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Dr. Prabhakar Manu
SDM College of Ayurveda & Hospital
A strong feeling of dislike, opposition.
In manovaha vikara dvesa is also known as
when a person compare his anything that he
dont have at that time with others that time
mostly ambitious people will develops dvesa.
Dvesa in Manovahasrotovikara
 Deva dvesa  Aversion to god
 Dvija dvesa - Aversion to brahmins
 Gurudvesa  Aversion to teacher
 Suci dvesa  Aversion to cleanliness
 Bhisak dvesa  Aversion to vaidyas
Deva dvesa  Aversion to god &
Dvija dvesa - Aversion to brahmins &
Bhisak dvesa  Aversion to vaidyas
 爐爛爐萎す爐鉦じ爐爛爐む爐爐爛爐萎ぇ爐鉦え爐 爐爛爐朽さ爐朽お爛爐萎さ爛爐爛爐爐爛爐朽爐劇ぞ爐朽爛爐爐鉦き 爐逗
爐伍爐む爐むい爐朽爐爐爐爛爐む爐萎ざ爐鉦じ爛爐萎爐爐鉦す爐萎ぃ爛爐逗 爐爐鉦し爛爐爐鉦う爐爐 爐萎ぞ爐む爐爐爛爐÷え爛爐 爐
爐爛爐萎す爛爐爐萎ぞ爐爛爐劇じ爛爐爛爐む爐爐む爐む 爐朽さ爐爛爐爐鉦い 爛; cha. Chi. 9/20.
Such person who are affected by Brahmaraksasagraha
they would like to joke, laugh and dance. They dont
like god, brahman and vaidya. They chant mantras
and they beat thereself by wooden particles and
Gurudvesa  Aversion to teacher
 爐爐逗す爛爐爐爛爐爐劇爐爐 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐む爐爐鉦え爐 爐爛爐萎爐爛爐朽う爛爐朽さ爐逗う爛爐朽さ爐劇ぎ爛|
爐むえ 爐爐爐 爐爐鉦い爐爐爐 爐謹爐萎 爐爛爐萎爐оえ爐 爐朽爐爐朽じ爐鉦い爐爐爐 爛
Ah. U. 4/16
Affected by Daitya graha
Eyesight will not straight, manas will be vikrit,
aversion to teacher, god and brahmins,
free from fear, egoistic, brave and angry mood.
Suci dvesa  Aversion to cleanliness
 爐伍爐ムぞ爐爐爛爐爐爛爐謹, 爐む爐劇爐爛爐爛 爐鉦さ爐逗, 爐爐迦爐爐謹ざ爛爐爐爛爐爛爐爛爐萎ぎ爐爐,
爐迦ぞ爐迦ぞ爐爐謹爛爐爛爐爐鉦ぃ爐爐伍爐萎さ爐爐 爛, 爐爐爐爛爐む爐爐鉦き 爐迦ぞ爐劇た爐,
爐萎す爐伍爐爐鉦ぎ爐むぞ, 爐爛 爐む爐伍い爛爐朽, 爐謹爐爐爛爐朽爐劇た爐,
爐伍爐朽お爛爐爐むえ爐む爐爐むぞ, 爐謹爐朽く爐ム爐萎ぞ爐爐爛,
爐謹爐迦爐劇爐爛爐爐謹く爐朽さ爐爐爐鉦き爐伍ぞ爐爐爛爐爐謹く爐むぞ 爐; 爐爐むい
爐謹爐迦爐劇爐爛爐爛爐む爐爐鉦う爐爐迦爛爐爛爐爐鉦い爐 爐朽爐爛爐む爐 Ch. Ni. 7/7/3.
Suci dvesa  Aversion to cleanliness
 The patient of kaphaja unmada has lakshanas
like sitting at single place, silent mood, saliva
coming out of the mouth, sneezing , anna
anikcha, living alone, not to clean his/her
body, aversion to cleanliness, sleeping for
longer duration, swelling in mouth,
whiteness in eyes, eye gunk & which thing
are beneficial to kapha the opposite things
will be disliked by the patient of kaphaja

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  • 1. Dvesa Dr. Prabhakar Manu SDM College of Ayurveda & Hospital Hassan
  • 2. Dvesa Aversion A strong feeling of dislike, opposition. In manovaha vikara dvesa is also known as when a person compare his anything that he dont have at that time with others that time mostly ambitious people will develops dvesa.
  • 3. Dvesa in Manovahasrotovikara Deva dvesa Aversion to god Dvija dvesa - Aversion to brahmins Gurudvesa Aversion to teacher Suci dvesa Aversion to cleanliness Bhisak dvesa Aversion to vaidyas
  • 4. Deva dvesa Aversion to god & Dvija dvesa - Aversion to brahmins & Bhisak dvesa Aversion to vaidyas 爐爛爐萎す爐鉦じ爐爛爐む爐爐爛爐萎ぇ爐鉦え爐 爐爛爐朽さ爐朽お爛爐萎さ爛爐爛爐爐爛爐朽爐劇ぞ爐朽爛爐爐鉦き 爐逗 爐伍爐む爐むい爐朽爐爐爐爛爐む爐萎ざ爐鉦じ爛爐萎爐爐鉦す爐萎ぃ爛爐逗 爐爐鉦し爛爐爐鉦う爐爐 爐萎ぞ爐む爐爐爛爐÷え爛爐 爐 爐爛爐萎す爛爐爐萎ぞ爐爛爐劇じ爛爐爛爐む爐爐む爐む 爐朽さ爐爛爐爐鉦い 爛; cha. Chi. 9/20. Such person who are affected by Brahmaraksasagraha they would like to joke, laugh and dance. They dont like god, brahman and vaidya. They chant mantras and they beat thereself by wooden particles and shastras.
  • 5. Gurudvesa Aversion to teacher 爐爐逗す爛爐爐爛爐爐劇爐爐 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐む爐爐鉦え爐 爐爛爐萎爐爛爐朽う爛爐朽さ爐逗う爛爐朽さ爐劇ぎ爛| 爐むえ 爐爐爐 爐爐鉦い爐爐爐 爐謹爐萎 爐爛爐萎爐оえ爐 爐朽爐爐朽じ爐鉦い爐爐爐 爛 Ah. U. 4/16 Affected by Daitya graha Eyesight will not straight, manas will be vikrit, aversion to teacher, god and brahmins, free from fear, egoistic, brave and angry mood.
  • 6. Suci dvesa Aversion to cleanliness 爐伍爐ムぞ爐爐爛爐爐爛爐謹, 爐む爐劇爐爛爐爛 爐鉦さ爐逗, 爐爐迦爐爐謹ざ爛爐爐爛爐爛爐爛爐萎ぎ爐爐, 爐迦ぞ爐迦ぞ爐爐謹爛爐爛爐爐鉦ぃ爐爐伍爐萎さ爐爐 爛, 爐爐爐爛爐む爐爐鉦き 爐迦ぞ爐劇た爐, 爐萎す爐伍爐爐鉦ぎ爐むぞ, 爐爛 爐む爐伍い爛爐朽, 爐謹爐爐爛爐朽爐劇た爐, 爐伍爐朽お爛爐爐むえ爐む爐爐むぞ, 爐謹爐朽く爐ム爐萎ぞ爐爐爛, 爐謹爐爛爐迦爐伍爐むき爐爐むぎ爐迦爐爐爐爐爛爐оぞ爐爛爐劇い爛爐朽, 爐謹爐迦爐劇爐爛爐爐謹く爐朽さ爐爐爐鉦き爐伍ぞ爐爐爛爐爐謹く爐むぞ 爐; 爐爐むい 爐謹爐迦爐劇爐爛爐爛爐む爐爐鉦う爐爐迦爛爐爛爐爐鉦い爐 爐朽爐爛爐む爐 Ch. Ni. 7/7/3.
  • 7. Suci dvesa Aversion to cleanliness The patient of kaphaja unmada has lakshanas like sitting at single place, silent mood, saliva coming out of the mouth, sneezing , anna anikcha, living alone, not to clean his/her body, aversion to cleanliness, sleeping for longer duration, swelling in mouth, whiteness in eyes, eye gunk & which thing are beneficial to kapha the opposite things will be disliked by the patient of kaphaja unamada.