This document provides an overview of marketing services offered including marketing research, integrated marketing communications, PR management, identity and design, copywriting and translation, online marketing, business networking, business intelligence, training and coaching, and marketing as a service. It lists relevant experience with clients in various industries and provides references for completed work. The services described aim to help clients effectively communicate with target audiences through an optimized marketing strategy and mix of online and offline channels.
2. our services marketing research integrated marketing communications PR management identity and design copywriting and transcreation online marketing business networking business intelligence training, coaching, mentoring marketing as a service
3. marketing research market data gathering for Romanian and / or International clients questionnaire-based inquiry (quantitative) focus-groups (qualitative) executive / non executive interviews (qualitative and quantitative) REFERENCES Cumerio, Euromonitor, Realmedia Network, Microsoft, Vodafone, Dove, Timisoara Software Business Incubator, Cicor, West University of Timisoara, CM Metal Trading
4. IMC need to communicate communication strategy mix of channels mix of target audiences media planning targetting results REFERENCES Realmedia Network, Imo Serv, Piatras, CIT Grup City Business Centre, Grunwald, Pravalia de acasa
5. PR management the new wave brand awareness using PR arsenal press releases, key messages, catchy stories, events, right channels crisis management REFERENCES Realmedia Network, Orange, City Business Centre, Lasting System, Pravalia de acasa, Casa Altringen
6. identity and design know the market and trends create customized strategy all stationery materials understand visuals and customer engagement choose the right web presence adapt stationery for specific channels call-to-action and inspiring REFERENCES City Business Centre, Casa Altringen, Vermont Romania, Grunwald, Pro Dance Show, Zavoi Cottage, Pravalia de acasa
7. copywriting and transcreation crystal clear communciation customized messages, campaigns, manuals in En, Fr and Ro native speaker quality REFERENCES Orange, Realmedia Network, Imo Serv, City Business Centre, Lasting System, Vermont Romania, Lingo24, wordTrade, North Star Continental Resort, Zavoi Cottage, Casa Altringen, CIT Grup, Pro Dance Show
8. online marketing specific online objectives (SMART) customized online campaigns full mix of online channels and tools extensive insights through Google Analytics result-oriented AdWords campaigns social media experiences (Facebook pages, blogs) integrated ecommerce consulting & support REFERENCES Realmedia Network, City Business Centre, Vermont Romania, North Star Continental Resort, Grunwald, Casa Altringen, Pravalia de acasa, Piatras
9. business networking connected on: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, targeting business networks building a profile building trust creating leads and generating sales outsource or do-it-yourself business events REFERENCES Realmedia Network, City Business Centre, Grunwald, Imo Serv, Casa Altringen, Pravalia de acasa
10. business intelligence data analysis&modelling competitive intelligence business insights&trends data warehouses data mining in-depth executive reports qualitative&quantitative results right strategy & decisions REFERENCES GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson&Johnson, IDEWE
11. training, coaching, mentoring business and learning time management proactive sales Internal communication etc. REFERENCES Realmedia Network, Business Incubator, Elba, City Business Centre, Vermont Romania
12. marketing as a service first Romanian company launching MAAS outsourcing marketing part-time or full-time experts / consultants fully deductible for client companies client portofolio per consultant cross-selling and up-selling REFERENCES Realmedia Network (, Pro Dance Show, City Business Centre, Lasting System, Thinkweb, Casa Altringen, Pravalia de acasa, Piatras,