The document provides a history of Baldana Village in Romania. It describes how in the late 19th century, Baldana Village was an independent community made up of Baldana and Fundata villages with 748 inhabitants and 210 houses. It had a school established in 1896 and two churches. Over subsequent decades and administrative reorganizations, nearby villages like Tepes Voda and Fundata were disbanded and integrated into Baldana Village.
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Dumitru ana maria
1. Dumitru Ana-Maria,MIEADR IMAPA,Group
8115,University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary
Medicine of Bucharest,Romania 59 Marasti,Blvd District
Baldana Village of Trteti, Dambovita, Muntenia, Romania. At the end of
the nineteenth century, the village Baldana was a common independent
(called Baldana, previously, before 1815 Mosneanu) in place Bolintinu
Dambovita country, being made up of villages Baldana and Fundata, with
748 inhabitants and 210 houses. Here operated a school established in 1896
and two churches - one in the village of Fundata and one monastery
Baldana. 1925 Yearbook 1950 Socec record Baldana common people in
villages Baldana, Fundata and Priseaca, being ascribed Ghergani rural
district of the same county. In 1931, the village was recorded Priseaca
named Tepes Voda. In 1950, the village was transferred Rcari in the
Bucharest district. In 1968, returning to the organization of administrative
districts, it took the county of Ilfov and was immediately disbanded and
incorporated into Trteti. At that time, the villages Tepes Voda and
Fundata were also disbanded and integrated into village Baldana.