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Construction Notice
June 28, 2012

Dufferin Street
Watermain, Road Work and TTC Track Reconstruction
Start Date: July 3, 2012
End Date: December 2012

Timelines subject to change due to unforeseen events
Content is accurate and current at time of printing

Beginning on July 3, the City of Toronto -Technical Services and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) will
undertake major construction work on Dufferin Street from Queen Street West to Springhurst Avenue. A
previous public notice was distributed in early April 2012. The work will involve; reconstruction of watermain,
streetcar tracks, road, curb and sidewalk areas, traffic signals, and streetscape (e.g. construction of sign wall,
seat wall and banner pole).
Construction Notification
The project is being scheduled and staged in a manner to minimize disruption to the general traffic and transit
service during the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE). Construction on this project will be suspended during
the CNE. Project updates will be provided as required.
General Timeline
Phase 1: Watermain work begins between King Street and Queen Street with some sidewalk work.
Phase 2: Track reconstruction including road work begins between Springhurst Avenue and Queen Street.
Remaining watermain work begins between King Street and Springhurst Avenue.

Construction Details
Phase 1: Watermain Work between King Street and Queen Street.
Work will start just south of King Street and progress north
towards Queen Street. There will be no major disruption to your
water services. This work will continue into the month of

Work Area

Traffic and Parking Restrictions
One lane of traffic in each direction will be maintained on
Dufferin Street between King Street and Queen Street.
Parking restrictions will be imposed within the active work zone.
Some left-turn restrictions may be required as well.
The curb lanes at the King/Dufferin and Queen/Dufferin
intersections will be affected during the construction work.
TTC Transit Service
The 29/329 Dufferin bus service will be affected differently
during the different phases of the project. During Phase 1 of the
project Dufferin buses will operate on regular routing in both
directions through the work zone.

Phase 2: Track Reconstruction between Springhurst
Avenue and Queen Street.
The existing track area will be completely excavated, new rail
installed and concrete placed.
Traffic and Parking Restrictions
Traffic will be reduced to one lane northbound. Southbound
lanes will be closed.
Left-turn restrictions within the work zone will be imposed and
parking will not be permitted.
The curb lanes at the King/Dufferin and Queen/Dufferin
intersections will be affected during the construction work.
TTC Transit Service
During Phase 2 of the project, details relating to the bus
service/diversions will be provided in a future notice and posted
on transit stops along the route prior to changes taking effect.
(Continued on reverse)

Dufferin Street from Queen Street West to
Springhurst Avenue.
Construction Notice
Driveway Access and Allowances
At times, the construction will require temporary closure of private driveways. Where the property has two
entrances, one entrance will be maintained at all times. Temporary parking permits will be distributed by City
construction staff in advance of access restrictions.
Road Closures
Road closures will be required for work at the intersections of Liberty Street and Melbourne Avenue. Work at
the intersections will be scheduled for weekends, dates to be determined.
As work progresses, some one-way side streets connected with Dufferin Street will be converted to temporary
two-way operation.
As with any roadway construction and associated lane closures, it should be expected that traffic on Dufferin
Street will be displaced during stages of this project and overflow onto local streets. The City appreciates your
Pedestrian Access
Pedestrian access to businesses and walkways will be maintained on both sides of all roads at all times during
all phases of construction. The contractor will further notify you should any temporary disruptions be required.
Work Hours
Work will generally run from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday to Friday, and from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday.
However, the TTC track reconstruction phase of this project will involve periods of late evening and overnight
work and extended weekend hours. The overnight rail work by TTC may consist of moving rail into position, rail
installation and rail welding / grinding. After-hours work by TTC is required to support the daytime construction
and complete the project as quickly as possible. While every effort will be made to minimize construction noise
during the work periods, noise should be expected.
Recycling and Garbage Collection
Follow your normal routine. If required, the contractor will move the items to an appropriate location and return
the bins/containers. Please label your bins/containers with your address.
During construction, deliveries to the front of businesses within the work zone may need to be coordinated with
the on-site City inspector. Kindly contact City of Toronto Project Manager.

Project Contacts
For more information about this project:
City Contacts
Shahid Virk
City of Toronto Project Engineer; 416-338-5542, svirk@toronto.ca
24/7 General Inquiries: 311
TTY: 416-338-0889
TTC Contacts
Diego Sinagoga - TTC track related work
TTC Community Liaison Representative; 416-393-2197
TTC Customer Service: 416-393-3030 (Daily 7a.m. to 10p.m., closed holidays)
TTY (TTC): 416-481-2523 (Daily, 8a.m. to 5p.m., closed holidays)
TTC Route Information: 416-393-INFO (4636)
Gord Perks - Ward 14 Parkdale-High Park; 416 392-791, councillor_perks@toronto.ca
Both the City and TTC web sites will be updated with additional information nearing the start of construction:

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Dufferin second-public-notice-june-27

  • 1. Construction Notice June 28, 2012 Dufferin Street Watermain, Road Work and TTC Track Reconstruction Start Date: July 3, 2012 End Date: December 2012 Timelines subject to change due to unforeseen events Content is accurate and current at time of printing Beginning on July 3, the City of Toronto -Technical Services and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) will undertake major construction work on Dufferin Street from Queen Street West to Springhurst Avenue. A previous public notice was distributed in early April 2012. The work will involve; reconstruction of watermain, streetcar tracks, road, curb and sidewalk areas, traffic signals, and streetscape (e.g. construction of sign wall, seat wall and banner pole). Construction Notification The project is being scheduled and staged in a manner to minimize disruption to the general traffic and transit service during the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE). Construction on this project will be suspended during the CNE. Project updates will be provided as required. General Timeline Phase 1: Watermain work begins between King Street and Queen Street with some sidewalk work. Phase 2: Track reconstruction including road work begins between Springhurst Avenue and Queen Street. Remaining watermain work begins between King Street and Springhurst Avenue. Construction Details Phase 1: Watermain Work between King Street and Queen Street. Work will start just south of King Street and progress north towards Queen Street. There will be no major disruption to your water services. This work will continue into the month of August. Work Area Traffic and Parking Restrictions One lane of traffic in each direction will be maintained on Dufferin Street between King Street and Queen Street. Parking restrictions will be imposed within the active work zone. Some left-turn restrictions may be required as well. The curb lanes at the King/Dufferin and Queen/Dufferin intersections will be affected during the construction work. TTC Transit Service The 29/329 Dufferin bus service will be affected differently during the different phases of the project. During Phase 1 of the project Dufferin buses will operate on regular routing in both directions through the work zone. Phase 2: Track Reconstruction between Springhurst Avenue and Queen Street. The existing track area will be completely excavated, new rail installed and concrete placed. Traffic and Parking Restrictions Traffic will be reduced to one lane northbound. Southbound lanes will be closed. Left-turn restrictions within the work zone will be imposed and parking will not be permitted. The curb lanes at the King/Dufferin and Queen/Dufferin intersections will be affected during the construction work. TTC Transit Service During Phase 2 of the project, details relating to the bus service/diversions will be provided in a future notice and posted on transit stops along the route prior to changes taking effect. (Continued on reverse) Dufferin Street from Queen Street West to Springhurst Avenue.
  • 2. Construction Notice Driveway Access and Allowances At times, the construction will require temporary closure of private driveways. Where the property has two entrances, one entrance will be maintained at all times. Temporary parking permits will be distributed by City construction staff in advance of access restrictions. Road Closures Road closures will be required for work at the intersections of Liberty Street and Melbourne Avenue. Work at the intersections will be scheduled for weekends, dates to be determined. As work progresses, some one-way side streets connected with Dufferin Street will be converted to temporary two-way operation. As with any roadway construction and associated lane closures, it should be expected that traffic on Dufferin Street will be displaced during stages of this project and overflow onto local streets. The City appreciates your understanding. Pedestrian Access Pedestrian access to businesses and walkways will be maintained on both sides of all roads at all times during all phases of construction. The contractor will further notify you should any temporary disruptions be required. Work Hours Work will generally run from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday to Friday, and from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. However, the TTC track reconstruction phase of this project will involve periods of late evening and overnight work and extended weekend hours. The overnight rail work by TTC may consist of moving rail into position, rail installation and rail welding / grinding. After-hours work by TTC is required to support the daytime construction and complete the project as quickly as possible. While every effort will be made to minimize construction noise during the work periods, noise should be expected. Recycling and Garbage Collection Follow your normal routine. If required, the contractor will move the items to an appropriate location and return the bins/containers. Please label your bins/containers with your address. Deliveries During construction, deliveries to the front of businesses within the work zone may need to be coordinated with the on-site City inspector. Kindly contact City of Toronto Project Manager. Project Contacts For more information about this project: City Contacts Shahid Virk City of Toronto Project Engineer; 416-338-5542, svirk@toronto.ca 24/7 General Inquiries: 311 TTY: 416-338-0889 TTC Contacts Diego Sinagoga - TTC track related work TTC Community Liaison Representative; 416-393-2197 TTC Customer Service: 416-393-3030 (Daily 7a.m. to 10p.m., closed holidays) TTY (TTC): 416-481-2523 (Daily, 8a.m. to 5p.m., closed holidays) TTC Route Information: 416-393-INFO (4636) Councillor Gord Perks - Ward 14 Parkdale-High Park; 416 392-791, councillor_perks@toronto.ca Both the City and TTC web sites will be updated with additional information nearing the start of construction: www.toronto.ca/improvements www.ttc.ca