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Global Ecovillage Network: Europe
Introducing Europes blossoming communities
Ecovillages: catalysing the power of
movement -
across all
What is an ecovillage?
An intentional, traditional or urban community
that is consciously designed through locally
owned participatory processes in all four
dimensions of sustainability (social, culture,
ecology and economy) to regenerate social and
natural environments.
Ecovillages across Europe
 110 member communities
 15 National Ecovillage
Ecovillages: a holistic approach to
Social sustainability
 Embrace diversity and build community
 Cultivate inclusive, responsive and
transparent decision-making
 Empower participatory leadership and
 Ensure equal access to holistic
education and healthcare
 Practice con鍖ict facilitation,
communication and peacebuilding skills
 Develop fair, effective and accountable
Cultural sustainability
 Connect to a higher purpose in life
 Nurture mindfulness and personal
 Respect cultural traditions that support
human dignity
 Engage actively to protect communities
and nature
 Celebrate life and diversity through art
 Reconnect to nature and embrace
low-impact lifestyles
Economic sustainability
 Reconstruct the concepts of wealth,
work and progress
 Ensure equitable ownership of land and
 Cultivate social entrepreneurship
 Empower local economies and
invigorate bioregional living systems
 Invest in fair trade and ethical systems of
 Generate wellbeing for all through
economic justice
Ecological sustainability
 Clean and replenish sources and cycles
of water
 Move towards 100% renewable energies
 Grow food and soils through organic
 Innovate and spread green building
 Work with waste as a valuable resource
 Increase biodiversity and regenerate
Whole system design
 Find strengths, weaknesses, and
leverage points in all areas
 Engage all stakeholders in designs for
the future
 Identify the right scale for each solution
 Honour traditional wisdom and
welcome positive innovation
 Learn from nature and practise whole
systems thinking
 Build networks for mutual support
Cohesive ecovillages need social glue
Eco-activism ecovillages
 Sieben Linden,
Sweden &
 Arterra Bizimodu
& Los Portales,
 Sunny Hill,
Arterra Bizimodo, Spain: Advocacing
for change
Suderbyn, Sweden: supporting a
global network of regenerative
Hallingelille, Denmark: New roots for
Sieben Linden, Germany: innovating in
low-carbon construction
Sieben Linden, Germany: innovating in
low-carbon construction
Anti-Capitalist ecovillages
 Acorn Community Farm
& Federation of
Egalitarian Community,
 Longo Ma誰 communities,
France etc
Niederkaufungen &
Kommunja network of
political communes
 Lakabe & the network of
Spanish re-inhabited
Lakabe, Spain: from occupation to
Lakabe, Spain: from occupation to
Spiritual ecovillages
 Krisna V旦lg & ISKCON
 Plum Village & Buddhist
 Laudato Si Eco-Village,
Poland and Catholic
 Ananda Gaorii Ashram,
Denmark; Ananda Marg
& Vedic communities
 Damanhur, Findhorn
Lilleoru, Estonia and New
Age communities
Damanhur, Italy: Culture, creativity and
Findhorn Ecovillage: practical solutions
for a regenerative world
Liberating sexuality ecovillages
 ZEGG, Germany
Costa Rica &
Tamera, Portugal: water retention and
ecosystem restoration
Tamera, Portugal: water retention and
ecosystem restoration
Social Co-living ecovillages
Camphill communities like
 Village Rozkalni, Latvia
 Vallersund G奪rd, Norway
 Dunshane, Ireland
 Corbenic and Loch Arthur,
International Federation of LArche
Communities like
 L'Arche Kovcheh, Ukraine
 La Boire Noble, France
 Friedenshof, Germany
Solheimar, Iceland: Europes oldest
Rainbow ecovillages
 l popolo degli
El鍖, Italy
 Montevenero &
Poi Bueno, Spain
Art ecovillages
 Aldinga Arts Ecovillage, Australia
 Sk辰rk辰ll Art & Studio Ecovillage, Sweden
 Obyrok Art Island, Ukraine
Animal-care ecovillages
 Ecoaldea Vegetariano,
Portugal, Eotopia
ecovillage, France and
Vegan communities
 Animal rights (Black
Sheep Animal Sanctuary,
New Zealand)
 Cow-protection (New
Vraja Bhumi Dham,
Ukraine & Govardhan
Eco Village, India)
GEN Europe: What we do
 Promotion and support for development of ecovillages in
 Training and education through courses and projects
 Events and networking
 Advocacy and outreach
Learn more and stay in touch!
Facebook: GEN Europe
Twitter: @GENEurope

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亠亢舒于仆亳亶 亠从仂仍仂亞仆亳亶 从仂仆仂仍. 乂仂 仗仂弍仆仂 亰仆舒亳亠亢舒于仆亳亶 亠从仂仍仂亞仆亳亶 从仂仆仂仍. 乂仂 仗仂弍仆仂 亰仆舒亳
亠亢舒于仆亳亶 亠从仂仍仂亞仆亳亶 从仂仆仂仍. 乂仂 仗仂弍仆仂 亰仆舒亳
亠仍亠仆舒 丿从仂仍舒
亊从 仗亟于亳亳亳 亠从仂于亟仂仄 于仂亞仂 仄舒
亊从 仗亟于亳亳亳 亠从仂于亟仂仄 于仂亞仂 仄舒亊从 仗亟于亳亳亳 亠从仂于亟仂仄 于仂亞仂 仄舒
亊从 仗亟于亳亳亳 亠从仂于亟仂仄 于仂亞仂 仄舒
亠仍亠仆舒 丿从仂仍舒
从仂仗仂亠仍亠仆仆 弌从舒仆亟亳仆舒于
从仂仗仂亠仍亠仆仆 弌从舒仆亟亳仆舒于 从仂仗仂亠仍亠仆仆 弌从舒仆亟亳仆舒于
从仂仗仂亠仍亠仆仆 弌从舒仆亟亳仆舒于
亠仍亠仆舒 丿从仂仍舒
仂仍于仆亞 - 舒从亳于仆亳亶 仗仂 亟仍 仄亳仍亠仆仆
仂仍于仆亞 - 舒从亳于仆亳亶 仗仂 亟仍 仄亳仍亠仆仆仂仍于仆亞 - 舒从亳于仆亳亶 仗仂 亟仍 仄亳仍亠仆仆
仂仍于仆亞 - 舒从亳于仆亳亶 仗仂 亟仍 仄亳仍亠仆仆
亠仍亠仆舒 丿从仂仍舒
亊从 仗舒于亳仍仆仂 仗亳亶仄舒亳 仆仂于亳仆亳 亰 亠从仂仍仂亞
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亠仍亠仆舒 丿从仂仍舒
仂弍仍亳于仂 弍仍仂从仂亞仂 亟舒仆亳仆亞舒
仂弍仍亳于仂 弍仍仂从仂亞仂 亟舒仆亳仆亞舒仂弍仍亳于仂 弍仍仂从仂亞仂 亟舒仆亳仆亞舒
仂弍仍亳于仂 弍仍仂从仂亞仂 亟舒仆亳仆亞舒
亠仍亠仆舒 丿从仂仍舒
仂仄仗仍亠从仆舒 舒从于舒从仍舒 于 丕从舒仆
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亠仍亠仆舒 丿从仂仍舒
亠仄舒从仍舒 - 仆亠于亟于仂仂仆舒 舒仍亠仆舒亳于舒
亠仄舒从仍舒 - 仆亠于亟于仂仂仆舒 舒仍亠仆舒亳于舒亠仄舒从仍舒 - 仆亠于亟于仂仂仆舒 舒仍亠仆舒亳于舒
亠仄舒从仍舒 - 仆亠于亟于仂仂仆舒 舒仍亠仆舒亳于舒
亠仍亠仆舒 丿从仂仍舒
弍亠亠亢亠仆仆 弍仂亰仆仂仄舒仆 舒仗舒
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亠仍亠仆舒 丿从仂仍舒
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亠仍亠仆舒 丿从仂仍舒
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亠仍亠仆舒 丿从仂仍舒
从亳亶 亠从仂-仄仂仆仂亳仆亞. 亊从 于亳亢亳亳 于 仄亠亞舒仗仂仍
从亳亶 亠从仂-仄仂仆仂亳仆亞. 亊从 于亳亢亳亳 于 仄亠亞舒仗仂仍从亳亶 亠从仂-仄仂仆仂亳仆亞. 亊从 于亳亢亳亳 于 仄亠亞舒仗仂仍
从亳亶 亠从仂-仄仂仆仂亳仆亞. 亊从 于亳亢亳亳 于 仄亠亞舒仗仂仍
亠仍亠仆舒 丿从仂仍舒

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Ecovillages of Europe

  • 1. Global Ecovillage Network: Europe Introducing Europes blossoming communities
  • 2. Ecovillages: catalysing the power of community
  • 4. What is an ecovillage? An intentional, traditional or urban community that is consciously designed through locally owned participatory processes in all four dimensions of sustainability (social, culture, ecology and economy) to regenerate social and natural environments.
  • 5. Ecovillages across Europe 110 member communities 15 National Ecovillage Networks
  • 6. Ecovillages: a holistic approach to sustainability Social Cultural Economic Ecological
  • 7. Social sustainability Embrace diversity and build community Cultivate inclusive, responsive and transparent decision-making Empower participatory leadership and governance Ensure equal access to holistic education and healthcare Practice con鍖ict facilitation, communication and peacebuilding skills Develop fair, effective and accountable institutions
  • 8. Cultural sustainability Connect to a higher purpose in life Nurture mindfulness and personal growth Respect cultural traditions that support human dignity Engage actively to protect communities and nature Celebrate life and diversity through art Reconnect to nature and embrace low-impact lifestyles
  • 9. Economic sustainability Reconstruct the concepts of wealth, work and progress Ensure equitable ownership of land and resources Cultivate social entrepreneurship Empower local economies and invigorate bioregional living systems Invest in fair trade and ethical systems of exchange Generate wellbeing for all through economic justice
  • 10. Ecological sustainability Clean and replenish sources and cycles of water Move towards 100% renewable energies Grow food and soils through organic agriculture Innovate and spread green building technologies Work with waste as a valuable resource Increase biodiversity and regenerate ecosystems
  • 11. Whole system design Find strengths, weaknesses, and leverage points in all areas Engage all stakeholders in designs for the future Identify the right scale for each solution Honour traditional wisdom and welcome positive innovation Learn from nature and practise whole systems thinking Build networks for mutual support
  • 13. Eco-activism ecovillages Sieben Linden, Germany Suderbyn, Sweden & H辰llingelille, Denmark Arterra Bizimodu & Los Portales, Spain Sunny Hill, Slovenia
  • 14. Arterra Bizimodo, Spain: Advocacing for change
  • 15. Suderbyn, Sweden: supporting a global network of regenerative communities
  • 16. Hallingelille, Denmark: New roots for refugees
  • 17. Sieben Linden, Germany: innovating in low-carbon construction
  • 18. Sieben Linden, Germany: innovating in low-carbon construction
  • 19. Anti-Capitalist ecovillages Acorn Community Farm & Federation of Egalitarian Community, USA Longo Ma誰 communities, France etc Kommune Niederkaufungen & Kommunja network of political communes Lakabe & the network of Spanish re-inhabited villages
  • 20. Lakabe, Spain: from occupation to cooperation
  • 21. Lakabe, Spain: from occupation to cooperation
  • 22. Spiritual ecovillages Krisna V旦lg & ISKCON communties Plum Village & Buddhist communities Laudato Si Eco-Village, Poland and Catholic communities Ananda Gaorii Ashram, Denmark; Ananda Marg & Vedic communities Damanhur, Findhorn Lilleoru, Estonia and New Age communities
  • 23. Damanhur, Italy: Culture, creativity and play
  • 24. Findhorn Ecovillage: practical solutions for a regenerative world
  • 25. Liberating sexuality ecovillages Tamera, Portugal ZEGG, Germany Schweibenalp, Switzerland ngsbacka, Sweden; PachaMama, Costa Rica & OSHO communities
  • 26. Tamera, Portugal: water retention and ecosystem restoration
  • 27. Tamera, Portugal: water retention and ecosystem restoration
  • 28. Social Co-living ecovillages Camphill communities like Village Rozkalni, Latvia Vallersund G奪rd, Norway Dunshane, Ireland Corbenic and Loch Arthur, Scotland International Federation of LArche Communities like L'Arche Kovcheh, Ukraine La Boire Noble, France Friedenshof, Germany Solheimar, Iceland: Europes oldest ecovillage
  • 29. Rainbow ecovillages l popolo degli El鍖, Italy Skogsn辰s, Sweden Montevenero & Poi Bueno, Spain Freetown Christiania, Denmark
  • 30. Art ecovillages Aldinga Arts Ecovillage, Australia Sk辰rk辰ll Art & Studio Ecovillage, Sweden Obyrok Art Island, Ukraine
  • 31. Animal-care ecovillages Ecoaldea Vegetariano, Portugal, Eotopia ecovillage, France and Vegan communities Animal rights (Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary, New Zealand) Cow-protection (New Vraja Bhumi Dham, Ukraine & Govardhan Eco Village, India)
  • 32. GEN Europe: What we do Promotion and support for development of ecovillages in Europe Training and education through courses and projects Events and networking Advocacy and outreach
  • 33. Learn more and stay in touch! www.gen-europe.org Facebook: GEN Europe Twitter: @GENEurope