Authors: C辿sar de Pablo S叩nchez, Paloma Mart鱈nez
ECIR 2009: Proceedings of the 31th European Conference on IR Research on Advances in Information Retrieval, Tolouse, France (April 6-9 2009)
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Building a Graph of Names and Contextual Patterns for Named Entity ClassificationEcir09 poster
1. Building a Graph of Names and Contextual
Patterns for Named Entity Classi鍖cation
C卒esar de Pablo S卒anchez and Paloma Mart卒脹nez
LABDA, Computer Science Dept., Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
NERC for multilingual applications
Bootstrap a name list and indicative patterns
Large document collection
Few example seeds for every class Nseeds < 40
Language independence (as an aim)
Initial assumptions
Dual bootstrapping
One sense per entity type (name)
Indelibility of class assignments
Counter-training: learn several classes at once
Query based exploration of the indexed collection.
PERSON(x) Left patterns Right patterns
Num Name Num Text Num Text
15 Fernando Arrabal 0 Gobierno del presidente 6 , ### esta tarde
64 Teodoro Obiang 1 Gobierno del ### 9 , vencedor
68 Salvador Allende 12 gobierno del presidente 21 y el ex
128 Peres 13 presidente del pa卒脹s , 26 , viajar卒a
156 Edouard Balladur 29 actual presidente 34 , y su colega
332 Grachov 47 palabras de 42 , visitar卒a
423 Calder卒on 50 cuyo ### , 49 , y el l卒脹der
450 Colom 60 presidente , 63 y el presidente
522 Joaqu卒脹n Almunia 61 reuni卒on con 65 se entrevist卒o
Direct Evaluation: Name Lists (AvgPrec)
Model PER LOC ORG M / T Mean
PLO 94.8 52.7 67.1 71.5
PLOM 93.0 44.8 79.3 75.0 73.0
PLOT 94.8 87.4 81.1 40.9 76.0
Name Classi鍖cation
Model P R F Acc
CONLL 26.27 56.48 35.86
ORG 39.34
PLO 77.33 54.34 63.83 64.04
PLOM 78.85 51.53 62.36 66.24
PLOT 78.72 41.58 54.42 62.18
PLO 66.12 57.97 61.78 63.17
PLOM 73.65 61.73 67.17 71.29
PLOT 66.35 56.62 61.10 62.50
Pattern selection and evaluation
1. Rank by Support, 鍖lter min-support, select top-k
2. Evaluate min-Acc: Acc(p) = Pos
3. Evaluate min-Conf: Conf(p) == PosNeg
Entity selection and evaluation
1. Rank by Support, 鍖lter min-support, select top-k
2. Evaluate min-Conf:
Confslot(a) = 1 i (1 Confpattern(pi)) ,
ConfNE(a) = Confleft(a) Confright(a)
Ef鍖cient bootstrapping from large indexed collections
with less seeds
Already useful for NERC
F-measure is lower than supervised machine learning
More classes improves precision, not always recall
Future work
Other languages and domains
Complex semantic models
Language independence and NE Recognition
Seed selection and improve effectiveness
Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by the Regional Government of Madrid under the Research Network MAVIR (S-0505/TIC-0267)
and by the Spanish Ministry of Education under the project BRAVO (TIN2007-67407-C03-01).