Faceless seller and customer profiling on the Internet. Presentation at EBRF2009 conference, Jyv?skyl?, Finland on 24.9.2009
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1. Faceless seller and customer profiling on the InternetOuti-Maaria Palo-ojaPresentation at EBRF on 24.9.2009
2. 22.9.2009Faceless seller and customer profiling / Outi-Maaria Palo-oja2eTourismProfilerFrom log data analysis to customer profiling on the InternetTo identify typical customer profiles and customer needs among the internet usersThis information is utilised in targeting marketing efforts according to customer profiles. The customer profiles are identified from the log file that is collected mainly from the travel web sites.ProblemPartnering organisations identified that customers still tend to phone and book their trip
4. Supplementary study on phone based profilingHow sales personnel identify customer needs and typical profiles?What are the critical events during the sales talk?Could we simulate these events on the internet?Is it possible to utilise the phone conversation based profiles on the Internet?How internet marketing is adapted according to customer profiles?22.9.2009Faceless seller and customer profiling / Outi-Maaria Palo-oja4
6. Data and AnalysisDataCall center in travel industry27 conversations between travel agent and buyerVideo, screen capture, phone recordingAnalysisVideo annotation through VICTORWeb based multi-user video annotation tool Time sensitive comments22.9.2009Faceless seller and customer profiling / Outi-Maaria Palo-oja6
9. Study in progressSeller provides alternative options to choose fromProduct placement on the InternetByuing decision as an indicator about customer profileCustomers who bought this, bought also¡ Age, gender, demographics as indicatorsHow to know gender on the net? Content as indicatorReferring sites, search terms, link paths22.9.2009Faceless seller and customer profiling / Outi-Maaria Palo-oja9