Earthquake C would cause more damage to the house because the effects of an earthquake depend on the distance from the epicenter, with closer earthquakes causing stronger shaking. Earthquake C, being closer to the location of the house, would result in more intense ground shaking and therefore more damage than Earthquake D, which is farther away.
2. Effects of an earthquake
You have a house in
southern California.
Earthquake D and
Earthquake C
happen at the same
time. Which EQ
causes more
damage to your
3. Effects of an earthquake
Effects of an earthquake depend on?
4. Effects of an earthquake
Effects of an EQ depend on:
Distance from epicenter (closer=stronger)
5. Effects of an earthquake
Effects of an earthquake depend on:
Magnitude of EQ measured by 10-point Richter
Scale (higher the number, more energy)
6. Effects of an earthquake
Effects of an earthquake depend on:
Construction material (brittle bricks and clay
damaged more than flexible wood)
7. Effects of an earthquake
Effects of an earthquake depend on:
Type of ground/foundation (loose soil shakes more
than hard material)
8. Effects of an earthquake
Effects of an earthquake depend on:
Height of building (taller=more damage vs one-story