Mr Can Ak?n - I Love You - Book Of Poetry - 37 - MevlanaCan Akin
This poem by Can AKIN is a translation of poems by the Sufi mystic Mevlana about his relationship with Shams of Tabriz. The three sentences are:
1) Mevlana found the face of his beloved comrade Shams in Shams' eyes and cried and laughed with him.
2) Mevlana found peace through love and patience, becoming a sun that excites the hearts of lovers and far from the evil-eyed.
3) Mevlana drank from the cup of love and became burned in the religious of love like a real soul to all souls, excited by the fire of Shams.
Mr Can Ak?n - I Love You - Book Of Poetry - 36 - We Washed Dirts Of Heart Mev...Can Akin
This poem discusses the journey of the disciples of Mevlana, also known as Rumi, on the path of love and devotion. It describes how they used to walk carelessly until finding Mevlana's path, and how following him helped them remove distraction from their hearts. By experiencing love and devotion to God and their beloved through Mevlana's guidance and presence in the dervish lodge, the disciples came to understand that the soul cannot live without love, washed away impurities from their hearts, and matured in their faith.
Mr Can Ak?n - I Love You - Book Of Poetry - 17 - Remained To Me¡ Can Akin
This poem describes meeting and falling in love with someone one summer. The narrator recalls meeting the person for the first time on a Saturday in September and feeling their soul being taken to "deep blue." They loved each other fully without questioning it. Now, the narrator has dreams, memories and a feeling of loneliness remaining from the person. They wanted to listen to the person's heart without judgment.
Mr Can Ak?n - I Love You - Book Of Poetry - 16 - As The Sun Flowers Can Akin
The poem is about unrequited love, where the speaker loves someone but is unable to turn towards them like a sunflower turns to the sun. The speaker is going towards an unknown place dying, but still loves the person despite not being able to direct their feelings towards them. The poem is translated from Turkish and is from the poetry book "I Love You" by the poet Can AKIN.
This poem translated into English expresses a desire to lose oneself in another's eyes, which ignite one's soul. It references drinking wine from lips like appetizers and singing nostalgic songs. The poem encourages raising a glass to love and drinking life in gulps that night while acting crazily to forget everything. It includes information about the author and poet, Mr. Can AKIN, and provides a link and his email address to obtain his free poetry book titled "I Love You".
The poem encourages the reader to be true to themselves and ignore gossip by taking off their shoes and walking barefoot. It tells the reader to cry out loud their feelings of love and asks if the person they love also feels the same way about them. The summary focuses on the key messages around being true to yourself, expressing your love openly, and wondering if your love is reciprocated.
Mr Can Ak?n - I Love You - Book Of Poetry - 37 - MevlanaCan Akin
This poem by Can AKIN is a translation of poems by the Sufi mystic Mevlana about his relationship with Shams of Tabriz. The three sentences are:
1) Mevlana found the face of his beloved comrade Shams in Shams' eyes and cried and laughed with him.
2) Mevlana found peace through love and patience, becoming a sun that excites the hearts of lovers and far from the evil-eyed.
3) Mevlana drank from the cup of love and became burned in the religious of love like a real soul to all souls, excited by the fire of Shams.
Mr Can Ak?n - I Love You - Book Of Poetry - 36 - We Washed Dirts Of Heart Mev...Can Akin
This poem discusses the journey of the disciples of Mevlana, also known as Rumi, on the path of love and devotion. It describes how they used to walk carelessly until finding Mevlana's path, and how following him helped them remove distraction from their hearts. By experiencing love and devotion to God and their beloved through Mevlana's guidance and presence in the dervish lodge, the disciples came to understand that the soul cannot live without love, washed away impurities from their hearts, and matured in their faith.
Mr Can Ak?n - I Love You - Book Of Poetry - 17 - Remained To Me¡ Can Akin
This poem describes meeting and falling in love with someone one summer. The narrator recalls meeting the person for the first time on a Saturday in September and feeling their soul being taken to "deep blue." They loved each other fully without questioning it. Now, the narrator has dreams, memories and a feeling of loneliness remaining from the person. They wanted to listen to the person's heart without judgment.
Mr Can Ak?n - I Love You - Book Of Poetry - 16 - As The Sun Flowers Can Akin
The poem is about unrequited love, where the speaker loves someone but is unable to turn towards them like a sunflower turns to the sun. The speaker is going towards an unknown place dying, but still loves the person despite not being able to direct their feelings towards them. The poem is translated from Turkish and is from the poetry book "I Love You" by the poet Can AKIN.
This poem translated into English expresses a desire to lose oneself in another's eyes, which ignite one's soul. It references drinking wine from lips like appetizers and singing nostalgic songs. The poem encourages raising a glass to love and drinking life in gulps that night while acting crazily to forget everything. It includes information about the author and poet, Mr. Can AKIN, and provides a link and his email address to obtain his free poetry book titled "I Love You".
The poem encourages the reader to be true to themselves and ignore gossip by taking off their shoes and walking barefoot. It tells the reader to cry out loud their feelings of love and asks if the person they love also feels the same way about them. The summary focuses on the key messages around being true to yourself, expressing your love openly, and wondering if your love is reciprocated.
2. ¡° Bazen kalp g?ze g?r¨¹nmeyeni g?r¨¹r.¡±H.J. Brown jr ¡° Bo? bir ?uval?n dik durmas? zordur.¡± Benjamin Franklin ¡° Felaket, dost say?s?n? s?f?ra indirir.¡± William Shakspeare ¡° R¨¹zg?ra t¨¹k¨¹ren, kendi y¨¹z¨¹ne t¨¹k¨¹r¨¹r.¡± ?talyan Atas?z¨¹
3. ¡° Bir g¨¹n su i?ece?in ?e?meye ?amur s??ratma.¡± ?srail Atas?z¨¹ ¡° A?z?nda bal olan ar?n?n, kuyru?unda i?nesi vard?r.¡± John Lyly ¡° Sevilenin kusurlar?n? ho? g?rmeyen sevmiyor demektir.¡±Goethe ¡° K?rlerin ¨¹lkesinde, tek g?zl¨¹ insan kral olur.¡° Desiderius Erasmus
4. ¡° Namuslu birisini aldatmak kadar kolay bir ?ey yoktur.¡± La Fontaine ¡° K?r ata ha g?z k?rpm??s?n, ha ba??n? sallam??s?n.¡± ?ngiliz Atas?z¨¹ ¡° Kurtlarla arkada? ol, yaln?z elinden baltay? b?rakma.¡± Rus Atas?z¨¹ ¡° Bir yengece, do?ru y¨¹r¨¹mesini asla ??retemezsiniz.¡± Aristophanes
5. ¡° Sevmek kar??l???nda sevilmeme riskini g?ze almakt?r.¡± Leo Buscaglia ¡° Sevmek g¨¹zeldir. Bir daha sevmemek daha da g¨¹zeldir¡± Paul Geraldy ¡° istemek yetmez, amac?m?za ula?mak i?in ?iddetle arzulamam?z gerekir.¡±Ovidius ¡° Erkekler ?araba benzer, ge?en y?llar k?t¨¹lerini eskitir iyilerini olgunla?t?r?r.¡±?icero
6. ¡° Bozulan dostluktan sonraki nefret, meyvelerin en ?ld¨¹r¨¹c¨¹s¨¹d¨¹r.¡° G. E. Lessing ¡° E?er bir ?rs isen kendini sabit tut, e?er bir ?eki? isen zaman?nda vur.¡± G.Herbert "?nsanlara yap?lacak en b¨¹y¨¹k iyilik, onlara ak?llar?n? kullanmay? ??retmektir."Molliere "Ak?ll? insan, d¨¹?¨¹nd¨¹?¨¹ her ?eyi s?ylemez; ama her s?yledi?ini d¨¹?¨¹n¨¹r." Aristoteles
7. ¡° ?nsanlar ba?aklara benzerler, i?leri bo?ken ba?lar? havadad?r, dolduk?a e?ilirler.¡± Montaigne ¡° A?k k?pr¨¹ kurmakt?r. ?nsanlar k?pr¨¹ kuracaklar?na duvar ?rd¨¹kleri i?in yaln?z kal?rlar.¡± Newton ¡° Ger?ek dostlukta, yarat?l??lar? baya?? olanlar?n alamayacaklar? bir tat vard?r.¡± Jean de la Bruyere
8. ¡° Dostluk iki y¨¹rek aras?nda akan bir nehir gibidir; gitti?i yeri de temizler, geldi?i yeri de¡± Can Akin ¡° ?steklerimizin baz?lar?n? elde edememek mutlulu?umuzun ayr?lmaz bir ?art?d?r.¡± Bertrand Russell ¡° Ya?am belirtisinin k?keninde duygulanma vard?r; duygulanman?n da temeli a?kt?r.¡± Sigmund Freud
9. ¡° Haklar? ve zevkleri ellerinden al?nan gen?ler, onlar?n yerine daha gizli ve tehlikeli olanlar? koyarlar.¡± j.j. Rousseau ¡° D¨¹nyada bir?ok yetenekli ki?iler, k¨¹?¨¹k bir cesaret sahibi olamad?klar? i?in silinip gitmi?lerdir.¡± Sydney Smith ¡° Ya?am yoku?unu t?rman?rken rastlad???m?z ki?ilere iyi davranal?m. ?¨¹nk¨¹ ini?te yine onlara rastlayaca??z.¡± Cicero
10. ¡° Mert olmayan bir insanla i?e ba?lamak, sonu gelmeyecek, ya da k?t¨¹ bitecek bir yola ??kmak demektir.¡± Montesquie ¡° Bir insan?n ya?am?ndan daha de?erli bir ?eyi yoksa o insan?n ya?am?n?n da bir de?eri yoktur.¡± Rabin Dranahat Tagore ¡° iki insan?n iyi ge?inmesi hi? kusursuz olmalar?yla de?il, birbirlerinin kusurlar?n? ho? g?rmeleriyle sa?lan?r." A. Toqueville
11. ¡° Bir insan ba?ar?s?zl?klar? i?in ba?kalar?n? su?luyorsa, ba?ar?lar?n?n ?erefini de ba?kalar?na vermesi iyi bir fikirdir.¡± Howard W. Newton "Ak?ll? konu?ur, ?¨¹nk¨¹ s?ylemek istedikleri vard?r; aptal konu?ur, ?¨¹nk¨¹ kendisinin bir ?eyler s?ylemek zorunda oldu?unu san?r." Platon ¡° D¨¹?¨¹ncelerini tam ve yerinde kelimelerle ifade edemeyen insan, yanl?? tart?larla tam i? g?rmeye ?al??an sat?c?ya benzer.¡± Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
12. ¡° G¨¹ne? ???k ve s?ca??ndan yarar sa?lamak i?in kendisine yalvar?lmas?n? beklemez. Sen de g¨¹ne? gibi ol, beklenen iyili?i senden istenilmeden yap.¡± Epiktetos
13. KADER?M?Z YILDIZLARDADIR¡ TIKLAYINIZ¡ Can AKIN ?A?R VE FOTO?RAF SANAT?ISI Mr _ canakin @ yahoo . co . uk Mr _ canakin @ hotmail .com