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TEL EPHO N E: 44 07770240133 ? EM AIL : L U PA.D U PRAT@ G M AIL .C O M
2013 ¨C 2014: MSc Polar / Alpine Climate Change - The University of Sheffield
? Final report mark: distinction / Overall mark: merit
? Thesis topic: ¡°The influence of giant icebergs in the primary productivity of the Southern Ocean¡±.
This project assessed the impact of Antarctic giant icebergs` in the ocean CO2 uptake though
ocean fertilization (iron) and phytoplankton blooms using remote sense technique as well as the
importance of this process for the Southern Ocean carbon circle as a negative feedback for
climate change.
? Final results will be formally presented in a workshop at the University of Northumbria in
Newcastle on May 27th/28th as part of the NERC-funded project entitled "Productivity and
Biogeochemistry of terrestrial Ice-bound ecosystems of the Maritime Antarctic".
? Modules included: Polar and alpine climate, Arctic environment, Research design, GIS.
? From July to September 2014 I conducted fieldwork in Svalbard (Arctic) studying the ice mass
balance of local glaciers, it`s geomorphology, roughness / albedo effect and hydrochemistry.
2009 ¨C 2011: PGDip Environment Science, Climate Change and Sustainability - Faculdade Armando
Alves Penteado (FAAP)
? Final report mark: distinction
? Modules included: Scientific basis and international negotiations on climate change,
sustainability, renewable energy, environment management, national and international
environmental law.
? Thesis topic: ¡°The JUMA REDD project: Addressing its effects on the Amazon biodiversity¡±. This
study addressed the impacts, mechanisms and perspectives of REDD+ (Reducing Emissions
from Deforestation and forest Degradation) schemes within and outside the scope of
international negotiations on climate change as well as its potential benefits for the biodiversity of
the Amazon Forest in light of the RDS Juma project located in Aripuan?, Amazonas.
2000 ¨C 2005: BSc Biochemistry - Faculdade de Ci¨ºncias Farmac¨ºuticas e Bioqu¨ªmicas Oswaldo Cruz.
? Mother-tongue: Portuguese
Fluent: English / Intermediate: Spanish
TEL EPHO N E: 44 07770240133 ? EM AIL : L U PA.D U PRAT@ G M AIL .C O M
? ERSI ¨C Geographic Information System (GIS) online course: Learning GIS, Spatial analysis and
maps. Duration: 48 hours.
? Office package (Word/PowerPoint/Excel).
10/2013 - 01/2014 (temporary job): Charity Fundraiser for Home Fundraising UK
? Main Activities and Achievements: During this time I could disseminate valuable information about
different renowned British charities` work and philosophy to local communities around Yorkshire.
Eventually, I obtained signatures from many donors that consented to financially support crucial
charity actions in a long term commitment.
10/2009 - 08/2013: Clinical study coordinator at Hospital do Cora??o Hcor (Brazil)
? Main Activities: Clinical Trial project coordination and site Monitoring in Brazil and Latin America.
? Acquired and transferable skills: project management, project budgeting and negotiation with
sponsors, financial balance control, follow-up of study contracts; data collection and management;
preparation of regulatory documents and dossiers etc.
? Achievements: I succeed in conducting important clinical trial projects from the very beginning
tasks such as preparing and organizing international meetings and protocols, screening and
enrolling participant hospitals up to the final steps when data management and analysis needed to
be done. Finally, I participate in the writing process of papers and other publications. Some of the
projects I coordinated led to important debates in the medical community regarding drug therapies
which might change the future protocols of treatment of coronary diseases.
2007 - 2009: Lab Research Assistant at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (Brazil)
? Main Activities: assisting in different genetic laboratory techniques such as DNA extraction and
purification, DNA electrophoresis; Technique of polymerase chain reaction - PCR, Technique of
DNA sequence and others.
? Achievements: I learned important laboratory good practices required for any experimental project
and I could get the practical knowledge about many genetic lab techniques routinely done.
TEL EPHO N E: 44 07770240133 ? EM AIL : L U PA.D U PRAT@ G M AIL .C O M
? 12/2011 to 2013: Running an environment website called ¡°Projeto Nossa Terra¡±
(www.projetonossaterra.com.br) which aims to disseminate high quality knowledge and
information about different environmental issues.
? 12/2011 until present: Environment lecturing to companies and schools.
? 2014 until present: Occasional volunteering in Peak District for the ¡°Moors for the Future Project¡±
(peat cover conservation).
? 08/2011: One-month conservation volunteering in South Africa (Mkuzi NP) with the endangered
African wild dogs.
? 01/2009: Two-week conservation volunteering in Australia (Fraser Island) with sea turtles.
During my life: I have done some volunteering in Brazil especially with homeless people and children.
In preparation (2015): Giant icebergs significantly enhance the marine productivity of the Southern
Revista Juris, 2011. Projetos volunt¨¢rios de REDD no Brasil como alternativa vi¨¢vel na luta para
salvaguardar a biodiversidade amaz?nica e o bem estar dos povos da floresta. S?o Paulo, 73-81.
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 2011. Racionalidade e M¨¦todos do Registro ACCEPT ¨C Registro
Brasileiro da Pr¨¢tica Cl¨ªnica nas S¨ªndromes Coron¨¢rias Agudas da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia.
H¨¦lio Pena Guimar?es et al, 2013. Guia Pr¨¢tico de S¨ªndromes Coron¨¢rias Agudas. Cap Fatores de
Risco. Editora Atheneu; 1? Edi??o. S?o Paulo, Brazil.

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  • 1. 115 ST PHIL L IPS ST - SHEFFIEL D ¨C YO RKSHIRE - EN G L AN D TEL EPHO N E: 44 07770240133 ? EM AIL : L U PA.D U PRAT@ G M AIL .C O M LU?S PAULO DUPRAT EDUCATION 2013 ¨C 2014: MSc Polar / Alpine Climate Change - The University of Sheffield ? Final report mark: distinction / Overall mark: merit ? Thesis topic: ¡°The influence of giant icebergs in the primary productivity of the Southern Ocean¡±. This project assessed the impact of Antarctic giant icebergs` in the ocean CO2 uptake though ocean fertilization (iron) and phytoplankton blooms using remote sense technique as well as the importance of this process for the Southern Ocean carbon circle as a negative feedback for climate change. ? Final results will be formally presented in a workshop at the University of Northumbria in Newcastle on May 27th/28th as part of the NERC-funded project entitled "Productivity and Biogeochemistry of terrestrial Ice-bound ecosystems of the Maritime Antarctic". ? Modules included: Polar and alpine climate, Arctic environment, Research design, GIS. ? From July to September 2014 I conducted fieldwork in Svalbard (Arctic) studying the ice mass balance of local glaciers, it`s geomorphology, roughness / albedo effect and hydrochemistry. 2009 ¨C 2011: PGDip Environment Science, Climate Change and Sustainability - Faculdade Armando Alves Penteado (FAAP) ? Final report mark: distinction ? Modules included: Scientific basis and international negotiations on climate change, sustainability, renewable energy, environment management, national and international environmental law. ? Thesis topic: ¡°The JUMA REDD project: Addressing its effects on the Amazon biodiversity¡±. This study addressed the impacts, mechanisms and perspectives of REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) schemes within and outside the scope of international negotiations on climate change as well as its potential benefits for the biodiversity of the Amazon Forest in light of the RDS Juma project located in Aripuan?, Amazonas. 2000 ¨C 2005: BSc Biochemistry - Faculdade de Ci¨ºncias Farmac¨ºuticas e Bioqu¨ªmicas Oswaldo Cruz. ADDITIONAL SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS ? Mother-tongue: Portuguese Fluent: English / Intermediate: Spanish
  • 2. 115 ST PHIL L IPS ST - SHEFFIEL D ¨C YO RKSHIRE - EN G L AN D TEL EPHO N E: 44 07770240133 ? EM AIL : L U PA.D U PRAT@ G M AIL .C O M ? ERSI ¨C Geographic Information System (GIS) online course: Learning GIS, Spatial analysis and maps. Duration: 48 hours. ? Office package (Word/PowerPoint/Excel). WORK EXPERIENCE 10/2013 - 01/2014 (temporary job): Charity Fundraiser for Home Fundraising UK ? Main Activities and Achievements: During this time I could disseminate valuable information about different renowned British charities` work and philosophy to local communities around Yorkshire. Eventually, I obtained signatures from many donors that consented to financially support crucial charity actions in a long term commitment. 10/2009 - 08/2013: Clinical study coordinator at Hospital do Cora??o Hcor (Brazil) ? Main Activities: Clinical Trial project coordination and site Monitoring in Brazil and Latin America. ? Acquired and transferable skills: project management, project budgeting and negotiation with sponsors, financial balance control, follow-up of study contracts; data collection and management; preparation of regulatory documents and dossiers etc. ? Achievements: I succeed in conducting important clinical trial projects from the very beginning tasks such as preparing and organizing international meetings and protocols, screening and enrolling participant hospitals up to the final steps when data management and analysis needed to be done. Finally, I participate in the writing process of papers and other publications. Some of the projects I coordinated led to important debates in the medical community regarding drug therapies which might change the future protocols of treatment of coronary diseases. 2007 - 2009: Lab Research Assistant at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (Brazil) ? Main Activities: assisting in different genetic laboratory techniques such as DNA extraction and purification, DNA electrophoresis; Technique of polymerase chain reaction - PCR, Technique of DNA sequence and others. ? Achievements: I learned important laboratory good practices required for any experimental project and I could get the practical knowledge about many genetic lab techniques routinely done.
  • 3. 115 ST PHIL L IPS ST - SHEFFIEL D ¨C YO RKSHIRE - EN G L AN D TEL EPHO N E: 44 07770240133 ? EM AIL : L U PA.D U PRAT@ G M AIL .C O M EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ? 12/2011 to 2013: Running an environment website called ¡°Projeto Nossa Terra¡± (www.projetonossaterra.com.br) which aims to disseminate high quality knowledge and information about different environmental issues. ? 12/2011 until present: Environment lecturing to companies and schools. ? 2014 until present: Occasional volunteering in Peak District for the ¡°Moors for the Future Project¡± (peat cover conservation). ? 08/2011: One-month conservation volunteering in South Africa (Mkuzi NP) with the endangered African wild dogs. ? 01/2009: Two-week conservation volunteering in Australia (Fraser Island) with sea turtles. During my life: I have done some volunteering in Brazil especially with homeless people and children. PUBLISHED WORK Papers: In preparation (2015): Giant icebergs significantly enhance the marine productivity of the Southern Ocean. Revista Juris, 2011. Projetos volunt¨¢rios de REDD no Brasil como alternativa vi¨¢vel na luta para salvaguardar a biodiversidade amaz?nica e o bem estar dos povos da floresta. S?o Paulo, 73-81. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 2011. Racionalidade e M¨¦todos do Registro ACCEPT ¨C Registro Brasileiro da Pr¨¢tica Cl¨ªnica nas S¨ªndromes Coron¨¢rias Agudas da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia. Book: H¨¦lio Pena Guimar?es et al, 2013. Guia Pr¨¢tico de S¨ªndromes Coron¨¢rias Agudas. Cap Fatores de Risco. Editora Atheneu; 1? Edi??o. S?o Paulo, Brazil.