1) The document discusses machine learning and deep learning, noting that deep learning is a branch of machine learning that attempts to model different abstraction levels in data automatically.
2) It provides examples of using deep learning for tasks like image classification and discusses best practices for training deep learning models on large datasets.
3) The document demonstrates how to build a deep learning model using transfer learning to predict t-shirt sleeve lengths from images, significantly reducing training time from weeks to minutes.
This document provides an overview of BlueMix DevOps Services. It begins by stating that BlueMix DevOps Services is a fully hosted, cloud-based software development tool to enable quicker startup and time to value. It then introduces IBM BlueMix DevOps Services, highlighting that it promotes incremental and frictionless adoption of DevOps services for BlueMix. The document outlines some key DevOps Services like GIT hosting, mobile quality, an integrated development environment, agile planning and tracking, performance monitoring, and deployment automation. It provides steps to get started with BlueMix DevOps Services in minutes and notes that agile development in the cloud is easy with built-in agile process support, work items to track planning, agile tools,
1) The document discusses machine learning and deep learning, noting that deep learning is a branch of machine learning that attempts to model different abstraction levels in data automatically.
2) It provides examples of using deep learning for tasks like image classification and discusses best practices for training deep learning models on large datasets.
3) The document demonstrates how to build a deep learning model using transfer learning to predict t-shirt sleeve lengths from images, significantly reducing training time from weeks to minutes.
This document provides an overview of BlueMix DevOps Services. It begins by stating that BlueMix DevOps Services is a fully hosted, cloud-based software development tool to enable quicker startup and time to value. It then introduces IBM BlueMix DevOps Services, highlighting that it promotes incremental and frictionless adoption of DevOps services for BlueMix. The document outlines some key DevOps Services like GIT hosting, mobile quality, an integrated development environment, agile planning and tracking, performance monitoring, and deployment automation. It provides steps to get started with BlueMix DevOps Services in minutes and notes that agile development in the cloud is easy with built-in agile process support, work items to track planning, agile tools,
People use water resources in four main ways - for daily use, recreation, energy, and agriculture. Water is used for drinking, washing, and other daily activities by individuals, with the average person in the US using 80-100 gallons per day. Recreational uses include swimming, boating, fishing, and tourism near bodies of water. Water power is harnessed through hydroelectric dams to generate electricity, providing over 20% of the electricity in some states. Agriculture relies on water for irrigation and to meet the needs of livestock, as water is essential for growing crops and raising animals.
(SEC320) Leveraging the Power of AWS to Automate Security & ComplianceAmazon Web Services
"Youve made the move to AWS and are now reaping the benefits of油decreased costs and increased business agility. How can you reap those same benefits for your cloud security and compliance operations? As building cloud-native applications油requires different skill sets, architectures, integrations, and processes, implementing effective, scalable, and robust security for the cloud requires rethinking everything from your security tools to your team culture.油油
Attend this session to learn how to start down the path toward security and compliance automation and hear how DevSecOps leaders such as Intuit and Capital One are using AWS, DevOps, and automation to transform their security operations.
Session sponsored by油evident.io"
Events Processing and Data Analysis with Lucidworks Fusion: Presented by Kira...Lucidworks
The document discusses using signals and events collected from user interactions to power recommendations and analytics. It describes how signals are collected using Snowplow and stored in Solr. Signals can then be aggregated using Spark to generate recommendations by boosting related search results or constructing a co-occurrence graph. The demo shows how a recommendation API uses aggregated signals to modify search behavior based on a user's environment.
Cloud Camp: Infrastructure as a service advance workloadsAsaf Nakash
This document contains information about Asaf Nakash, including his role as Cloud Valley CTO and Microsoft MVP. It provides an overview of Azure services and capabilities, including compute, networking, storage, security, analytics and more. It emphasizes how Azure provides security, visibility, control and integration capabilities to help customers gain visibility into their security posture and detect threats across subscriptions and resources.
Delivering Quality Open Data by Chelsea UrsanerData Con LA
Abstract:- The value of data is exponentially related to the number of people and applications that have access to it. The City of Los Angeles embraces this philosophy and is committed to opening as much of its data as it can in order to stimulate innovation, collaboration, and informed discourse. This presentation will be a review of what you can find and do on our open data portals as well as our strategy for delivering the best open data program in the nation.
General physicians known as consultant physician/pediatricians (CPPs) have undergone rigorous medical training but their skills vary widely. They are well-trained in diagnosing and managing complex medical conditions. CPPs could serve in several roles for the ADF, including providing consultations for individual service members, advising on health policy, and working in level 2 or 3 medical facilities. A short modular training program could help update CPPs on relevant areas like emergency medicine and tropical diseases to better prepare them for operational roles.
This document provides an overview of big data presented by Zohar Elkayam from Brillix. It defines big data, discusses the challenges of volume, variety, velocity and veracity. It introduces Hadoop as an open source framework for distributed processing of large datasets and describes its key components - HDFS and MapReduce. The document also discusses infrastructure, positions, and use cases for big data as well as success stories from industries applying big data analytics.
How To: De Raspberry Pi als downloadmachineIDG Nederland
Vind je het onhandig dat je jouw computer s avonds niet kunt uitschakelen omdat hij nog torrents aan het downloaden is? Met de Raspberry Pi kan je zelf een energiezuinige computer maken die torrents downloadt en die je probleemloos aan laat staan. We hangen er een externe harde schijf aan en installeren Deluge, een opensource bittorrent-pakket. Op een Windows-pc draai je de desktopclient van Deluge, die dan al je bittorrent-taken afhandelt in combinatie met de Deluge-server op je Raspberry Pi. Tot slot zorgen we ervoor dat je Raspberry Pi de gedownloade bestanden op je netwerk deelt, zodat je er eenvoudig toegang tot hebt. Kortom: bouw je eigen torrentbox!
Het business model cavans model met nederlandse toelichting en uitleg in de verschillende velden. Tip print het op A3 uit als je er mee aan de slag gaat.
This document provides biographies of the authors and technical editor of the book "Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data". The authors include Paul C. Zikopoulos, Chris Eaton, Dirk deRoos, Thomas Deutsch, and George Lapis. They each have extensive experience in data management, Big Data technologies, and IBM products. The technical editor is Steven Sit, who is a Program Director at IBM's Silicon Valley Research lab developing Big Data platforms.
O documento discute como o Azure Operations Management Suite (OMS) pode ser usado para monitorar nuvens p炭blicas e privadas de forma unificada. O OMS oferece gerenciamento simplificado de qualquer lugar, melhorando a efici棚ncia operacional, disponibilidade e seguran巽a atrav辿s de recursos como log analytics, pesquisa integrada e dashboards personalizados.
This document provides an overview of Docker containerization and includes tutorials on Docker concepts and commands. Chapter 1 discusses why Docker is useful, the difference between machines, images and containers, and includes tutorials on installing Docker, basic commands like creating machines, images and containers, and using Docker for integration testing with Maven. Subsequent chapters provide tutorials on installing Docker on Ubuntu, Docker kernel requirements, Docker "hello world" examples using basic images and building Java apps, Docker as a service, and the Docker build process.
I1 - Securing Office 365 and Microsoft Azure like a rockstar (or like a group...SPS Paris
Securing and maintaining a trustworthy Office 365 and Microsoft Azure deployment is not an easy task. In this session we'll take a look into how you can secure and control your cloud-based servers and services, data and users using Azure Active Directory, Azure Security Center, Privileged Identity Management and Advanced Security Management. In addition well also take a look at how Operations Management Suite and Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics can be used to provide better overall security for on-premises and hybrid deployments.
This document discusses paradigm shifts in various fields including computing hardware, software, and business models. It notes shifts from vacuum tubes to transistors to integrated circuits, mainframes to personal computers to mobile devices, and packaged software to web applications to open source. The document advocates for systems that can evolve in response to changes in data through machine and deep learning. It provides examples of how Netflix has adapted its recommendations and content delivery based on user behavior data. Overall, the document argues that systems should be designed to flexibly change and adapt as businesses and data evolve over time.
The document discusses setting up Git and GitHub. It provides steps for downloading and installing Git, setting up SSH keys, adding user information, and then celebrating once the setup is complete. It also provides guidance on creating repositories, forking repositories, following friends, and moving local repositories to GitHub.