The document provides tips for taking care of the Earth on Earth Day, including planting trees to provide clean air and habitat, saving water by turning it off when brushing teeth or taking shorter showers, saving energy by turning off lights and electronics when not in use, and learning the three R's of reduce, reuse, and recycle through various examples like recycling materials, reusing items by making crafts from common household materials, and reducing consumption and waste. The document encourages the reader to consider what they will do to help take care of the Earth.
9. Recycle by turning your garbage into something new. Aluminum cans Glass Paper Plastic
10. Reuse your items. Make a magazine holder from a cereal box. Make a windsock from a plastic butter dish and left over ribbon. Create your own play town with milk cartons. Make a pet food scoop from a plastic milk jug.
11. Reduce the amount of things you use and buy. Do not buy something unless you really need it. When you buy something, make sure it is recyclable.
12. It is easy to take care of our Earth. What will you do to help?