The document discusses combining security and usability for eBanking solutions. It emphasizes that security solutions will only succeed if customers find them easy to use. It recommends focusing on user friendliness to minimize support needs, using consistent designs across different devices that customers already know, and establishing smooth migration plans when transitioning to new solutions. The overall message is that security and usability should go hand in hand for customer satisfaction.
2. 05
Combine security with usability
• Your security solution will only be a
success if your customers think so.
• You want to outwit the bad guys, not
your customers.
3. 05
Accessibility and user friendliness
• User friendliness minimize the the need for
customer support.
• Different users have different needs.
4. 05
Different devices with consistent design
• What devices you choose depends on
what is important to both you and your
• Different devices for different customer
• Customers already familiar with the
general design will require less support.
5. 05
Consistency in online channels
• Moving from the old interface to the new
one, your customers will look for the
• Analyze what needs to be changed and
what can be kept; then make the
necessary adjustments.
• Make sure the user experience is
consistent and familiar all the way from the
device to the channel interface.
6. 05
A smooth migration to the new solution
• The very move from an old solution to a
new one can be critical to its success.
• Establish a migration plan to ease your
customers into the new solution.
• Allow for the old and new solution to be
used in parallel for a while.
7. Want to know more?
eBankingSecurity is your guide towards a more reliable
and strategiceBankingsecurity solution. The seminar
series, the guide book and the website with
it’sthoughtprovokingblogs and in-depthknowledge are all
there to help you start asking the right questions and
making the right choices.
Visit to findoutmore!
8. Every bank has itsowncharacteristics: different customers, different
requirements, different languages and different cultures. One
sizedoes not fit all. Ezio Suite is the mostcomprehensive, versatile
and easy-to-implementeBankingSecurity solution is designed to
mitigateeven the mostadvanced attacks, as well as the
mostcommonmistakes by endusers. It’seasier
to deploy, easier to use and simpler to upgrade
as your needschange.
9. The Ezio Way is a 9 step process helping banks
succeed with their Ezio implementation, and get the
best out of the
mostcompleteeBankingSecurityoffering on the
market, Gemalto’s Ezio Suite.
On the EzioWaywebsite you get detailedinsights from
experiencedprofessionals, quickinterviews and
educational films as well as eyeopeningoverviews on
a number of interestingtopics