Xamarin Evolve 2014 - Designing Android UIs for the Ever Changing Device Land...mstonisAndroid is everywhere. Developers can now build apps that run on phones, tablets, TVs, cars, wearables, and even appliances! While this provides a breadth of opportunity, it creates a big problem when designing apps that can run across all of these different device types. In this session, join Michael Stonis to talk about how to create and manage dynamic UIs for Xamarin Android apps that look and feel great across different screen sizes and form factors.
Presentation Video: http://youtu.be/2k2SMiH37eg
Android Vector DrawablePhearum THANNThis slide will present about the Android Icon Sizes and the way to use Vector Drawable in the Application. You can find the example of using Vector Drawable by using Victor library from Trello git repository. Please check and enjoy!
Android Application DevelopmentAzfar SiddiquiPresentation for the workshop by Muhammad Azfar Siddiqui of 10Pearls on the topic of Android Application Development conducted at the NEST I/0, a tech incubator by P@SHA.
Sample codes for the workshop can be followed at:
iOS Human Interface GuidelineDesign My Template LLPThe document outlines guidelines for designing user interfaces and experiences for iOS applications. It discusses key concepts like metaphors, gestures and touch interfaces. It provides best practices for aesthetics, functionality, usefulness and sharing across apps. It also details technical specifications for iOS screens, buttons, tabs and more. The most important guidelines emphasize instant load times, orientation support, minimal elements and preparing apps to stop at any time.
Designing iOS apps that rock!Joey RigorThis post is about the lessons we learned about designing iOS business apps. The same concepts can also be used for building mobile apps in other platforms.
Android Application Development AdvancedOESF EducationOESF Authorized Training Course official textbook
Course: Android Application Development Advanced
Language: English
Contributed by
Created by: TOPGATE Inc.
Edited by: ISB Vietnam Co.,Ltd.
This textbook is licensed under the Creative Commons License BY-NC-SA 4.0. It is prohibited to use this material for commercial use otherwise you are OESF member or OESF education consortium member.
Ideal Reader Questionnaire ResultsShanice1The survey results show that:
1) Most respondents were male and between the ages of 25-35.
2) BBC 1Extra was the most popular radio station listened to regularly compared to Heart 106.2, indicating a preference for hip hop/R&B over pop music.
3) Most magazine readers purchase magazines in sweet shops, which offer a wider variety of magazine styles compared to online subscriptions.
4) YouTube and iTunes were the most popular sites for downloading music, seen as trusted sources, while LimeWire was not selected due to being branded as corrupt.
5) Hip hop was the most popular music genre, reflecting the target audience of teenagers and young adults who completed the
Sripathi kaushik believes in living a healthy lifekarlbettingerSripathi Kaushik is a software quality assurance engineer who ensures software meets requirements through processes like testing and documentation. He believes in living a healthy lifestyle by doing yoga and exercise in the morning and cycling or running in the evenings. In his free time, he spends time with his family through activities like picnics and visits relatives. He also enjoys recreational activities with friends like skiing and horseback riding. Kaushik believes in charity and donates both money and time to social causes and helping those in need.
trendwatching.com’s HYPERACTIVE BRANDSTrendWatchingAs a result of African consumers no longer willing to tolerate bland mass-marketing messages, HYPERACTIVE BRANDS all over the continent will increasingly capture these consumers attention with delightful, engaging, altruistic and empowering interactive initiatives and campaigns.
Tobacco History of VirginiaChuck ThompsonA history of Tobacco in Virginia. Includes everything from the landing at Jamestown to the incredible plantations of Gloucester, Virginia. Gloucester, Virginia Links and News website. Visit us for more incredible content. Free downloads are available.
Applied EugenicsChuck ThompsonApplied Eugenics. The basics and foundations of what Eugenics is. For those who have no idea of what Eugenics are and how they came about. Gloucester, Virginia Links and News website. Visit us for incredible content.
Kaushik sripathi has experience in back end testingkarlbettingerKaushik Sripathi has many years of experience in software quality assurance and back end testing. He has worked to ensure software meets customer needs and requirements by learning new testing techniques and helping to guide his team. Currently he works as a Lead Test Analyst and QA Engineer, where he develops SQL scripts to test backend systems and ensure data is updated correctly according to business rules.
Holger Krekel: Re-inventing packaging and testing with pythonit-peopleThe document discusses problems with current Python packaging and testing tools and proposes solutions in the form of devpi, a meta tool for packaging activities. Devpi serves as a new PyPI-compatible index and upload server with features like multiple indexes, server-side package crawling, and recording of test results. It also provides subcommands to manage release and testing workflows. The goal is to improve and standardize packaging and testing in Python without requiring changes to existing tools.
Conventions of the sub genre 'slasher’ filmsShanice1This document outlines several key conventions of slasher films. It notes that these films typically take place in isolated locations like college campuses and feature teenage victims. A mysterious psychopathic killer stalks and brutally murders the victims. Trailers for slasher films aim to build tension and suspense through techniques like unsettling music, quick cuts between scenes, flashes of weapons, and heart-pounding sound effects that leave the threat ambiguous until the end.
3 usin the kno how economics treasure huntpjvicaryThe Town Centre App provides information for visitors and residents about attractions, events, and businesses in the local area. It contains a map of the town centre and allows users to find information quickly on their mobile devices. The app aims to promote tourism and local commerce in the town.
Generic Conventions Of Horror Trailers Shanice1The document lists common plot elements, locations, props, and characters that are frequently featured in horror movie trailers, including evil creatures killing people, warnings being ignored with unfortunate consequences, serial killers stalking victims, seeing things others cannot, child abuse and death of innocents, abandoned buildings and remote outdoor areas as backdrops, and tropes like candles, weapons, ouija boards, and stereotypical character types such as priests, children, heroes and families.
3a how u-doin on revenuepjvicaryThe document contains 10 repetitions of the same URL for a revision quiz on revenues. The URL leads to a website containing an online quiz to test understanding of basic revenue concepts. It provides a practice opportunity for test preparation.
Mary at the Farm and Book of RecipesChuck ThompsonPennsylvania style. Views and images from nearly 100 years ago. A great resource book, cookbook and all around interesting read. Check out our website at http://www.lititzpen.blogspot.com for more interesting history and views around the PA countryside.
«Scrapy internals» Александр Сибиряков, Scrapinghubit-people- Scrapy is a framework for web scraping that allows for extraction of structured data from HTML/XML through selectors like CSS and XPath. It provides features like an interactive shell, feed exports, encoding support, and more.
- Scrapy is built on top of the Twisted asynchronous networking framework, which provides an event loop and deferreds. It handles protocols and transports like TCP, HTTP, and more across platforms.
- Scrapy architecture includes components like the downloader, scraper, and item pipelines that communicate internally. Flow control is needed between these to limit memory usage and scheduling through techniques like concurrent item limits, memory limits, and delays between calls.
«Отладка в Python 3.6: Быстрее, Выше, Сильнее» Елизавета Шашкова, JetBrainsit-peopleThe document discusses debugging in Python 3.6. It describes tracing and frame evaluation debuggers. Tracing debuggers slow code execution significantly by calling the tracing function on every line. Python 3.6 introduced a new frame evaluation API that allows evaluating frames directly, avoiding the performance issues of tracing. The document demonstrates how to build a debugger using this approach, including setting breakpoints and stepping through code by inserting temporary breakpoints on each line. Frame evaluation allows building a debugger that is faster than tracing debuggers without significant performance penalties.
«Gevent — быть или не быть?» Александр Мокров, Positive Technologiesit-peopleGevent is a concurrency library for Python that uses greenlets, or lightweight coroutines, to provide asynchronous operations and non-blocking I/O. It allows developing highly concurrent applications using a simple and familiar synchronous style. The document compares gevent to other concurrency options like asyncio and discusses how it provides features like asynchronous task execution, event loops, and inter-greenlet communication using queues and callbacks.
iOS Human Interface GuidelineDesign My Template LLPThe document outlines guidelines for designing user interfaces and experiences for iOS applications. It discusses key concepts like metaphors, gestures and touch interfaces. It provides best practices for aesthetics, functionality, usefulness and sharing across apps. It also details technical specifications for iOS screens, buttons, tabs and more. The most important guidelines emphasize instant load times, orientation support, minimal elements and preparing apps to stop at any time.
Designing iOS apps that rock!Joey RigorThis post is about the lessons we learned about designing iOS business apps. The same concepts can also be used for building mobile apps in other platforms.
Android Application Development AdvancedOESF EducationOESF Authorized Training Course official textbook
Course: Android Application Development Advanced
Language: English
Contributed by
Created by: TOPGATE Inc.
Edited by: ISB Vietnam Co.,Ltd.
This textbook is licensed under the Creative Commons License BY-NC-SA 4.0. It is prohibited to use this material for commercial use otherwise you are OESF member or OESF education consortium member.
Ideal Reader Questionnaire ResultsShanice1The survey results show that:
1) Most respondents were male and between the ages of 25-35.
2) BBC 1Extra was the most popular radio station listened to regularly compared to Heart 106.2, indicating a preference for hip hop/R&B over pop music.
3) Most magazine readers purchase magazines in sweet shops, which offer a wider variety of magazine styles compared to online subscriptions.
4) YouTube and iTunes were the most popular sites for downloading music, seen as trusted sources, while LimeWire was not selected due to being branded as corrupt.
5) Hip hop was the most popular music genre, reflecting the target audience of teenagers and young adults who completed the
Sripathi kaushik believes in living a healthy lifekarlbettingerSripathi Kaushik is a software quality assurance engineer who ensures software meets requirements through processes like testing and documentation. He believes in living a healthy lifestyle by doing yoga and exercise in the morning and cycling or running in the evenings. In his free time, he spends time with his family through activities like picnics and visits relatives. He also enjoys recreational activities with friends like skiing and horseback riding. Kaushik believes in charity and donates both money and time to social causes and helping those in need.
trendwatching.com’s HYPERACTIVE BRANDSTrendWatchingAs a result of African consumers no longer willing to tolerate bland mass-marketing messages, HYPERACTIVE BRANDS all over the continent will increasingly capture these consumers attention with delightful, engaging, altruistic and empowering interactive initiatives and campaigns.
Tobacco History of VirginiaChuck ThompsonA history of Tobacco in Virginia. Includes everything from the landing at Jamestown to the incredible plantations of Gloucester, Virginia. Gloucester, Virginia Links and News website. Visit us for more incredible content. Free downloads are available.
Applied EugenicsChuck ThompsonApplied Eugenics. The basics and foundations of what Eugenics is. For those who have no idea of what Eugenics are and how they came about. Gloucester, Virginia Links and News website. Visit us for incredible content.
Kaushik sripathi has experience in back end testingkarlbettingerKaushik Sripathi has many years of experience in software quality assurance and back end testing. He has worked to ensure software meets customer needs and requirements by learning new testing techniques and helping to guide his team. Currently he works as a Lead Test Analyst and QA Engineer, where he develops SQL scripts to test backend systems and ensure data is updated correctly according to business rules.
Holger Krekel: Re-inventing packaging and testing with pythonit-peopleThe document discusses problems with current Python packaging and testing tools and proposes solutions in the form of devpi, a meta tool for packaging activities. Devpi serves as a new PyPI-compatible index and upload server with features like multiple indexes, server-side package crawling, and recording of test results. It also provides subcommands to manage release and testing workflows. The goal is to improve and standardize packaging and testing in Python without requiring changes to existing tools.
Conventions of the sub genre 'slasher’ filmsShanice1This document outlines several key conventions of slasher films. It notes that these films typically take place in isolated locations like college campuses and feature teenage victims. A mysterious psychopathic killer stalks and brutally murders the victims. Trailers for slasher films aim to build tension and suspense through techniques like unsettling music, quick cuts between scenes, flashes of weapons, and heart-pounding sound effects that leave the threat ambiguous until the end.
3 usin the kno how economics treasure huntpjvicaryThe Town Centre App provides information for visitors and residents about attractions, events, and businesses in the local area. It contains a map of the town centre and allows users to find information quickly on their mobile devices. The app aims to promote tourism and local commerce in the town.
Generic Conventions Of Horror Trailers Shanice1The document lists common plot elements, locations, props, and characters that are frequently featured in horror movie trailers, including evil creatures killing people, warnings being ignored with unfortunate consequences, serial killers stalking victims, seeing things others cannot, child abuse and death of innocents, abandoned buildings and remote outdoor areas as backdrops, and tropes like candles, weapons, ouija boards, and stereotypical character types such as priests, children, heroes and families.
3a how u-doin on revenuepjvicaryThe document contains 10 repetitions of the same URL for a revision quiz on revenues. The URL leads to a website containing an online quiz to test understanding of basic revenue concepts. It provides a practice opportunity for test preparation.
Mary at the Farm and Book of RecipesChuck ThompsonPennsylvania style. Views and images from nearly 100 years ago. A great resource book, cookbook and all around interesting read. Check out our website at http://www.lititzpen.blogspot.com for more interesting history and views around the PA countryside.
«Scrapy internals» Александр Сибиряков, Scrapinghubit-people- Scrapy is a framework for web scraping that allows for extraction of structured data from HTML/XML through selectors like CSS and XPath. It provides features like an interactive shell, feed exports, encoding support, and more.
- Scrapy is built on top of the Twisted asynchronous networking framework, which provides an event loop and deferreds. It handles protocols and transports like TCP, HTTP, and more across platforms.
- Scrapy architecture includes components like the downloader, scraper, and item pipelines that communicate internally. Flow control is needed between these to limit memory usage and scheduling through techniques like concurrent item limits, memory limits, and delays between calls.
«Отладка в Python 3.6: Быстрее, Выше, Сильнее» Елизавета Шашкова, JetBrainsit-peopleThe document discusses debugging in Python 3.6. It describes tracing and frame evaluation debuggers. Tracing debuggers slow code execution significantly by calling the tracing function on every line. Python 3.6 introduced a new frame evaluation API that allows evaluating frames directly, avoiding the performance issues of tracing. The document demonstrates how to build a debugger using this approach, including setting breakpoints and stepping through code by inserting temporary breakpoints on each line. Frame evaluation allows building a debugger that is faster than tracing debuggers without significant performance penalties.
«Gevent — быть или не быть?» Александр Мокров, Positive Technologiesit-peopleGevent is a concurrency library for Python that uses greenlets, or lightweight coroutines, to provide asynchronous operations and non-blocking I/O. It allows developing highly concurrent applications using a simple and familiar synchronous style. The document compares gevent to other concurrency options like asyncio and discusses how it provides features like asynchronous task execution, event loops, and inter-greenlet communication using queues and callbacks.
«Что такое serverless-архитектура и как с ней жить?» Николай Марков, Aligned ...it-peopleThe document discusses what serverless computing is and how it can be used for building applications. Serverless applications rely on third party services to manage server infrastructure and are event-triggered. Popular serverless frameworks like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Microsoft Azure Functions, and Zappa allow developers to write code that runs in a serverless environment and handle events and triggers without having to manage servers.
«Python на острие бритвы: PyPy project» Александр Кошкин, Positive Technologiesit-peopleThe document describes a talk on optimizing Python performance through just-in-time compilation. It discusses how the CPython interpreter works by evaluating bytecode through an evaluation loop. It then talks about how PyPy achieves faster performance through jit compilation of hot loops detected via tracing. The talk dives into the RPython language used to implement PyPy and shows an example of compiling a small Python program to C with RPython. It also discusses using partial evaluation to specialize an interpreter for constant inputs.
«PyWat. А хорошо ли вы знаете Python?» Александр Швец, Marilyn Systemit-peopleThe document appears to be a transcript of Python code being executed in an interactive Python shell. It contains examples testing the behavior of built-in functions and operators like sorted(), reversed(), isinstance(), sum(), float("nan"), is, min(), and comparisons like ==, <, on various data types including lists, tuples, and dictionaries.
«(Без)опасный Python», Иван Цыганов, Positive Technologiesit-peopleThe document discusses various security vulnerabilities in Python web applications. It begins with an overview of the OWASP Top 10 security risks, with sections focusing on risks related to using components with known vulnerabilities (A9) and insufficient attack protection (A7). For A9, it provides examples of vulnerabilities in popular Python packages and recommends checking changelogs and vulnerability databases. For A7, it recommends implementing attack protections like login attempts logging, rate limiting, and use of a web application firewall. The document also covers security misconfiguration (A5), giving examples like using default settings in production and exposing tracebacks.
«Как сделать так, чтобы тесты на Swift не причиняли боль» Сычев Александр, Ra...it-peopleThe document discusses best practices for writing tests in Swift, including recommendations to:
- Write clean, readable tests that focus on asserting a single truth
- Use a domain-specific language in tests for clarity
- Structure tests with "given-when-then"
- Mock dependencies through protocols to enable test isolation
- Favor partial mocks over fully mocking to limit complexity
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