This document provides an economic and market outlook for the second quarter of 2014. It summarizes recent economic indicators such as GDP, housing, oil prices, employment, and interest rates. It then reviews the performance of various financial markets in the first quarter of 2014, including equity, fixed income, and asset class returns. Overall, it finds that the US economy continues a slow recovery while most major asset classes experienced positive returns in Q1.
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1. Economic and Market Outlook
Alliance Benefit Group Consultants
3200 South 700 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
2nd Quarter 2014
2. Economic and Market Outlook 2nd Quarter 2014
Recap of Economic Environment
This section will recap economic indicators including:
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Oil Prices
Federal Funds Rate
Corporate Profits and Consumer Finances
3. Economic Growth and the Composition of GDP
The Great Recession
During this contraction
period the US Economy
experienced $639 billion
of output loss.
Since 3rd Quarter 2009,
quarterly GDP has
turned positive and the
U.S. Economy has
recovered $1,585 billion.
Output recovery
indicates that we are
experiencing slow
economic expansion.
GDP growth, although
positive, is still below
Components of GDP
4. Residential and Commercial Real Estate Recovery
Since 2012 both Commercial
and Residential real estate
prices have increased
significantly, a lot of this
stems from the decline in
Vacancy Rates
The chart on the bottom
right shows that vacancy
rates have been on the
decline which is good for the
prospects of new
Housing affordability is still
measuring below average
due in part to low interest
rates coupled with home
prices that are still well
below their 2006 peak prices
5. Oil and Gas
Foreign Oil Supplies
Geopolitical concerns in the
Middle East and Northern
Africa can have a major
impact on global oil
U.S. Oil Independence
The chart on the bottom
right highlights a decreasing
dependency on foreign oil
imports for the U.S. due to
increased domestic
production and forecasts
this trend to continue.
6. Employment
Decline in Unemployment
Unemployment dropped
significantly from the peak
of the recession in 2009.
While the unemployment
rate has dropped to its
current level of 6.7% it is
still above the 50 year
average of 6.1%.
Job Loss and Creation
During the recession 8.8
million private payroll jobs
were lost and approx. 8.7
million have been gained
since then.
Labor Force
During this same time
period however the labor
force has grown by roughly
1,050,000 per year
requiring approximately
6,500,000 additional jobs.
7. Federal Funds Rate
Low Federal Funds Rate
In response to a slowing
economy, tough housing
conditions, and tighter
credit, the Federal Reserve
cut the federal funds rate
from 5.25% to a range of
0.00-0.25% from Sept 2007
thru Dec 2008.
Inflation currently sits at
about 1.6%. Down from
1.7% last quarter.
The Federal Reserve project
a steady increase of the
federal funds rate in 2015
Decreasing unemployment
and slightly rising inflation.
8. Corporate and Consumer Finances
Operating Earnings
For the S&P 500 operating
earnings are at all-time
highs despite difficult
economic conditions. EPS
increased from $26.92 to
$28.24 over the last quarter
Corporations are financially
The S&P 500 total debt to
total equity ratio is well
below their historical
Consumers are financially
The average household has
deleveraged significantly
since 2007, with the bulk of
consumer liabilities in home
9. Economic and Market Outlook 3Q 2013
Review of Financial Markets
This section will review market indicators including:
Equity Returns
Cash Accounts
Fixed Income Returns
Asset Class Returns
Stock Market Since 1900
10. U.S. Equity Returns
All Major U.S. Equity
Indices were positive for
1st QTR 2014.
Current P/E vs. 20-year
The Large Growth
category looks to
currently be trading at
a deeper discount
relative to its own
The Small Cap Value
category are more
expensive than their
historical average
11. Cash
Returns on Cash
Low interest rates are
creating income issues for
those in retirement as
$100,000 in a 6 month CD is
only generating about $390
a year, this is down from
$450 in 2012.
Cautious Investors
Despite low interest rates
and a rising stock market
the amount of cash being
held continues to increase.
12. Fixed Income Returns
Performance between
income sectors also varies
and diversification plays a
key role in minimizing risk.
Averaging 5.8% annual
returns over the past 10
Low 2013 Returns
The High Yield Bond sector
was 1 of only 2 fixed income
categories to post a
positive return in 2013, and
they posted strong 1st qtr.
returns as well.
1st qtr. 2014
Emerging market debt led
the way with a +3.5%
13. Asset Class Returns
Diversified Asset Class
An annually rebalanced
asset allocation portfolio
across all major asset
classes can help reduce
Average annual returns
of 7.2%.
14. Stock Market Since 1900
Equity Market Super Cycle
Are we in a cycle of
stagnation, poised for a
long period of growth?
15. Historical Returns by Holding Period
A diversified portfolio
Significantly reduced the
possible downside of stocks
and bonds over rolling 5yr
and 10yr periods.
Increased the possible
upside of bonds over the
rolling 10yr and 20yr
16. Maximizing the Power of Diversification
Diversification can
reduce volatility and
enhance returns.