Ebenezer Howard publicó en 1898 sus teorÃas sobre la ciudad jardÃn, que influyeron en el urbanismo estadounidense. Propuso una ciudad equilibrada que combina lo mejor del campo y la ciudad, con actividades agrÃcolas e industriales y un entorno saludable. Fundó la primera ciudad jardÃn, Letchworth, en 1902.
A study on pedestrian movement done in Tel-Aviv.
morphological and functional attributes of the built environment and their affect on pedestrian distribution
This presentation was given by Mayor John Callhan of Bethlehem, Pennsylvenia to a group of Israeli mayors as part of the Israeli Mayor Institute held by the Movement for Israeli Urbanism
The document describes several green ring projects from around the world, including:
1) The Sydney Green Ring, a 38.5km circuit in Australia that connects various parks and waterways.
2) The San Francisco Bay Trail, an 805km network of trails around the San Francisco Bay Area across 9 states and 47 cities.
3) The Bremen Region Green Ring, an 800km network of trails promoting tourism around the city of Bremen, Germany.
4) The Hanover Grüne Ring, an 80km cycling route around the city of Hanover, Germany with additional side paths.
This document appears to be a collection of slides from a presentation by Paul Murrain on the topic of urbanism. Some key ideas discussed include:
- The importance of public spaces, parks, and squares in measuring the greatness of a civilization and its cities.
- The origins of words like "civic", "city", and "civil" from the Latin word "civis" meaning citizen.
- Criticisms of modern design for not providing a larger vision and instead only producing disconnected things.
- The importance of diversity, adaptability, continuity of culture, and being vibrant yet quiet in urban design.
- Characteristics of traditional cities like density and amenity going together, with density
This document appears to be a collection of slides from a presentation by Paul Murrain on the topic of urbanism. Some key ideas discussed include:
- The importance of public spaces, parks, and squares in measuring the greatness of a civilization and its cities.
- The origins of words like "civic", "city", and "civil" from the Latin word "civis" meaning citizen.
- Criticisms of modern design for not providing a larger vision and instead only producing disconnected things.
- The importance of diversity, adaptability, continuity of culture, and being vibrant yet quiet in urban design.
- Characteristics of traditional cities like density and amenity going together, with density