Edith Piaf was a famous French singer who rose to international fame in the 1940s and 1950s with her passionate, emotive singing style and poignant lyrics. Often called "The Little Sparrow," Piaf led a turbulent personal life, including relationships with famous entertainers and athletes, while struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction for many years. She left behind a legacy as one of France's most iconic performers and her music is still widely popular today.
Marketers are failing to understand mobile users and deliver genuine mobile experiences. While time spent on mobile is surpassing other platforms like TV and desktop, advertisers are underinvesting in mobile and not adapting to the unique features of mobile like touchscreens, cameras, location services and more. Marketers need to learn what works best on mobile and stop relying on desktop-based metrics and strategies, instead focusing on engagement and how mobile can enhance the entire customer journey from awareness to purchase.
The Position of Educational Technology in Today's WorldBorivoj Brdicka
The document discusses several topics related to educational technology and the future of education. It provides summaries of talks and articles on emerging technologies, learning theories, and future scenarios for education. It also reflects on how the digital generation learns differently and calls for educational paradigms and classrooms to change accordingly.
O documento define termos importantes relacionados ¨¤ higiene e profilaxia de infec??es, como contamina??o, coloniza??o, infec??o, intoxica??o, portador, disseminador e infec??o hospitalar.
Tentu saja Anda sering mendengar term "influencer" kan? Atau Anda adalah seorang Influencer? Berikut adalah cara untuk memanfaatkan influence Anda, lihat lebih lengkapnya di slide!
How to create successful Employee Referral Program? ERDA
This document provides guidance on creating a successful employee referral program. It recommends offering recruitment bonuses for referred employees who pass their probation period, launching an ambassador points system where points can be exchanged for reward bonuses within one year, and designating employee ambassadors who will receive recognition for their referrals. This program aims to expand recruitment through internal employee networks by motivating employees as ambassadors and rewarding them for their referral contributions.
Cum Isi Accelereaza Succesul Membrii Echipei De 10+Class IT
This document discusses the keys to success and performance. It lists 6 keys to success: competence, continuous learning, eliminating constraints, creativity, focus, and clarity. It also discusses dedication as the essential component for top performance. The keys to success include developing your strengths, dedicating yourself to continuous learning, focusing on one task at a time, finding solutions through creativity, having clear objectives and knowing what needs to be sacrificed to achieve your goals. Dedication is emphasized as what differentiates successful people, with the recommendation to work 40+ hours per week, with the extra hours representing an investment in the future.
Cara Mudah "Hidupkan" Twitter by @PraktisiSosmedGuslaeni Hafid
Cara mengaktifkan akun Twitter yang sebelumnya tidak pernah di-tweet dengan menggunakan layanan twitterfeed untuk mengambil RSS feed dari sumber berita seperti Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia dan mengatur publikasinya ke Twitter secara otomatis beberapa kali sehari. Layanan lain seperti JasaOptimasiTwitter.com bisa membantu menambah follower asli, mempromosikan produk, dan memelihara akun.
SEO Audit: Technikai, tartalmi ¨¦s off-page SEO audit a gyakorlatban el?d¨¢s
SEO & PPC meetup // Budapest
Id?pont: 2016. okt¨®ber 27.
Helysz¨ªn: Google Grund
The document summarizes an international alumni and students symposium on entrepreneurs, firms, and business membership organizations and their role in politics and development. The 3-day event in Leipzig, Germany included presentations on the role of entrepreneurs in economic and political leadership, cases of entrepreneurs in politics from different countries, the role of firms in economic policy and development, and initiatives for greater involvement of alumni and students. It provides an agenda with topics of discussion each day, including presentations, group work, and activities.
Talent Gallery is a recruitment firm with offices in Belgium, Germany, and Norway that is a top performer in the NPAworldwide network. It specializes in executive search and recruiting for positions in industries like logistics, food, retail, construction, and energy. The document provides biographies for several recruiters at Talent Gallery along with describing their recruitment process, which involves need analysis, marketing, researching candidates, interviewing, reporting, and follow up.
Prezentace v?sledk? pr?zkumu zvyklost¨ª ?esk?ch internetov?ch u?ivatel?. C¨ªlem je zodpov¨§d¨§t n¨§kter¨¦ z¨¢kladn¨ª designov¨¦ ot¨¢zky a poskytnout tv?rc?m webu tvrd¨¢ data o tom, jak ?e?it typick¨¦ prvky webu. Dozv¨ªte se mimo jin¨¦, jak¨¢ velikost p¨ªsma u?ivatel?m vyhovuje nebo kolik hesel maj¨ª a jak je ukl¨¢daj¨ª. Data vych¨¢zej¨ª z pr?zkumu, kter¨¦ho se v lednu 2011 z¨²?astnilo t¨¦m¨§? 3 000 respondent?.
Este documento presenta un calendario de 2011 con los d¨ªas del mes, los d¨ªas laborales y los d¨ªas festivos marcados. En enero y febrero se muestran los d¨ªas del mes con n¨²meros. En los meses siguientes se presentan las siglas de los d¨ªas de la semana y los n¨²meros para cada d¨ªa. Algunos d¨ªas festivos est¨¢n resaltados en amarillo y se advierte que pueden cambiar seg¨²n las necesidades de producci¨®n.
Qu¨¦ hacer en la veda electoral M¨¦xico 2016Le Black Room
Qu¨¦ hacer y qu¨¦ no hacer durante la veda electoral en las elecciones de M¨¦xico 2016
This document discusses farmer producer organizations (FPOs) in India. It provides background on FPOs and their legal forms. As of 2019, there were over 7,000 registered FPOs across India, with the majority being small in size and capital. The top challenges for FPOs are access to capital, infrastructure, and support. The document outlines a strategy for FPO development over 6 years and discusses the roles and structure of FPOs. It also summarizes various financial support programs available to FPOs from organizations like NABARD and the government.
The document discusses Sahaja Aharam, a federation of organic farmer producer organizations in India. It aims to build sustainable livelihoods for smallholder farmers through collective action and organic agriculture. Key activities include supporting over 25,000 farmers to transition to organic practices, building farmer producer organizations and federations, developing integrated food processing hubs, and establishing an organic retail chain for market access. The organization also works on public policy engagement, digital tools and services, and community enterprise development to strengthen farmers' livelihoods through collective action.
201016 what is wrong with our food choices todayRamanjaneyulu GV
The document discusses several issues with modern food choices and their environmental and health impacts. It notes that dietary habits have shifted to foods that are low in nutrients but high in salt, sugar, and fat, leading to obesity and diseases. It also discusses how crop choices, farming practices, and food processing can negatively impact the environment, farmers' livelihoods, and food quality and safety. The document advocates for consumers to make informed choices that support sustainable agriculture and care for those who produce our food.
The document discusses opportunities for micro food enterprises in India. It outlines various business models and segments in the food processing industry including production, manufacturing, wholesale, retail, and international markets. It also discusses opportunities for new products, technologies, and infrastructure. Key opportunities mentioned are in fortified foods, organic products, convenience foods, and value addition of fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy. The document provides an overview of schemes and support available for formalizing micro food processing enterprises in India.
200501 organic marketing opportunities and challengesRamanjaneyulu GV
This document discusses opportunities and challenges for organic food marketing in India. It notes that the global organic market is growing faster than conventional markets. India has the largest area under organic cultivation and number of organic producers globally. While India exports a large amount of organic products worth over $500 million annually, it also faces challenges such as seasonality of crops, lack of processing facilities, and inconsistent standards. The document outlines certification requirements and labels to ensure quality and traceability in the organic sector in India. It provides examples of sourcing models and discusses setting up an organic business.
200429 organic marketing opportunities and challengesRamanjaneyulu GV
The document discusses opportunities and challenges for organic food marketing in India. It notes that the global organic market is growing faster than conventional markets. In India, organic farming is growing at 25% annually and India ranks third globally in wild harvest area and ninth in area under organic cultivation. The document outlines India's status as a major organic exporter, especially of oilseeds, processed foods, and cotton. It discusses organic certification standards and the participatory guarantee system for assurance. Overall the document provides an overview of India's organic sector and prospects for further growth in production, exports, and domestic markets.
Making information technology work for rural indiaRamanjaneyulu GV
The document discusses efforts to improve rural development in India through information technology. It focuses on areas like organic farming, climate change adaptation, livelihood diversification, and building producer organizations. Key activities include farmer field schools, developing "bio villages", creating alternative livelihoods, and incubating farmers' cooperatives and companies. A helpline called KisanMitra aims to improve access to services, credit, and resolve farmers' issues. The organization works in 6 states and focuses on making public support services more accessible to farmers through various initiatives.
How to create successful Employee Referral Program? ERDA
This document provides guidance on creating a successful employee referral program. It recommends offering recruitment bonuses for referred employees who pass their probation period, launching an ambassador points system where points can be exchanged for reward bonuses within one year, and designating employee ambassadors who will receive recognition for their referrals. This program aims to expand recruitment through internal employee networks by motivating employees as ambassadors and rewarding them for their referral contributions.
Cum Isi Accelereaza Succesul Membrii Echipei De 10+Class IT
This document discusses the keys to success and performance. It lists 6 keys to success: competence, continuous learning, eliminating constraints, creativity, focus, and clarity. It also discusses dedication as the essential component for top performance. The keys to success include developing your strengths, dedicating yourself to continuous learning, focusing on one task at a time, finding solutions through creativity, having clear objectives and knowing what needs to be sacrificed to achieve your goals. Dedication is emphasized as what differentiates successful people, with the recommendation to work 40+ hours per week, with the extra hours representing an investment in the future.
Cara Mudah "Hidupkan" Twitter by @PraktisiSosmedGuslaeni Hafid
Cara mengaktifkan akun Twitter yang sebelumnya tidak pernah di-tweet dengan menggunakan layanan twitterfeed untuk mengambil RSS feed dari sumber berita seperti Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia dan mengatur publikasinya ke Twitter secara otomatis beberapa kali sehari. Layanan lain seperti JasaOptimasiTwitter.com bisa membantu menambah follower asli, mempromosikan produk, dan memelihara akun.
SEO Audit: Technikai, tartalmi ¨¦s off-page SEO audit a gyakorlatban el?d¨¢s
SEO & PPC meetup // Budapest
Id?pont: 2016. okt¨®ber 27.
Helysz¨ªn: Google Grund
The document summarizes an international alumni and students symposium on entrepreneurs, firms, and business membership organizations and their role in politics and development. The 3-day event in Leipzig, Germany included presentations on the role of entrepreneurs in economic and political leadership, cases of entrepreneurs in politics from different countries, the role of firms in economic policy and development, and initiatives for greater involvement of alumni and students. It provides an agenda with topics of discussion each day, including presentations, group work, and activities.
Talent Gallery is a recruitment firm with offices in Belgium, Germany, and Norway that is a top performer in the NPAworldwide network. It specializes in executive search and recruiting for positions in industries like logistics, food, retail, construction, and energy. The document provides biographies for several recruiters at Talent Gallery along with describing their recruitment process, which involves need analysis, marketing, researching candidates, interviewing, reporting, and follow up.
Prezentace v?sledk? pr?zkumu zvyklost¨ª ?esk?ch internetov?ch u?ivatel?. C¨ªlem je zodpov¨§d¨§t n¨§kter¨¦ z¨¢kladn¨ª designov¨¦ ot¨¢zky a poskytnout tv?rc?m webu tvrd¨¢ data o tom, jak ?e?it typick¨¦ prvky webu. Dozv¨ªte se mimo jin¨¦, jak¨¢ velikost p¨ªsma u?ivatel?m vyhovuje nebo kolik hesel maj¨ª a jak je ukl¨¢daj¨ª. Data vych¨¢zej¨ª z pr?zkumu, kter¨¦ho se v lednu 2011 z¨²?astnilo t¨¦m¨§? 3 000 respondent?.
Este documento presenta un calendario de 2011 con los d¨ªas del mes, los d¨ªas laborales y los d¨ªas festivos marcados. En enero y febrero se muestran los d¨ªas del mes con n¨²meros. En los meses siguientes se presentan las siglas de los d¨ªas de la semana y los n¨²meros para cada d¨ªa. Algunos d¨ªas festivos est¨¢n resaltados en amarillo y se advierte que pueden cambiar seg¨²n las necesidades de producci¨®n.
Qu¨¦ hacer en la veda electoral M¨¦xico 2016Le Black Room
Qu¨¦ hacer y qu¨¦ no hacer durante la veda electoral en las elecciones de M¨¦xico 2016
This document discusses farmer producer organizations (FPOs) in India. It provides background on FPOs and their legal forms. As of 2019, there were over 7,000 registered FPOs across India, with the majority being small in size and capital. The top challenges for FPOs are access to capital, infrastructure, and support. The document outlines a strategy for FPO development over 6 years and discusses the roles and structure of FPOs. It also summarizes various financial support programs available to FPOs from organizations like NABARD and the government.
The document discusses Sahaja Aharam, a federation of organic farmer producer organizations in India. It aims to build sustainable livelihoods for smallholder farmers through collective action and organic agriculture. Key activities include supporting over 25,000 farmers to transition to organic practices, building farmer producer organizations and federations, developing integrated food processing hubs, and establishing an organic retail chain for market access. The organization also works on public policy engagement, digital tools and services, and community enterprise development to strengthen farmers' livelihoods through collective action.
201016 what is wrong with our food choices todayRamanjaneyulu GV
The document discusses several issues with modern food choices and their environmental and health impacts. It notes that dietary habits have shifted to foods that are low in nutrients but high in salt, sugar, and fat, leading to obesity and diseases. It also discusses how crop choices, farming practices, and food processing can negatively impact the environment, farmers' livelihoods, and food quality and safety. The document advocates for consumers to make informed choices that support sustainable agriculture and care for those who produce our food.
The document discusses opportunities for micro food enterprises in India. It outlines various business models and segments in the food processing industry including production, manufacturing, wholesale, retail, and international markets. It also discusses opportunities for new products, technologies, and infrastructure. Key opportunities mentioned are in fortified foods, organic products, convenience foods, and value addition of fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy. The document provides an overview of schemes and support available for formalizing micro food processing enterprises in India.
200501 organic marketing opportunities and challengesRamanjaneyulu GV
This document discusses opportunities and challenges for organic food marketing in India. It notes that the global organic market is growing faster than conventional markets. India has the largest area under organic cultivation and number of organic producers globally. While India exports a large amount of organic products worth over $500 million annually, it also faces challenges such as seasonality of crops, lack of processing facilities, and inconsistent standards. The document outlines certification requirements and labels to ensure quality and traceability in the organic sector in India. It provides examples of sourcing models and discusses setting up an organic business.
200429 organic marketing opportunities and challengesRamanjaneyulu GV
The document discusses opportunities and challenges for organic food marketing in India. It notes that the global organic market is growing faster than conventional markets. In India, organic farming is growing at 25% annually and India ranks third globally in wild harvest area and ninth in area under organic cultivation. The document outlines India's status as a major organic exporter, especially of oilseeds, processed foods, and cotton. It discusses organic certification standards and the participatory guarantee system for assurance. Overall the document provides an overview of India's organic sector and prospects for further growth in production, exports, and domestic markets.
Making information technology work for rural indiaRamanjaneyulu GV
The document discusses efforts to improve rural development in India through information technology. It focuses on areas like organic farming, climate change adaptation, livelihood diversification, and building producer organizations. Key activities include farmer field schools, developing "bio villages", creating alternative livelihoods, and incubating farmers' cooperatives and companies. A helpline called KisanMitra aims to improve access to services, credit, and resolve farmers' issues. The organization works in 6 states and focuses on making public support services more accessible to farmers through various initiatives.
The document discusses the work of the Centre for Sustainable Agriculture (CSA) in India, which works on issues related to farmers' distress through various programs promoting organic farming, building farmer organizations, improving policy support systems, and operating a helpline called Kisan Mitra to assist distressed farmers directly. CSA has offices in 6 states across India and works directly with over 50,000 farmers and indirectly with 200,000 farmers.
This document summarizes key challenges facing Telangana agriculture, including rising farmer suicides, lack of remunerative prices, dependence on monsoon rains, and increasing costs of production. It notes that most farmer suicides are by small and marginal tenant farmers. Tables show the number of suicides by district and year. Direct income support schemes and improving governance of agricultural support systems are discussed as ways to address farmer distress.
presentation made at International Organic Farming Conference organised at Katmandu, Nepal from 14-15th May, 2019
Organised by High Level Task force on Organic Farming in Nepal
Public policy for shift towards organic/natural farmingRamanjaneyulu GV
This document outlines public policy strategies for shifting towards organic and natural farming in India. It recommends increasing government budget allocations for agriculture to 10-15% to support farmers' labor, resources, and knowledge. Price support, income support, and exempting organic cooperatives from taxation for several years would help ensure farmers' income security. Agricultural research should adopt agroecological perspectives, and extension should shift from information-based to knowledge-based systems involving experienced farmers. Marketing support through state-level commodity boards and infrastructure for storage and processing can help farmers access markets.
The document summarizes the work of the Centre for Sustainable Agriculture over 13 years in addressing the agrarian crisis in India through agroecological approaches like water harvesting, soil management and non-pesticidal management. It highlights model villages like Yenabavi which became fully organic and increased productivity, and Dorli where farmers returned to farming using 80% less external inputs. It also describes the organization's work in forming farmer cooperatives, operating retail outlets and e-commerce platforms to connect small farmers to markets, and its efforts to promote livelihood diversification. The document outlines ongoing challenges around access to credit and policy support for smallholder farmers.
This document discusses the challenges facing Indian farmers and proposes solutions to improve their livelihoods. It notes that over 318,000 farmers have committed suicide in India from 1995-2016 due to increasing costs of cultivation, stagnating yields, reduced subsidies, and declining incomes. The average income of Indian farmers is only Rs. 6,426 per year. It advocates for reducing farmers' costs, increasing prices for agricultural products, and diversifying farmers' income sources to improve their financial situation. The document also describes the work of the Sahaja Aharam social enterprise, which aims to connect farmers directly to consumers, ensure farmers receive over 50% of the sale price of crops, and build a cooperative model to boost rural economies.
160312 agrarian crisis in india and way forward seattle 1.0Ramanjaneyulu GV
This document summarizes the agricultural crisis in India and proposes solutions. It discusses the economic, ecological, socio-political and climate crises facing Indian agriculture, including increasing costs, debt, monocropping, migration, and more frequent droughts/floods. Solutions proposed include adopting ecological practices like integrated farming and water harvesting, organizing farmers for production/marketing, increasing public/private investment, and diversifying crops and livelihoods through activities like sericulture and honey production. Overall the document analyzes the problems in Indian agriculture and advocates for making farming more sustainable and viable economically.
This document discusses food as medicine and nutraceuticals. It provides examples of functional food components like fatty acids, polyphenols, saponins, probiotics, phytoestrogens, and carotenoids. These components are found in foods like milk, fish, tea, soybeans, yogurt, and vegetables. They provide health benefits such as reducing cancer risk, improving heart health, and supporting digestive health. The document also discusses nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and herbals that are commonly used as nutraceuticals and their potential health benefits. Overall, the document promotes adopting a diet focused on whole, natural foods that can help prevent and treat disease.
The Centre for Sustainable Agriculture (CSA) is a non-profit organization based in Telangana, India that works to promote organic and sustainable farming practices. Over the past 10 years, CSA has worked with farmers and state governments in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra, and Chhattisgarh to establish community-managed sustainable agriculture programs covering over 200,000 hectares. CSA has also helped form 14 agricultural cooperatives with over 1,500 member farmers. The organization provides training, resources and market support to help farmers transition to organic practices and improve their incomes.