Da130 restorative materialslennythomasThe document discusses the history, composition, use, and procedures for placing dental amalgam and composite restorative materials. It provides details on the components, techniques, and safety precautions for working with amalgam, as well as the etching, bonding, and layering process used for composite restorations. Guidelines are presented for proper isolation, instrumentation, and completion of amalgam and composite restorative procedures.
History and Introduction of Dental materials Drmumtaz IslamThis document discusses dental materials. It begins by defining dental materials as those used for prevention and treatment in dentistry. It notes that studying dental materials is important for providing better patient care. The document then categorizes dental materials as preventive/therapeutic, restorative, or auxiliary. It explains that restorative materials can be primary to slow disease or secondary to restore structure. The document outlines why dental materials are studied, including understanding their behavior, proper handling, evaluating problems and treatments, and educating patients. It provides examples of how different materials behave and should be used. The document concludes with a brief history of dental materials from ancient times to the present.
History Of DentistryNavreet BajwaThe document provides a history of dentistry from ancient civilizations like the Indus Valley (7000 BC) and ancient Egypt (3000 BC) to modern times. It traces the evolution of dentistry as a profession from early practices involving tooth extraction to modern practices like dental fillings, root canals, and the use of anesthesia. Key developments include the establishment of the first dental schools in the 19th century and the formation of national dental organizations to regulate the profession.
Physical properties of dental materials by Dr Mujtaba AshrafDr Mujtaba AshrafThis document discusses the physical properties of dental materials. It begins with an introduction and definition of physical properties. It then discusses various physical properties like hardness, stress and strain, viscosity, creep and flow. It provides details on different hardness tests like Brinell, Knoop, Vickers, Rockwell, Barcol and Shore hardness tests. It also discusses concepts of stress, strain, viscosity and creep. The document concludes with discussing other properties like color and color perception, thermophysical properties, corrosion and types of corrosion.
Dental historyKevin BaldaDentistry has a long history dating back 7,000 years when the first evidence of dental practices were seen. Throughout ancient times and the middle ages, dental treatments were rudimentary with "tooth worms" believed to cause decay and extractions the main procedure performed. The 1700s saw important developments like the first dental forceps and the recognition of dentistry as a distinct medical profession. The 19th century brought advances in anesthesia using nitrous oxide and ether as well as the commercial production of porcelain teeth. The modern era of dentistry began in the late 19th/early 20th century with the discovery of x-rays, innovations in dental materials like amalgam and the founding of major dental organizations worldwide.
Amalgam past,present& future-IAshish ChoudharyThis document provides an overview of the history and properties of dental amalgam. Some key points:
- Dental amalgam has been used for over 165 years, with early references found in Chinese medical texts from the 7th century describing a "silver paste" for filling teeth. Its modern formulation and widespread adoption is largely credited to the work of GV Black in the late 19th century.
- The document outlines the long development of amalgam, from early mixtures of mercury and coins through refinements of alloy composition and setting reactions. It discusses both traditional amalgam alloys and more recent advances in reducing creep and corrosion.
- While amalgam remains a cost-effective material with good longevity, alternatives based on ceramics and
Restorative and esthetic dental materialsSaeed BajafarThe document summarizes key information about restorative and esthetic dental materials. It discusses the American Dental Association standards for new materials, properties materials must have like mechanical strength and how they respond to stress, temperature changes, electricity, corrosion, and their application characteristics. It provides details on direct restorative materials like amalgam, composites, glass ionomers and their uses, composition, placement techniques, and issues.
P101G Automotive ApplicationsMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHMitsubishi Materials offers a wide range of cutting edge technological products
that meet the ever demanding requirements from the Automotive Industry.
Mitsubishi Materials also offers materials
that are frequently used in the Automotive Industry therefore making
it possible to also supply the cutting tools
that are required to machine these particular materials.
A620G Medical ApplicationsMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHThe document discusses various medical applications of tooling, including external turning, drilling, taper hole machining, and profile machining for hip and knee systems using materials like Co-Cr alloys and titanium alloys. It also covers bone plates, screws, spines, and instruments made from materials like titanium alloys and stainless steels. Key information on tool selection, machining parameters, and performance improvements over conventional tools are provided for each application.
A610G Aerospace ApplicationsMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHAre you an Aerospace Manufacturer, products in Mitsubishi Aerospace Application brochure will take your operations to new heights!
E222S DentalMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHEste documento presenta una serie de fresas para la industria dental fabricadas de metal duro. Incluye fresas MSTAR, CRN y DF para mecanizar materiales como óxido de circonio, aleaciones de titanio y plásticos. Proporciona detalles técnicos de cada fresa, como su geometría, recubrimientos, vida útil y aplicaciones recomendadas.
E222I Settore DentaleMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHFrese integrali per la lavorazione di ossido di
zirconio, leghe di titanio, plastiche e cobalto/
cromo, materiali utilizzati nel settore dentale.
E222F DentaireMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHFraises hautes performances pour l’usinage
des matériaux des pièces dentaires comme
l’Oxyde de Zirconium, Alliages Titane,
Plastiques et Chrome-Cobalt.
E222E Dental End MillsMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHHigh performance end mills for machining
dental workpiece materials such as zirconium
oxide, titanium alloys, plastics and cobalt/
E222R DentalMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHВысокопроизводительные фрезы для обработки
стоматологических форм из различных материалов
таких как, диоксид циркония, титановые сплавы,
пластик и кобальт/хром.
Mitsubishi Materials Cutting Tools Division - The companyMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHThe document discusses Mitsubishi's focus on precision, innovation, and materials expertise over its 140-year history which has led to its success in producing high quality tools unmatched around the world. It also outlines Mitsubishi's core philosophies of striving to improve society, conducting business with integrity and transparency, and maintaining a global perspective.
Mitsubishi Materials Cutting Tools Division - Das UnternehmenMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHMitsubishi Materials entwickelt innovativste Werkzeuge von höchster Qualität, Präzision, Funktionalität und unübertroffener Leistung. Wir liefern ein breites Sortiment an Werkzeugen für Das Drehen, Fräsen, Bohren sowie für den Werkzeug- und Formenbau. Unser Anspruch ist es, optimale Lösungen zur Steigerung des Bearbeitungsproduktivität sowie die Erzielung höherer Standzeiten für unsere Kunden zu gewährleisten zu können.
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P101G Automotive ApplicationsMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHMitsubishi Materials offers a wide range of cutting edge technological products
that meet the ever demanding requirements from the Automotive Industry.
Mitsubishi Materials also offers materials
that are frequently used in the Automotive Industry therefore making
it possible to also supply the cutting tools
that are required to machine these particular materials.
A620G Medical ApplicationsMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHThe document discusses various medical applications of tooling, including external turning, drilling, taper hole machining, and profile machining for hip and knee systems using materials like Co-Cr alloys and titanium alloys. It also covers bone plates, screws, spines, and instruments made from materials like titanium alloys and stainless steels. Key information on tool selection, machining parameters, and performance improvements over conventional tools are provided for each application.
A610G Aerospace ApplicationsMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHAre you an Aerospace Manufacturer, products in Mitsubishi Aerospace Application brochure will take your operations to new heights!
E222S DentalMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHEste documento presenta una serie de fresas para la industria dental fabricadas de metal duro. Incluye fresas MSTAR, CRN y DF para mecanizar materiales como óxido de circonio, aleaciones de titanio y plásticos. Proporciona detalles técnicos de cada fresa, como su geometría, recubrimientos, vida útil y aplicaciones recomendadas.
E222I Settore DentaleMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHFrese integrali per la lavorazione di ossido di
zirconio, leghe di titanio, plastiche e cobalto/
cromo, materiali utilizzati nel settore dentale.
E222F DentaireMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHFraises hautes performances pour l’usinage
des matériaux des pièces dentaires comme
l’Oxyde de Zirconium, Alliages Titane,
Plastiques et Chrome-Cobalt.
E222E Dental End MillsMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHHigh performance end mills for machining
dental workpiece materials such as zirconium
oxide, titanium alloys, plastics and cobalt/
E222R DentalMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHВысокопроизводительные фрезы для обработки
стоматологических форм из различных материалов
таких как, диоксид циркония, титановые сплавы,
пластик и кобальт/хром.
Mitsubishi Materials Cutting Tools Division - The companyMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHThe document discusses Mitsubishi's focus on precision, innovation, and materials expertise over its 140-year history which has led to its success in producing high quality tools unmatched around the world. It also outlines Mitsubishi's core philosophies of striving to improve society, conducting business with integrity and transparency, and maintaining a global perspective.
Mitsubishi Materials Cutting Tools Division - Das UnternehmenMitsubishi Materials - MMC Hartmetall GmbHMitsubishi Materials entwickelt innovativste Werkzeuge von höchster Qualität, Präzision, Funktionalität und unübertroffener Leistung. Wir liefern ein breites Sortiment an Werkzeugen für Das Drehen, Fräsen, Bohren sowie für den Werkzeug- und Formenbau. Unser Anspruch ist es, optimale Lösungen zur Steigerung des Bearbeitungsproduktivität sowie die Erzielung höherer Standzeiten für unsere Kunden zu gewährleisten zu können.
1. Seria frezów palcowych do E222P
obróbki materiałów dentystycznych
Seria frezów palcowych do obróbki
materiałów dentystycznych
2. Seria frezów palcowych do obróbki materiałów dentystycznych
y Własności
1 Seria pełnowęglikowych frezów palcowych MSTAR
Frezy palcowe z powłoką PVD do frezowania ogólnego. Innowacyjna powłoka oraz geometria
krawędzi skrawającej umożliwia bezpieczną i niezawodną obróbkę materiałów dentystycznych
takich, jak stopy kobaltowo-chromowe i stopy tytanu.
2 Seria pełnowęglikowych frezów palcowych z powłoką CRN (azotku chromu)
Frezy palcowe pokrywane azotkiem chromu (CRN) do frezowania ogólnego tlenku cyrkonu
i tworzyw sztucznych. Powłoka o niezwykle gładkiej powierzchni w połączeniu z długą
żywotnością freza i ostrą krawędzią skrawającą, zapewnia obróbkę półwyrobów bez zadziorów.
3 Seria pełnowęglikowych frezów palcowych z powłoką diamentową DF
Frezy palcowe z powłoką z diamentu DF do obróbki tlenku cyrkonu. Nowo opracowana
powłoka diamentowa zapewnia długą żywotność frezów w porównaniu z frezami z powłokami
Frez kulisty, część robocza krótka, 2 ostrza, długa szyjka
R ±0.01 0 ─ -0.02 h6 0 ─ -0.008
Typ 1
Długość efektywna R 15°
dla kąta pochylenia L3
UWC MS 30°
2-ostrzowy frez palcowy kulisty, z długą szyjką. Kąt pochylenia
Promień Średnica Długość Długość Średnica Kąt Długość Średnica Liczba
Długość efektywna dla
końcówki części szyjki szyjki przystawienia całkowita chwytu rowków
kąta pochylenia
Numer zamówieniowy kulistej roboczej wiórowych
* Brak kolizji
a: Standard magazynowy. s : Na specjalne zamówienie z magazynu w Japonii.
Frez kulisty, długa szyjka, 2 ostrza, Do elektrod miedzianych
R ±0.01 0 ─ -0.02 h6 0 ─ -0.008
Typ 1
Długość efektywna R 15°
dla kąta pochylenia L3
CRN 30° L1
2-ostrzowy frez palcowy kulisty, z długą szyjką, Kąt pochylenia
powłoką CRN, do obróbki elektrod miedzianych.
Promień Średnica Długość Długość Średnica Kąt Długość Średnica Liczba
Długość efektywna dla
końcówki części szyjki szyjki przystawienia całkowita chwytu rowków
kąta pochylenia
Numer zamówieniowy kulistej roboczej wiórowych
R D1 ap L3 D5 B2 L1 D4 N 30' 1° 2° 3°
CRN2XLBR0050N100S04 0.5 1 1 10 0.94 5.6° 50 4 2 a 1 10.5 10.9 11.7 12.6
R0050N100S06 0.5 1 1 10 0.94 7.5° 50 6 2 a 1 10.5 10.9 11.7 12.6
R0050N120S04 0.5 1 1 12 0.94 5° 50 4 2 a 1 12.6 13.1 14 15.1
R0050N120S06 0.5 1 1 12 0.94 6.8° 50 6 2 a 1 12.6 13.1 14 15.1
R0050N140S04 0.5 1 1 14 0.94 4.5° 50 4 2 a 1 14.7 15.2 16.3 17.6
R0050N140S06 0.5 1 1 14 0.94 6.2° 55 6 2 a 1 14.7 15.2 16.3 17.6
R0050N160S04 0.5 1 1 16 0.94 4.1° 55 4 2 a 1 16.8 17.4 18.6 20.1
R0050N160S06 0.5 1 1 16 0.94 5.7° 55 6 2 a 1 16.8 17.4 18.6 20.1
R0100N100S04 1 2 2 10 1.90 4.5° 50 4 2 a 1 18.8 19.5 20.9 22.5
R0100N100S06 1 2 2 10 1.90 6.9° 50 6 2 a 1 18.8 19.5 20.9 22.5
23.2 25
R0100N140S04 1 2 2 14 1.90 3.4° 50 4 2 a 1 8.3 8.7 9.2 9.9
R0100N140S06 1 2 2 14 1.90 5.6° 55 6 2 a 1 8.3 8.7 9.2 9.9
R0100N160S04 1 2 2 16 1.90 3.1° 55 4 2 a 1 10.4 10.8 11.5 12.4
R0100N160S06 1 2 2 16 1.90 5.1° 55 6 2 a 1 10.4 10.8 11.5 12.4
R0100N200S04 1 2 2 20 1.90 2.5° 60 4 2 a 1 12.5 12.9 13.8 14.9
R0100N200S06 1 2 2 20 1.90 4.3° 60 6 2 a 1 12.5 12.9 13.8 14.9
R0150N160S06 1.5 3 3 16 2.90 4.3° 60 6 2 a 1 16.7 17.2 18.4 19.9
R0150N250S06 1.5 3 3 25 2.90 3° 70 6 2 a 1 16.7 17.2 18.4 19.9
* Brak kolizji
a: Standard magazynowy. s : Na specjalne zamówienie z magazynu w Japonii.
Frez kulisty, 2 ostrza, długa szyjka, do obróbki grafitu
R ±0.01 0 ─ -0.02 h6 0 ─ -0.008
Typ 1
Długość efektywna R 15°
dla kąta pochylenia L3
DF 30° L1
2-ostrzowy frez palcowy kulisty z długą szyjką Kąt pochylenia
i specjalną powłoką diamentową do obróbki grafitu.
Promień Średnica Długość Długość Średnica Kąt Długość Średnica Liczba
Długość efektywna dla
końcówki części szyjki szyjki przystawienia całkowita chwytu rowków
kąta pochylenia
Numer zamówieniowy kulistej roboczej wiórowych
* Brak kolizji
a: Standard magazynowy. s : Na specjalne zamówienie z magazynu w Japonii.
6. www.mitsubishicarbide.com
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e-mail admin@mmchg.de e-mail mme@mmevalencia.com e-mail info@mmc-carbide.ru
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Tel. +44-1827-312312 Fax +44-1827-312314 Tel. +39-02-93-77-03-1 Fax +39-02-93-58-90-93
e-mail sales@mitsubishicarbide.co.uk e-mail info@mmc-italia.it
6, rue Jacques Monod, 91400 Orsay, France Al. Armii Krajowej 61, 40-541 Wroclaw, Poland
Tel. +33-1-69-35-53-53 Fax +33-1-69-35-53-50 Tel. +48-71-335-16-20 Fax +48-71-335-16-21
e-mail mmfsales@mmc-metal-france.fr e-mail sales@mitsubishicarbide.com.pl
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