Internet safetyDan TomlinsonThe document discusses various internet safety risks like viruses, spyware, identity theft, and online predators. It provides tips for staying safe online such as strengthening computer defenses, using strong and unique passwords, protecting personal information, and monitoring children's internet usage. Resources are also included to help users learn more about internet safety and get help with problems.
AdwareAvani PatelAdware is a type of malware that displays unwanted advertisements through pop-up windows and changes to browsers. It can be installed through free software or security vulnerabilities and is often used to collect personal information. Symptoms of adware include unexpected ads and pop-ups. To remove adware, users should back up files, scan their device with antivirus software containing an adware removal tool, and use antivirus software to prevent future infections.
Cyberbullyingkgoldberg01This document discusses cyberbullying, defining it as intentionally humiliating or threatening others online or through digital devices. It describes common forms of cyberbullying like harassment, humiliation, and impersonation. Cyberbullying can be direct through messages, threats, or stealing profiles, or indirect by spreading rumors online or voting in humiliating polls. Warning signs of being cyberbullied include mood changes, withdrawing from activities, and anxiety around digital devices. The document provides statistics on how common cyberbullying is and prevention tips for teens to educate themselves and use secure passwords and accounts.
Information security awareness - 101mateenzeroThe document provides information on information security awareness and basic training. It covers topics such as why information security is important, data classification, the 90/10 rule of security, phishing, email attachments, spam, passwords, malware, internet safety, public Wi-Fi, IoT devices, HTTPS, web content filtering, and search engine safety. The document provides tips and explanations for each topic to help improve user security practices.
Primjerena i odgovorna uporaba internetaPogled kroz prozorNaslov: Primjerena i odgovorna uporaba interneta
Autorica: Ana Zoraja
Mentor: Alenka Šimić
OŠ kneza Branimira
What Is Spyware?LookoutSpyware is a kind of malware on both PCs and mobile devices that collects a broad amount of data about a person or organization without their knowledge.
IT Security DOs and DON'Ts Sophos If you don't already have a security training program, this presentation is a great tool for a new hire orientation or company-wide meeting. It includes all of our top 10 tips, plus examples of relevant news stories to drive home the point. You can customize it to include your own tips or insert individual slides in other presentations.
Download a customizable PPT here:
Internet safety tips for kids and teensSearchLockTechnology has progressed so fast that life and technology are now intertwined. Kids are now introduced to technology as early as a year old or maybe even younger. Soon they will come to know about social media websites and it is the duty of their parents to teach them about privacy, security, and what information to show on the internet.
Social media privacy and safetySarah K MillerBasic tips for staying safe and protecting personal privacy on popular social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Designed for casual users of social media.
itEraLesson3. .pptxalvindalejoyosa1- The document discusses online safety, security, and netiquette rules. It provides guidance on safe practices for using the internet and interacting with others online, including not sharing personal information, using strong passwords, keeping software updated, and being polite and respectful in online communications. Specific risks of sharing different types of personal details are outlined. Common types of online threats like malware, phishing and cyberbullying are also defined. The importance of privacy policies and digital etiquette are emphasized.
The Trojan Horse (Computing)Angel SophieA Trojan horse is a destructive program that masquerades as a benign application. It does not replicate like viruses but can still cause damage. Trojan horses are classified based on how they breach systems and the damage they cause. The main types are remote access Trojans, data sending Trojans, destructive Trojans, proxy Trojans, FTP Trojans, security software disabler Trojans, and DoS attack Trojans. People can protect themselves by not opening emails from unknown senders, using antivirus software, and disconnecting from the internet if infected.
How To Protect From MalwareINFONAUTICS GmbHWhat is malware? How can I protect myself against malware on my computer? Helpful tips and information about computer Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Ransomware, Scareware, Spyware, Adware and Phishing mails.
Mobile securityMphasisIn this presentation, Sowmya presents an interesting application that finds malware/viruses in mobile platforms through the use of data mining techniques
Basic Security Training for End UsersCommunity IT InnovatorsThis month, Community IT presents basic IT security training for end users. Learn about common threats and the best techniques for dealing with them. This webinar is intended for a broad audience of both technical and non-technical staff.
Computer viruses and anti viruses by sasikumarsasikumr sagabalaThis document provides an overview of computer viruses, including what they are, who creates them, how they work, types of viruses, and prevention methods. It defines a computer virus as a program that can copy itself and infect computers without permission. It discusses how virus writers create virus code and the effects of virus infections. The major sections cover virus definition, creation, types (e.g. boot sector, file infector, macro), how they work, examples (Melissa, I Love You), and prevention through anti-virus software.
Cyber crime & securitypinkutinku26Cyber crime & security
If we can defeat them sitting at home……who needs to fight with tanks and guns!!!!
Cyber Crime
- What Is Cyber Crime?
- Types Of Cyber Crime
Cyber Security
- What Is Cyber Security?
- Top Seven Cyber Safety Actions
- Cyber Safety At Work & Home
This tutorial provides some basic information about “Cyber Crime” and practical suggestions for protecting your personal information and computer from cyber-attacks i.e. “Cyber Security”!!!
What Is Cyber Crime ?
Cybercrime is nothing but where the computer used as an object or subject of crime!
Crime committed using a computer and the internet to steal a person’s identity!!
Internet safetyDan TomlinsonThe document discusses various internet safety risks like viruses, spyware, identity theft, and online predators. It provides tips for staying safe online such as strengthening computer defenses, using strong and unique passwords, protecting personal information, and monitoring children's internet usage. Resources are also included to help users learn more about internet safety and get help with problems.
AdwareAvani PatelAdware is a type of malware that displays unwanted advertisements through pop-up windows and changes to browsers. It can be installed through free software or security vulnerabilities and is often used to collect personal information. Symptoms of adware include unexpected ads and pop-ups. To remove adware, users should back up files, scan their device with antivirus software containing an adware removal tool, and use antivirus software to prevent future infections.
Cyberbullyingkgoldberg01This document discusses cyberbullying, defining it as intentionally humiliating or threatening others online or through digital devices. It describes common forms of cyberbullying like harassment, humiliation, and impersonation. Cyberbullying can be direct through messages, threats, or stealing profiles, or indirect by spreading rumors online or voting in humiliating polls. Warning signs of being cyberbullied include mood changes, withdrawing from activities, and anxiety around digital devices. The document provides statistics on how common cyberbullying is and prevention tips for teens to educate themselves and use secure passwords and accounts.
Information security awareness - 101mateenzeroThe document provides information on information security awareness and basic training. It covers topics such as why information security is important, data classification, the 90/10 rule of security, phishing, email attachments, spam, passwords, malware, internet safety, public Wi-Fi, IoT devices, HTTPS, web content filtering, and search engine safety. The document provides tips and explanations for each topic to help improve user security practices.
Primjerena i odgovorna uporaba internetaPogled kroz prozorNaslov: Primjerena i odgovorna uporaba interneta
Autorica: Ana Zoraja
Mentor: Alenka Šimić
OŠ kneza Branimira
What Is Spyware?LookoutSpyware is a kind of malware on both PCs and mobile devices that collects a broad amount of data about a person or organization without their knowledge.
IT Security DOs and DON'Ts Sophos If you don't already have a security training program, this presentation is a great tool for a new hire orientation or company-wide meeting. It includes all of our top 10 tips, plus examples of relevant news stories to drive home the point. You can customize it to include your own tips or insert individual slides in other presentations.
Download a customizable PPT here:
Internet safety tips for kids and teensSearchLockTechnology has progressed so fast that life and technology are now intertwined. Kids are now introduced to technology as early as a year old or maybe even younger. Soon they will come to know about social media websites and it is the duty of their parents to teach them about privacy, security, and what information to show on the internet.
Social media privacy and safetySarah K MillerBasic tips for staying safe and protecting personal privacy on popular social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Designed for casual users of social media.
itEraLesson3. .pptxalvindalejoyosa1- The document discusses online safety, security, and netiquette rules. It provides guidance on safe practices for using the internet and interacting with others online, including not sharing personal information, using strong passwords, keeping software updated, and being polite and respectful in online communications. Specific risks of sharing different types of personal details are outlined. Common types of online threats like malware, phishing and cyberbullying are also defined. The importance of privacy policies and digital etiquette are emphasized.
The Trojan Horse (Computing)Angel SophieA Trojan horse is a destructive program that masquerades as a benign application. It does not replicate like viruses but can still cause damage. Trojan horses are classified based on how they breach systems and the damage they cause. The main types are remote access Trojans, data sending Trojans, destructive Trojans, proxy Trojans, FTP Trojans, security software disabler Trojans, and DoS attack Trojans. People can protect themselves by not opening emails from unknown senders, using antivirus software, and disconnecting from the internet if infected.
How To Protect From MalwareINFONAUTICS GmbHWhat is malware? How can I protect myself against malware on my computer? Helpful tips and information about computer Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Ransomware, Scareware, Spyware, Adware and Phishing mails.
Mobile securityMphasisIn this presentation, Sowmya presents an interesting application that finds malware/viruses in mobile platforms through the use of data mining techniques
Basic Security Training for End UsersCommunity IT InnovatorsThis month, Community IT presents basic IT security training for end users. Learn about common threats and the best techniques for dealing with them. This webinar is intended for a broad audience of both technical and non-technical staff.
Computer viruses and anti viruses by sasikumarsasikumr sagabalaThis document provides an overview of computer viruses, including what they are, who creates them, how they work, types of viruses, and prevention methods. It defines a computer virus as a program that can copy itself and infect computers without permission. It discusses how virus writers create virus code and the effects of virus infections. The major sections cover virus definition, creation, types (e.g. boot sector, file infector, macro), how they work, examples (Melissa, I Love You), and prevention through anti-virus software.
Cyber crime & securitypinkutinku26Cyber crime & security
If we can defeat them sitting at home……who needs to fight with tanks and guns!!!!
Cyber Crime
- What Is Cyber Crime?
- Types Of Cyber Crime
Cyber Security
- What Is Cyber Security?
- Top Seven Cyber Safety Actions
- Cyber Safety At Work & Home
This tutorial provides some basic information about “Cyber Crime” and practical suggestions for protecting your personal information and computer from cyber-attacks i.e. “Cyber Security”!!!
What Is Cyber Crime ?
Cybercrime is nothing but where the computer used as an object or subject of crime!
Crime committed using a computer and the internet to steal a person’s identity!!
Prezentacja o Florencji.pptxsp2zabkiFlorence is a city in central Italy known for its art and architecture. It is the capital of the Tuscany region and is home to over 368,000 people. Some of Florence's most famous landmarks include the Ponte Vecchio bridge, the Piazza della Signoria square, and the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. Florence also produced many renowned artists and thinkers, such as Michelangelo, Dante, and Machiavelli. The city attracts millions of tourists each year to experience its cultural treasures and rich history.
UK and Scotlandsp2zabkiThe United Kingdom is a country made up of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. It is located off the northwestern coast of Europe. London is the capital of the UK, whose official language is English and currency is the British pound. Scotland is one of the constituent countries of the UK, located in the northern part of the island of Great Britain. Its capital is Edinburgh, though Glasgow is the largest city. Famous Scottish symbols include kilts, bagpipes, and Scotch whiskey.
2. Dzień Bezpiecznego Internetu (DBI) obchodzony jest z inicjatywy
Komisji Europejskiej od 2004 roku i ma na celu inicjowanie i
propagowanie działań na rzecz bezpiecznego dostępu dzieci i
młodzieży do zasobów internetowych. W Polsce Dzień Bezpiecznego
Internetu od 2005 roku organizowany jest przez Fundację Dzieci
Niczyje oraz Naukową i Akademicką Sieć Komputerową (NASK) –
realizatorów unijnego programu Safer Internet. Głównym partnerem
wydarzenia jest Fundacja Orange.
3. Dzień bezpiecznego internetu DBI w Polsce odbył się 9
lutego 2016 r.
Hasłem DBI w 2016 r. było „Lepszy internet zależy od
Co oznacza że od Nas zależy jaki będzie internet .
4. 1. Hasło powinno być odpowiednio długie, co oznacza,
że powinno mieć co najmniej 8 znaków. Ideałem
będzie takie, które posiada około 14 znaków, każdy
dodatkowy znak zwiększa siłę hasła. Ponadto, jeżeli
system na to pozwala możemy w haśle stosować spacje.
W ten sposób tworzą się frazy złożone z kilku słów,
które są trudniejsze do odgadnięcia, a jednocześnie są
łatwe do zapamiętania.
2. Do budowania hasła dobrze jest stosować
różnorodne znaki. Im bardziej różnorodne znaki tym
trudniejsze do odgadnięcia hasło, ( znaki to: litery,
cyfry i symbole),