This document summarizes and defends a presentation created in Microsoft PowerPoint to analyze the creator's e-portfolio assignment. The presentation explains the rationale for choosing PowerPoint to keep the audience engaged and allow examples to be easily pointed to. It also summarizes the key aspects of the e-portfolio website created using Microsoft Expression Web, including the layout, navigation, fonts, and how it addresses the BCCT teaching standards.
This document provides an introduction to HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and its basic tags and structures. It discusses what HTML is, common tags like <b> and <i> for bold and italics, nested tags, the basic structure of an HTML page with <html>, <head>, <title>, and <body> tags. It also covers how to format text, add headings, comments, images and more using HTML tags.
If you want to learn HTML basic then go through my slide.
I will be happy to help you in learning .
for more information contact-
C¨®mo integrar User Experience dentro de ambientes ¨¢giles de desarrollo
V¨ªctor Garc¨ªa
Pl¨¢tica para la comunidad ?giles M¨¦xico
Ciudad de M¨¦xico
Abril de 2016
The document summarizes chapters 1-7 of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. It provides context on the Finch family and introduces the main characters of Scout, Jem, Atticus, and the mysterious Radley family. Scout struggles in her first day of school with her new teacher Miss Caroline. Over the summer, Scout, Jem, and their friend Dill become curious about the reclusive Arthur "Boo" Radley, finding gifts left for them in a tree outside the Radley place. When the children try to peek in the Radley's window one night, Mr. Radley fires a gun at them, causing them to flee in fear.
El documento describe c¨®mo integrar datos de anal¨ªtica web en los m¨¦todos de inspecci¨®n de usabilidad para mejorarlos. Explica que la anal¨ªtica web puede identificar problemas potenciales al observar m¨¦tricas inesperadas y proveer evidencia del comportamiento real de los usuarios. Luego detalla c¨®mo usar la anal¨ªtica web para definir perfiles de usuario, metas y contextos de uso m¨¢s realistas al evaluar una interfaz, y para obtener sugerencias de mejora m¨¢s valiosas.
The document introduces the Sine Law, which states that for any triangle, the ratio of the sine of an angle to the side opposite it is equal to the ratio of the sine of any other angle to its opposite side. It demonstrates this law by considering a triangle ABC and its altitude to side BC, showing that the ratio of the sine of angle A to side a equals the ratio of the sine of angle B to side b. It then states the Sine Law formula that the ratio of the sine of any angle to its opposite side equals the same ratio for any other angle and side in the triangle.
Making the City of Wyoming Bicycle Friendlywethe1ma
The document discusses the city of Wyoming's consideration to become a bicycle friendly community. It outlines what is required to receive the bicycle friendly community award, including having bicycle infrastructure like trails and lanes, and programs for education, encouragement, enforcement and evaluation. It also discusses challenges like funding and developing bike-friendly roads. The recommendation is for Wyoming to plan for bike lanes on major roads, develop bike routes and safety education, and begin the application process to become a bicycle friendly community.
L'¨¦veil des sans voix, capitalisation de dix-neuf ans d'appui de la Coop¨¦rati...regiosuisse
Avec la soci¨¦t¨¦ civile et les pouvoirs publics, les m¨¦dias jouent un r?le fondamental dans l¡¯¨¦volution des pays. Ils sont de puissants outils au service du d¨¦veloppement partout dans le monde.Bien utilis¨¦s, les m¨¦dias participent ¨¤ l¡¯¨¦veil et ¨¤ l¡¯ouverture d¡¯esprit des populations ainsi qu¡¯au renforcement de la soci¨¦t¨¦ civile dans sa mission de veille citoyenne et des pouvoirs publics dans leur mission de fourniture des services publics. A cet effet, les m¨¦dias jouent un r?le important pour le changement des comportements en mati¨¨re d¡¯¨¦galit¨¦ des genres, de sant¨¦, de scolarisation, de pratiques agricoles ou d¡¯adaptation aux changements climatiques. Ils contribuent ainsi ¨¤ la consolidation de la d¨¦mocratie, au d¨¦veloppement ¨¦conomique, ¨¤ la lutte contre la pauvret¨¦ et simplement au bien-¨ºtre des citoyens. Sans oublier leur r?le dans le maintien de la paix et de la justice sociale.
Anticipant la lib¨¦ralisation de l¡¯espace audiovisuel intervenue ¨¤ la faveur d¡¯une loi promulgu¨¦e en ao?t 1997, la Coop¨¦ration suisse a d¨¦cid¨¦ en 1996, de contribuer ¨¤ la cr¨¦ation d¡¯un r¨¦seau de radios communautaires, ind¨¦pendantes, fortes et durables au service des populations du B¨¦nin. Elle a aussi soutenu la cr¨¦ation de structures d¡¯appui au niveau national, de mani¨¨re ¨¤ obtenir un syst¨¨me coh¨¦rent d¡¯acteurs priv¨¦s et publics.
Les radios communautaires soutenues par la Suisse couvrent souvent plusieurs communes et d¨¦passent par-fois les fronti¨¨res nationales. Elles disposent d¡¯un personnel engag¨¦ qui permet d¡¯informer plus du tiers de la population b¨¦ninoise soit pr¨¨s de 4 mio de citoyens. Preuve de leur qualit¨¦, elles n¡¯ont jamais fait l¡¯objet d¡¯interpellation par l¡¯autorit¨¦ nationale de contr?le.Apr¨¨s 19 ans d¡¯accompagnement et suite ¨¤ une derni¨¨re phase de d¨¦sengagement, il est temps que les radios communautaires soutenues par la Coop¨¦ration suisse volent de leurs propres ailes. Pour cela, il est important pour la durabilit¨¦ qu¡¯elles puissent instituer un partenariat constructif, stable et durable avec les pouvoirs publics nationaux et locaux ainsi qu¡¯avec des structures fa?ti¨¨res au niveau national qui ont ¨¦t¨¦ responsabilis¨¦es en fin de programme.
Ceux-ci ont tout int¨¦r¨ºt ¨¤ les sou-tenir dans le cadre d¡¯un partenariat sain qui respecte la d¨¦ontologie des m¨¦dias, afin qu¡¯elles continuent ¨¤ assurer le droit du public ¨¤ l¡¯information et permettre le dialogue entre les citoyens et leurs autorit¨¦s. Les radios communautaires servent ainsi de porte-voix aux communaut¨¦s.
Este documento presenta una introducci¨®n a la integraci¨®n de Lean UX en Scrum. Explica conceptos clave como experiencia de usuario, dise?o centrado en el usuario, usabilidad y agilidad. Luego describe qu¨¦ es Lean UX, enfoc¨¢ndose en trabajar de forma multidisciplinaria, iterativa y centrada en el aprendizaje. Tambi¨¦n describe qu¨¦ es Scrum, incluyendo sus roles, artefactos y eventos. Finalmente, ofrece consejos sobre c¨®mo integrar Lean UX en Scrum, como tener equipos multidisciplinarios y enfocarse en resultados en lugar de
Este documento presenta la agenda de un taller sobre Lean UX. La agenda incluye una introducci¨®n al ciclo Lean UX, la declaraci¨®n de supuestos, la creaci¨®n de un MVP, la ejecuci¨®n de un experimento, el feedback e investigaci¨®n, y c¨®mo implementar Lean UX. El taller se llevar¨¢ a cabo en dos sesiones, una por la ma?ana y otra por la tarde, con un receso para la comida entre ellas.
The document provides guidance on designing effective PowerPoint presentations, including structuring the message, following design principles, selecting themes, fonts, images and using animation sparingly. It emphasizes practicing the presentation to ensure successful delivery that engages the audience.
The document provides tips for creating effective online presentations. It discusses major differences between oral and online presentations, emphasizing that online presentations must act as both the speaker and visuals. It recommends finding your voice, organizing your material based on an outline, using consistent design elements like fonts and colors, making graphics convey key points visually, covering major topics concisely, and clearly concluding by summarizing main ideas.
This document discusses effective uses of PowerPoint for instructional purposes. It notes that PowerPoint can aid learning if used carefully but may hinder learning if overused or misused. It provides tips for creating engaging presentations that involve students through techniques like interactive polls, role-playing activities, and digital approximations of worksheets. The goal is to make presentations more problem-based and discussion-oriented rather than simply conveying information.
The document provides tips for delivering effective PowerPoint presentations with clear information and visuals. It recommends including one main idea per slide with large, easy-to-read text. Presenters should check equipment in advance, interact with the audience instead of reading slides, and use slides as prompts rather than scripts.
This document provides tips for creating a basic PowerPoint presentation in 3 sentences or less. It recommends starting with an outline slide listing the main points, using a simple structure of 1-2 slides per minute with 4-5 bullet points each, and considering fonts, colors, spelling and grammar. The document then gives step-by-step instructions for getting started in PowerPoint, adding slides, text, photos and other elements, and concludes with suggestions for an effective closing slide and allowing questions.
Graphic design touches everything we see from billboards to websites. It combines visual elements like words, pictures, and charts to create something distinctive. Good design focuses on practical aspects like functionality but also understands why designs work on emotional and psychological levels. There are basic design theories and principles that apply across different mediums like balance, scale, and emotion. Successful designs employ principles like balance, rhythm, proportion, dominance, and unity.
This document provides an overview of PowerPoint, including what it is used for, when and how it is commonly used, and basic tips for creating a PowerPoint presentation. It discusses choosing templates and slide layouts, inserting text, images, charts, and multimedia elements, and provides guidance on the thinking process for planning an effective presentation.
PowerPoint is a presentation software that allows users to create slideshows with text, images, and other media. It offers tools for outlining, drawing, graphing, and managing slideshow presentations. A PowerPoint presentation consists of a series of slides that can be formatted using slide layouts and design themes. Users can use keyboard shortcuts to speed up tasks like copying, pasting, saving, and undoing actions. While PowerPoint makes presentations more engaging, it also has disadvantages like distracting animations, large file sizes, and a learning curve for advanced features.
The document introduces the Sine Law, which states that for any triangle, the ratio of the sine of an angle to the side opposite it is equal to the ratio of the sine of any other angle to its opposite side. It demonstrates this law by considering a triangle ABC and its altitude to side BC, showing that the ratio of the sine of angle A to side a equals the ratio of the sine of angle B to side b. It then states the Sine Law formula that the ratio of the sine of any angle to its opposite side equals the same ratio for any other angle and side in the triangle.
Making the City of Wyoming Bicycle Friendlywethe1ma
The document discusses the city of Wyoming's consideration to become a bicycle friendly community. It outlines what is required to receive the bicycle friendly community award, including having bicycle infrastructure like trails and lanes, and programs for education, encouragement, enforcement and evaluation. It also discusses challenges like funding and developing bike-friendly roads. The recommendation is for Wyoming to plan for bike lanes on major roads, develop bike routes and safety education, and begin the application process to become a bicycle friendly community.
L'¨¦veil des sans voix, capitalisation de dix-neuf ans d'appui de la Coop¨¦rati...regiosuisse
Avec la soci¨¦t¨¦ civile et les pouvoirs publics, les m¨¦dias jouent un r?le fondamental dans l¡¯¨¦volution des pays. Ils sont de puissants outils au service du d¨¦veloppement partout dans le monde.Bien utilis¨¦s, les m¨¦dias participent ¨¤ l¡¯¨¦veil et ¨¤ l¡¯ouverture d¡¯esprit des populations ainsi qu¡¯au renforcement de la soci¨¦t¨¦ civile dans sa mission de veille citoyenne et des pouvoirs publics dans leur mission de fourniture des services publics. A cet effet, les m¨¦dias jouent un r?le important pour le changement des comportements en mati¨¨re d¡¯¨¦galit¨¦ des genres, de sant¨¦, de scolarisation, de pratiques agricoles ou d¡¯adaptation aux changements climatiques. Ils contribuent ainsi ¨¤ la consolidation de la d¨¦mocratie, au d¨¦veloppement ¨¦conomique, ¨¤ la lutte contre la pauvret¨¦ et simplement au bien-¨ºtre des citoyens. Sans oublier leur r?le dans le maintien de la paix et de la justice sociale.
Anticipant la lib¨¦ralisation de l¡¯espace audiovisuel intervenue ¨¤ la faveur d¡¯une loi promulgu¨¦e en ao?t 1997, la Coop¨¦ration suisse a d¨¦cid¨¦ en 1996, de contribuer ¨¤ la cr¨¦ation d¡¯un r¨¦seau de radios communautaires, ind¨¦pendantes, fortes et durables au service des populations du B¨¦nin. Elle a aussi soutenu la cr¨¦ation de structures d¡¯appui au niveau national, de mani¨¨re ¨¤ obtenir un syst¨¨me coh¨¦rent d¡¯acteurs priv¨¦s et publics.
Les radios communautaires soutenues par la Suisse couvrent souvent plusieurs communes et d¨¦passent par-fois les fronti¨¨res nationales. Elles disposent d¡¯un personnel engag¨¦ qui permet d¡¯informer plus du tiers de la population b¨¦ninoise soit pr¨¨s de 4 mio de citoyens. Preuve de leur qualit¨¦, elles n¡¯ont jamais fait l¡¯objet d¡¯interpellation par l¡¯autorit¨¦ nationale de contr?le.Apr¨¨s 19 ans d¡¯accompagnement et suite ¨¤ une derni¨¨re phase de d¨¦sengagement, il est temps que les radios communautaires soutenues par la Coop¨¦ration suisse volent de leurs propres ailes. Pour cela, il est important pour la durabilit¨¦ qu¡¯elles puissent instituer un partenariat constructif, stable et durable avec les pouvoirs publics nationaux et locaux ainsi qu¡¯avec des structures fa?ti¨¨res au niveau national qui ont ¨¦t¨¦ responsabilis¨¦es en fin de programme.
Ceux-ci ont tout int¨¦r¨ºt ¨¤ les sou-tenir dans le cadre d¡¯un partenariat sain qui respecte la d¨¦ontologie des m¨¦dias, afin qu¡¯elles continuent ¨¤ assurer le droit du public ¨¤ l¡¯information et permettre le dialogue entre les citoyens et leurs autorit¨¦s. Les radios communautaires servent ainsi de porte-voix aux communaut¨¦s.
Este documento presenta una introducci¨®n a la integraci¨®n de Lean UX en Scrum. Explica conceptos clave como experiencia de usuario, dise?o centrado en el usuario, usabilidad y agilidad. Luego describe qu¨¦ es Lean UX, enfoc¨¢ndose en trabajar de forma multidisciplinaria, iterativa y centrada en el aprendizaje. Tambi¨¦n describe qu¨¦ es Scrum, incluyendo sus roles, artefactos y eventos. Finalmente, ofrece consejos sobre c¨®mo integrar Lean UX en Scrum, como tener equipos multidisciplinarios y enfocarse en resultados en lugar de
Este documento presenta la agenda de un taller sobre Lean UX. La agenda incluye una introducci¨®n al ciclo Lean UX, la declaraci¨®n de supuestos, la creaci¨®n de un MVP, la ejecuci¨®n de un experimento, el feedback e investigaci¨®n, y c¨®mo implementar Lean UX. El taller se llevar¨¢ a cabo en dos sesiones, una por la ma?ana y otra por la tarde, con un receso para la comida entre ellas.
The document provides guidance on designing effective PowerPoint presentations, including structuring the message, following design principles, selecting themes, fonts, images and using animation sparingly. It emphasizes practicing the presentation to ensure successful delivery that engages the audience.
The document provides tips for creating effective online presentations. It discusses major differences between oral and online presentations, emphasizing that online presentations must act as both the speaker and visuals. It recommends finding your voice, organizing your material based on an outline, using consistent design elements like fonts and colors, making graphics convey key points visually, covering major topics concisely, and clearly concluding by summarizing main ideas.
This document discusses effective uses of PowerPoint for instructional purposes. It notes that PowerPoint can aid learning if used carefully but may hinder learning if overused or misused. It provides tips for creating engaging presentations that involve students through techniques like interactive polls, role-playing activities, and digital approximations of worksheets. The goal is to make presentations more problem-based and discussion-oriented rather than simply conveying information.
The document provides tips for delivering effective PowerPoint presentations with clear information and visuals. It recommends including one main idea per slide with large, easy-to-read text. Presenters should check equipment in advance, interact with the audience instead of reading slides, and use slides as prompts rather than scripts.
This document provides tips for creating a basic PowerPoint presentation in 3 sentences or less. It recommends starting with an outline slide listing the main points, using a simple structure of 1-2 slides per minute with 4-5 bullet points each, and considering fonts, colors, spelling and grammar. The document then gives step-by-step instructions for getting started in PowerPoint, adding slides, text, photos and other elements, and concludes with suggestions for an effective closing slide and allowing questions.
Graphic design touches everything we see from billboards to websites. It combines visual elements like words, pictures, and charts to create something distinctive. Good design focuses on practical aspects like functionality but also understands why designs work on emotional and psychological levels. There are basic design theories and principles that apply across different mediums like balance, scale, and emotion. Successful designs employ principles like balance, rhythm, proportion, dominance, and unity.
This document provides an overview of PowerPoint, including what it is used for, when and how it is commonly used, and basic tips for creating a PowerPoint presentation. It discusses choosing templates and slide layouts, inserting text, images, charts, and multimedia elements, and provides guidance on the thinking process for planning an effective presentation.
PowerPoint is a presentation software that allows users to create slideshows with text, images, and other media. It offers tools for outlining, drawing, graphing, and managing slideshow presentations. A PowerPoint presentation consists of a series of slides that can be formatted using slide layouts and design themes. Users can use keyboard shortcuts to speed up tasks like copying, pasting, saving, and undoing actions. While PowerPoint makes presentations more engaging, it also has disadvantages like distracting animations, large file sizes, and a learning curve for advanced features.
The document provides an overview of key concepts for creating and formatting presentations in PowerPoint, including slides, themes, layouts, views, inserting images and clips, animations and transitions. It discusses features like placeholders, bulleted lists, font formatting, and printing slides. The document serves as an introductory guide to getting started with PowerPoint.
The document provides an overview of key concepts for creating and formatting presentations in PowerPoint, including selecting themes and layouts, adding text and formatting fonts, inserting images and applying animations/transitions. It discusses best practices for slide content and structure, and how to print and view presentations. The goal is to introduce basic PowerPoint functions to help users understand this tool and explore it further through hands-on practice in upcoming lessons.
Mi 291 chapter 6 (aethetics in engineering design)(1)varun teja G.V.V
This document provides guidance on writing effective presentations and slides. It discusses important aspects like outline, slide structure, fonts, color, background, graphs, spelling and grammar. For outlines, it recommends including the main points of the presentation. For slide structure, it suggests using point form, 4-5 points per slide, and showing one point at a time. For fonts, it advises using a large, clear font like Times New Roman in different sizes. For color, it says to use high-contrast text colors and limit colors. For backgrounds, it recommends light, simple backgrounds used consistently. For graphs, it emphasizes using graphs over tables and properly labeling them. It concludes by stressing proofreading and providing a strong conclusion that
The document outlines seven habits of effective PowerPoint presentations: 1) start with a structured story, 2) standardize design language, 3) standardize written language, 4) animate to narrate not exaggerate, 5) show with images and tell with voiceover, 6) build slides around transitions, and 7) use a presentation remote. It provides tips and best practices for each habit, including examples of slide design, animation techniques, and effective narration.
The document provides instructions for creating slide presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. It discusses PowerPoint concepts and design principles, how to create and format slides, add content like text, images and graphics, apply themes and backgrounds, and use features like notes and handouts. Tips are provided for practicing presentations and getting support if needed.
The document provides instructions for using PowerPoint slides from a website as lecture notes. It explains that the slides are designed for presentations, not as complete notes. While slides may list multiple items, they will be discussed one at a time. It recommends saving the slides as an outline or RTF file, editing them in Word by reducing text size and adding diagrams. The notes should then be converted to the Cornell Note format for effective note-taking. This allows students to interact with the material rather than just printing slides. The slides are intended to help the presenter structure class discussions, so students need to use them regularly throughout the term rather than waiting until exams.
This document provides tips for creating effective presentations. It discusses the importance of simplicity in design through limiting text, using images to support key points, and focusing on one main idea per slide. Preparation is key, including practicing aloud and getting feedback. When presenting, speak conversationally rather than reading slides, maintain eye contact with the audience, and get them involved through questions. The overall message is that with practice and following design principles of simplicity, presentations can be engaging rather than "Death by PowerPoint."
1. Educ 431 Dr. Andrew Kitchenham Defense by: Marian Minar November 22, 2007 Music : Zero 7 ¨C ¡°End Theme¡± *click to continue
2. Introduction This is the official defense document that accompanies my e-Portfolio assignment for Educ 431 at UNBC (Fall, 2007) I would hope that this self-analysis of the e-Portfolio will help me improve it considerably Onto the defense! (Note: throughout the presentation, please ¡®click ahead¡¯ when convenient)
3. Rationale for a PowerPoint Defense To keep with the theme of things, I have chosen to do a defense of my defense (no more recursions, I promise) That is, my explanation and support of why I chose to do my defense as a PowerPoint presentation My rationale for using PowerPoint as my defense medium is ¡
4. Rationale for Power Point Defense To ¡ Keep Andrew awake while he analyzes my defense (essentially why we do presentations in this format; to keep the audience engaged) Be able to point to exact examples of each defense item (by way of screen shots and animations) Exercise my skills in using and creating Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. Now, for the defense of my e-Portfolio ¡
5. Microsoft Expression Web My choice of software was ¡°Expression Web¡± by Microsoft. I chose it because it has most of the editing capabilities of Dreamweaver and the uniform handling of a Microsoft product I chose to incorporate a Dynamic Web Template so that I could work with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS); these allowed me to change the style (colour, size, font, etc.) of all my pages on the fly
6. The Beginning This is the starting point of my webpage,which I have called ¡°My Education, My Profession¡± (so called because I view my profession as both a learning and teaching experience) Note that the focal point is surrounded by a sea of uniform color (which comprises the whole viewing area), and that the actual content is much smaller than the boundary of the webpage This does two things: (1) it keeps the focus on what¡¯s important with minimal eye strain (less re-focusing during page transitions), and (2) the theme to the colors enhances the flow and connection between all of the elements of the webpage The side image is an autumn scene. I chose this because this is the season I associate school the most with (I can¡¯t be the only one, so this seems appropriate to have as a theme).
7. The Beginning It¡¯s all in the details ¡ initially, there was no space above the content and the address bar. My fianc¨¦ quickly pointed this out, to her credit, and I made the necessary changes.
8. Font Main headings such as ¡°ePortfolio¡± are <h2> and subheadings such as ¡°Rationale¡± are <h3>. I chose these because of their nice appearance (size) relative to the normal paragraph font size. The global font is ¡°Trebuchet¡±, a standard MS sans-serif font. I chose it in particular because I appreciate the slight contrast between capital ¡®i¡¯ and lower-case ¡®L¡¯
9. The Main Navigation The main links within my webpage appear as fancy buttons ¨C they stand out to attract a visitor¡¯s attention to the main categories in my website. They appear on every page for consistency. Note the little tiny links to the main topics at the bottom. No, these are not redundant. They are for convenience: some of my pages contain more-lengthy-than-usual content, so for the convenience of anyone who does not want to travel back to the top, they are provided for them when they finish reading that page.
10. The Side Navigation The menu on the side is a universal feature of the website. I made the effort of making it context-sensitive while browsing each portion of the webpage, so that the ¡®Menu¡¯ is flexible to change depending on where you have navigated. Essentially, this adds to the user-friendliness of the website. All un-navigated anchors in the webpage are the standard ¡®blue¡¯, so that there is some familiarity with other web pages (navigated anchors are the standard purple)
11. e-Portfolio vs. BCCT Standards The BCCT Standards are separated from what I have designated as my e-Portfolio. The section called e-Portfolio is a collection of artifacts that is not structured by the ¡°Standards¡± but by other professional categories (based on Kilbane & Milman (2003) pg.56)
12. BCCT Standards But not to worry, they are still there! For visitors that are not familiar with the standards, a convenient link exists inside the main page.
13. BCCT Standards Note that each Standard is listed on the side Let¡¯s navigate inside ¡°Standard 1¡± and see what awaits ¡
14. BCCT Standard 1 This indicates what Standard we are looking at A quote of the Standard appears here The support for the Standard is an artifact, so its cell is darker, more pronounced The rationale and link to the artifact appear here and here, in less pronounced colours (to contrast against the darker shade) The rationale is a succinct explanation and support for my choice of the artifact. In each Standard (that is developed) the table remains standard for clarity and flow of presentation.
15. Other Mentionables But, that¡¯s not all folks¡ A developing reference collection for exceptional students awaits you here A complete ePortfolio (under construction) can be accessed on any web page and ¡ My personal info, including a developing photo gallery, and a link to my resume are all there!