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                      (For Tenure Track and Tenured Faculty)

                              MINI-GRANT PROGRAM

                         Call for Proposals Due April 15th

           Dr. Bernard Singleton and Dr. Dorothy Smith, Co-Coordinators

                            REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS


The purpose of the Faculty Research Incentive Grants Program is to provide
seed funding for primarily tenure track faculty members to conduct original
research or artistic creation disseminated through publication(s), exhibitions, and
performances. The intention of the program is to encourage faculty members to
use this seed funding as leverage to establish or expand a sustainable research
agenda. The faculty in the area of the Humanities and Social Sciences is
especially encouraged to apply as acknowledged in the Mellon Foundation Grant
Proposal. This is a competitive process.


   1.   Qualifications: The competition is now open to full-time tenure- track
        and tenured faculty members who will remain on the faculty during the
        upcoming academic year. Tenure-track faculty will be given priority.
        Proposals may be submitted by a single faculty member or by teams of
        faculty members. Proposals may have Fall start dates or Spring start
        dates. Priority will be given to faculty who did not receive a Presidential
        Research or Incentive Mini-Grant. Faculty who did not successfully
        complete the Presidential Research Mini Grant will not qualify. Faculty
        already awarded a Mini-Grant this Academic Year will not qualify.

   2.   Amount. Investigators may request up to $5,000.00.

   3. Expenditures. Allowable expenditures include, but are not limited to:
      stipend, travel, equipment, supplies, software, and books.
4.   Deliverable. It is expected that the deliverable of this project will be a
     paper submitted for publication in a refereed journal or some other final
     creative product that is peer reviewed, e.g. exhibitions, artistic show


1.   Proposals shall not exceed seven pages total in length single space. The
     cover sheet shall not exceed one page, the abstract should not exceed
     250 words, the narrative shall be no longer than five pages, and the
     budget shall not exceed one page. The proposal should be typed in word
     format and in 12 point font size and Times New Roman. The margins
     should be 1 around and text is justified right and left.

2.   All proposals should include a cover sheet with the title of the project, the names,
     academic ranks, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of all investigators. If
     it is a collaborative proposal only one principal investigator (PI) should be
     specified. This person will receive all official correspondence. The cover sheet
     must also state whether the starting date of the project is at the beginning of the
     Fall or the beginning of the Spring. (Form attached )

3.   All proposals must include a detailed line-by-line item budget with justification
     on a separate page. (Form attached)

4.   Any deviations from the required format will result in disqualification.

5.   Abstract of Project-Include an overview of the conduct of project (250 words
     maximum). The Abstract should be a stand along document which should specify
     the propose/hypothesis of project, merit, methodology and the importance of the
     outcomes, and how it will be sustained beyond the funding period. All elements
     of the abstract should be descriptive and clear. The title of the project should be
     stated on the abstract.

6.   The project narrative should include subheadings describing the intellectual
     merit of the project- stated purpose and significance of the research/project,
     hypothesis/research question/statement of creative vision, methodology,
     explanation on how the research/project will impact/benefit the
     community(broader impact) and the faculty and student development,
     explanation of how the project will be sustained beyond the initial funding to
     include potential other funding sources (e.g. BOR, NSF), how will the data be
     distributed to or shared with the community (e.g. Journal, exhibitions, etc.) (See

7.   Proposals will be subjected to a blind review. Cover sheets will be removed
     before proposals are distributed to reviewers. Identifying information should
     not appear anywhere in the proposal except on the cover sheet. An
     individual proposal number will be assigned to each proposal application. The
     grant proposals will be reviewed by a committee composed of senior members of
     the faculty respected for their grantsmanship and research portfolio.

8. A Bibliography must be included

Deadline for Submission: Friday, April 15, 2010.

It is anticipated that the investigators will be notified by April 25, 2010.

Resource request for the funds will be available for disbursement immediately upon
notification. The stipend will be available upon the submission of the article for
publication or the presentation of a creative work.

All investigators awarded funds will be required to turn a report into the Office of
Academic Affairs documenting how the funds were used and providing a progress report
on the status of the final publication/presentation.

The progress report is due October 1, 2010 for projects.


Any questions can be forwarded to Dr. Phyllis W. Dawkins, Associate Provost and
Director of CTLAT, at pdawkins@dillard.edu or 816-4368; or to Dr. Bernard Singleton at
816-4368 or bsingleton@dillard.edu the Coordinator for the Mini-Grant process of the
Center for Teaching, Learning, and Academic Technology.

                               PROCESS FOR SUBMISSION

Proposals should be submitted electronically to Dr. Bernard Singleton, Coordinator and
the Associate Provost, by e-mail, as a Word attachment, no later than 5:00pm on the
due date.

The official submission address is: bsingleton@dillard.edu.

 PROPOSAL #______________(Assigned at time of submission)

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:                   Points

A. Intellectual Merit

   1. Is there a clearly stated purpose and significance of the

   research/project?                                                              ___ of_15

    2. Is there a clearly stated hypothesis/research question/statement        ___of _5_
of creative vision?      (Expected Results)

   3. Research Plan/Activity ( qualitative/quantitative Data)                  ____of 20_

       A. How sound is the methodology?

   4. Is there value of the research/activity to the applicants               ___ of__5
and student development?

    5. How will the research impact the community- What are the benefits? ___ of_10
Is it publishable? What is the broader impact

   6. Bibliography                                                              ___of_5_

  B. Potential Competitiveness

     1. Likelihood that funding of project will result in competitive status    ___of 10__
for outside support. (e.g. BOR, NSF).

    2. Does the proposal demonstrate that the project can be sustained          ____of10_
beyond the initial funding period?

C. Appropriateness of the Budget

  1. Budget is reasonable for the scope of work to be performed                  ____of 10_

    2. Budget demonstrates a detailed and appropriate use of funds-              ____of_10_
It is written in a clear line-by-line item format.

                                                          Score A thru C            of 100

  The CTLAT Committee will evaluate, score, and rank proposals based on the criteria
  stated above and make funding recommendations to the Director, who will seek final
                            approval from the Provost.
Dillard University
                              MINI-GRANT COVER PAGE

PROPOSAL #_________________________________(Assigned at time of submission)
Please indicate the project schedule preference below:

Fall 2009_______________________ Spring 2010____________________________

Principal Investigator (Only one PI) ________________________________________

Department____________________ Rank: (i.e., Asst. Prof., Prof., etc.) ____________

E-mail address:____________ Phone #s: Office _______________Cell____________

Joint Proposals:

Co-PI(s) ______________________________________________________________

Department(s) _________________________________________________________

Rank: (i.e., Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof., etc.)_____________________________________
(Please put additional individuals on an extra sheet and indicate it here)

Title of Project:

This project will use (check what is applicable):
_______Animal Subjects (IRB required)        ______Biohazards/Human Blood
_______Human Subjects (IRB required)          ______Recombinant DNA
_______Radiation/Isotopes/Lasers              ______Controlled Substances
_______Additional Space Allocations           ______Student participation

Resources Requested:
1. Amount Requested from Dillard Uni.$_________________
2. Budget Summary (include the line budget with application)
      a. Travel     $_______________
      b. Operating $_______________
      c. Other      $_______________
      d. Total:     $________________

Applicants signature: Indicates agreement to the stipulations listed in the Application

Applicants Signature___________________________ Date_____________________

PROPOSAL #______________(Assigned at time of submission)

   1. Material and Supplies:          $___________
      List of items, Vendor

   2. Travel: Itemize in detail       $___________
       e.g. food/dates/participants/in/out of state/plane tickets, ground transportation,
       parking. Have to support research project.

   3. Equipment: List                 $___________
      Itemize in detail e.g. type of equipment, vendor, use

   4. Software: List                  $___________
      Itemize e.g. use, vendor

   5. Books: vendors                   $___________

   6. Conference                      $___________
      Fees/Activities: itemize, participants, registration fees, room rate,

   7. Publication/                    $__________
      Presentation/Creative work
      Project display Cost:

   8. Stipends:                       $__________
      Amount and for whom
   9. Other: List items               $__________

Justification of Budget: By-the-numbers: (Use an extra sheet if need to and indicate
Project Narrative:   Proposal #_______________________________________
Abstract: Proposal #_______________________________________
Center for Teaching, Learning, and Academic Technology

                            Phyllis Worthy Dawkins, Chair

                Members                         CONTACT INFORMATION

Johnson, Eartha                     DCF Rm. 231, 816-4429

Mell, Marylin                       CK Rm. 149J, 816-4361

Okapaleaze, Azubike                 DENT Rm. 135, 816-4779

Smart, Anthony                      ITT

Smith, Dorothy                      DCF Rm. 214, 816-4527

Chitman-Washington, Clinette        CK Rm. 149E, 816-4102

Carla Morelon-Quainoo               Dent Hall

Ridell Rose                         Student Success

Ellen Robinson                      Student Success

Darwish, Abdalla                    Stern Rm. 307B, 816-4840

Charles, Cynthia                    WWA Library 2nd Floor

Marina, Sherri                      CKFS Rm. 113, 816-4762

Buddington, Steve                   DCF Rm. 233, 816-4178

Hill, Freddye                       DCF Rm. 217, 816-4613

                                 Center Coordinators

                Member                          CONTACT INFORMATION

Singleton, Bernard                  Stern Rm. 122E, 816-4308

Jean-Perkins, Ramona                DCF Rm. 239, 816-4744
Dear Faculty,

The Dillard University Center for Teaching, Learning, and Academic Technology
(CTLAT) is continuing the Faculty Research Incentive Mini-Grants Program. We are
seeking to encourage more faculty members to engage in research especially in the
areas of Humanities and Social Sciences as mentioned in the Mellon Foundation Grant.

To promote faculty research, the CTLAT will award twenty (20) mini-grants over two
years, the life of the Mellon Foundation Grant, (10 each year) to support faculty
research. Deadline for Submission: 5:00 p.m. Friday, April 15, 2010 It is anticipated
that the investigators will be notified by Friday, April 25, 2010

Resource request for the funds will be available for disbursement immediately upon
notification? Stipends will be available upon the submission of the article for publication
or the presentation of the creative work.

All Principal Investigators awarded funds will be required to turn a report into the Office
of Academic Affairs documenting how the funds were used and providing a progress
report on the status of the final publication/project.

For this round the progress report is due October 1, 2010 for projects.

All the guidelines and forms are attached to this announcement.


Any questions can be forwarded to Dr. Phyllis W. Dawkins, Associate Provost, at
pdawkins@dillard.edu or 816-4368; or to Dr. Bernard Singleton at 816-4308 or
bsingleton@dillard.edu A Coordinator of the Center for Teaching, Learning, and
Academic Technology.

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DU Mini Grant Application Spring 2010 Revised

  • 1. DILLARD UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR TEACHING, LEARNING, AND ACADEMIC TECHNOLOGY FACULTY RESEARCH/CREATIVE ACTIVITY INCENTIVE (For Tenure Track and Tenured Faculty) MINI-GRANT PROGRAM Call for Proposals Due April 15th Dr. Bernard Singleton and Dr. Dorothy Smith, Co-Coordinators REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PURPOSE The purpose of the Faculty Research Incentive Grants Program is to provide seed funding for primarily tenure track faculty members to conduct original research or artistic creation disseminated through publication(s), exhibitions, and performances. The intention of the program is to encourage faculty members to use this seed funding as leverage to establish or expand a sustainable research agenda. The faculty in the area of the Humanities and Social Sciences is especially encouraged to apply as acknowledged in the Mellon Foundation Grant Proposal. This is a competitive process. GUIDELINES 1. Qualifications: The competition is now open to full-time tenure- track and tenured faculty members who will remain on the faculty during the upcoming academic year. Tenure-track faculty will be given priority. Proposals may be submitted by a single faculty member or by teams of faculty members. Proposals may have Fall start dates or Spring start dates. Priority will be given to faculty who did not receive a Presidential Research or Incentive Mini-Grant. Faculty who did not successfully complete the Presidential Research Mini Grant will not qualify. Faculty already awarded a Mini-Grant this Academic Year will not qualify. 2. Amount. Investigators may request up to $5,000.00. 3. Expenditures. Allowable expenditures include, but are not limited to: stipend, travel, equipment, supplies, software, and books.
  • 2. 4. Deliverable. It is expected that the deliverable of this project will be a paper submitted for publication in a refereed journal or some other final creative product that is peer reviewed, e.g. exhibitions, artistic show FORMAT 1. Proposals shall not exceed seven pages total in length single space. The cover sheet shall not exceed one page, the abstract should not exceed 250 words, the narrative shall be no longer than five pages, and the budget shall not exceed one page. The proposal should be typed in word format and in 12 point font size and Times New Roman. The margins should be 1 around and text is justified right and left. 2. All proposals should include a cover sheet with the title of the project, the names, academic ranks, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of all investigators. If it is a collaborative proposal only one principal investigator (PI) should be specified. This person will receive all official correspondence. The cover sheet must also state whether the starting date of the project is at the beginning of the Fall or the beginning of the Spring. (Form attached ) 3. All proposals must include a detailed line-by-line item budget with justification on a separate page. (Form attached) 4. Any deviations from the required format will result in disqualification. 5. Abstract of Project-Include an overview of the conduct of project (250 words maximum). The Abstract should be a stand along document which should specify the propose/hypothesis of project, merit, methodology and the importance of the outcomes, and how it will be sustained beyond the funding period. All elements of the abstract should be descriptive and clear. The title of the project should be stated on the abstract. 6. The project narrative should include subheadings describing the intellectual merit of the project- stated purpose and significance of the research/project, hypothesis/research question/statement of creative vision, methodology, explanation on how the research/project will impact/benefit the community(broader impact) and the faculty and student development, explanation of how the project will be sustained beyond the initial funding to include potential other funding sources (e.g. BOR, NSF), how will the data be distributed to or shared with the community (e.g. Journal, exhibitions, etc.) (See attachment) 7. Proposals will be subjected to a blind review. Cover sheets will be removed before proposals are distributed to reviewers. Identifying information should not appear anywhere in the proposal except on the cover sheet. An individual proposal number will be assigned to each proposal application. The grant proposals will be reviewed by a committee composed of senior members of the faculty respected for their grantsmanship and research portfolio. 8. A Bibliography must be included
  • 3. DATES FOR SUBMISSION, NOTIFICATIONS, AND OUTCOMES Deadline for Submission: Friday, April 15, 2010. It is anticipated that the investigators will be notified by April 25, 2010. Resource request for the funds will be available for disbursement immediately upon notification. The stipend will be available upon the submission of the article for publication or the presentation of a creative work. All investigators awarded funds will be required to turn a report into the Office of Academic Affairs documenting how the funds were used and providing a progress report on the status of the final publication/presentation. The progress report is due October 1, 2010 for projects. QUESTIONS Any questions can be forwarded to Dr. Phyllis W. Dawkins, Associate Provost and Director of CTLAT, at pdawkins@dillard.edu or 816-4368; or to Dr. Bernard Singleton at 816-4368 or bsingleton@dillard.edu the Coordinator for the Mini-Grant process of the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Academic Technology. PROCESS FOR SUBMISSION Proposals should be submitted electronically to Dr. Bernard Singleton, Coordinator and the Associate Provost, by e-mail, as a Word attachment, no later than 5:00pm on the due date. The official submission address is: bsingleton@dillard.edu.
  • 4. CRITERIA PROPOSAL #______________(Assigned at time of submission) Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: Points A. Intellectual Merit 1. Is there a clearly stated purpose and significance of the research/project? ___ of_15 2. Is there a clearly stated hypothesis/research question/statement ___of _5_ of creative vision? (Expected Results) 3. Research Plan/Activity ( qualitative/quantitative Data) ____of 20_ A. How sound is the methodology? 4. Is there value of the research/activity to the applicants ___ of__5 and student development? 5. How will the research impact the community- What are the benefits? ___ of_10 Is it publishable? What is the broader impact 6. Bibliography ___of_5_ B. Potential Competitiveness 1. Likelihood that funding of project will result in competitive status ___of 10__ for outside support. (e.g. BOR, NSF). 2. Does the proposal demonstrate that the project can be sustained ____of10_ beyond the initial funding period? C. Appropriateness of the Budget 1. Budget is reasonable for the scope of work to be performed ____of 10_ 2. Budget demonstrates a detailed and appropriate use of funds- ____of_10_ It is written in a clear line-by-line item format. Score A thru C of 100 The CTLAT Committee will evaluate, score, and rank proposals based on the criteria stated above and make funding recommendations to the Director, who will seek final approval from the Provost.
  • 5. Dillard University MINI-GRANT COVER PAGE PROPOSAL #_________________________________(Assigned at time of submission) Please indicate the project schedule preference below: Fall 2009_______________________ Spring 2010____________________________ Principal Investigator (Only one PI) ________________________________________ Department____________________ Rank: (i.e., Asst. Prof., Prof., etc.) ____________ E-mail address:____________ Phone #s: Office _______________Cell____________ Joint Proposals: Co-PI(s) ______________________________________________________________ Department(s) _________________________________________________________ Rank: (i.e., Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof., etc.)_____________________________________ (Please put additional individuals on an extra sheet and indicate it here) Title of Project: This project will use (check what is applicable): _______Animal Subjects (IRB required) ______Biohazards/Human Blood _______Human Subjects (IRB required) ______Recombinant DNA _______Radiation/Isotopes/Lasers ______Controlled Substances _______Additional Space Allocations ______Student participation Resources Requested: 1. Amount Requested from Dillard Uni.$_________________ 2. Budget Summary (include the line budget with application) a. Travel $_______________ b. Operating $_______________ c. Other $_______________ d. Total: $________________ Applicants signature: Indicates agreement to the stipulations listed in the Application Instructions. Applicants Signature___________________________ Date_____________________
  • 6. PROPOSAL BUDGET PROPOSAL #______________(Assigned at time of submission) 1. Material and Supplies: $___________ List of items, Vendor 2. Travel: Itemize in detail $___________ e.g. food/dates/participants/in/out of state/plane tickets, ground transportation, parking. Have to support research project. 3. Equipment: List $___________ Itemize in detail e.g. type of equipment, vendor, use 4. Software: List $___________ Itemize e.g. use, vendor 5. Books: vendors $___________ 6. Conference $___________ Fees/Activities: itemize, participants, registration fees, room rate, 7. Publication/ $__________ Presentation/Creative work Project display Cost: 8. Stipends: $__________ Amount and for whom 9. Other: List items $__________ Justification of Budget: By-the-numbers: (Use an extra sheet if need to and indicate here)
  • 7. PROPOSAL Project Narrative: Proposal #_______________________________________
  • 9. Center for Teaching, Learning, and Academic Technology Committee Phyllis Worthy Dawkins, Chair Members CONTACT INFORMATION Johnson, Eartha DCF Rm. 231, 816-4429 Mell, Marylin CK Rm. 149J, 816-4361 Okapaleaze, Azubike DENT Rm. 135, 816-4779 Smart, Anthony ITT Smith, Dorothy DCF Rm. 214, 816-4527 Chitman-Washington, Clinette CK Rm. 149E, 816-4102 Carla Morelon-Quainoo Dent Hall Ridell Rose Student Success Ellen Robinson Student Success Darwish, Abdalla Stern Rm. 307B, 816-4840 Charles, Cynthia WWA Library 2nd Floor Marina, Sherri CKFS Rm. 113, 816-4762 Buddington, Steve DCF Rm. 233, 816-4178 Hill, Freddye DCF Rm. 217, 816-4613 Center Coordinators Member CONTACT INFORMATION Singleton, Bernard Stern Rm. 122E, 816-4308 Jean-Perkins, Ramona DCF Rm. 239, 816-4744
  • 10. Dear Faculty, The Dillard University Center for Teaching, Learning, and Academic Technology (CTLAT) is continuing the Faculty Research Incentive Mini-Grants Program. We are seeking to encourage more faculty members to engage in research especially in the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences as mentioned in the Mellon Foundation Grant. To promote faculty research, the CTLAT will award twenty (20) mini-grants over two years, the life of the Mellon Foundation Grant, (10 each year) to support faculty research. Deadline for Submission: 5:00 p.m. Friday, April 15, 2010 It is anticipated that the investigators will be notified by Friday, April 25, 2010 Resource request for the funds will be available for disbursement immediately upon notification? Stipends will be available upon the submission of the article for publication or the presentation of the creative work. All Principal Investigators awarded funds will be required to turn a report into the Office of Academic Affairs documenting how the funds were used and providing a progress report on the status of the final publication/project. For this round the progress report is due October 1, 2010 for projects. All the guidelines and forms are attached to this announcement. QUESTIONS Any questions can be forwarded to Dr. Phyllis W. Dawkins, Associate Provost, at pdawkins@dillard.edu or 816-4368; or to Dr. Bernard Singleton at 816-4308 or bsingleton@dillard.edu A Coordinator of the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Academic Technology.