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San JoseWilliam Jiang, Joseph ChinPeriod 5
Total Income and TaxationJoseph ChinOccupation: Biological EngineerInitial Income: $55,000Federal Income Tax: $7600State Income Tax: $2510Social security tax: $3410Medicare Tax: $797.5Total FICA: $4207.5Total Taxes: $14,317.50Disposable Income:$55,000-$14,317.50= $40,682.50
William JiangFinancial AnalystInitial Income: $60,000Federal income tax: $8850State Income Tax: $2987Social Security Tax: $3720Medicare Tax: $870Total FICA: $4590Total taxes: $16,427Disposable Income: 	$60,000-$16,427= $43,573
SavingJoseph Chin20% of disposable income$8136.50$6000 will go into a CD with Ally Bank1.2% APY, 12 month rate$2136.50 will go into a checking account also with Ally BankWilliam Jiang10% of disposable income$4,400$3000 will go into a CD with Ally Bank1.2% APY, 12 month rate$1,400 will go into a checking account also with Ally Bank
Remaining IncomeJoseph Chin	William Jiang$40,682.50 - $8,136.50= $32,546$43,573 - $4,400= $39,173Headquartered in San Jose
HousingOne Year LeaseDel Coronado Apartments5255 Camden Avenue San Jose, CA 951242 bed, 2 bath1020 sq. ft.2 parking spaces$1495 per month$1495 x 12 = $17940Rent per person = $8970Deposit: $650Deposit per person: $325Apartment Pool
Housing (cont.)Renter's Insurance Cost: $200 annuallyPer Person: $100Total Cost of housing annually per person:$8970 + $325+$100 = $9420Where We will Live
Remaining IncomeJoseph$32,546 - $9,420= $23,126William$39,173 - $9,420= $29,753All based in Silicon Valley
HealthcareJoseph ChinWilliam JiangBlue Shield Vital Shield Plus 900 Generic RxType: PPOCost $107 per monthDeductible: $900Out of pocket maximum: $3900$30 for first 4 visits per member per year, then $0 after out-of-pocket maximumIndividual planThus $30 x 4 = $120$107 x 12 = $1284$120 + $1284 = $1404$1404 annuallyAnthem Blue Cross of California: ClearProtectionPlus 1000Type: PPOCost: $88 a month$1000 deductible40% coinsuranceindividual planWith 40% co-pay, I would have to add $400for doctor visits and examinations$1,456 annually
Remaining IncomeJosephWilliam$23,126 - $1,404 = $21,722$29,753 - $1,456= $28,297
TransportationJoseph Chin	Public TransportationThe VTA is operated by the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority. Bus and light rail routes penetrate almost every major street and intersection in San Jose.Annual Pass: $770Public Light Rail in San Jose
William JiangCar Lease2011 Mazda 3Initial fee: $1773$179/month, $2,148 per year.36 month leaseTaxes and Fees: $200Car Maintenance: $500Gas prices per gallon in San Jose ($3.85)7,000 miles of driving in 1 year25 mpg280 gallons in 1 yearGas Costs annually: $1,078Insurance:State Farm Auto InsuranceStandard CoverageFor Mazda 3 model: $190 per month, $2280 annuallyTotal Cost of William Jiang's Transportation Per Year$1773+$2148+$700+$1078+$2280=$7,979Mazda3 4 Door
Remaining IncomeJosephWilliam$21,722 - $770= $20,952$28,297 - $7,979= $20,318
UtilitiesShared CostsComcast Internet and CableCable: $40High Speed Internet: $30$70 per month$840 annuallyElectricity and Gas$45 per month$540 annuallyWater$16.93 per month$203.16 annuallyShared Costs: ($840+$540+$203.16)/2 = $791.58
Remaining IncomeJosephWilliam$20,952 - $791.58= $20,160.42$20,318 - $791.58= $19,526.42
FoodJoseph ChinWilliam JiangThe cost of food as estimated by the USDA is $345.6 per month or $345.6 x 12 = $4147.2Eat out a moderate amount and buy high quality groceries for homeSo food: $10000Furniture $500House hold supplies $400TVDynex - 40" Class / 1080p / 60Hz / LCD HDTV$500Eat home cooked meals during the weekdays and eat out on the weekendsRoughly $120 a week, $6,240 a year Household Supplies: $300
Remaining IncomeJosephWilliam$20,160.42 - $10,000 (Food)- $500 (Furniture)	- $400 (Household Supplies)- $500 (T.V.)= $8,760.42$19,526.42- $6,240 (Food)- $300 (Household Supplies)= $12,986.42
Extracurricular ActivitiesJoseph ChinWilliam JiangClothes: $1200Video games: $600Magazine Subscriptions $60Books for reading $300Money for holiday gifts for family and friends $500Miscellaneous spending $500Golf: $9,500Video Games: $120Phone: iPhone 4 $200AT&T Data Plan:$25/month, $300 a yearTotal Phone Costs: $500
Extracurricular Activities (cont.)Joseph ChinWilliam JiangiPhoneCost of phone $200Cost of data plan = $90 per monthannual cost $90 x 12 = $1080$200 + $1080 = $1280iPadCost of iPad64 GB: $829.00Cost of data plan10GB Plan $80 per month$80 x 12 = $960Total cost of iPad$829 + $960 = $1789Total Extracurricular activity spending $622924 Hour FitnessOne year limited term$300Movie Theaters: $200Golf Digest Magazine Subscription: $15Clothes: $500Holiday Gifts: $300Miscellaneous Spending: $500Total Extracurricular Costs: $11,935
Remaining IncomeJosephWilliam$8760.42 - $6,229= $2,531.42$12,986.42 - $11,935= $1,051.42
The EndJoseph FinalWilliam FinalSavings: $8,136.50Housing Costs: $9,420Healthcare: $1,404Transportation: $770Utilities: $791.58Food/Supplies: $11,400Extracurricular Activities: $6,229Remaining Income: $2,531.42Savings: $4,400Housing Costs: $9,420Healthcare: $1,456Transportation: $7,979Utilities: $791.58Food/Supplies: $6,540Extracurricular Activities: $11,935Remaining Income: $1,051.42
Josephs AnalysisMy total spending is $38151.08This $2531.42 less than my disposable income (assuming that none of the money will be spend on unlisted). Even then, I still would have at least $1750 left over.I already knew that I would not need that much money before starting on this project since I do not spend that much. For example, I do not watch movies in the movie theater since normally I cannot hear what is going on nor do I do much exercise beyond walking. This goes hand in with my usage of public transportation. I will get my exercise by walking to where ever the public transportation will not go to directly, rather than get a gym membership. Most of the time spent on this project was finding ways to spend my money and to find housing. Things that I added to spend my money are the iPad and iPhone. I could have said that I would continue to use my old laptop from college. Personally, I do not need that much money to spend since I do not go out that much and I would prefer to play video games or surf the internet rather than take a vacation elsewhere. This is why I did not try to budget in a car or vacation and why I decided on using an iPhone and iPad to take care of my internet surfing.
Williams AnalysisTotal spending: $42521.58This is $1051.42 less than my disposable income, and the amount I thought I would probably have left when I first started the project. I was lucky to draw the $60,000 because of my spending on golf. Golf is about 1/4 of my disposable income, which is a huge chunk on my budget. I found that researching the information and calculating all the costs were painstaking because almost every detail has to be included in various costs. But I know doing this project will only benefit me in the future, when I really need to budget. $1000 left over is not much at all. If I have a girlfriend, I am pretty sure this extra would be wiped off. A few more doctor visits and rounds of golf would also negate the extra left. I would most likely keep my college computer and T.V., so that is why I did not factor these costs. But most likely extraneous fees and costs are hidden somewhere that are unable to be calculated through internet only.  Finally I am not a vacation person because I feel that every time I am on the golf course, I am on vacation. Overall I found out a lot about San Jose, more so than I could have imagined before I began the project.
Works CitedAlly Bank. "High Yield CD: Great Rate CDs | Ally Financial." CDs, Money Market, Savings & Checking | Ally Financial. Ally Bank, 	2011. Web. 08 June 2011. <https://www.ally.com/bank/high-yield-cd/index.html?CP=ppc110124>. Ally Bank. "Online Checking Account: High Interest Checking Accounts | Ally Financial." CDs, Money Market, Savings & 	Checking | Ally Financial. Ally Bank, 2011. Web. 08 June 2011. <https://www.ally.com/bank/interest-checking-	account/>. Apple. "Apple IPad 2 - Buy IPad 2 Wi-Fi & IPad Wi-Fi 3G - Black or White, Two Cameras, HD Recording, A5 Chip - Apple Store 	(U.S.)." Welcome to the Apple Store - Apple Store (U.S.). Apple, 2011. Web. 08 June 2011. 	<http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/shop_ipad/family/ipad/select?mco=MjE0OTI0MDI>. Best Buy. "Dynex - 40" Class / 1080p / 60Hz / LCD HDTV." Dynex - 40" Class / 1080p / 60Hz / LCD HDTV. Best Buy, June 	2011. Web. 7 June 2011. <http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Dynex%26%23153%3B+-	+40%22+Class+/+1080p+/+60Hz+/+LCD+HDTV/1894176.p?id=1218315559764&skuId=1894176>. Blue Shield. "Health Insurance Coverage." FInd Health Insurance Coverage in California. Blue Shield, 7 June 2011. Web. 7 June 	2011. <https://bscapply.com/phx/action/quoteSetValues?action=initialize&pageName=homepage>. Comcast. "Comcast-Step 1." Comcast. Comcast, 07 June 2011. Web. 07 June 2011. 	<https://secure.bridgevine.com/buyflow43/index.php>. Department of the TreasuryInternal Revenue Service. "1040ez." F1040ez.pdf. Department of the TreasuryInternal Revenue 	Service, 2010. Web. 7 June 2011. Ebay. "Del Coronado Apartments in San Jose, CA." Apartments for Rent & Homes for Rent - Rent.com速 Apartment Finder. Ebay. 	Web. 07 June 2011. <http://www.rent.com/rentals/california/san-jose-south-bay-and-peninsula/san-jose/del-	coronado-apartments/481678/?sp=1>. EHealthInsurance Services, Inc. "Health Insurance." Health Insurance- Find Affordable Health Insurance. EHealthInsurance	Services, Inc, 7 June 2011. Web. 7 June 2011. <https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/ifp/best-	sellers?sortOption=PRICE>. Game Stop. "Search GameStop." Games for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS, 3DS, PS2, PSP, Used & PC Consoles | GameStop. Game Stop, 7 	June 2011. Web. 7 June 2011. <http://www.gamestop.com/browse?nav=16k-x+box+360+games>. Game Stop. "Xbox 360 Live 12 Month Gold Card for Xbox 360 | GameStop." Games for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS, 3DS, PS2, PSP, 	Used & PC Consoles | GameStop. Game Stop, 08 June 2011. Web. 08 June 2011. <http://www.gamestop.com/xbox-	360/accessories/xbox-360-live-12-month-gold-card/40944>. Gamestop. "Search | GameStop." Games for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS, 3DS, PS2, PSP, Used & PC Consoles | GameStop. Gamestop, 0	8 June 2011. Web. 08 June 2011. <http://www.gamestop.com/browse/games/nintendo-ds?nav=1386-177>.
Works Cited (cont.)Gasbuddy.com. "San Jose Gas Prices - Find Cheap Gas Prices in California." San Jose Gas Prices - Find Cheap Gas Prices in 	California. Gasbuddy.com, 08 June 2011. Web. 08 June 2011. <http://www.sanjosegasprices.com/>. Mazda. "Mazda Shopping Tools." Mazda. Mazda, 2011. Web. 7 June 2011. 	<http://www.mazdausa.com/MusaWeb/displayRegionalIncentives.action?vehicleCode=&zip=95124&submit.x=15&sub	mit.y=9>. Pacific Gas and Electric. "Understand Your Electric Charges." Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Pacific Gas and Electric, 1 Mar. 	2011. Web. 07 June 2011. <http://www.pge.com/myhome/myaccount/charges/>. San Jose Water Company. "San Jose Water Company." Sjwater. San Jose Water Company, 27 Dec. 2010. Web. 7 June 2011. 	<http://www.sjwater.com/content/rates/tariff_book/schedule1_20110126.pdf>. Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority. "VTA Fares." Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority. Santa Clara Valley 	Transportation Authority, 2011. Web. 08 June 2011. 	<http://www.vta.org/schedules/fares/vta_fares.html>. Santa Teresa Golf Club. "Santa Teresa Golf Club." Santa Teresa Golf Club. Santa Teresa Golf Club, 2011. Web. 08 June 2011. 	<http://www.santateresagolf.com/page.php?page_id=330>. State Farm. 	"Http://online2.statefarm.com/apps/fastestimate/default.aspx?lob=Auto&product=PRIVATE_PASSENGER&stateProv	=CA&zipPost=95124&city=San%20Jose&wt.mc_id=FE." State Farm FastEstimate. State Farm, 7 June 2011. Web. 7 	June 2011. 	<http://online2.statefarm.com/apps/fastestimate/default.aspx?lob=Auto&product=PRIVATE_PASSENGER&stateProv	=CA&zipPost=95124&city=San%20Jose&wt.mc_id=FE>. State of California Franchise Tax Board. "California Resident Income Tax Return 2010." 10_5402ezm.pdf. State of California 	Franchise Tax Board, 2010. Web. 7 June 2011. USA Social Security Administration. "FICA & SECA Tax Rates." The United States Social Security Administration. USA Social 	Security Administration, 29 Dec. 2010. Web. 08 June 2011. 	<http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/ProgData/taxRates.html>. USDA. "Cost of Food April 2011." CostofFoodApr2011.pdf. USDA, May 2011. Web. 7 June 2011. 	<http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/Publications/FoodPlans/2011/CostofFoodApr2011.pdf>. Verizon. "Nationwide Talk Calling Plans." Cell Phones - Smartphones: Cell Phone Service, Accessories - Verizon Wireless. Verizon, 	2011. Web. 08 June 2011. <http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/controller?sortOption=priceSort>. Verizon. "Verizon Wireless - Mobile Broadband - Plans." Cell Phones - Smartphones: Cell Phone Service, Accessories - Verizon 	Wireless. Verizon, 2011. Web. 08 June 2011. <http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/mobilebroadband/?page=plans>.

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Econ project final

  • 1. San JoseWilliam Jiang, Joseph ChinPeriod 5
  • 2. Total Income and TaxationJoseph ChinOccupation: Biological EngineerInitial Income: $55,000Federal Income Tax: $7600State Income Tax: $2510Social security tax: $3410Medicare Tax: $797.5Total FICA: $4207.5Total Taxes: $14,317.50Disposable Income:$55,000-$14,317.50= $40,682.50
  • 3. William JiangFinancial AnalystInitial Income: $60,000Federal income tax: $8850State Income Tax: $2987Social Security Tax: $3720Medicare Tax: $870Total FICA: $4590Total taxes: $16,427Disposable Income: $60,000-$16,427= $43,573
  • 4. SavingJoseph Chin20% of disposable income$8136.50$6000 will go into a CD with Ally Bank1.2% APY, 12 month rate$2136.50 will go into a checking account also with Ally BankWilliam Jiang10% of disposable income$4,400$3000 will go into a CD with Ally Bank1.2% APY, 12 month rate$1,400 will go into a checking account also with Ally Bank
  • 5. Remaining IncomeJoseph Chin William Jiang$40,682.50 - $8,136.50= $32,546$43,573 - $4,400= $39,173Headquartered in San Jose
  • 6. HousingOne Year LeaseDel Coronado Apartments5255 Camden Avenue San Jose, CA 951242 bed, 2 bath1020 sq. ft.2 parking spaces$1495 per month$1495 x 12 = $17940Rent per person = $8970Deposit: $650Deposit per person: $325Apartment Pool
  • 7. Housing (cont.)Renter's Insurance Cost: $200 annuallyPer Person: $100Total Cost of housing annually per person:$8970 + $325+$100 = $9420Where We will Live
  • 8. Remaining IncomeJoseph$32,546 - $9,420= $23,126William$39,173 - $9,420= $29,753All based in Silicon Valley
  • 9. HealthcareJoseph ChinWilliam JiangBlue Shield Vital Shield Plus 900 Generic RxType: PPOCost $107 per monthDeductible: $900Out of pocket maximum: $3900$30 for first 4 visits per member per year, then $0 after out-of-pocket maximumIndividual planThus $30 x 4 = $120$107 x 12 = $1284$120 + $1284 = $1404$1404 annuallyAnthem Blue Cross of California: ClearProtectionPlus 1000Type: PPOCost: $88 a month$1000 deductible40% coinsuranceindividual planWith 40% co-pay, I would have to add $400for doctor visits and examinations$1,456 annually
  • 10. Remaining IncomeJosephWilliam$23,126 - $1,404 = $21,722$29,753 - $1,456= $28,297
  • 11. TransportationJoseph Chin Public TransportationThe VTA is operated by the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority. Bus and light rail routes penetrate almost every major street and intersection in San Jose.Annual Pass: $770Public Light Rail in San Jose
  • 12. William JiangCar Lease2011 Mazda 3Initial fee: $1773$179/month, $2,148 per year.36 month leaseTaxes and Fees: $200Car Maintenance: $500Gas prices per gallon in San Jose ($3.85)7,000 miles of driving in 1 year25 mpg280 gallons in 1 yearGas Costs annually: $1,078Insurance:State Farm Auto InsuranceStandard CoverageFor Mazda 3 model: $190 per month, $2280 annuallyTotal Cost of William Jiang's Transportation Per Year$1773+$2148+$700+$1078+$2280=$7,979Mazda3 4 Door
  • 13. Remaining IncomeJosephWilliam$21,722 - $770= $20,952$28,297 - $7,979= $20,318
  • 14. UtilitiesShared CostsComcast Internet and CableCable: $40High Speed Internet: $30$70 per month$840 annuallyElectricity and Gas$45 per month$540 annuallyWater$16.93 per month$203.16 annuallyShared Costs: ($840+$540+$203.16)/2 = $791.58
  • 15. Remaining IncomeJosephWilliam$20,952 - $791.58= $20,160.42$20,318 - $791.58= $19,526.42
  • 16. FoodJoseph ChinWilliam JiangThe cost of food as estimated by the USDA is $345.6 per month or $345.6 x 12 = $4147.2Eat out a moderate amount and buy high quality groceries for homeSo food: $10000Furniture $500House hold supplies $400TVDynex - 40" Class / 1080p / 60Hz / LCD HDTV$500Eat home cooked meals during the weekdays and eat out on the weekendsRoughly $120 a week, $6,240 a year Household Supplies: $300
  • 17. Remaining IncomeJosephWilliam$20,160.42 - $10,000 (Food)- $500 (Furniture) - $400 (Household Supplies)- $500 (T.V.)= $8,760.42$19,526.42- $6,240 (Food)- $300 (Household Supplies)= $12,986.42
  • 18. Extracurricular ActivitiesJoseph ChinWilliam JiangClothes: $1200Video games: $600Magazine Subscriptions $60Books for reading $300Money for holiday gifts for family and friends $500Miscellaneous spending $500Golf: $9,500Video Games: $120Phone: iPhone 4 $200AT&T Data Plan:$25/month, $300 a yearTotal Phone Costs: $500
  • 19. Extracurricular Activities (cont.)Joseph ChinWilliam JiangiPhoneCost of phone $200Cost of data plan = $90 per monthannual cost $90 x 12 = $1080$200 + $1080 = $1280iPadCost of iPad64 GB: $829.00Cost of data plan10GB Plan $80 per month$80 x 12 = $960Total cost of iPad$829 + $960 = $1789Total Extracurricular activity spending $622924 Hour FitnessOne year limited term$300Movie Theaters: $200Golf Digest Magazine Subscription: $15Clothes: $500Holiday Gifts: $300Miscellaneous Spending: $500Total Extracurricular Costs: $11,935
  • 20. Remaining IncomeJosephWilliam$8760.42 - $6,229= $2,531.42$12,986.42 - $11,935= $1,051.42
  • 21. The EndJoseph FinalWilliam FinalSavings: $8,136.50Housing Costs: $9,420Healthcare: $1,404Transportation: $770Utilities: $791.58Food/Supplies: $11,400Extracurricular Activities: $6,229Remaining Income: $2,531.42Savings: $4,400Housing Costs: $9,420Healthcare: $1,456Transportation: $7,979Utilities: $791.58Food/Supplies: $6,540Extracurricular Activities: $11,935Remaining Income: $1,051.42
  • 22. Josephs AnalysisMy total spending is $38151.08This $2531.42 less than my disposable income (assuming that none of the money will be spend on unlisted). Even then, I still would have at least $1750 left over.I already knew that I would not need that much money before starting on this project since I do not spend that much. For example, I do not watch movies in the movie theater since normally I cannot hear what is going on nor do I do much exercise beyond walking. This goes hand in with my usage of public transportation. I will get my exercise by walking to where ever the public transportation will not go to directly, rather than get a gym membership. Most of the time spent on this project was finding ways to spend my money and to find housing. Things that I added to spend my money are the iPad and iPhone. I could have said that I would continue to use my old laptop from college. Personally, I do not need that much money to spend since I do not go out that much and I would prefer to play video games or surf the internet rather than take a vacation elsewhere. This is why I did not try to budget in a car or vacation and why I decided on using an iPhone and iPad to take care of my internet surfing.
  • 23. Williams AnalysisTotal spending: $42521.58This is $1051.42 less than my disposable income, and the amount I thought I would probably have left when I first started the project. I was lucky to draw the $60,000 because of my spending on golf. Golf is about 1/4 of my disposable income, which is a huge chunk on my budget. I found that researching the information and calculating all the costs were painstaking because almost every detail has to be included in various costs. But I know doing this project will only benefit me in the future, when I really need to budget. $1000 left over is not much at all. If I have a girlfriend, I am pretty sure this extra would be wiped off. A few more doctor visits and rounds of golf would also negate the extra left. I would most likely keep my college computer and T.V., so that is why I did not factor these costs. But most likely extraneous fees and costs are hidden somewhere that are unable to be calculated through internet only. Finally I am not a vacation person because I feel that every time I am on the golf course, I am on vacation. Overall I found out a lot about San Jose, more so than I could have imagined before I began the project.
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