The document describes an interaction at an airport security checkpoint where a man questioned why he had to go through security again after briefly leaving. The security guard firmly replied "No exception". This demonstrated a strong control environment through the guard's clear communication and enforcement of the rule due to their training. It also drew parallels to developing strong control environments in organizations through properly socializing changes, measuring compliance, and continual improvement through self-assessment and training.
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EB7_p44-46 Tom McLeod
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whilestandinginline thereby
As we danced the dance of modern
security, a gentleman approached the
security check-in point and said in a hurried
voice: I checked in about an hour ago and
had to go out do I need to check in again?
Without missing a beat the security guard
who also appeared to be losing the will to
live after what I can only imagine was a long
shift looked up and said: No exception.
One would have thought that may have
been the end of the conversation and the
natural moment that we all moved one step
forward in the progression towards the
airports secure kingdom. Alas no. Our friend
decided that at that time and at that place he
was going to question the logic of the airport
security with a person that had no interest
(or known incentive) to change; no ability to
change and no experience in change.
This is appalling, said our friend. What
you are saying is that you dont trust my
word! he continued indignantly.
in line...A strong control environment is one where the
organisation holds individuals accountable for their
responsibilities in the pursuit of the agreed objective
No exception, was the deadpan reply.
The interaction was sufficiently
conspicuous that it drew the attention of
what appeared to be two supervisors to our
line. It was at that point that the loudly
articulated exasperations of his fellow
travellers and the fact that the security
guard had numbers not to mention logic
on his side that the gentleman submitted
himself to the dance.
As he was collecting his worldly
possessions from the other side of the
security check-in point the gentleman turned
to me and said: It has worked before!
What are
expectations with
regards to how well
controlled the area/process
should be? If you dont set
this well and early what
can happen is that no one
understands the need for the
control in the first place.
Translating this experience to the work
environment when management seek to
change a process, they need to be
demonstrating that change has been
properly socialised and communicated.
The role of a well-functioning board
here is to ask the most basic of questions
why? Why is there a change? Why was
the previous control environment not
sufficient? How will we make sure that the
new control environment is as strong as
what we currently have?
How will stakeholders
know the control
environment has changed?
There is a time and a place for not alerting
people to a change in an underlying
process but those times nearly always
start and end with the suspicion of fraud
or malicious misadventure.
So, assuming that now is not one of
those times, one needs to consider
how thecontrolenvironmentandindeed
communicated.Tell the stakeholders that
there is a change likely and what you
will find more often than not is that the
desired behaviour becomes the norm in
anticipation of the change.
Control | Board GovernanceBoard Governance | Control
People expect to be
searched at airports
When management seek
to change a process, they
need to be demonstrating
that change has been
properly socialised and
Ethical Boardroom | Summer 2016 Summer 2016 | Ethical Boardroom
Tom McLeod
Managing Consultant,
McLeod Governance
The incident and the interaction was a
beautiful microcosm about what constitutes
(and what does not constitute) a strong
control environment and paradoxically
the importance of training.
Lets examine the control
environment element
Despite their global inconsistencies in design
and execution the world over, we now have
an expectation that when we travel we will be
searched before we board the plane or indeed
before we are allowed to be in the general
proximity of the plane and passengers.
That is the first stage of developing a
strong control environment.
2. Ethical Boardroom | Summer 2016
Board Governance | Control
At the airport security check-in that our
friend visited, the control environment is
communicated by the physical presence of
signs, machines and human resources.
It is telling indeed screaming to even
the least observant traveller that this is a
moment in their journey where they have
to submit themselves to what is effectively
a risk assessment before they are allowed
along their way.
Communicating strengthened accounts
payable processes in an enterprise-wide
accounting system rarely has the
communication signals luxury that is afforded
a security check-in point. In such instances,
the best way to communicate is then often by
the exultations of senior management.
Boards should be asking of senior
management what the executive leadership
team has done to be a spokesperson for the
improvement of the organisational control
environment. If the answer is nothing or very
little, not only will you will never have a strong
control environment, but, as a board member,
you are also more than likely to be overseeing
an organisation that is lacking an aspirational
tone at the top.
Measuring the
control environment
The next area that we need to consider is the
measurement of the control environment.
How many people each and every day at
the checkpoint that I was queuing at to
seek to bypass the intended security
controls? How many people actually bypass
the security controls?
The first question should be a relatively easy
measurement to determine it is, after all, a
case of pure maths. The number of people
passing through the gates against the number
of those that raised a concern about passing
through the gates.
The second question is much harder to
measure but measure it you must. A strong
control environment can tell you how often it
has failed. How often the expected control has
not operated in the way that was expected of it.
Remember how our traveller friend said:
It has worked before! While I have never
been privy to the intimate workings of an
airport security checkpoint I am making an
educated guess that there is surveillance
policing our every move. The visual deterrence
element of the surveillance has obviously not
worried my fellow traveller previously. Would,
however, his behaviour change if he knew that
there was a post security check-in analysis of
the footage to identify and monitor those who
have fatigued the security control system to
the point that it has failed?
A strong control environment has layers
if one layer fails there is another layer that is
designed to stop or modify the undesirable
behaviour. Before we discuss the importance
of training, one needs to give consideration to
the role of continuous improvement in the
establishment and maintenance of strong and
robust control environments.
Sadly, as a result of malfeasance of deranged
individuals, airport security has had to
improve to reflect the changed circumstances.
Assume for one moment that hadnt
happened. The airport security check point
control would deteriorate over time if it stayed
the same. The reason? People would start to
understand how to game the system. They
would like our friend start to work out
what works and does not work. One of the
most successful ways to counter this natural
deterioration is to constantly self-assess the
strength of the control environment.
Self-assessment in this context could be an
examination of the totality of the process or
indeed a mere fraction thereof. This then
leaves us with the importance of training.
The need for training
As our friend tried to beat the airport security
check in system you will recall he was met with
(what was a very stony faced, non expressive)
no exceptions. This response could have
been the automatic response but I suspect
not. It was more than likely the result of good,
regular, clear and comprehensive training.
Many years ago we found ourselves with a
day to spare in Dallas, Texas. We decided to
spend it retracing the important historical
monuments in the assassination of the 35th
President of the United States of America,
John F Kennedy. After walking the Grassy
Knoll and visiting the Texas School Book
Depository we decided to see how long the
drive was to Parkland Memorial Hospital.
In a memorial section just inside the
hospital we came across one of the most
Our security guard at the airport check-in
was the beneficiary of good training that
enabled him to state clearly and calmly
that there was to be no exception to
the rule that everyone had to be checked.
His actions were deliberate and definitive
there was no ambiguity in his behaviour
or in his response to the mischievous
actions of the traveller.
Next time you stand in line at an airport
security check-in, remind yourself that for all
its frustrations it is a great example of what a
strong control environment should be.
Office Memorandum, 27 November 1963
To: All Employees
At 12:38 p.m., Friday, November 22, 1963,
President John F. Kennedy and Texas
Governor John Connally were brought to the
Emergency Room of Parkland Memorial
Hospital after being struck down by the bullets
of an assassin.
At 1:07 p.m., Sunday, November 24, 1963,
Lee. H. Oswald, accused assassin of the late
president, died in an operating room of
Parkland Memorial Hospital after being shot
by a bystander in the basement of Dallas City
Hall. In the intervening 48 hours and 31
minutes Parkland Memorial Hospital had:
1. Become the temporary seat of the
government of the United States.
2. Become the temporary seat of the
government of the State of Texas.
3. Become the site of the death of the
35th President.
4. Become the site of the ascendency
of the 36th President.
5. Become site of the death of President
Kennedys accused assassin.
6. Twice become the center of the attention
of the world.
7. Continued to function at close to normal
pace as a large charity hospital.
What is it that enables an institution to
take in stride such a series of history jolting
events? Spirit? Dedication? Preparedness?
Certainly, all of these are important, but the
underlying factor is people. People whose
education and training is sound. People
whose judgment is calm and perceptive.
People whose actions are deliberate and
definitive. Our pride is not that we were swept
up by the whirlwind of tragic history, but that
when we were, we were not found wanting.
C. J. Price, Administrator
impressive pieces of correspondence that we
have ever read. It was the reproduction of a
memo written four days after the murder of
President Kennedy (see right). There is stanza
contained within it that sums up what enables
a strong control environment:
1 People whose education and
training is sound
2 People whose judgement is calm
and perceptive
3 People whose actions are deliberate
and definitive
The scene of the
assassination of
President Kennedy
in Dallas in 1963