A lightning round presentation about my work to use Innovative Interface's Metadata Manager to highlight finding aids and digital collections using EAD.
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Ead in the catalog
1. EAD in the Catalog Meghan Finch Wayne State University Eastern Great Lakes Innovative Users Group 9/23/2011
2. Introduction Meghan Finch Metadata and Digital Media Librarian Wayne State University [email_address]
3. Outline Discuss our EAD needs Show what tools were selected to meet those needs Show the results of those efforts Discuss the work accomplished, the changes made, the code created List some issues that came up during the process And finally ask some questions for consideration in the future
7. Tools http://archiviststoolkit.org Collaboration by UCSD Libraries, the NYU Libraries, and the Five College Libraries Open source, free to use Creates standards compliant EAD Oxygen + saxon xsl processors XSL to prep EAD XSL in Millennium Archivist’s Toolkit XSL
9. Issues Doesn’t display in Encore or mobile webpac Doesn’t allow ead2002 schema rules, such as the use of the xlink namespace
10. For the Future Try to answer the question: where is the best place for finding aids Investigate making subject headings in EAD actively link with subjects indexed Test out collapsible display to make EAD more compact Push for support in Encore and mobile