This document summarizes the European Commission's strategy to open Europe's data through three main initiatives: 1) A Communication on Open Data that establishes a vision for open data to drive economic and social benefits, 2) A revision of the Public Sector Information Directive to create a right to reuse public data, and 3) Financing and support measures for open data infrastructure and research. The strategy aims to create a virtuous cycle of data by establishing open data policies, developing multilingual open data portals, and supporting research that enhances new data technologies.
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Dwg 2012-oct-07 - european commission open data and public sector information
1. Strategy to open Europe's data
Eurostat Dissemination Working Group
Luxembourg 25.10.2012
Szymon Lewandowski
Legal/Policy officer - "Data Value Chain" Unit
European Commission, DG CONNECT
The Communication Networks, Content & Technology
Directorate General
Directorate Media and Data
G1: Converging Media and Content
G2: Creativity
G3: Data Value Chain
G4: Inclusion, Skills and Youth
G5: Administration and Finance
As from July 1st 2012
3. Open (public data): why does it matter for Europe?
1. 1. Untapped business and economic opportunities:
data is the new gold; possible direct and indirect gains of
140bln across the EU27
2. 2. Better governance and citizen empowerment:
open data increases transparency, citizen participation and
administrative efficiency and accountability
3. 3. Addressing societal challenges: data can enhance
sustainability of health care systems; essential for tackling
environmental challenges
4. 4. Accelerating scientific progress: e-science essential
for meeting the challenges of the 21st century in scientific
discovery and learning.
4. Commission Open Data Policy in EU context
A strategy for smart, One of the seven flagship "The Commission is
sustainable and initiatives of Europe 2020, set invited to make rapid
inclusive growth out to define the key progress in key areas of
enabling role that the use the digital economy to
A vision to achieve
of ICTs will have to play if ensure the creation of
high levels of
Europe wants to succeed in its the Digital Single
employment, a low
ambitions for 2020. Market by 2015,
carbon economy,
including [] the
productivity and social
The overall aim [] availability of public
cohesion, to be
is to deliver sustainable sector Information."
implemented through
economic and social
concrete actions at EU
benefits from a digital Conclusions of the
and national levels.
single market [] European Council (4
February 2011)
Action 3: Open up public
data resources for re-use 4
5. Open Data Strategy: 3 complementary strands
i. Communication on Open Data
ii. Revision of the Public Sector Information (PSI)
Directive & update of Commission decision on re-use of
its own information
iii. Financing and support measures: support from FP7,
Connecting Europe Facility and Horizon 2020 (2014-
7. Main elements of the data cycle (1)
Creation of "data value chain friendly" policy environment:
- Fostering of (Open) Data policy
- Adoption of the revised Directive on the re-use of Public
Sector Information (PSI) and the Commission decision on
re-use of its own information
- Implementation of PSI policy across Europe by ensuring
compliance and the development of soft law instruments
(e.g. guidelines on licensing and charging)
- Stakeholder involvement and engagement
8. Revision of the Commission re-use decision
Since 2006 public Commission information is open,
free and re-usable without constraints
Since 2011:
+ Inclusion of the research data produced by the JRC under
the re-use regime
+ Measures to improve the implementation of the Decision
+ A provision on the move towards machine-readable
The Commission invites other EU institutions to
adopt a similar re-use policy
9. PSI Directive: current rules & current problems
A minimal set of rules on fair competition, transparency
and practical requirements but no right to re-use public
data Lack of information about available data, about
terms of re-use, complicated licensing procedures; data
available in formats hindering re-use
A very permissive charging ceiling instances of
prohibitive charging
Since 2003 much improvement but "PSI culture" still in the
10. Revision of the Directive main proposed changes
Creation of a genuine right to re-use public data: all public data not
specifically excluded from re-use is to be re-usable
Charging rules are amended:
Tariff ceiling lowered to marginal costs
In exceptional cases possibility to recover costs and claim a reasonable
return on investment if duly justified
Burden of proving compliance with charging rules shifts to public bodies
Independent supervision (at MS level) of application of the rules is
Limited extension of scope application of the minimal set of rules
of the 2003 Directive with additional safeguards 10
11. How to re-use government data?
Combination of different types of data
(e.g. geo, traffic and tourism)
EU-wide applications and services
Capitalise on the size of the internal market
Systems that facilitate decision making by
12. Main elements of the data cycle (2)
Multilingual (Open) Data infrastructure
- Development of European Digital Service Infrastructure and
fostering new services in relation to
- Open Data portals at local, regional and national and
European level
- "Multilingual access to online services"
- Leading by best practice examples
13. the European data portals
European Commission data portal (2012)
Pan-European open data portal (2013)
Multilingual access point to data from across the EU, to
be funded through CEF (Connecting Facility for Europe)
Interoperability of datasets
Easy to find across languages
Similar basic use conditions
15. 2012-2020: EU wide Open Data
CEF: Sustainable model
2013:prototype implementation
Access to digital resources for financing the
of a pan-European of the CEF
of European Heritage EU public digital
Open Data Portal Open Data
Europeana library Europeana
16. Financing and support measures for open data
Hackatons and competitions to foster setting up of
data portals and applications: prizes, FP7 and CIP funding
Pan-European data portal: single access point to
datasets from across the EU, expected launch 2013
(building upon FP7 funded R&D work)
Support for inception phase (2012-2013): CIP calls
Progressive implementation of Open Data
Infrastructure (2014-2020): Connecting Europe Facility
17. CEF* digital service infrastructure for data
Core service platform
Distributed system
Query and visualization tools
Open source
Governance model involving the data providers
Generic services
Aggregation of datasets
Interoperability of datasets
Interface to open data infrastructures in third countries
Data repositories and long-term preservation services
*expected total funds for ICT/Digital: 9.2 billion
18. Main elements of the data cycle (3)
Supporting Research and innovation which fosters the
intelligent use, management and reuse of complex and large
amount of data
- better decision making
- efficiency
- knowledge management
- extraction of embedded intelligence and data insights.
- R&D in Multilingual data and content analytics
- Innovation in Data driven intelligence and knowledge
management in data intensive sectors
19. Financing and support measures of R&D
enhancing new data-handling technologies:
2011-2013: ~ 100 million
one of priority areas envisaged for ICT in Horizon 2020
Support of community building and exchange
Initiation of European Data Forum and roadmapping
to foster the growth of the data economy
20. Outlook - Horizon 2020
Period from 2014 until 2020
40% budgetary increase (Commission proposal)
Administrative simplification: simpler funding rules;
Open, light and fast schemes
Higher integration between R&D and innovation
"Data" will have even more importance
21. Conclusion
Big data has the future: OGD is part of it
Applications and services + re-use
Open data strategy: towards a better use
of publicly funded data in Europe
European digital service infrastructure for
data will help unleashing the potential