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asca member profile:
Sustainable builder Greentec Eco Homes and renewable hea ng company Filtrex have become the latest approved
members of asca  the green building associa ons membership now totals 40 of Irelands leading sustainable
suppliers, contractors and designers. Construct Ireland spoke to Greentec MD Niall Dolan and Filtrex MD Brendan
Lynch to 鍖nd out more.

                                                          projects in the pipeline but the greenest one           on of extrac on plants by 60%
                                                          to date is a residen al dwelling in Barna, Co
                                                          Galway. All aspects of the house have been dis-        CI: What mo vated you to go this direc on?
                                                          cussed with the clients and construc on is due         BL: I have been travelling to trade fairs in Ger-
                                                          to commence within a fortnight. The agreed products    many since 1991, when I visited the Ligna show
                                                          for the build include an insulated founda on           in Hannover, and I was amazed at how other
                                                          system with low carbon concrete, structure from        countries u lised their waste or by-products.
                                                          Advanced Timber Frame using cellulose and wood         This was my 鍖rst introduc on to biomass boil-
                                                          鍖bre insula on, Pro Clima Intello air ght mem-         ers and brique e presses. A er talking to sev-
                                                          brane, air-鍖lled Struder C 鍖oor insula on and          eral manufacturers, I realised that what we in
                                                          Fermacell plaster board 鍖nished with natural paints.   Ireland were calling waste and sending to land-
                                                                                                                 鍖ll, the Germans and Danes called fuel and
                                                          CI: Do you see any poten al problems with a            were using to heat their factories and homes.
                                                          rapid na onal energy e鍖ciency drive?                   This trip sparked my interest in renewable en-
Construct Ireland: Is there much demand for               ND: Yes, I can see some dangers arising. The           ergy and recycling, and I went on to visit dis-
a sustainable contractor in the current market?           correct building materials need to be installed        trict hea ng models in Denmark and Austria
Niall Dolan: Yes, I am seeing a high demand for           for a healthy living environment and contractors       fuelled by waste wood and brique es from the
green building work at the moment. Obviously              need to take proper training.                          wood processing sector.
we are currently in recessionary mes and this
seems to have a鍖ected all building work re-                                                                      CI: Where do you see most growth opportuni es?
gardless of building methods, but thankfully                                                                     BL: We see most of our growth coming from
my company receives a great amount of queries                                                                    biomass boilers in the commercial and public sector
regarding green building on a regular basis. I                                                                   and also biomass fuel shredding and prepara-
think that people are now more aware of the                                                                       on systems for biomass power plants and bri-
e鍖ect that construc on has on the environ-                                                                       que ng plants.
ment and the advantages of building low car-
bon homes.                                                                                                       CI: Can you describe a recent project where
                                                                                                                 you've put sustainable principles into prac ce?
CI: What mo vates your clients to go green?                                                                      BL: We recently commissioned a 1MW district
ND: One main reason in my opinion is that our                                                                    hea ng system fuelled by locally produced
lifestyles in general have changed over the past                                                                 wood-chip for Tralee Town Council in Kerry.
few years to that of an organic nature  for in-
stance with foods and health products. This                                                                      The district hea ng scheme consisted of 鍖ve
has also been re鍖ected in the way in which we                                                                    apartment blocks  each individually zoned in the
want our homes built  free from toxins with as                                                                  plantroom, with a total of 50 one and two bedroom
many natural products as possible being used.             CI: Why is Filtrex a green company?                    units, each individually metered and charged per
This in turn leads to a healthy living environment.       Brendan Lynch : For almost ten years we have           kWh  along with a day care centre and library.
                                                          been commi ed to promo ng the use of sus-
Also energy savings de鍖nitely play a pivotal              tainable technology to our customers in order          Filtrex were responsible for design, installa on
role in mo va ng my clients. I think theyre ex-          to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. In the 鍖rst in-    and commissioning and maintenance. The 鍖nal
tremely content with the fact that there will be          stance this was in the wood processing sector          installa on consisted of two 500kW Herz wood
li le or no energy bills in the lifecycle of the house.   where we installed the 鍖rst biomass boilers,           chip biomass boilers, two 5000l hot water
                                                          elimina ng fuel and land鍖ll costs. We also in-         bu鍖ers, a wood chip fuel storage bunker 鍖t-out,
CI: Whats your greenest project to date?                 troduced advanced 鍖lter technology u lising            boiler house M&E, cyclonic 鍖y ash separa on
ND: At the moment I have a number of green                inverter driven fans reducing power consump-           and a stainless steel 鍖ue system.

(above left) Greentec MD Niall Dolan; (above centre) Filtrex MD Brendan Lynch pictured with environment minister John Gormley

                                                                                                                                                            CI 91

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Easca Member Profile Greentec

  • 1. asca member profile: GREENTEC ECO HOMES & FILTREX Sustainable builder Greentec Eco Homes and renewable hea ng company Filtrex have become the latest approved members of asca the green building associa ons membership now totals 40 of Irelands leading sustainable suppliers, contractors and designers. Construct Ireland spoke to Greentec MD Niall Dolan and Filtrex MD Brendan Lynch to 鍖nd out more. projects in the pipeline but the greenest one on of extrac on plants by 60% to date is a residen al dwelling in Barna, Co Galway. All aspects of the house have been dis- CI: What mo vated you to go this direc on? cussed with the clients and construc on is due BL: I have been travelling to trade fairs in Ger- to commence within a fortnight. The agreed products many since 1991, when I visited the Ligna show for the build include an insulated founda on in Hannover, and I was amazed at how other system with low carbon concrete, structure from countries u lised their waste or by-products. Advanced Timber Frame using cellulose and wood This was my 鍖rst introduc on to biomass boil- 鍖bre insula on, Pro Clima Intello air ght mem- ers and brique e presses. A er talking to sev- brane, air-鍖lled Struder C 鍖oor insula on and eral manufacturers, I realised that what we in Fermacell plaster board 鍖nished with natural paints. Ireland were calling waste and sending to land- 鍖ll, the Germans and Danes called fuel and CI: Do you see any poten al problems with a were using to heat their factories and homes. rapid na onal energy e鍖ciency drive? This trip sparked my interest in renewable en- Construct Ireland: Is there much demand for ND: Yes, I can see some dangers arising. The ergy and recycling, and I went on to visit dis- a sustainable contractor in the current market? correct building materials need to be installed trict hea ng models in Denmark and Austria Niall Dolan: Yes, I am seeing a high demand for for a healthy living environment and contractors fuelled by waste wood and brique es from the green building work at the moment. Obviously need to take proper training. wood processing sector. we are currently in recessionary mes and this seems to have a鍖ected all building work re- CI: Where do you see most growth opportuni es? gardless of building methods, but thankfully BL: We see most of our growth coming from my company receives a great amount of queries biomass boilers in the commercial and public sector regarding green building on a regular basis. I and also biomass fuel shredding and prepara- think that people are now more aware of the on systems for biomass power plants and bri- e鍖ect that construc on has on the environ- que ng plants. ment and the advantages of building low car- bon homes. CI: Can you describe a recent project where you've put sustainable principles into prac ce? CI: What mo vates your clients to go green? BL: We recently commissioned a 1MW district ND: One main reason in my opinion is that our hea ng system fuelled by locally produced lifestyles in general have changed over the past wood-chip for Tralee Town Council in Kerry. few years to that of an organic nature for in- stance with foods and health products. This The district hea ng scheme consisted of 鍖ve has also been re鍖ected in the way in which we apartment blocks each individually zoned in the want our homes built free from toxins with as plantroom, with a total of 50 one and two bedroom many natural products as possible being used. CI: Why is Filtrex a green company? units, each individually metered and charged per This in turn leads to a healthy living environment. Brendan Lynch : For almost ten years we have kWh along with a day care centre and library. been commi ed to promo ng the use of sus- Also energy savings de鍖nitely play a pivotal tainable technology to our customers in order Filtrex were responsible for design, installa on role in mo va ng my clients. I think theyre ex- to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. In the 鍖rst in- and commissioning and maintenance. The 鍖nal tremely content with the fact that there will be stance this was in the wood processing sector installa on consisted of two 500kW Herz wood li le or no energy bills in the lifecycle of the house. where we installed the 鍖rst biomass boilers, chip biomass boilers, two 5000l hot water elimina ng fuel and land鍖ll costs. We also in- bu鍖ers, a wood chip fuel storage bunker 鍖t-out, CI: Whats your greenest project to date? troduced advanced 鍖lter technology u lising boiler house M&E, cyclonic 鍖y ash separa on ND: At the moment I have a number of green inverter driven fans reducing power consump- and a stainless steel 鍖ue system. (above left) Greentec MD Niall Dolan; (above centre) Filtrex MD Brendan Lynch pictured with environment minister John Gormley CI 91