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Easy chord trax books 1 e 2
Easy chord trax books 1 e 2
1hil boo1< B o p0p, focltchofd ~t to lhe HAl. l.EONAAD GOOAR METHOO Of (n'(Q<t-. 
begiMlnggiJIQ'melhod. 'r'ouconuselt'lilbOOl<to """"'cl'lcrdlalongwlltiKc;aigpopor-': 
ct>ords(..,,,,.,0<wllhoultheCD).Thechc<d巽0"1ten! ofeochsongBgivennexttothehlleoleoco 
song. oodo ChordChortifovolobi&on page:24. Songs ore (l'T<I>QIKI hlhesaneorde<lholcroc. 
topoleochsong;youconlndthe COO'espof'(li)Qstrurmonpooe24. 
llneVOU" ~ iothelU'Wlgnotetol thet>egrnngor theCD. The recor坦ad troei<'属' eocr. D'IQ 
t>egnwllh oneu meaue (0< o pon1c1 "'80SISe torpicl<.i;p noteO otcllcla. wNch seis 1t1e-.x; 
otthesong. TheCDnoclc runbeflsg..tennel<ltotheli!leoleochsong. Youwllprobably-.10 
procilcethecl'OOldloo)IOIXown belore ployir1QdorlgWilhtheCD. lhesm.rnsontheo.do1'r!JCIO 
' TunlngNotes 
' ' Rock:ArouodlheClock BIHaley&.HisCome1$ G.D7.G7 .._ . ' """"Doo EM!!Presiey 07.C G ~揃 ' ' tongTdlSalv ""'""""" G.C.07 G' . ' GfeatBallOffffl Jerryleelewts 01.C: . . """"''"" --- G' 
" 7 BirdDog ~lt>OO G.C J . 
" . """""'- e o.., 
" ' DU<eOIEO'I "'""e"属"""' G.Em.C: 
" " Taidn'C<reOf~ Boctvnon-1....-er-Overd'tve ;, " " SIJr1-t'U.SA " " """"'"'" .... .__ ElvGPresiey D.G.A7.01 
" " IGol'r'ou(lfeelGood) -揃~ D.G.A7 
" " Hoog0n5- """"'- O.G"' 
" " """'"""尊 ""'"属'"' G D Ern." 
" Chord{Slru'l'IO>ort
SUggestedStrums: , 2, 3.~. S, B 
f* l J l 1 l J l 
揃-p   "l!FFE賊:鱈 lg 
t t r 1 LL1J 
~揃 r r to-n91t~1.Put 
1 j td 
.w.. .. 
-.c.. r..t f-' s ! )Jl i _ ... ~ ---W'rwgcn-na 
揃-_- ---::-足... 
br m::n.- w.揃,.gcn-na 
- t ~~ ~ .. - ,t,' .21Ac: . ..,. .._ .,., . :: 揃 .. - ,,. nigh!, _ "'" 
.G - .... -'F 1 r LLG ~ .. "'' ~~-- We're ""揃 - "'" :: ~ .. "''揃 lighl. - We're ... 
G Ir EJ ~ 
ooc:k, oon揃na rock round _ lhe elock_ to揃 night.- 
rock, goo - na 1oe1< 
round- lhe eloci<; _ to揃 night.- 
2. When Ih& 
3. When lhe 
'揃 G 
3. When!hechinesrirlgfiv<londslxand$eY91l, 
We'l berocldn'upinsevenlhhe,..,.n, 
We'reg(N"ll"ISrock,go<Vlllnx:kMOOndlht ciocktonighl 
We'regonnarockafO<.ifld lheelocktonighl. 
We'<egonnarock,rock,rock, 'ti bmad<laylight 
w~ 揃r egon narock.gonnarockaroi..nd the clO<::k~ 
5. Wlwllhedod<strikeslwetve,W9'1codol!."*'. 
s..tamckin'-lhe <*:d again. 
....... ""*-""*-""*-'1111_......, 
,.,..,....,,.._ ~----.... -;-.
% N.C. 
i1揃 'i L ELLJ I 
#~', 揃, l i=J=:l::1 1 ≒sn1 揃~ . ITIJI 
HoundOog.- r:ty揃ln'dlhetine. 
I 'r D f 1 
Oog.- Well,-you alni 
~揃 尊J J 
nev揃ercaughta rab揃 bit and you aini 1'11) friend_ oi 
'1 o . J 1 
"' 1 - I 'f U f Wel, - you a1ni 
~i '" 'r G 
. ____ .. __ 
~揃 揃----------e._-足-----~--- 
揃---... -.._.._ ... ..._ 
-揃. --..... bil ..-.;I ,... ... , "" ~- d
~@lfr r r O l r "o r d 
fFFJ1 IJ 1 1 Cf] f 1 属JJJJB 
,.. _ ba 揃 by. WOO-- - ba-b'f,-- 
hav - in'mesom- tun- to揃nighL- *~6r: r r O]J 
ha_..some!unto-nilhl 足 
~揃 r A l l JJl 
Ev "ry -lhir.g"s- d ri巽ht_ 
~ 3. 
{!J 1f鱈l tD ''u;'. 
Yeahl _ 2 . 3. Wen,Yeah. _ We~e gon 揃 ..a 
'u1r i r r: 
lun 10- rq.__ 
Have sorne !un. tM. 
!' . 尊 j ~揃i揃' 
"11 -  - ED ==rey= 1 L'r1 ' 1 
Ui ID n9>1- - -- 
Sl.We$tedSWms; 1,2,3,4, 5,7,8 
9right Roe~ 
07 C G "E.7 07 
~揃 揃P m 1 ld#i賊#d 11 1 ~r RJ,q 
D 1~ EL賊J ' ' ' 1 
aod you rat - !lamybrain.- 
You brol:a my will, 
i/ J J. J 1 l l  JIH m 1 
Good- n9SS gra-cious,graal - ballso!fl- ral 
LJ 1~LL賊:Ju1 
1 lauo;t>oda1 lhooght lt was run 
Ycuc:amea- long andmcved- rnu,t>on- ey. 1 changed my mind; 
~揃: m 1  1 J l J IL J rn 
Good- -ora- doos.oreal-bals 
'-...... ~.,,. __ ----___ _ ,__ .. __
~揃.e i , l 11 r i 捉 1 i 1 
me. ba  by. yol good. 
J 1 1 J 1 
Hold me. ba by l WRnl !O !ove you ~  
r r 1 11 r r r 
D l 1 
1 chew my nails and 1 twkH !le my lhumbs. 
f:r. @Li 1 i 
f e 
l J. Ji+q 
Oh. ba 揃 by, you're drllln' me era  zy. 
' '揃 ~揃 l J l J鱈N+MR fL i. Js 1 
Good揃ness ora揃 doos. greai_ bds oi ft -rel
! l l ljl 1 J J 1 
1.11 youkc"IOW- 
2.P&g -gySuu.- 
"' ""'' 
Sue. - """ v:: Sue. - "'揃 
1 lj . J IJ IW 
k!elblue - a揃bout Peg-gy.足f<>< 
> F l f ,鱈fJD 
my Pag 揃 gy SL損. - - 足Pa 
you.- oh. Pa -cheg-Q"f.- G- 
- hey - gy Sue.--- 
~J#d 1'鱈 l ua J 
Oh.wel.l lave you.Qal,-yes, 
Oh.well.I lave you.Qai.-yes. 
t; 00'.) C G 
(d l Pag - Q"ISIJe. _ _ 
Cb束usf'9g !IYSUe.-- 
1 l 
~!: l . jl 1 1 l l]l pg 
Pwg揃'J'ISUe.- P"'Ol揃!IYSue,_ 
~<lJli .JJJ I J l l d l J 
p..i-~ 18*'-fJ. P"M--1'- ~ - ty. Pag-<Jt s..._ 
-0-~ ... ,_,.,..__.,_1 
P911 - 11)1$ue. __ _ 
J l ll J. L;C 
P Ub Peg-rrt Sue.-- 
11 ; r 1r 1 1 J l i]J 
1 "'""9)100. - Pe<;1 揃 11)1Sue. - 
1 l]J l l 
andlJJEt. - OI>. Peg 揃 
Peg- ll)ISoo. - - - 
属' e 
l l l 1 1 l 4 j J 1 ; 
~揃 .r., ' .;. 23 ""---------
~SW..-: 2.3..S.7.8 - BIRD DOG 
G C "{F) lj'i 1 1 1 1 fffJ 
e (FJ 
Ir 11 ltffJ le li 
''1,; J J  r 11 0 1  i i 1 i 1 l r 1 
1. Jclln-ny b ajok- er. {He's abird.) A Yer-y fLl'l揃ny jok 揃 ar. 
2 . .Jotn.ny &ings a leve soog. (Llka ablrd.) He sinfplha sweeH~st lole"""ll 
tJ ' 1 
(He'$ a b<nl.) 
(You -ll&ard.) 
But when ~ .. joke my hon-ey. (Ha"s a dog.) His 
Bvl whan l>e sings to my gal (Wtiat a howl.) To itiw  1 l 11 o I' 1 1 揃; ' J J W J ; J 1 
Joli;-ln' ain1oo flm-ny. (Whata dog.) John-ny iC ltlO jcl<-erthal's a 
me he's juSl a w<:>ltdog (On lhe prowt) John-nywants 10 l'ty a- way and 
li)' - ln IO st..al my ba - by. (He's a l>ird dog.) 
l'l'P - py love my t>a- by. {He' a bltd dog.) 
HDy, bltd dog. get a -wayfmmmy quail. - Hey, l>ird dog.you'recn-f7) 
i J 1尊Jct7+JITTI1; ~r 亮afil 
--_ .. wrcnglr.lll. 6irtldog.you'dbel-1*"1N"'9my lov -9)'00"9 揃---- ----.,揃=揃=~~=--=---:
1 ~F r l J l 1 iTJP r= 
Hay, bird dog. get a -way from myo:::liic*._ 
Hey, blrd dog, )'O<J'd bet- ter 11'!1 a揃way quick.- 
=i.' C G 07 
~ 'UH J J "d J 1 
cm 11 r 1 r f 1 
l&': l J l r 11 D 1 
3.John-nyldssedtl>eteacti揃er. (He'sabird.) tip- 1oedupto raaoht.. 
1' ~, D 1 ' J 1 J  l ] J 1 1 D 1 ' A 
(Ha's abird.) Well, he's t!lll tooch-efs petnow. (Htl'1; a dog) Wlill 
~揃) j;, J J 11 D 1 
lle wantsh&canget ncw. {'N!lat adog.) 
G r.> 
StlggesledStl.llloderately fif=J lms:2,3,4,a S,B,7,8 
rfr F r E 1'Q 1 1 
Ah - IOOka!all-thelone-ly 1c:peo-plol 11 U賊1 (fij w ffJJ 
I _ E- Ola-norRlg-by, plcl<upllwlrica - inllwlchurch-whllra awod-lfo>glwlsbeen, 
2-Fatt..erMc-Keo-zie, wril-~lhewords oi a -  mon11>111oo - OOl!wi.tiear,- 
3. E-l&a-oor Rig- by, dii>d irlthechurd andwas l>ur - ied a-long.withhername, 
~揃 '1 
.....,.iflgthe hce - thalshekeeps- in a la- bythadoor,足dam- 
ing his "属"""- i> lhe nighl _ whenlhere'sno bod-y tttere. 足~ 
- ing the dlrt- from his hands - as h9 waua. _ !rom the 11rave, - 
~??S!J 1 
1 AJ  j l1 8d 
wi,:1::::.:::i==} AI lyp90- 
~揃 ! D 1 J] 1 ': A 01 
lhe'fal - c"""'from?_ lypeo- 
1 !~ O r 
play31imes(3rdlime, D a'i D.C-1 
.., .. _ be-long?-
G i'I J 
J J JJIJ l l O!J J ", JI; J; f    A&_ 
1; j J J 
M揃lhingcan 5op 
)'OU - wlll bll :: 
Duke ofE~ "" ~-- ar11 ""! glrl,- .m 
Ouchess olW.Wllen 1 walk _ _ tflrour,ihmy Duke - dom, lha 
r 1 " ir 
er ' 1 r n1r p u 揃 t 
lei ""' hokl )'Oll,-- 'ctUJs. rm lh9 cu.. d 
kit me hold )'<)U,-- 'cause l'm lhll DID 1# 
rw r揃r:..揃i . r:_.I '-揃_-,-_揃-_-_- 揃揃-----"足
SUggeated Strums:3.~.5 
J 1 i ,l J J 1 J 1 
~' .J q-; A属' Oll,J J i J a pi 
tiiglll fi l  ieen ln . to lhe 巽;.1y. There's a wNs-~ e up a-bove andpeoo-ple 
you canrnake11Wndsloud0< met-low. Gel 1 seo-Olldhaodgui-taf, chl!r>- ces 
ki/ -''J J鱈E J J j l,1 J J Jl,D' ,FJJ 
pusl>-in'~ple sl>DY-in'andlh&gills Who trylok>ol<pret揃ty. Ar<lil)'OUI' 
areyoolll go fu l yougetlnwtthlherlghlbundlol !Bl揃low$. ~pie 
$ 1 J OI ffi23 L J Q" l J l!J JI 
AO:l"s on limlt youcangettoworkbynir>9andstarlyouralav-in'joblogetyo<X 
-rouhltWl'lunjusl a - ly揃irf in the sun.- Tel lhemthatyouf端1 Ullisway. 
*1#J ≒Q IJ 1) JlrylJ1jJlj  
 ,.... ... .. ga1-....,.i.1oo11. 1119,l'msellem-ployed, ' 
揃---h .. ...揃thll -~-----.. 揃vcd. 揃----"" .. _ ........ pbyed, ... 
~揃1 ... 4 J ,J J l ~揃 .... . d 00,. ~ .... . - ....... ""' .. d "' Wt'ffl- 
~ J 1l m j 'ui J 1 : 
Tak- r.'care oi busi揃"""'"揃 ev - 'ry day. _ 
*6mww U賊l'JJn' wi ' mw,% 
w-'ry W3'f.- 1ve b&entak - n c:are oi busi-ness lt's al!TQ_ t.- 
- ln' careolbosi - oess. 8fld wor1<- n o-ver- time.worl<-out 
ll'i ' ' 
11Jfil 11 J rJ  -1 
~, ,ai1' i w 11 a 1: u n 揃 <賊 
Tak ;,careof t:>usi-ness. ov 揃 'ryday.- 
Tak in' cara cf busl - ness ll's ai mine. -
~揃 鱈t  t F F (f Dr u 11 11揃 
lf&V 揃 ry揃bod-yhadan o-cean-- 1-crosslheU.S. >, _ 
~≒----~ 1100-natakareel ""属"揃 
B2fJ LJ 1'I u 
SYrl-ln'- - 足surt 
boar坦s _ _ 
~ ~ r Ja0 
1 t:IIfi鱈5Pt4 
- ll<eCal-1 -10<-ni - a.----Yoild-tl9mwear-ln'lheir 
- wo can't - wait ler Jur.e.---We'll all be !JOllll lor 1111 
#11 尊. 
~t l J 1QTJ ! F 
~.---wa'reon!Xl-fa rito 
.o.o,揃 -_-_-_-_
1J. u 
SUn - !:==== ~--:,-_v:;,揃~.-~. ~----- 
lJ tEfJ H 't -..,足_ 
J J n n 1 1 A鱈 u 1 1 n JJ : 
Ev-'fy揃bod揃'(sgo<19 suriln,--IU'l-ln'U.S. A.": 
Ev- 'ry揃 bod揃y'1:go<191Url 揃 ln',--sui-in'U.$.A..- 
one for lhe moo-ey, 
'探"',Cal,ljQ.BtJI, don'tyoo 51ep on my Blul! Suede 
JiJ 1 
Youcen <lo an 揃y-lhing. - tlul lay cn o! my BlJeSuedoSloes._ 
1. Wel. 'fO'J C8ll Knock me down.- 
bom my house,- 
nn 1 1 
stW- my cat, - 
~揃=.e:.=- .... 
~j  J J 1, JJ 
...,,.dermy narr. ai o--111-p1.ce,_ 
li'lnk- my cider lrommy old - lruM laf.- 
IJ n J J  
uh, hon揃..,., lay oll oi my .no.._ 
do an-y揃lhing- bul lay 
.. :t O G7 D 
~揃, G賊賊J 
Wowl l leelgood: - 
4'! I f ,!_~!? 1 leel good; 
1 fQ9I r.oe, 
f++# ll 11 
ToCodB e A7 尊捉' Sogood, 足Sollice,_ 
likesu-garandSf!ic. - - 
Oj l 1 1 1 1 JU J 1 1 
sogooct- lgotyou,_ 
sorice.- 1go1you _ 
fB~;; 111 1 J u r 111 ~" ,m J . 尊b , , jf 1 
Whenlholdyou tn my 
:/鱈'= r J; . . a 11 {!8:1 1 . 11' r 1! ffiEJ ~ anTl!l lknowU'18tl巽an,donowroog: - andwhcnlhold- ycutnmy 
fLffei:f端J l'j J J) J ~ 
anns.. My !ove won1 do you no harm. _ And 1 leel good - 揃-- ~揃 1-'J " D 1 O j l1 11J JnJ1 
__~_-- ____ ----足.. 
IOgood, - 1 gct,.,,..__ So good, . 
Sul10f'5ledS!rums:2,3,4,6 Wonls_,_.., 
W..fwr .. andllofl- 
He.og on SloQ-py, SOO.pyhM9on._ 
4;1:; J lzl J J 1i i d n iu 
1.Sloo-py lives- ln a ver - y bad - ,.artol town._ 
~:=:~ ~;-y;.,d~=. '!i~' haogdowro dad-~ :揃.= 
4#1 A G 
'ry揃bod揃y yeah - lriesloputmySloo-117 
'巽a(ISl!you koow,Sloo揃py girl~ fminlova_ ...,_ 
Sloopy lel 'f<:NI- halr down, gir!, le! ~ hang '*-i <:r'I 
~l 2A Groc11oros113.A G 
1 ,, m p. ic 
And so l iingout: Comoon.- 
ij'i;f! 2 属1:揃 n 1 ~ i 1 i 尊1f,_lf#u: 揃 __, 揃 
S loo-py.{Comlon,ccmoon.) - Comeon- Sl<損py1Corn9on,.,.,..,.cn.)- Welcon'lllODSbo-py. 
wea. comeooSloo-py. 
11: 端 b::E 
We~ ~ feefs _ to足WeU 
shakeil,shake il,--. t 
o.e. (Ropoa.tCl>oNsJand"- ft:@p:J" l;EO fi&1 W10 :1揃 111 
good..- Youl:nowlleels-SO- good. - 
Sloo-~-- .,W_. .., d.>.a.k-e.i.l .-sl-a.ltlelol.sh<ake.il-.,.-..,.. ....... "-$.. -_-_- ..-..揃 ---揃---- ,,__ .. __
~揃 1 ra ~e 
saidal-read 揃 y, 
ar.dwe're go-ing to our - falh揃<I<' 
yeah, - 
r r r 端 r 1 
pleas揃anT ~-woold be, 
plees-am ~ - wouk:I be, 
f j 1; J 
AJ - n-car11, yeah 
Ras- ta- man. yeah. 
""'''' ' 
bedone, yeah. 
bedom!, yeati. 
-------~-=揃----------"..."揃..".- - ---k
e ToCodit~ G 'r 111; 11 P 尊1 
G o O t; r  r r  rn 1 t 1 r 11 A J 
chD-chn wan揃naeorn.llomt,-Yeah, yeah,-yeah. 
'cause we're mov-lng rlghl OI.li of Bab 揃 Y揃 
~.E. t 1!.L ~ L 
p J FJ 1. i 
O R8()631~ml..ll/llldF- 
~揃 r u u cw 揃 , ir c::J rrl::坦則g:q 
1 1 -.a-.bm-e揃 c:i1 waurpao-ple u 揃a rs  揃 ...., youlhr*.
- -0ownstroke 
~ -Op$troke 
X- Dampeningwilhlhahand 
11 8 I uv.uv. 
2l f f s I ( !"1 1 !"1 1 1"1 1 
3 I ( ( ( (  I ( ~( (-{ 
71 Uf(@ 
1( f-t@ 
lnlhis chartyovwllllrodlhechordsleamodlnlhisbookllS~UffVl!l'lllothero:>nVTIOll~you 
Am mm 
Easy chord trax books 1 e 2

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  • 3. EAS"V CHORDTRAX ByVv11Sctvnlcl 1hil boo1< B o p0p, focltchofd ~t to lhe HAl. l.EONAAD GOOAR METHOO Of (n'(Q<t-. begiMlnggiJIQ'melhod. 'r'ouconuselt'lilbOOl<to """"'cl'lcrdlalongwlltiKc;aigpopor-': ~.Vouconll'nJmlhecl'o:>rdsclongwrtti1t1eCDoryoucon*>othernelodyondSlnr' ct>ords(..,,,,.,0<wllhoultheCD).Thechc<d巽0"1ten! ofeochsongBgivennexttothehlleoleoco song. oodo ChordChortifovolobi&on page:24. Songs ore (l'T<I>QIKI hlhesaneorde<lholcroc. O'&Fl~"ltheHAll.EONARDGUllAAMETHOD.Suggssl&dsllunnur.1:-saer,;--.<'.._ topoleochsong;youconlndthe COO'espof'(li)Qstrurmonpooe24. Themelo<:leslnlhbbool<orenotde.ignedTobeplaveC1bybegfnrler1PlovenShO!Jd...,_"d LeonardfJS'fPOPMB.OOES~tforlhis~ llneVOU" ~ iothelU'Wlgnotetol thet>egrnngor theCD. The recor坦ad troei<'属' eocr. D'IQ t>egnwllh oneu meaue (0< o pon1c1 "'80SISe torpicl<.i;p noteO otcllcla. wNch seis 1t1e-.x; otthesong. TheCDnoclc runbeflsg..tennel<ltotheli!leoleochsong. Youwllprobably-.10 procilcethecl'OOldloo)IOIXown belore ployir1QdorlgWilhtheCD. lhesm.rnsontheo.do1'r!JCIO crepolle<redotterlheoflglnalrecordlngs. Contents ' TunlngNotes ' ' Rock:ArouodlheClock BIHaley&.HisCome1$ G.D7.G7 .._ . ' """"Doo EM!!Presiey 07.C G ~揃 ' ' tongTdlSalv ""'""""" G.C.07 G' . ' GfeatBallOffffl Jerryleelewts 01.C: . . """"''"" --- G' " 7 BirdDog ~lt>OO G.C J . " . """""'- e o.., " ' DU<eOIEO'I "'""e"属"""' G.Em.C: " " Taidn'C<reOf~ Boctvnon-1....-er-Overd'tve ;, " " SIJr1-t'U.SA " " """"'"'" .... .__ ElvGPresiey D.G.A7.01 " " IGol'r'ou(lfeelGood) -揃~ D.G.A7 " " Hoog0n5- """"'- O.G"' " " """'"""尊 ""'"属'"' G D Ern." " Chord{Slru'l'IO>ort
  • 4. ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK 8 SUggestedStrums: , 2, 3.~. S, B Btlgh!SwlngSllutri. f* l J l 1 l J l 揃-p "l!FFE賊:鱈 lg t t r 1 LL1J ~揃 r r to-n91t~1.Put 1 j td .w.. .. -.c.. r..t f-' s ! )Jl i _ ... ~ ---W'rwgcn-na ~揃----足-_-__..._ 揃-_- ---::-足... br m::n.- w.揃,.gcn-na .....,_
  • 5. 1@' ~揃 ., - t ~~ ~ .. - ,t,' .21Ac: . ..,. .._ .,., . :: 揃 .. - ,,. nigh!, _ "'" .G - .... -'F 1 r LLG ~ .. "'' ~~-- We're ""揃 - "'" :: ~ .. "''揃 lighl. - We're ... G Ir EJ ~ ooc:k, oon揃na rock round _ lhe elock_ to揃 night.- rock, goo - na 1oe1< ll round- lhe eloci<; _ to揃 night.- 2. When Ih& 3. When lhe '揃 G 3. When!hechinesrirlgfiv<londslxand$eY91l, We'l berocldn'upinsevenlhhe,..,.n, We'regonr.arockaroundtheclocl<I0'""1~ We'regorllarock,rock,n:x:O.,'lllbtoaddayligN We'reg(N"ll"ISrock,go<Vlllnx:kMOOndlht ciocktonighl 4.~nit'1.,;,jit.'*"'.10n,elevec"1,IOO, l'lbe!IOln'strongandsowllyou, We'regonnarockafO<.ifld lheelocktonighl. We'<egonnarock,rock,rock, 'ti bmad<laylight w~ 揃r egon narock.gonnarockaroi..nd the clO<::k~ 5. Wlwllhedod<strikeslwetve,W9'1codol!."*'. s..tamckin'-lhe <*:d again. "lltWllD"f"mlod<wnundhdol~ ....... ""*-""*-""*-'1111_......, ,.,..,....,,.._ ~----.... -;-.
  • 6. HOUND DOG 8 SugJes!edStnms:l,2,3,4,B,10 -iumBr1ghlRock % N.C. i1揃 'i L ELLJ I #~', 揃, l i=J=:l::1 1 ≒sn1 揃~ . ITIJI HoundOog.- r:ty揃ln'dlhetine. I 'r D f 1 Oog.- Well,-you alni ~揃 尊J J nev揃ercaughta rab揃 bit and you aini 1'11) friend_ oi '1 o . J 1 "' 1 - I 'f U f Wel, - you a1ni ~i '" 'r G . ____ .. __ ~揃 揃----------e._-足-----~--- 揃---... -.._.._ ... ..._ -揃. --..... bil ..-.;I ,... ... , "" ~- d
  • 7. LONG TALL SALLY ~tedSUums:l,2,3,4,5,6,8 Bri11htB00gleShufflvene ~@lfr r r O l r "o r d fFFJ1 IJ 1 1 Cf] f 1 属JJJJB ,.. _ ba 揃 by. WOO-- - ba-b'f,-- hav - in'mesom- tun- to揃nighL- *~6r: r r O]J ha_..some!unto-nilhl 足 o ~揃 r A l l JJl Ev "ry -lhir.g"s- d ri巽ht_ ~ 3. {!J 1f鱈l tD ''u;'. Yeahl _ 2 . 3. Wen,Yeah. _ We~e gon 揃 ..a 'u1r i r r: lun 10- rq.__ Have sorne !un. tM. !' . 尊 j ~揃i揃' "11 - - ED ==rey= 1 L'r1 ' 1 Ui ID n9>1- - -- '0r=,_-:_-:::.=~=~=::=::..-.;o;wp~
  • 8. GREAT BALLS OF FIRE @ Sl.We$tedSWms; 1,2,3,4, 5,7,8 9right Roe~ 07 C G "E.7 07 ~揃 揃P m 1 ld#i賊#d 11 1 ~r RJ,q D 1~ EL賊J ' ' ' 1 aod you rat - !lamybrain.- You brol:a my will, i/ J J. J 1 l l JIH m 1 Good- n9SS gra-cious,graal - ballso!fl- ral LJ 1~LL賊:Ju1 1 lauo;t>oda1 lhooght lt was run Ycuc:amea- long andmcved- rnu,t>on- ey. 1 changed my mind; ~揃: m 1 1 J l J IL J rn Good- -ora- doos.oreal-bals '-...... ~.,,. __ ----___ _ ,__ .. __
  • 9. ~揃.e i , l 11 r i 捉 1 i 1 me. ba by. yol good. J 1 1 J 1 Hold me. ba by l WRnl !O !ove you ~ r r 1 11 r r r D l 1 1 chew my nails and 1 twkH !le my lhumbs. f:r. @Li 1 i f e l J. Ji+q Oh. ba 揃 by, you're drllln' me era zy. ' '揃 ~揃 l J l J鱈N+MR fL i. Js 1 Good揃ness ora揃 doos. greai_ bds oi ft -rel
  • 10. PEGGYSUE @ 8righ!RockBttt ! l l ljl 1 J J 1 1.11 youkc"IOW- 2.P&g -gySuu.- ,.,. "' ""'' Sue. - """ v:: Sue. - "'揃 1 lj . J IJ IW k!elblue - a揃bout Peg-gy.足f<>< > F l f ,鱈fJD my Pag 揃 gy SL損. - - 足Pa you.- oh. Pa -cheg-Q"f.- G- - hey - gy Sue.--- ~J#d 1'鱈 l ua J Oh.wel.l lave you.Qal,-yes, Oh.well.I lave you.Qai.-yes. t; 00'.) C G (d l Pag - Q"ISIJe. _ _ Cb束usf'9g !IYSUe.-- e 1 l ~!: l . jl 1 1 l l]l pg Pwg揃'J'ISUe.- P"'Ol揃!IYSue,_ ~<lJli .JJJ I J l l d l J p..i-~ 18*'-fJ. P"M--1'- ~ - ty. Pag-<Jt s..._ -0-~ ... ,_,.,..__.,_1 ---~揃m-;-.--~g;i_ D
  • 11. P911 - 11)1$ue. __ _ J l ll J. L;C G P Ub Peg-rrt Sue.-- G 11 ; r 1r 1 1 J l i]J 1 "'""9)100. - Pe<;1 揃 11)1Sue. - 1 l]J l l andlJJEt. - OI>. Peg 揃 Peg- ll)ISoo. - - - 属' e l l l 1 1 l 4 j J 1 ; ~揃 .r., ' .;. 23 ""---------
  • 12. ~SW..-: 2.3..S.7.8 - BIRD DOG G C "{F) lj'i 1 1 1 1 fffJ e (FJ Ir 11 ltffJ le li ''1,; J J r 11 0 1 i i 1 i 1 l r 1 1. Jclln-ny b ajok- er. {He's abird.) A Yer-y fLl'l揃ny jok 揃 ar. 2 . .Jotn.ny &ings a leve soog. (Llka ablrd.) He sinfplha sweeH~st lole"""ll tJ ' 1 (He'$ a b<nl.) (You -ll&ard.) But when ~ .. joke my hon-ey. (Ha"s a dog.) His Bvl whan l>e sings to my gal (Wtiat a howl.) To itiw 1 l 11 o I' 1 1 揃; ' J J W J ; J 1 Joli;-ln' ain1oo flm-ny. (Whata dog.) John-ny iC ltlO jcl<-erthal's a me he's juSl a w<:>ltdog (On lhe prowt) John-nywants 10 l'ty a- way and li)' - ln IO st..al my ba - by. (He's a l>ird dog.) l'l'P - py love my t>a- by. {He' a bltd dog.) HDy, bltd dog. get a -wayfmmmy quail. - Hey, l>ird dog.you'recn-f7) i J 1尊Jct7+JITTI1; ~r 亮afil --_ .. wrcnglr.lll. 6irtldog.you'dbel-1*"1N"'9my lov -9)'00"9 揃---- ----.,揃=揃=~~=--=---:
  • 13. 1 ~F r l J l 1 iTJP r= Hay, bird dog. get a -way from myo:::liic*._ Hey, blrd dog, )'O<J'd bet- ter 11'!1 a揃way quick.- =i.' C G 07 ~ 'UH J J "d J 1 C(FJ cm 11 r 1 r f 1 l&': l J l r 11 D 1 3.John-nyldssedtl>eteacti揃er. (He'sabird.) tip- 1oedupto raaoht.. 1' ~, D 1 ' J 1 J l ] J 1 1 D 1 ' A (Ha's abird.) Well, he's t!lll tooch-efs petnow. (Htl'1; a dog) Wlill ~揃) j;, J J 11 D 1 lle wantsh&canget ncw. {'N!lat adog.) 000揃1 G r.> 1
  • 14. .ELEANOR RIGBY @ StlggesledStl.llloderately fif=J lms:2,3,4,a S,B,7,8 rfr F r E 1'Q 1 1 Ah - IOOka!all-thelone-ly 1c:peo-plol 11 U賊1 (fij w ffJJ I _ E- Ola-norRlg-by, plcl<upllwlrica - inllwlchurch-whllra awod-lfo>glwlsbeen, 2-Fatt..erMc-Keo-zie, wril-~lhewords oi a - mon11>111oo - OOl!wi.tiear,- 3. E-l&a-oor Rig- by, dii>d irlthechurd andwas l>ur - ied a-long.withhername, ~揃 '1 .....,.iflgthe hce - thalshekeeps- in a la- bythadoor,足dam- ing his "属"""- i> lhe nighl _ whenlhere'sno bod-y tttere. 足~ - ing the dlrt- from his hands - as h9 waua. _ !rom the 11rave, - ~??S!J 1 1 AJ j l1 8d wi,:1::::.:::i==} AI lyp90- ~揃 ! D 1 J] 1 ': A 01 lhe'fal - c"""'from?_ lypeo- 1 !~ O r play31imes(3rdlime, D a'i D.C-1 .., .. _ be-long?-
  • 15. DUKE OF EARL @ SoQges1edStrums:2.,3,4.6,10 lilodemtRock G G i'I J ' J J JJIJ l l O!J J ", JI; J; f A&_ 1; j J J M揃lhingcan 5op )'OU - wlll bll :: Duke ofE~ "" ~-- ar11 ""! glrl,- .m Ouchess olW.Wllen 1 walk _ _ tflrour,ihmy Duke - dom, lha L r 1 " ir er ' 1 r n1r p u 揃 t lei ""' hokl )'Oll,-- 'ctUJs. rm lh9 cu.. d kit me hold )'<)U,-- 'cause l'm lhll DID 1# i',~~揃 rw r揃r:..揃i . r:_.I '-揃_-,-_揃-_-_- 揃揃-----"足
  • 16. TAKIN' CARE OF BUSINESS @l SUggeated Strums:3.~.5 1.Thoy J 1 i ,l J J 1 J 1 ~' .J q-; A属' Oll,J J i J a pi tiiglll fi l ieen ln . to lhe 巽;.1y. There's a wNs-~ e up a-bove andpeoo-ple you canrnake11Wndsloud0< met-low. Gel 1 seo-Olldhaodgui-taf, chl!r>- ces ki/ -''J J鱈E J J j l,1 J J Jl,D' ,FJJ pusl>-in'~ple sl>DY-in'andlh&gills Who trylok>ol<pret揃ty. Ar<lil)'OUI' areyoolll go fu l yougetlnwtthlherlghlbundlol !Bl揃low$. ~pie $ 1 J OI ffi23 L J Q" l J l!J JI AO:l"s on limlt youcangettoworkbynir>9andstarlyouralav-in'joblogetyo<X -rouhltWl'lunjusl a - ly揃irf in the sun.- Tel lhemthatyouf端1 Ullisway. *1#J ≒Q IJ 1) JlrylJ1jJlj ,.... ... .. ga1-....,.i.1oo11. 1119,l'msellem-ployed, ' 揃---h .. ...揃thll -~-----.. 揃vcd. 揃----"" .. _ ........ pbyed, ... 足--.-""'"""" --~----
  • 17. ~揃1 ... 4 J ,J J l ~揃 .... . d 00,. ~ .... . - ....... ""' .. d "' Wt'ffl- ~ J 1l m j 'ui J 1 : Tak- r.'care oi busi揃"""'"揃 ev - 'ry day. _ *6mww U賊l'JJn' wi ' mw,% w-'ry W3'f.- 1ve b&entak - n c:are oi busi-ness lt's al!TQ_ t.- - ln' careolbosi - oess. 8fld wor1<- n o-ver- time.worl<-out ,,:--足="! ll'i ' ' 尊"'~ ,,.,,,_ 11Jfil 11 J rJ -1 ~, ,ai1' i w 11 a 1: u n 揃 <賊 Tak ;,careof t:>usi-ness. ov 揃 'ryday.- Tak in' cara cf busl - ness ll's ai mine. -
  • 18. SURFIN' U.S.A. @ Suggest8dStrums:3,4.5.7,8 BrtghtRoek ~揃 鱈t t F F (f Dr u 11 11揃 lf&V 揃 ry揃bod-yhadan o-cean-- 1-crosslheU.S. >, _ ~≒----~ 1100-natakareel ""属"揃 B2fJ LJ 1'I u SYrl-ln'- - 足surt boar坦s _ _ ~ ~ r Ja0 1 t:IIfi鱈5Pt4 - ll<eCal-1 -10<-ni - a.----Yoild-tl9mwear-ln'lheir - wo can't - wait ler Jur.e.---We'll all be !JOllll lor 1111 #11 尊. ~t l J 1QTJ ! F bag-gies.---huas揃a揃chisan-dals ~.---wa'reon!Xl-fa rito ~Llf .o.o,揃 -_-_-_-_
  • 19. 1'11 1J. u SUn - !:==== ~--:,-_v:;,揃~.-~. ~----- lJ tEfJ H 't -..,足_ J J n n 1 1 A鱈 u 1 1 n JJ : Ev-'fy揃bod揃'(sgo<19 suriln,--IU'l-ln'U.S. A.": Ev- 'ry揃 bod揃y'1:go<191Url 揃 ln',--sui-in'U.$.A..- ~ l!..,o
  • 20. BLUES SUEDE SHOES e Sugg&st..iStrums:1,2,3,4,5,8 SrightBoogilt one for lhe moo-ey, IJ R '探"',Cal,ljQ.BtJI, don'tyoo 51ep on my Blul! Suede JiJ 1 Youcen <lo an 揃y-lhing. - tlul lay cn o! my BlJeSuedoSloes._ 1. Wel. 'fO'J C8ll Knock me down.- bom my house,- nn 1 1 steponmyfaoo,_ stW- my cat, - ~揃=.e:.=- .... ..::::=-..:....-o:-'._-=..
  • 21. ~j J J 1, JJ ...,,.dermy narr. ai o--111-p1.ce,_ li'lnk- my cider lrommy old - lruM laf.- IJ n J J uh, hon揃..,., lay oll oi my .no.._ do an-y揃lhing- bul lay .. :t O G7 D ~揃, G賊賊J j:z.D JJJllGdJ
  • 22. 1 GOT VOU (1 FEEL GOOD) @ Sugi;jestodSWn$:2,3,4,8,10 SteadyRoel<JFunk %o f1;lf1JJJ!JI Wowl l leelgood: - ikesu-garandspice.足D 4'! I f ,!_~!? 1 leel good; 1 fQ9I r.oe, f++# ll 11 ToCodB e A7 尊捉' Sogood, 足Sollice,_ likesu-garandSf!ic. - - .~ Oj l 1 1 1 1 JU J 1 1 sogooct- lgotyou,_ sorice.- 1go1you _ fB~;; 111 1 J u r 111 ~" ,m J . 尊b , , jf 1 Whenlholdyou tn my :/鱈'= r J; . . a 11 {!8:1 1 . 11' r 1! ffiEJ ~ anTl!l lknowU'18tl巽an,donowroog: - andwhcnlhold- ycutnmy fLffei:f端J l'j J J) J ~ anns.. My !ove won1 do you no harm. _ And 1 leel good - 揃-- ~揃 1-'J " D 1 O j l1 11J JnJ1 __~_-- ____ ----足.. _ IOgood, - 1 gct,.,,..__ So good, . 揃...
  • 23. HANG ON SLOOPY 8 Sul10f'5ledS!rums:2,3,4,6 Wonls_,_.., W..fwr .. andllofl- I He.og on SloQ-py, SOO.pyhM9on._ 4;1:; J lzl J J 1i i d n iu 1.Sloo-py lives- ln a ver - y bad - ,.artol town._ ~:=:~ ~;-y;.,d~=. '!i~' haogdowro dad-~ :揃.= 4#1 A G 'ry揃bod揃y yeah - lriesloputmySloo-117 '巽a(ISl!you koow,Sloo揃py girl~ fminlova_ ...,_ Sloopy lel 'f<:NI- halr down, gir!, le! ~ hang '*-i <:r'I ~l 2A Groc11oros113.A G 1 ,, m p. ic And so l iingout: Comoon.- you.- ij'i;f! 2 属1:揃 n 1 ~ i 1 i 尊1f,_lf#u: 揃 __, 揃 S loo-py.{Comlon,ccmoon.) - Comeon- Sl<損py1Corn9on,.,.,..,.cn.)- Welcon'lllODSbo-py. wea. comeooSloo-py. ~backgm<.nd..xai) 11: 端 b::E We~ ~ feefs _ to足WeU shakeil,shake il,--. t o.e. (Ropoa.tCl>oNsJand"- ft:@p:J" l;EO fi&1 W10 :1揃 111 good..- Youl:nowlleels-SO- good. - Sloo-~-- .,W_. .., d.>.a.k-e.i.l .-sl-a.ltlelol.sh<ake.il-.,.-..,.. ....... "-$.. -_-_- ..-..揃 ---揃---- ,,__ .. __
  • 24. " ~揃 1 ra ~e saidal-read 揃 y, saidal-l'N.d-y, AFRICA UNITE 0 ar.dwe're go-ing to our - falh揃<I<' yeah, - ., r r r 端 r 1 pleas揃anT ~-woold be, plees-am ~ - wouk:I be, f j 1; J AJ - n-car11, yeah Ras- ta- man. yeah. ""'''' ' :t~'~ bedone, yeah. bedom!, yeati. -------~-=揃----------"..."揃..".- - ---k
  • 25. e ToCodit~ G 'r 111; 11 P 尊1 G o O t; r r r rn 1 t 1 r 11 A J chD-chn wan揃naeorn.llomt,-Yeah, yeah,-yeah. J; 'cause we're mov-lng rlghl OI.li of Bab 揃 Y揃 o属"'' ~.E. t 1!.L ~ L p J FJ 1. i O R8()631~ml..ll/llldF- ~揃 r u u cw 揃 , ir c::J rrl::坦則g:q 1 1 -.a-.bm-e揃 c:i1 waurpao-ple u 揃a rs 揃 ...., youlhr*.
  • 26. STRUMS n.strumsymbolsar<llheifmeaningsareutolaws - -0ownstroke ~ -Op$troke X- Dampeningwilhlhahand 11 8 I uv.uv. 2l f f s I ( !"1 1 !"1 1 1"1 1 (-{W. 3 I ( ( ( ( I ( ~( (-{ CHORDCHART 71 Uf(@ 1( f-t@ lnlhis chartyovwllllrodlhechordsleamodlnlhisbookllS~UffVl!l'lllothero:>nVTIOll~you """''""".,...icyouareplaylng. Am mm t1im ii ~