The Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) is a voluntary register for fitness professionals in the UK. It currently has over 28,500 members across various exercise categories. REPs aims to ensure exercise professionals are knowledgeable and qualified to promote public health and safety. Key features of REPs include industry-agreed standards for qualifications, a quality assurance process for certifications, and a requirement for continual professional development. REPs is working to further professionalize the industry through revising entry requirements, improving quality assurance processes, and increasing public awareness of the register.
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1. REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS The Register of Exercise Professionals February 2011 eLF Project Rome Work Package 6
2. REPs Mission ‘ To ensure that all exercise professionals are suitably knowledgeable and qualified to safeguard and to promote the health and interests of the people who use their services ’
6. Who can join…? Anyone …. membership is voluntary and entry will be dependant on: Meets the agreed Standards set by SkillsActive (the sector skills council for Active Leisure) Public liability insurance Agreement to REPs Code of Ethical Practice Continual Professional Development (CPD)
7. Checks & Balances Standards define the Knowledge, Competence and Skills to do the job Set by SkillsActive (the sector skills council for Active Leisure) Quality assured/certificated by Government approved Awarding Organisations (AO) Delivered by AO approved training providers Certificates recognised for entry on REPs
8. Government OFQUAL Awarding orgs Training providers Courses that meet Standards Assess/produce instructors SkillsActive Produce NOS REPs Categories Members of REPs Employers
9. Biggest consultation this industry has seen New Structure for REPs entry 4 national employer events 4 national consultation events REPs membership Awarding bodies and training providers Fitness Industry Association Any one with an interest in this industry
10. REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS More people More active More often More professional Our Message…
11. Key features of the REPs structure Clarity and Simplicity: Medical profession Employers Public Governments Media Gain trust and respect of allied health professions
12. Employer Buy In Fitness First Nuffield Virgin Active LA Fitness David Lloyd Training providers
13. Lessons Independence Industry Agreed Standards (employer contribution) Financial support from industry Entry structure (44 categories) Inclusive start, high Provisional status 40% Routes to Full status (hours and witness testimony) Routes for higher education (transcripts)
14. Developments Revised Industry Agreed Standards Rationalised entry structure (21 categories) Low % Provisional status 8% Part of National Vocational Education structure Transparent decision making (expert panels) Decision making framework Routes to Full status Routes for higher education (form) Test centres
15. Developments Customer service promise Member satisfaction survey Standard operating procedures Member support Marketing materials Client log books Insurance Conventions Public awareness materials
16. 5 Key Challenges Understand the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of UK REPs success How can online learning facilitate a better trained and qualified workforce underpinned by registration? How do we build in quality assurance and independent validation of the route to registration to ensure public confidence? How do we secure industry engagement and financial support? The e learning platform and pilot registers must be sufficiently flexible to meet national variations.
17. 5 Key Challenges How can online learning facilitate a better trained and qualified workforce underpinned by registration, for example:? Categories for Entry to the Register? Based on agreed Standards? Knowledge and practical competence assessment? Quality assured? How do we build in quality assurance and independent validation of the route to registration to ensure public confidence? Assessment criteria? Independent assessment? Standardised assessment? Quality assured?
18. 5 Key Challenges How do we secure industry engagement and financial support? Key employers and training providers Medical Profession Governments The e learning platform and pilot registers must be sufficiently flexible to meet national variations. National education frameworks Independent quality badges Provisional Registration Transparent and robust decision making processes Existing instructors
19. Public Awareness Boards/plaques visible in clubs and centres REPs members badges Posters Resources/marketing materials for REPs members Personal Training Log Books Leaflets Referral/business cards Car stickers
23. REPs continues to Raise standards and professionalise the industry Raise the profile of and commitment to REPs across the health, exercise and fitness sectors Increase public awareness – brand awareness Gain trust and respect of allied health professions Improve ‘value’ and create the ‘desire’ for members to be recognised as professionals
24. Further information? Jean-Ann Marnoch, Registrar REPs John Greenway. Chair REPs E-Mail: [email_address] Tel: 020 8686 6464 Thank you