacent district
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7. District Spatial Plan - Thrissur SPATIAL STRUCTURE 149
Fig: 11.7 Suggested spatial structure of the District
11.1.4 SPATIAL STRUCTURE secondary sector, agriculture and allied activity, forest
The spatial structure of the district is obtained by activity are studied.
overlaying the activity pattern, road network and hier-
Based on the hierarchy of settlements, hierarchy
archy of settlements derived. The spatial structure so
obtained is shown in figure 11.7. of nodes, modified proposed transportation network
11.2 INFERENCE and the activity pattern of various parameters, the spa-
The activity pattern of urban, primary sector, tial structure of the district is evolved.
Department of Town & Country Planning, Kerala