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dwightEitzen aia
design portfolio
dwightEitzen aia

I have been involved in architecture since 1993 and I
hold licenses in Colorado as well as Wisconsin. I am a
creative, organized, inventive person who values
integrity who meets challenges in innovative and
adaptive ways.
My background is diverse, both in experience and
education. I have been involved in projects from
schematic design to construction documents, as well
as consultation. I completed an internship in a
German practice in the summer of 2001.
Ive worked on projects on two continents and have
used AutoCAD and BIM (building information
modeling) CAD programs extensively. I can work well
independently as well as part of a team.
I completed my masters studies at the University of
Cambridge in England, with a focus of cooperation
and coordination between disciplines. I also hold a
BA in communications and studied architecture at
the University of Minnesota.
dwightEitzen aia


POSITION OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER                                  Designer, Consultant, Project Architect               1999 
        I help firms bring creative and innovative solutions to     2009 / Monument, CO/M端llheim, Germany
        building and design challenges, providing perspective       Consolidated design teams over considerable distances
        and big picture focus to the team and making complex        overcoming numerous communication challenges. Worked in
        information manageable.                                     cross-cultural settings, on centuries old buildings and new
                                                                    construction in more than eight countries. Functioned as part of
REGISTRATION                                                        the Leadership Team, helping manage a group of ten people.
        Hold current licenses in Colorado (400522) and                    The challenge was to move the organization from an
        Wisconsin (9165-5).                                                entrepreneurial venture to an organized, stable,
                                                                           sustainable model. I led a team that established
WORK EXPERIENCE                                                            consistent company standards and a new management
Architect                                                                  system resulting in a clear organizational structure that
           2009 - present / Denver, CO                                     allowed groups greater autonomy and interdependence.
Serving as project architect, team support, production
management, meeting with clients and coordinating with project            The challenge was a deficiency of project standards and
teams.                                                                     consistent design consultants. I helped with the
    The lack of production staff to develop working drawings              implementation of consistent department standards and
        has afforded me the opportunity to work with other                 participated in software decisions as well as recruiting
        architects as a contractor. This has allowed them to               project consultants. The result was consistency in
        market other projects and meet with clients. I have                project standards and increased partnership with other
        assembled drawing sets with little supervision, providing          design professionals.
        customer satisfaction and satisfying local building
        authorities.                                                      Although we had a talented staff, there was a lack of
                                                                           projects. I helped develop a marketing strategy that
       A design scheme was needed for a client who has 35                 included networking, newsletters and a web presence.
        acres, but not much of an idea of what to do with it.              As a result of increased web traffic and networking
        Through a series of client meetings, I developed a                 efforts, our actions increased our project and client base
        program and several schemes, resulting in ideas that               significantly.
        met their needs and desires, challenging them to
        advance the project.                                              Communicating with clients sufficiently was a significant
                                                                           challenge. I improved the delivery methods of our project
ET design Group                                                            process, insuring ample communication and a steady
                                                                           stream of progress drawings were provided. The result
was consistent, high quality project delivery and our
        clients recommended us to others in need of design            SELECTED PROJECTS
                                                                      Corporate & Administration:
Elness Swenson Graham Architects                                           Gentle Touch Animal Hospital, Denver, CO (new
Intern Architect/Job Captain                                               Various in-house projects for Greater Europe Missions
                 Minneapolis, MN                                              Home Office, Monument, CO (remodel of original
     Served as Job Captain on a variety of projects. Gained                  building c. 1980s)
        experience in a number of disciplines from corporate               International Mission Board Regional Accounting Center
        architecture to educational facilities in diverse materials           office, L旦rrach, Germany (tenant improvement)
        from wood to steel and concrete.                                   Black Forest Christian Fellowship offices, Kandern,
                                                                              Germany (adaptive re-use, original building c. mid-
Symmes Maini & McKee Associates                                               1800s)
Draftsperson/Intern Architect                                              Greater Europe Mission office renovations, Kandern,
                 Minneapolis, MN                                              Germany (adaptive re-use of original building c. 1970s)
     Experience gained in advanced technology and                            and M端llheim, Germany (adaptive re-use, original
        commercial architecture. Served as discipline                         building c. 1880s)
        representative on CAD Standards committee.                         Imation World Headquarters, Oakdale, MN (new
                                                                              construction Architecture Minnesota Nov/Dec 1998)
Miller Dunwiddie Architects                                                Westridge Market, Minneapolis, MN (new construction)
Draftsperson                                                               Smith Barney office renovations, various locations
                 Minneapolis, MN                                              throughout the United States (tenant improvement)
     Worked on a variety of projects including historical            Liturgical:
        restoration, airport sound abatement, and construction             Grosvenor Road Baptist Church, Dublin, Ireland
        on new and existing commercial structures.                            (remodel and adapt original building c.1865)
                                                                           Livjisglaedje Church, Landskrona, Sweden (remodel of
EDUCATION                                                                     1950s modern building)
University of Cambridge, England                                           Baptist Church, Misco Srdica, Croatia (new construction)
       MSt., Interdisciplinary Design, with a focus on project             Design study for church of 1500; incorporating a school
       integration, discipline interaction and coordination with              (grades 1-12), coffee shop and kiosk, Warsaw, Poland
       the goal of successful project implementation and              Educational:
       completion.                                                         Black Forest Academy library, Kandern, Germany
                                                                              (adaptive re-use, original building c. 1700s)
Point Loma University, San Diego                                           Augsburg College library remodel and student housing,
       B.A., Applied Communications, focusing on various                      Minneapolis, MN
       communication theories and methods.                                 Hale Elementary School gymnasium and community
                                                                              center addition, Minneapolis, MN
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis                                  Civic:
       Architecture coursework at the University of Minnesota              Anoka County Airport maintenance building, Anoka Co.
       following technical training at the Minneapolis Drafting               MN (new construction)
       School where I received a certificate in                            Mayors office renovation, Minneapolis, MN (historic
       Architectural/Structural Drafting.                                     preservation, original building c. 1890s)
  Burnsville Transit Hub, Burnsville, MN (new                        Learned techniques and practiced traditional graphic
       construction)                                                       presentation.
Miscellaneous:                                                          Used various media including pen, colored pencil and
    Adapted a 19th century stone barn into apartments and                 marker.
       office space, working in conjunction with a German           Juror CU Boulder, Architecture Studio
       architect, Kandern, Germany (adaptive re-use, original           Offered critical and constructive direction to third year
       building c.1835)                                                    architecture students.
    Sports Hall, Newcastle, Northern Ireland (new                  Lindemer Gottschalk Architekten Internship, L旦rrach,
       construction)                                                Germany
    Discovery Center, Holsby Brunn, Sweden (adaptive re-               Participated in schematic design and design
       use, original building c. late 1800s)                              development for several residences.
    Conversion of brick water tower to radio station, Mazury,          Estimated projects.
       Poland (adaptive re-use, original building c. 1830s)
    Drewstown House, County Meath, Ireland. Served as              ACCOMPLISHMENTS
       consultant and drew as-built drawings of an 18th century     Newell Design Studio, Denver, CO
       manor house, making design recommendations to                     Responsibilities included project coordination.
       satisfy both historical society and meet current fire code        CAD drafting.
       regulations.                                                      Supply and material organization and procurement.
                                                                         Assisted others in all aspects of building one-of-a-kind
COMPETENCIES                                                               high-end custom furniture. Clients included the Trump
BIM/CAD Competency                                                         Taj Mahal and HBA/Hirsch Bedner Associates for
    Have worked in Revit, AutoCad, ArchiCad, AllPlan and                  residence Antillia in Mumbai.
       SketchUp.                                                    Freiburg Volkshochschule, Freiburg, Germany
Mike Lin Graphic Workshop, Manhattan, KS                                 Completed intermediate coursework.
                                                                         Achieved competency certification in mid-level German.
dwightEitzen aia
Adaptive Re-use, Kandern, Germany

The attic space of this building
(parts of it dating back to the
1700s) was slated for storage
space. One look at the arc of
the    beams      inspired    the
imaginations of all who saw
the space. It was adapted to
be used as a library for a small
school in rural Germany. The
trick to this project was
arranging the spaces so the
stacks were over a part of the
building that could handle the
loads required by numerous
dwightEitzen aia
Imation World Headquarters, Oakdale, Minnesota

This was a great project
and it was great to be a
part of the project
team. The building was
eventually published in
Architecture Minnesota.
The schedule was tight
and the drawing sets
massive, but the end
result was very pleasing
for everyone involved in
the project.
dwightEitzen aia
Entry Addition Study, Croatia

This project was well underway
before we came on board.
However,      there    was     no
distinguishing entry to this small
rural church. The goal was to
not only give the entry clarity,
but also make it inviting. The
desire was to keep the scale
small and to avoid the
traditional iconic feeling that is
associated with church.
dwightEitzen aia
various hand renderings

These are examples of work
done over the past few years.
Pen, markers and colored
pencils were used.
dwightEitzen aia
Adaptive Re-use of water tower, Poland

 This structure started its life in
 the early 1900s as a water
 tower, serving a rural town in
 As the town grew and water
 needs change, the tower sat
 largely abandoned until it was
 purchased by a radio station.
 We were approached to
 develop a scheme whereby
 the tower could be uses not
 only for broadcasting, but also
 have a small apartment for
 visiting radio hosts, a coffee
 shop and visitors center.

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Dwight Eitzen Cv Portfolio

  • 2. dwightEitzen aia profile I have been involved in architecture since 1993 and I hold licenses in Colorado as well as Wisconsin. I am a creative, organized, inventive person who values integrity who meets challenges in innovative and adaptive ways. My background is diverse, both in experience and education. I have been involved in projects from schematic design to construction documents, as well as consultation. I completed an internship in a German practice in the summer of 2001. Ive worked on projects on two continents and have used AutoCAD and BIM (building information modeling) CAD programs extensively. I can work well independently as well as part of a team. I completed my masters studies at the University of Cambridge in England, with a focus of cooperation and coordination between disciplines. I also hold a BA in communications and studied architecture at the University of Minnesota.
  • 3. dwightEitzen aia resume de243@dwighteitzen.com 720.381.8995 POSITION OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER Designer, Consultant, Project Architect 1999 I help firms bring creative and innovative solutions to 2009 / Monument, CO/M端llheim, Germany building and design challenges, providing perspective Consolidated design teams over considerable distances and big picture focus to the team and making complex overcoming numerous communication challenges. Worked in information manageable. cross-cultural settings, on centuries old buildings and new construction in more than eight countries. Functioned as part of REGISTRATION the Leadership Team, helping manage a group of ten people. Hold current licenses in Colorado (400522) and The challenge was to move the organization from an Wisconsin (9165-5). entrepreneurial venture to an organized, stable, sustainable model. I led a team that established WORK EXPERIENCE consistent company standards and a new management Architect system resulting in a clear organizational structure that 2009 - present / Denver, CO allowed groups greater autonomy and interdependence. Serving as project architect, team support, production management, meeting with clients and coordinating with project The challenge was a deficiency of project standards and teams. consistent design consultants. I helped with the The lack of production staff to develop working drawings implementation of consistent department standards and has afforded me the opportunity to work with other participated in software decisions as well as recruiting architects as a contractor. This has allowed them to project consultants. The result was consistency in market other projects and meet with clients. I have project standards and increased partnership with other assembled drawing sets with little supervision, providing design professionals. customer satisfaction and satisfying local building authorities. Although we had a talented staff, there was a lack of projects. I helped develop a marketing strategy that A design scheme was needed for a client who has 35 included networking, newsletters and a web presence. acres, but not much of an idea of what to do with it. As a result of increased web traffic and networking Through a series of client meetings, I developed a efforts, our actions increased our project and client base program and several schemes, resulting in ideas that significantly. met their needs and desires, challenging them to advance the project. Communicating with clients sufficiently was a significant challenge. I improved the delivery methods of our project ET design Group process, insuring ample communication and a steady stream of progress drawings were provided. The result
  • 4. was consistent, high quality project delivery and our clients recommended us to others in need of design SELECTED PROJECTS services. Corporate & Administration: Elness Swenson Graham Architects Gentle Touch Animal Hospital, Denver, CO (new construction) Intern Architect/Job Captain Various in-house projects for Greater Europe Missions Minneapolis, MN Home Office, Monument, CO (remodel of original Served as Job Captain on a variety of projects. Gained building c. 1980s) experience in a number of disciplines from corporate International Mission Board Regional Accounting Center architecture to educational facilities in diverse materials office, L旦rrach, Germany (tenant improvement) from wood to steel and concrete. Black Forest Christian Fellowship offices, Kandern, Germany (adaptive re-use, original building c. mid- Symmes Maini & McKee Associates 1800s) Draftsperson/Intern Architect Greater Europe Mission office renovations, Kandern, Minneapolis, MN Germany (adaptive re-use of original building c. 1970s) Experience gained in advanced technology and and M端llheim, Germany (adaptive re-use, original commercial architecture. Served as discipline building c. 1880s) representative on CAD Standards committee. Imation World Headquarters, Oakdale, MN (new construction Architecture Minnesota Nov/Dec 1998) Miller Dunwiddie Architects Westridge Market, Minneapolis, MN (new construction) Draftsperson Smith Barney office renovations, various locations Minneapolis, MN throughout the United States (tenant improvement) Worked on a variety of projects including historical Liturgical: restoration, airport sound abatement, and construction Grosvenor Road Baptist Church, Dublin, Ireland on new and existing commercial structures. (remodel and adapt original building c.1865) Livjisglaedje Church, Landskrona, Sweden (remodel of EDUCATION 1950s modern building) University of Cambridge, England Baptist Church, Misco Srdica, Croatia (new construction) MSt., Interdisciplinary Design, with a focus on project Design study for church of 1500; incorporating a school integration, discipline interaction and coordination with (grades 1-12), coffee shop and kiosk, Warsaw, Poland the goal of successful project implementation and Educational: completion. Black Forest Academy library, Kandern, Germany (adaptive re-use, original building c. 1700s) Point Loma University, San Diego Augsburg College library remodel and student housing, B.A., Applied Communications, focusing on various Minneapolis, MN communication theories and methods. Hale Elementary School gymnasium and community center addition, Minneapolis, MN University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Civic: Architecture coursework at the University of Minnesota Anoka County Airport maintenance building, Anoka Co. following technical training at the Minneapolis Drafting MN (new construction) School where I received a certificate in Mayors office renovation, Minneapolis, MN (historic Architectural/Structural Drafting. preservation, original building c. 1890s)
  • 5. Burnsville Transit Hub, Burnsville, MN (new Learned techniques and practiced traditional graphic construction) presentation. Miscellaneous: Used various media including pen, colored pencil and Adapted a 19th century stone barn into apartments and marker. office space, working in conjunction with a German Juror CU Boulder, Architecture Studio architect, Kandern, Germany (adaptive re-use, original Offered critical and constructive direction to third year building c.1835) architecture students. Sports Hall, Newcastle, Northern Ireland (new Lindemer Gottschalk Architekten Internship, L旦rrach, construction) Germany Discovery Center, Holsby Brunn, Sweden (adaptive re- Participated in schematic design and design use, original building c. late 1800s) development for several residences. Conversion of brick water tower to radio station, Mazury, Estimated projects. Poland (adaptive re-use, original building c. 1830s) Drewstown House, County Meath, Ireland. Served as ACCOMPLISHMENTS consultant and drew as-built drawings of an 18th century Newell Design Studio, Denver, CO manor house, making design recommendations to Responsibilities included project coordination. satisfy both historical society and meet current fire code CAD drafting. regulations. Supply and material organization and procurement. Assisted others in all aspects of building one-of-a-kind COMPETENCIES high-end custom furniture. Clients included the Trump BIM/CAD Competency Taj Mahal and HBA/Hirsch Bedner Associates for Have worked in Revit, AutoCad, ArchiCad, AllPlan and residence Antillia in Mumbai. SketchUp. Freiburg Volkshochschule, Freiburg, Germany Mike Lin Graphic Workshop, Manhattan, KS Completed intermediate coursework. Achieved competency certification in mid-level German.
  • 6. dwightEitzen aia Adaptive Re-use, Kandern, Germany The attic space of this building (parts of it dating back to the 1700s) was slated for storage space. One look at the arc of the beams inspired the imaginations of all who saw the space. It was adapted to be used as a library for a small school in rural Germany. The trick to this project was arranging the spaces so the stacks were over a part of the building that could handle the loads required by numerous books.
  • 7. dwightEitzen aia Imation World Headquarters, Oakdale, Minnesota This was a great project and it was great to be a part of the project team. The building was eventually published in Architecture Minnesota. The schedule was tight and the drawing sets massive, but the end result was very pleasing for everyone involved in the project.
  • 8. dwightEitzen aia Entry Addition Study, Croatia This project was well underway before we came on board. However, there was no distinguishing entry to this small rural church. The goal was to not only give the entry clarity, but also make it inviting. The desire was to keep the scale small and to avoid the traditional iconic feeling that is associated with church.
  • 9. dwightEitzen aia various hand renderings These are examples of work done over the past few years. Pen, markers and colored pencils were used.
  • 10. dwightEitzen aia Adaptive Re-use of water tower, Poland This structure started its life in the early 1900s as a water tower, serving a rural town in Poland. As the town grew and water needs change, the tower sat largely abandoned until it was purchased by a radio station. We were approached to develop a scheme whereby the tower could be uses not only for broadcasting, but also have a small apartment for visiting radio hosts, a coffee shop and visitors center.