Julie Cook and her husband Tim Brown own Easy On Hold, a company based in Portage, Michigan that provides customized on-hold messaging to over 3,000 business clients. They have grown their small business from just the two of them in 2007 to now employing eight full-time staff. Their on-hold messages aim to make the time customers spend waiting on hold more productive by providing useful information rather than just generic messages. Their clients include businesses across the U.S. and overseas like a hotel in Bangkok.
Duluth Hiring Open House Flyer February 2015 (1)Tanner Little
Four hotels in Duluth, Minnesota - The Inn on Lake Superior, Edgewater Hotel & Waterpark, Days Inn Duluth Lakewalk, and The Downtown Duluth Motel - are holding a joint open house on February 14th from 10am to 3pm to hire for various positions. Roles available include front desk, housekeeping, lifeguarding, food and beverage preparation. Wages start at $9-10 per hour depending on the position and all offers flexible schedules and benefits. Applicants should contact Julia Worthing or Tanner Little for more information or visit zmchotels.com/careers.
Letter of Reference - Alessandro Mazzi Minter EllisonAlessandro Mazzi
Alessandro Mazzi worked as a research clerk at MinterEllison law firm from May to September 2014. His English language skills allowed him to easily engage and contribute to teams. Although his time was brief, he demonstrated a personality suitable for legal teamwork through focused research skills and delivering work on time. His supervisor wishes him well in future endeavors.
1. The document discusses the history and importance of customer service, using examples from early transportation companies in the Philippines and business philosophies of Japanese entrepreneurs.
2. It emphasizes that customer service should focus on delighting and satisfying customers in order to build loyalty and ensure profitability.
3. The document also provides guidance on how to properly handle difficult customer situations, such as by listening without making excuses, apologizing when appropriate, and prioritizing customer needs over company policies.
1. The document discusses the history and importance of customer service, using examples from early transportation companies in the Philippines and business philosophies of Japanese entrepreneurs.
2. It emphasizes that quality customer service aims to delight and satisfy customers in order to build loyalty and ensure profitability. Apologizing to customers and prioritizing their needs over the company's are important aspects of good customer service.
3. Roleplaying exercises are presented to help employees learn how to properly handle difficult customers through maintaining calm, being solution-oriented, and avoiding excuses or empty promises.
The document discusses the process of designing a movie poster for a thriller film. The poster uses dark tones and sharp edges to appeal to the target horror audience. It features an image of the villain from the trailer as the main focal point to convey fear and intrigue about the character. A black background enhances the villain's menacing appearance emerging from the darkness and makes the red text pop out attractively. Elements like sharp, blood-red text and a sheened effect were chosen to symbolize horror themes like pain and knives. Contrast and lighting were adjusted on the villain image to make it clear but still haunting and fit with the dark aesthetic of the poster.
In my thriller movie poster, I featured the villain prominently to draw in viewers and portray fear. I used dark tones and a black background to set a scary, ominous mood. The red text is meant to resemble blood and violence, keeping with the thriller theme. I made design choices like sharp edges and contrast to highlight the villain's menacing appearance and communicate that the film contains disturbing subject matter.
The document outlines various risks that could occur during a film shoot and proposes solutions to address them, including a crew member falling ill and being unable to operate the camera so backups of footage and a spare battery are suggested, an actor becoming unavailable so a backup actor or altered scenes are proposed, a prop being forgotten so backups or alternative scenes are recommended, filming in public or restricted areas so permission, backup locations, or respecting the public is advised, and filming in a busy area so waiting for it to clear or permission is proposed.
The document discusses the process of creating a trailer for a slasher film. It explains how the trailer aimed to follow genre conventions like those in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It describes establishing a sense of safety and isolation for the victim through shots and setting. Feedback from audiences helped improve the storyline and add more scenes. Media technologies like websites, editing software, and converters were used for research, production, and presentation.
The document discusses the process of designing a magazine cover to promote a horror movie trailer. The designer wanted to include an image of the villain's mask but had to be careful about the perspective and editing to make the villain appear menacing. They used tools like the burn tool to manipulate the image and make it seem darker. The final cover includes the villain image, banners in vibrant colors, and other design elements like a barcode and price to make it seem like a legitimate magazine.
The document discusses the process of creating a slasher horror film trailer for a class project. It describes how the student filmed scenes to establish characters like the victim and villain within the conventions of the genre. Issues that came up included casting a female in a traditionally male villain role. Organizing work between group members also required flexibility. The student's main role was filming scenes to portray the victim as defenseless. Footage was then converted to the proper format and organized for editing the trailer together.
The document summarizes the student's final evaluation of their magazine design project. They analyzed existing music magazines to understand conventions for their target audience of 18-23 year olds interested in indie/rock music. For the cover, they used a large central image and bold masthead placement inspired by NME. Layout, typography, and color choices were also informed by research. Photoshop was used to edit images for professional quality. Overall, the student demonstrated applying research and technical skills to create an authentic magazine design.
Michael Jackson nasceu em 1958 e se tornou o rei do pop. Ele teve uma carreira de sucesso como cantor, dan巽arino e produtor musical na d辿cada de 1980. Em 2009, Michael Jackson sofreu uma parada card鱈aca em sua casa e morreu aos 50 anos, chocando milhares de f達s ao redor do mundo.
La empresa Compandaes S.A. se dedica a la confecci坦n de prendas de vestir en Atuntaqui, Ecuador. Su proceso de producci坦n incluye el dise単o, corte, confecci坦n y empaque de prendas usando maquinaria moderna. Aplica un sistema de costos por 坦rdenes de producci坦n y vende sus productos a minoristas y cadenas de tiendas a nivel local y nacional.
The document discusses the process of creating a trailer for a slasher film. It explains how the trailer aimed to follow genre conventions like those in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It describes establishing a sense of safety and isolation for the victim through shots and setting. Feedback from audiences helped improve the storyline and add more scenes. Media technologies like websites, editing software, and converters were used for research, production, and presentation.
The document discusses the process of designing a magazine cover to promote a horror movie trailer. The designer wanted to include an image of the villain's mask but had to be careful about the perspective and editing to make the villain appear menacing. They used tools like the burn tool to manipulate the image and make it seem darker. The final cover includes the villain image, banners in vibrant colors, and other design elements like a barcode and price to make it seem like a legitimate magazine.
The document discusses the process of creating a slasher horror film trailer for a class project. It describes how the student filmed scenes to establish characters like the victim and villain within the conventions of the genre. Issues that came up included casting a female in a traditionally male villain role. Organizing work between group members also required flexibility. The student's main role was filming scenes to portray the victim as defenseless. Footage was then converted to the proper format and organized for editing the trailer together.
The document summarizes the student's final evaluation of their magazine design project. They analyzed existing music magazines to understand conventions for their target audience of 18-23 year olds interested in indie/rock music. For the cover, they used a large central image and bold masthead placement inspired by NME. Layout, typography, and color choices were also informed by research. Photoshop was used to edit images for professional quality. Overall, the student demonstrated applying research and technical skills to create an authentic magazine design.
Michael Jackson nasceu em 1958 e se tornou o rei do pop. Ele teve uma carreira de sucesso como cantor, dan巽arino e produtor musical na d辿cada de 1980. Em 2009, Michael Jackson sofreu uma parada card鱈aca em sua casa e morreu aos 50 anos, chocando milhares de f達s ao redor do mundo.
La empresa Compandaes S.A. se dedica a la confecci坦n de prendas de vestir en Atuntaqui, Ecuador. Su proceso de producci坦n incluye el dise単o, corte, confecci坦n y empaque de prendas usando maquinaria moderna. Aplica un sistema de costos por 坦rdenes de producci坦n y vende sus productos a minoristas y cadenas de tiendas a nivel local y nacional.
1. Public Schools, the voice may sound familiar.
Julie Cook, president and owner of Easy On Hold速 in
Portage, supplies the vocal prompts navigating callers
through the phone tree. You can even hear her in Thailand:
Shes the voice of the City Hotel in Bangkok.
She and her husband, Tim Brownwho you can hear if
you call Gordons Food Serviceshave turned a converted
house at 1918 W. Milham Ave. into a studio capable of cre-
ating between 15 and 30 productions on a given day.
In 2007, Easy On Hold速 had two employees: Cook and
Brown. Brown, who is vice president, is in charge of pro-
duction, while Cook runs the sales side, the husband-and-
wife team explained. Today, it has eight full-time employ-
ees and two writers on retainer to support the firms 3,000
clients. Cook estimated that the business has grown by 10
percent a year for the past four years.
Part of that is a changing business dynamic that wants
to take advantage of every customer interaction, Cook ex-
plained. Instead of a Muzak速 loop punctuated by the traditional
soothing statement, Your call is very important to us, busi-
nesses today try to make the time callers spend on hold
more productive for both parties.
Lets admit it: Hitting the hold button is not something
any business wants to do, said Cook. Instead of say-
ing your call is important, maybe we can offer something
concrete that really is important. How can we give you more
information, give you hip music to listen to and not insult
your intelligence?
Cook summed up the problem with the old Your call is
very important to us line: If it were so important, why am
I still on hold?
Enter Easy on Hold速, which Brown founded in 1997 after
waiting to make a reservation at a restaurant. The eatery
was playing a local radio station, which happened to be
running an ad for different restaurant. Brown, who ended
up eating at the competition that evening, sensed a busi-
ness opportunity. He started offering free demos, knowing
from his radio background that spec spots sell.
Internet players mean that hold messages can get much
closer to live than in the days of the recorded loop,
Brown said, with some of their clients offering day of
specials to callers. After Hurricane Sandy hit, New York-
and New Jersey-based businesses used Easy On Hold速
to let callers know how their hours would be affected
and where callers could get service in the meantime
until the business was able to reopen.
All service companies need to look at every opportunity
to provide good service, said Cook, who recommended
that executives put themselves on hold with their own
company, so that they can experience it from a callers
point of view. If Im a busy call center, Ive got thousands
of people on hold every day, said Cook. What a loss for
the caller if theyre not getting anything else.
Julie Cook records a message for a client at Easy On Hold速
at 1918 W. Milham Ave. in Portage.
Portages Easy On Hold速
Can Be
Heard From Kalamazoo To Bangkok
By Yvonne Zipp | yzipp@mlive.com
People want to hear it before they commit to buying it.
How do you know what youre getting? said Brown. The
other thing he said set Easy On Hold速 apart in the early
days was promising a three-day turnaround.
The goal was to come up with a good quality product,
but get it in a timely fashion, said Brown.
With digital delivery, shipping time no longer needs to be
factored in, Brown said. Easy on Hold速, which moved into
its current offices in 2003, also keeps its archives online, so
that clients can view, edit and approve scripts online.
息 MLive.com. All rights reserved.
PORTAGE, MI If you call the Kalamazoo Public
Library, Norwegian Cruise Lines or the Portage