2. What E-books mean for writersWhats happening?Why does it matter?The new world of publishingHow can writers react?What wont changeThings to think about
22. One writers experienceSells 6 books / dayVery active in indie book communityTargets Amazon & Smashwords marketsMarket wont come to youAgents starting to callRachel Thompson
24. A publishers perspectiveNo longer vanity onlystigma royaltiesLess control of format for author & publisherDont forget lovers of paper booksMarketing platform a necessity
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----reading is upoverall sales are up
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----but sectors are struggling and it's not "business as usual"
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----sketch of me examining the proofs of my first book
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----traditional process - and could add many others
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----reality is e-books sales are all over the map - with no logicno obvious tie between production cost and retail cost
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----e-book experience will continue to improve
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----Kerouac's On The Roadshow my iPad
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----agents say she needs to be in the "few hundred sales per month" category to interest traditional publishers
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----find your tribeor start your tribe
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----Friesen Press - offshoot of long time high quality printing press Friesen Printing in Manitoba
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----can ignore trendscan freek out and protestcan embrace the change
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----again: sectors within the book market will be radically changed
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-09 14:07) -----different rate for e-booksbased on retail not netwhen rights revert to writer----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----see my blog post for more
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----Amazon has much larger share of e-book market than paper marketKobo (Chapters)iBooks (Apple)
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----many how-to guides and services out thereSmashwords probably most prominentDavid Weedmark
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----need to find your balancefrom complete D-I-Y to reliance on traditional publisher
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----my point on the spectrum - wanted to get a new Selected Poems to market quickly because older books are out of printLulu - not officially released yet
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----Challenges of page layout on e-readers where reader is able to change font size etcline breaks look entirely randomthere are work-arounds
----- Meeting Notes (11-09-10 08:01) -----the paper copy still feels great in the handironically, the paper copy was ready first