The document summarizes Dutch legislation for online gambling. It covers what games are licensed, license applicant requirements, special compliance requirements, system requirements, control database functions, marketing restrictions, and costs. Key points include that licenses are issued for casino games, horse racing, and sports betting on pre-approved events. License applicants must be EU-based and pass background checks. Licensed operators must have a compliance officer and stepped-care system to promote responsible gaming and prevent addiction. Extensive data on customer behavior and interventions is stored in a control database accessible to authorities.
6. Control database
≒ Anonymized data
≒ Is located in the
≒ Near real-4me
端Gambling behavior
端Interven4on history
≒ Accessible
端The tax
端Gambling Authority
o Annual repor4ng
≒ Stored data
端Exceedances pre-set
account limits
o Nature, date, 4me
o Reason, nature, date, 4me
端Account credits & debits
o Game, bets, wins, losses,
date, 4me