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Early Stage Funding             February 27th, 2013
                                       Marc Castel
Company Development Stages
 Months                   7          11             17                     25

           Bright Ideas       Validation
                              3 Beta        Efficiency
                                           Commercial      Scale
                              Customers    Demo
 Months                                  7                          11                                  17                                             25

          validating solving a           early validation that people are       re鍖ne business model and improve     drive growth very aggressively.

          meaningful problem and         interested in product and willing to   efficiency of customer acquisition
          whether anybody would          pay                                    process.
          hypothetically be interested
          in solution.

               Bright Ideas                          Validation
                                                     3 Beta                             Efficiency
                                                                                       Commercial                            Scale
                                                     Customers                         Demo
    Months                                    7                           11                                  17                                            25

             validating solving a             early validation that people are       re鍖ne business model and improve     drive growth very aggressively.

             meaningful problem and           interested in product and willing to   efficiency of customer acquisition
             whether anybody would            pay                                    process.
             hypothetically be interested
             in solution.

                  Bright Ideas                            Validation
                                                          3 Beta                             Efficiency
                                                                                            Commercial                            Scale
                                                          Customers                         Demo

             Founding team is formed,        Re鍖nement of core features,           Value proposition re鍖ned,           Large A Round,
             many customer interviews        initial user growth, metrics and      user experienced overhauled,        massive customer acquisition,
             are conducted,                   analytics implementation,              conversion funnel optimized,        back-end scalability
             value proposition is found,     seed funding,                         viral growth achieved,              improvements,
             minimally viable products       鍖rst key hires,                       repeatable sales process and/or     鍖rst executive hires,

             are created,                     pivots (if necessary),                scalable customer acquisition        process implementation,
              team joins an accelerator or   鍖rst paying customers,                channels found.                      establishment of departments.
             incubator,                       product market 鍖t.
             Friends and Family financing
              鍖rst mentors & advisors
             come on board.
Funding Stages
 Months                   7                 11                  17                                25

Founders: $150k               Seed: $600k        Angel: $900k        Series A: $3,000k

           Bright Ideas            Validation
                                   3 Beta              Efficiency
                                                      Commercial               Scale
                                   Customers          Demo

Gov                       Angels                 Angels              Venture
Founders                  Government             Government          Corporate
Family & Friends                                 Debt
Company Development Stages
 Months             7                        11                           17                                            25

                        Name                       Source          Terms        $Amt       Note

                        Summer Company             Government      Grant        3k         .ontariocanada.com/ontcan/
        Discovery                                                                          1medt/smallbiz/en/sb_ye_s

                        OCE (college-university)   Government      Grant        150K       oce-

                        JumpStart                  Government      Grant        25k        Need matching $ and
                                                                                           mentor. Run through AC
        Others          LaunchPad                  Angel           Investment   10-50K     Competition

                        CYBF                       Government      Loan         15k        Requires 2 yr mentoring

                        BDC                        Institutional   Loan         30k        Run through CYBF

                        Hyperdrive                 Communitech     Inv+Loan     40k        hyperdrive.communitech.ca

                        Jolt                       MaRS            Investment   30k        jolt.marsdd.com

                        Extreme Start-ups          Angel           Investment   18k        extremestartups.com

                        Velocity                   Philanthropy    Grant        25k        Competiton

                        KickStarter                Crowd Funding   Pre-Sale     variable   kickstarter.com
Canadian                    Hyperdrive                    Jolt             GrowLab             Extreme Startup          Founder Fuel              Velocity          Accelerator Centre
                          (Communitech)                 (MaRS)           (Wertz,Brody,        (Varma, Sharma)            (Ian Jeffrey)        (Van Koughnett,         (Ellis, Jackson)
Accelerators                                                             Landa, Bailey)       Extreme Ventures          Real Ventures              Kirkup)              (Incubator)
and Waterloo                                                                                                                                   (University of
Incubators                                                                                                                                        Waterloo

Location                      Waterloo                 Toronto             Vancouver               Toronto                 Montreal              Waterloo           Waterloo / Stratford

Type of Company                 Tech                       IT,                Tech                   Tech               Web & Mobile          Tech, full-time       Products that can be
                                                    Communications          Internet            Web & Mobile                                 Waterloo Student         commercialized
                                                   and entertainment                            (+ other Tech)                                                         within 2 years
                                                       (ICE) (Cdn
                                                     residents only)

Mentorship             8 EIRs & 50+ Industry         80 Mentors +             25+              Wkly mentorship:        85 entrepreneurs,      6 mentors and         6 In-house advisors
                          Experts & Service         sponsor support      Founders 1on1,      technology, funding,       executives, VC,          access to          (technology, sales,
                             providers,                                     Mentors          legal, PR, marketing           angels          Communitech VSG             finances, and
                         Wkly mentorship:                                                     & human resources                                  of 8EIRs           marketing). Access
                       technology, funding,                                                                                                                         to 8 Communitech
                        legal, PR, marketing                                                                                                                               VSG EIRs

Funding                    Up to $200K                $30K 6-7%         Up to $25K 5-10%           $18K 6%            $10K + $5K/founder        $25k Grant                   -
                             $40K 7%                +sponsor perks     Possible $150K BDC                               up to $25k 6%
                          +sponsor perks

Networking                    Excellent                Excellent             Good                    Good                   Good                 Excellent               Excellent

Time                          3months                  4 months             4 months              3 months                 3 months             Every term              24 months

Intakes/x yr                   10 / 3x                 6-10/ 2x              5-7 Fall            3 / Summers                 TBD                                     Continuous Intake

Program                  Intensive 1on1s,            Presentations,    Wkly spealers, Grow   Wkly mentorship,             lasses, guest     Events, workshops,      Events, Networking,
(all involve U-Build    workshops, events,         Events, Workshops        Conf (fall)      wkly product demo         speakers, feedback       Demo day              presentations,
your                   Capital collision, trips,       Demo day                               w/ Extreme Labs         sessions w/mentors,                           workshops, advisory
company/product              Demo day                                                          Showcase Day                 demo day                                services, mentoring
during prg)

Incubation             65,000 / 20,000 sq.ft.        5,500 sq.ft.       3 mos Vancouver      Toronto at Extreme         Notman House           Communitech          Accelerator Centre
                           HUB/AC KW                MaRS Commons       1 mo SanFrancisco      Venture Partners            Montreal               Garage             private and shared
                        NYC / Silicon Valley                                                                                                                               space

Competitive            Extremely hands on,            Local MaRS           TBD - New             Several exits             TBD-New          Excellent early-stage   Goal orient program
Advantage                 available 24/7,            support, well                           (2 prior years active)                             discovery and       with accountability
                         full service and             networked                                                                              validation program
                       comprehensive prg
Comparative                Hyperdrive              Tech Stars         Y Combinator           500 Startups
                         (Communitech)           (David Cohen)       (Paul Graham)          (Dave McClure)

Location                     Waterloo           Boulder, Boston,      Silicon Valley          Silicon Valley
                                                  NYC, Seatle

Type of Company                Tech                  Tech                 Tech                     Tech
                                                   Web and                                 Financial services,
                                                   Software                               search/social/mobile
                                                                                         productivity, education
                                                                                          & language, family &
                                                                                            healthcare, web

Mentorship             8 EIRs & 50+ Industry          400            Once/wk/20min                 140
                          Experts & Service     Panels, coaching      or on demand          EIRs, Speakers &
                             providers,         & presentations                                 Mentors
                         Wkly mentorship:
                       technology, funding,
                        legal, PR, marketing

Funding                    Up to $200K          $6K/founder up         $20K 7%+                $10-100K
                             $40K 7%              to $18K 6%       $100K YM+$50K RC
                          +sponsor perks                           debt no cap no disc

Networking                   Excellent             Excellent            Awesome                 Excellent
                                                                      (Business, VC,

Time                         3months               3 months             3 months                On-going

Intakes/x yr                  10 / 3x              10-12 / 4x           40-60 / 2x               25/3x

Program                  Intensive 1on1s,       Wkly dinner w/     Wkly dinner w/guest        High Touch
(all involve U-Build    workshops, events,      presentations,      speaker, prototype        Demo Day
your                     Capital collision,       Demo day         day, demo day, meet
company/product          trips, Demo day                           Sequoia day, Events
during prg)

Incubation             65,000 / 20,000 sq.ft.     10,000 sq.ft             None              10,000 sq.ft
                           HUB/AC KW                Boulder          (in community)         Mountain View
                        NYC / Silicon Valley

Competitive            Extremely hands on,       Standardized         PG Always on,       Vested, well branded
Company Development Stages
 Months              7                        11                            17                                          25

                         Name                         Source       Terms         $Amt      Note

                         Golden Triangle              Angel        Equity        300k      Sept-June
        Validation       AngelNet                                                          goldentriangleangelnet.ca

                         Communitech Fund             LP           Equity/Loan   75k       Technology companies

                         Angel One                    Angel        Equity        200k      angelonenetwork.ca
                         Investor Network
                         York Angel                   Angel        Equity        200k      yorkangels.com
                         Georgian Angel Network       Angel        Equity        150k      georgianangelnet.ca

                         Niagara Angel Network        Angel        Equity        100k      niagaraventureforum.com

                         S.W. Ontario Angel Network   Angel        Equity        100k      swoangel.com

                         FedDev IBI                   Government   Loan 0%       999k      1:2 match for projects
                                                                                           backed by Angel or CVCA

                         Fed Dev SOFII                Government   Loan 8%       250k+     Loan to scale to min of 50

                         Rogue Angels & Clubs         Private      Various        50k+     High net worth individuals

                         Pitch Competitions           Various      Various        1-50k    Laurier Entrepreneurship,
                                                                                           TieQuest, etc.

                         Angel List                   Angel        Investment          -   angel.co
Company Development Stages
 Months              7                        11                              17                                             25

                         Name                        Source            Terms          $Amt      Note

                         Angel Syndicates            Angel             Equity         1,000k+   For larger deals 500k-1.5m
                         MaRS IAF                    Institutional     Conv. debt     500k      Ontario emerging
                                                                                                Technology companies

                         Golden Ventures             Private Venture   Equity         -500k     Mobile
                         IRAP                        Government        Grant          10-250k   For various projects, new
                                                                                                hires, IP filing, R&D
        Others           Rho Ventures                Private Equity    Equity         50k       Energy, Health, IT,
                                                                                                Communications, Media

                         Extreme Venture             VC Lite           Equity         150k      Tech. Provide additional
                         Partners                                                               management expertise

                         BDC Sub-Debt                Government        Sub-Debt       250+      Need $1m annual revenue

                         Expresso Capital            SR&ED Factoring   Debt                     Finance SR&ED &MRR

                         Mantella Venture Partners   VC                Equity         Up to     Mobile and internet.
                                                                                      500k      Hands on managment

                         MaRS BAP                    Government        Grant            20k     Embedded Executives and

                         OCE Market                  Government        Grant/Equity    190k     Commercialization
                         Readiness                                                              projects for academia

                         Corporate VC Funds          Corporations      Various         400k+    Specific shopping lists of
Company Development Stages
  Months            7                          11                         17                                               25

                        Name                        Source           Terms         $Amt     Note

                        OMERS Ventures              Institutional    Equity        500++    Lifecycle funder
            Scale                                                                           omersventures.com

                        iNovia Capital              VC               Equity        500++    Technology Companies
                                                                                            syndicated A rounds

                        Klass Capital               LP               Equity        2,000+   High Growth SaaS

                        BDC Venture Capital         VC               Equity        1,000+   www.bdc.ca

          Others        Round 13 Capital            LP               Equity        TBD      round13capital.com

                        Plaza Corp                  LP               Equity        500+     Technology Companies

                        Best Funds                  LP               V. Debt       1000+    Short-term venture debt for
                                                                                            tech cos. bestfunds.ca

                        Comerica                    Investment Bnk   V. Debt       1000+    comerica.com

                        Summerhill Venture          LP               Equity        TBD      Wireless, digital media, ITC
                        Partners                                                            summerhillvp.com

                        Georgian Partners           VC               Equity        5000+    SaaS Syndicated B rounds

                        Tandum Capital              VC               Equity        5000+    Tech. Mostly B rounds

                        Various Corporations        Corporations     Acquisition    TBD     Mostly talent and/or
                                                                                            technology acquisition
Real Tech Example
2007               Dec 2010            Feb 2011        Dec 2011                        2013               2014

           Discovery                      Validation                      Efficiency                  Scale

   Founders$            Family &             Angels                     Angels                Angels/VC
       120k          Friends$50k            $700k                      $330k                   $500k
                                                                  Institutional IAF                         Series A
                                                                     $500k                                  $2-5m
                                                                        Fed Dev IBI
                                                                    Gvmt Grants               Gvmt Grants
                                                                      $136k                    $223k
           SR&ED               SR&ED                  SR&ED                  SR&ED              SR&ED
            $9k                $21                    $49K                  $210K              $300K

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Early Stage Funding

  • 1. Early Stage Funding February 27th, 2013 Marc Castel marc.castel@communitech.ca
  • 2. Company Development Stages Months 7 11 17 25 INTAKE EXIT Discovery Bright Ideas Validation 3 Beta Efficiency Commercial Scale Revenues Customers Demo
  • 3. Purpose Months 7 11 17 25 validating solving a early validation that people are re鍖ne business model and improve drive growth very aggressively. Purpose meaningful problem and interested in product and willing to efficiency of customer acquisition whether anybody would pay process. hypothetically be interested in solution. INTAKE EXIT Discovery Bright Ideas Validation 3 Beta Efficiency Commercial Scale Revenues Customers Demo
  • 4. Activities Months 7 11 17 25 validating solving a early validation that people are re鍖ne business model and improve drive growth very aggressively. Purpose meaningful problem and interested in product and willing to efficiency of customer acquisition whether anybody would pay process. hypothetically be interested in solution. INTAKE EXIT Discovery Bright Ideas Validation 3 Beta Efficiency Commercial Scale Revenues Customers Demo Founding team is formed, Re鍖nement of core features, Value proposition re鍖ned, Large A Round, many customer interviews initial user growth, metrics and user experienced overhauled, massive customer acquisition, are conducted, analytics implementation, conversion funnel optimized, back-end scalability value proposition is found, seed funding, viral growth achieved, improvements, minimally viable products 鍖rst key hires, repeatable sales process and/or 鍖rst executive hires, Activities are created, pivots (if necessary), scalable customer acquisition process implementation, team joins an accelerator or 鍖rst paying customers, channels found. establishment of departments. incubator, product market 鍖t. Friends and Family financing round, 鍖rst mentors & advisors come on board.
  • 5. Funding Stages Months 7 11 17 25 Founders: $150k Seed: $600k Angel: $900k Series A: $3,000k INTAKE EXIT Discovery Bright Ideas Validation 3 Beta Efficiency Commercial Scale Revenues Customers Demo Gov Angels Angels Venture Founders Government Government Corporate Family & Friends Debt
  • 6. Company Development Stages Months 7 11 17 25 Name Source Terms $Amt Note $150k Summer Company Government Grant 3k .ontariocanada.com/ontcan/ Discovery 1medt/smallbiz/en/sb_ye_s ummerco_en.jsp OCE (college-university) Government Grant 150K oce- ontario.org/programs/comm ercialization- programs/market-readiness JumpStart Government Grant 25k Need matching $ and mentor. Run through AC Others LaunchPad Angel Investment 10-50K Competition CYBF Government Loan 15k Requires 2 yr mentoring cybf.ca BDC Institutional Loan 30k Run through CYBF Hyperdrive Communitech Inv+Loan 40k hyperdrive.communitech.ca Jolt MaRS Investment 30k jolt.marsdd.com Extreme Start-ups Angel Investment 18k extremestartups.com Velocity Philanthropy Grant 25k Competiton velocity.uwaterloo.ca KickStarter Crowd Funding Pre-Sale variable kickstarter.com
  • 7. Canadian Hyperdrive Jolt GrowLab Extreme Startup Founder Fuel Velocity Accelerator Centre (Communitech) (MaRS) (Wertz,Brody, (Varma, Sharma) (Ian Jeffrey) (Van Koughnett, (Ellis, Jackson) Accelerators Landa, Bailey) Extreme Ventures Real Ventures Kirkup) (Incubator) and Waterloo (University of Incubators Waterloo Incubator) Location Waterloo Toronto Vancouver Toronto Montreal Waterloo Waterloo / Stratford Type of Company Tech IT, Tech Tech Web & Mobile Tech, full-time Products that can be Communications Internet Web & Mobile Waterloo Student commercialized and entertainment (+ other Tech) within 2 years (ICE) (Cdn residents only) Mentorship 8 EIRs & 50+ Industry 80 Mentors + 25+ Wkly mentorship: 85 entrepreneurs, 6 mentors and 6 In-house advisors Experts & Service sponsor support Founders 1on1, technology, funding, executives, VC, access to (technology, sales, providers, Mentors legal, PR, marketing angels Communitech VSG finances, and Wkly mentorship: & human resources of 8EIRs marketing). Access technology, funding, to 8 Communitech legal, PR, marketing VSG EIRs HR Funding Up to $200K $30K 6-7% Up to $25K 5-10% $18K 6% $10K + $5K/founder $25k Grant - $40K 7% +sponsor perks Possible $150K BDC up to $25k 6% +sponsor perks Networking Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Time 3months 4 months 4 months 3 months 3 months Every term 24 months Intakes/x yr 10 / 3x 6-10/ 2x 5-7 Fall 3 / Summers TBD Continuous Intake Program Intensive 1on1s, Presentations, Wkly spealers, Grow Wkly mentorship, lasses, guest Events, workshops, Events, Networking, (all involve U-Build workshops, events, Events, Workshops Conf (fall) wkly product demo speakers, feedback Demo day presentations, your Capital collision, trips, Demo day w/ Extreme Labs sessions w/mentors, workshops, advisory company/product Demo day Showcase Day demo day services, mentoring during prg) Incubation 65,000 / 20,000 sq.ft. 5,500 sq.ft. 3 mos Vancouver Toronto at Extreme Notman House Communitech Accelerator Centre HUB/AC KW MaRS Commons 1 mo SanFrancisco Venture Partners Montreal Garage private and shared NYC / Silicon Valley space Competitive Extremely hands on, Local MaRS TBD - New Several exits TBD-New Excellent early-stage Goal orient program Advantage available 24/7, support, well (2 prior years active) discovery and with accountability full service and networked validation program comprehensive prg
  • 8. Comparative Hyperdrive Tech Stars Y Combinator 500 Startups (Communitech) (David Cohen) (Paul Graham) (Dave McClure) USA Accelerators: Location Waterloo Boulder, Boston, Silicon Valley Silicon Valley NYC, Seatle Type of Company Tech Tech Tech Tech Web and Financial services, Software search/social/mobile platforms, productivity, education & language, family & healthcare, web infrastructure Mentorship 8 EIRs & 50+ Industry 400 Once/wk/20min 140 Experts & Service Panels, coaching or on demand EIRs, Speakers & providers, & presentations Mentors Wkly mentorship: technology, funding, legal, PR, marketing HR Funding Up to $200K $6K/founder up $20K 7%+ $10-100K $40K 7% to $18K 6% $100K YM+$50K RC +sponsor perks debt no cap no disc Networking Excellent Excellent Awesome Excellent (Business, VC, Angel) Time 3months 3 months 3 months On-going Intakes/x yr 10 / 3x 10-12 / 4x 40-60 / 2x 25/3x Program Intensive 1on1s, Wkly dinner w/ Wkly dinner w/guest High Touch (all involve U-Build workshops, events, presentations, speaker, prototype Demo Day your Capital collision, Demo day day, demo day, meet company/product trips, Demo day Sequoia day, Events during prg) Incubation 65,000 / 20,000 sq.ft. 10,000 sq.ft None 10,000 sq.ft HUB/AC KW Boulder (in community) Mountain View NYC / Silicon Valley Competitive Extremely hands on, Standardized PG Always on, Vested, well branded
  • 9. Company Development Stages Months 7 11 17 25 Name Source Terms $Amt Note $600k Golden Triangle Angel Equity 300k Sept-June Validation AngelNet goldentriangleangelnet.ca Communitech Fund LP Equity/Loan 75k Technology companies communitech.ca Angel One Angel Equity 200k angelonenetwork.ca Investor Network York Angel Angel Equity 200k yorkangels.com Investors Others Georgian Angel Network Angel Equity 150k georgianangelnet.ca Niagara Angel Network Angel Equity 100k niagaraventureforum.com S.W. Ontario Angel Network Angel Equity 100k swoangel.com FedDev IBI Government Loan 0% 999k 1:2 match for projects backed by Angel or CVCA Fed Dev SOFII Government Loan 8% 250k+ Loan to scale to min of 50 employees Rogue Angels & Clubs Private Various 50k+ High net worth individuals Pitch Competitions Various Various 1-50k Laurier Entrepreneurship, TieQuest, etc. Angel List Angel Investment - angel.co
  • 10. Company Development Stages Months 7 11 17 25 Name Source Terms $Amt Note $900k Angel Syndicates Angel Equity 1,000k+ For larger deals 500k-1.5m Efficiency MaRS IAF Institutional Conv. debt 500k Ontario emerging Technology companies Golden Ventures Private Venture Equity -500k Mobile Partners IRAP Government Grant 10-250k For various projects, new hires, IP filing, R&D Others Rho Ventures Private Equity Equity 50k Energy, Health, IT, Communications, Media Extreme Venture VC Lite Equity 150k Tech. Provide additional Partners management expertise BDC Sub-Debt Government Sub-Debt 250+ Need $1m annual revenue Expresso Capital SR&ED Factoring Debt Finance SR&ED &MRR Mantella Venture Partners VC Equity Up to Mobile and internet. 500k Hands on managment MaRS BAP Government Grant 20k Embedded Executives and projects OCE Market Government Grant/Equity 190k Commercialization Readiness projects for academia Corporate VC Funds Corporations Various 400k+ Specific shopping lists of technology
  • 11. Company Development Stages Months 7 11 17 25 Name Source Terms $Amt Note $3,000k OMERS Ventures Institutional Equity 500++ Lifecycle funder Scale omersventures.com iNovia Capital VC Equity 500++ Technology Companies syndicated A rounds Klass Capital LP Equity 2,000+ High Growth SaaS klasscapital.com BDC Venture Capital VC Equity 1,000+ www.bdc.ca Others Round 13 Capital LP Equity TBD round13capital.com Plaza Corp LP Equity 500+ Technology Companies plazaventures.ca Best Funds LP V. Debt 1000+ Short-term venture debt for tech cos. bestfunds.ca Comerica Investment Bnk V. Debt 1000+ comerica.com Summerhill Venture LP Equity TBD Wireless, digital media, ITC Partners summerhillvp.com Georgian Partners VC Equity 5000+ SaaS Syndicated B rounds georgianpartners.com Tandum Capital VC Equity 5000+ Tech. Mostly B rounds tandemexpansion.com Various Corporations Corporations Acquisition TBD Mostly talent and/or technology acquisition
  • 12. Real Tech Example 2007 Dec 2010 Feb 2011 Dec 2011 2013 2014 INTAKE EXIT Discovery Validation Efficiency Scale Founders$ Family & Angels Angels Angels/VC 120k Friends$50k $700k $330k $500k Institutional IAF Series A $500k $2-5m Fed Dev IBI $740k Gvmt Grants Gvmt Grants $136k $223k SR&ED SR&ED SR&ED SR&ED SR&ED $9k $21 $49K $210K $300K