India's per capita income in 2018 was higher than Pakistan's at $1627 nominal and $5855 PPP, compared to Pakistan's $1343 nominal and $4736 PPP. China's per capita income was higher still at $10,153 nominal and $19,520 PPP. According to the 2019 Human Development Index, India ranked 129th with a score of 0.647, Pakistan ranked 152nd with 0.562, and China ranked 85th with 0.758, showing higher human development. China also had higher adult literacy rates than India and Pakistan.
6. With a per capita income of US $ 1627 in
nominal terms (2018), India is ahead of
Pakistan whose per capita income was
US $ 1343 in nominal terms , in 2018. In
PPP terms, India's PCI is US $ 5855 and
that of Pakistan is US $ 4736 in 2018.
China's PCI in 2018-19 is US $ 10,153 in
nominal terms and US $ 19,520 in PPP terms.
12. ? The human development indices reflect a
mixed situation.
?In 2019, with a HDI value of 0.647,India is
ranked at 129th position in the world.
?Pakistan stands at 152th position with HDI
value of 0.562.
?The HDI value for China is 0.758 and HDI
rank is 85, which is much higher than that of
India and Pakistan
13. ? to India, China is favourably
placed in terms of human development. There
have been improvements in the indicators of
human development.
?. Adult literacy rate in China is (95.12 %)
much higher than in India(74.04 %) and
Pakistan(58 %).
?China's overall performance on human
development has been noteworthy.