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Beneath the Ink
     An In-Depth Analysis of Ed
Hardys Social Media Ecosystem
Ed Hardy: The Brand
   Ed Hardy is a clothing brand started in 2002 by Don
    Ed Hardy, a well-known tattoo artist.
   The brand has grown to earn $20 million dollars in
   In 2004, fashion icon, Christian Audigier licensed
    the rights and helped market directly to celebrities
    and opened stores in well-known fashion areas.
   Today, the brand has evolved to include more than
    just clothing, offering styling tools, school supplies,
    lighters and branded wine and beer.
   1.7 million fans with 16,288 people talking about this (as of 11/5)
     However, this means only 0.9% of users are actually engaged.
     Between July-September of this year, Ed Hardy acquired an
        averaged of 12,694 new likes and 48,810 people talking about
        the brand.
     Content featured on the pages includes photos, links, call-to-
        action statuses, and promotion for other social media.
     Each post receive hundreds to thousands of likes.
   Seven different community pages have been created by users for
    Ed Hardy and Ed Hardy products. Some of the pages are regionally
    specific (i.e. Australia, India). The pages range from 900 to 60,000
   The Ed Hardy Facebook app has 30 monthly users.
   Tweets are almost identical to Facebook posts, with
    some even posted from Facebook directly.
   Tweets include quotes, retweets of popular lifestyle
    brands, and call-to-action tweets.
       The call to action tweets did not receive as many results on
        Twitter as they did on Facebook.
   Average of one to two favorites, one to four
    retweets, and zero to replies for each tweet.
   Other Twitter accounts have been created for
    various stores and types of product (shoes,
    watches, etc). These accounts range from 100
    followers to 5,000 followers.
 The  Ed Hardy Instagram is the newest social
  media account for the brand, with only 342
  followers after launching in June 2012.
 The photos include shots of merchandise and
  sales, Instagram-themed polls, and tattoos.
   Despite having three separate channels associated with Ed Hardy,
    the brands presence on YouTube is very weak.
     60 subscribers for six videos. However, this channel hasnt been
       updated in four years.
   Ed Hardy Brasil Shop
     37 subscribers for 29 videos. This is the most dressed up
       account, featuring an appropriate logo avatar and Ed Hardy-
       themed background.
   Ed Hardy Tattoo Movie
     80 subscribers for seven videos. Account for the movie
       associated with Ed Hardy and the brand. The movie came out in
       2010, and the channel has not be updated since. However, its
       worth noting that this channel still boasts the most subscribers.
 26 followers, one board, zero pins
 Eight pins total under the tag Ed Hardy
     Featuring female products: bikinis, shoes, and
 50   boards featuring the tag Ed Hardy
     25 boards specifically titled Ed Hardy
     The others highlighting various themes, including
      tattoos and fashion.
Ed Hardy Tattoo Artist App
   Created in 2011, the app has had one update since
    then and is available for both iPhone and iPad.
   The app allows users to make their own Ed Hardy
    tattoo designs, as well as have access to popular
    designs from their mobile devices.
   The app retails for $2.99, and out of 32 reviews, is
    rated 3/5 stars.
   Users praised the ability to make your own design
    and the awesome wallpapers.
Other Social Media
   Minimal presence across the remaining popular
    social media sites: Tumblr, Foursquare, and Yelp.
       Tumblr search results for both Ed Hardy and EdHardy
        result in various related and non-related posts from users
        on Ed Hardy.
       Foursquare and Yelp were connected to various Ed Hardy
        stores, as well as clubs with similar names and restaurants
        serving Ed Hardy-brand alcohol.
SWOTs of Ed Hardy
       Strong community and fan base
       Unique image and consistent voice
       Creating a bridge between old and new (vintage photos, etc.)
       Maintaining relevancy with pop culture posts (ex: women in binders)
       Lack of a concrete celebrity endorser
       Actual audience is not inline with brands ideal demo
       Brand believes they are more fashion savvy than is actually portrayed
       Failed attempts at polls and call-to-action posts on social media
       Utilize and grow on Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr
       Add video producers to create new and engaging content for YouTube
       Continue to be one of the most popular brands associated with the tattoo culture
       Partnerships with new cultural icons, i.e. Sons of Anarchy
       Previous connotations of the brand continue to dominate the image today (douchebag, Jon
        Gosselin, Jersey Shore)
       Lack of relevancy today, associated more with the early 2000s
       Dependent on the fad culture of tattoos
       Brand has failed to grow and evolve from its earlier image
Biggest Competition
   Affliction, TapouT, and True Religion are the biggest competitors of Ed Hardy.
     Affliction, centered on sports and music, is the closest in image to Ed Hardy
     TapouT is revolves around sports
     True Religion is focused on denim and clothing for men, women, and children
   How they stand out
     All three have stronger Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest presences than Ed Hardy.
     The various social media accounts have some overlap, but mostly diversified
         content on each platform.
     Solid branding with MMA, UFC, and other prominent endorsers.
     True Religion is the only brand of the three to have a Tumblr page
           Affliction and TapouT both have blogs that are linked on the main website
   How they fall behind
     Despite solid Facebook likes for all three brands, they still fail to match the
       volume that Ed Hardy has accrued.
       No ties with other brands mean they have more flexibility.
   The theme across all of the mediums was consistent. They focused
    on the brand merchandise, tattoos, and pop culture.
     Posts featured links to discounts on various items, old and new
        photos of tattoos, and music videos, photos, and other media
        related to pop culture.
   On the other hand, the individual platforms are so similar that
    updating the other accounts becomes redundant.
     Facebook, having the biggest audience, stands out the most.
        However, a user who likes them on Facebook gains nothing new
        from following them on Twitter.
   They have a surprisingly small following on social media for how
    popular and big the brand is. They attract the kind of fan base that
    thrives within the social stratosphere, however, are not leveraging
    them for their full potential.
   Diversify the different accounts.
     Different content needs to be created for each platform. The brand has yet to
         create a reason for fans to follow them across the different social media accounts.
         Making the various platforms different will help attract more users, and more
         engaging users.
   Utilize the accounts
     Pinterest and YouTube are currently wasting space for Ed Hardy. Adding boards
         on Pinterest and generating new, original videos would help the accounts grow
         and evolve.
   Give a backstage pass
     Ed Hardy is currently missing the behind-the-scenes angle in their social media. A
         regular blog or tumblr account would give fans a glimpse at the world of Ed Hardy
         while also diversifying the content they are providing.
   Promote the accounts on the main site
     Outside of Facebook and Twitter, all other social media accounts for Ed Hardy
         are not linked to the main Ed Hardy site. A simple link with the proper image for
         Pinterest and YouTube would add several hundreds of users instantly.
       Official Page http://www.facebook.com/edhardy
       EdHardyTV http://www.youtube.com/user/EdHardyTV
       Ed Hardy Brasil Shop http://www.youtube.com/user/EdHardyBrasilShop
       Ed Hardy Tattoo Movie http://www.youtube.com/user/edhardytattoomovie

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Beneath the Ink: An In-Depth Analysis of Ed Hardy's Social Media Ecosystem

  • 1. Beneath the Ink An In-Depth Analysis of Ed Hardys Social Media Ecosystem
  • 2. Ed Hardy: The Brand Ed Hardy is a clothing brand started in 2002 by Don Ed Hardy, a well-known tattoo artist. The brand has grown to earn $20 million dollars in revenue. In 2004, fashion icon, Christian Audigier licensed the rights and helped market directly to celebrities and opened stores in well-known fashion areas. Today, the brand has evolved to include more than just clothing, offering styling tools, school supplies, lighters and branded wine and beer.
  • 3. Facebook 1.7 million fans with 16,288 people talking about this (as of 11/5) However, this means only 0.9% of users are actually engaged. Between July-September of this year, Ed Hardy acquired an averaged of 12,694 new likes and 48,810 people talking about the brand. Content featured on the pages includes photos, links, call-to- action statuses, and promotion for other social media. Each post receive hundreds to thousands of likes. Seven different community pages have been created by users for Ed Hardy and Ed Hardy products. Some of the pages are regionally specific (i.e. Australia, India). The pages range from 900 to 60,000 likes. The Ed Hardy Facebook app has 30 monthly users.
  • 4. Twitter 8,737 followers Tweets are almost identical to Facebook posts, with some even posted from Facebook directly. Tweets include quotes, retweets of popular lifestyle brands, and call-to-action tweets. The call to action tweets did not receive as many results on Twitter as they did on Facebook. Average of one to two favorites, one to four retweets, and zero to replies for each tweet. Other Twitter accounts have been created for various stores and types of product (shoes, watches, etc). These accounts range from 100 followers to 5,000 followers.
  • 5. Instagram The Ed Hardy Instagram is the newest social media account for the brand, with only 342 followers after launching in June 2012. The photos include shots of merchandise and sales, Instagram-themed polls, and tattoos.
  • 6. YouTube Despite having three separate channels associated with Ed Hardy, the brands presence on YouTube is very weak. EdHardyTV 60 subscribers for six videos. However, this channel hasnt been updated in four years. Ed Hardy Brasil Shop 37 subscribers for 29 videos. This is the most dressed up account, featuring an appropriate logo avatar and Ed Hardy- themed background. Ed Hardy Tattoo Movie 80 subscribers for seven videos. Account for the movie associated with Ed Hardy and the brand. The movie came out in 2010, and the channel has not be updated since. However, its worth noting that this channel still boasts the most subscribers.
  • 7. Pinterest 26 followers, one board, zero pins Eight pins total under the tag Ed Hardy Featuring female products: bikinis, shoes, and fragrance 50 boards featuring the tag Ed Hardy 25 boards specifically titled Ed Hardy The others highlighting various themes, including tattoos and fashion.
  • 8. Ed Hardy Tattoo Artist App Created in 2011, the app has had one update since then and is available for both iPhone and iPad. The app allows users to make their own Ed Hardy tattoo designs, as well as have access to popular designs from their mobile devices. The app retails for $2.99, and out of 32 reviews, is rated 3/5 stars. Users praised the ability to make your own design and the awesome wallpapers.
  • 9. Other Social Media Minimal presence across the remaining popular social media sites: Tumblr, Foursquare, and Yelp. Tumblr search results for both Ed Hardy and EdHardy result in various related and non-related posts from users on Ed Hardy. Foursquare and Yelp were connected to various Ed Hardy stores, as well as clubs with similar names and restaurants serving Ed Hardy-brand alcohol.
  • 10. SWOTs of Ed Hardy Strengths Strong community and fan base Unique image and consistent voice Creating a bridge between old and new (vintage photos, etc.) Maintaining relevancy with pop culture posts (ex: women in binders) Weaknesses Lack of a concrete celebrity endorser Actual audience is not inline with brands ideal demo Brand believes they are more fashion savvy than is actually portrayed Failed attempts at polls and call-to-action posts on social media Opportunities Utilize and grow on Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr Add video producers to create new and engaging content for YouTube Continue to be one of the most popular brands associated with the tattoo culture Partnerships with new cultural icons, i.e. Sons of Anarchy Threats Previous connotations of the brand continue to dominate the image today (douchebag, Jon Gosselin, Jersey Shore) Lack of relevancy today, associated more with the early 2000s Dependent on the fad culture of tattoos Brand has failed to grow and evolve from its earlier image
  • 11. Biggest Competition Affliction, TapouT, and True Religion are the biggest competitors of Ed Hardy. Affliction, centered on sports and music, is the closest in image to Ed Hardy TapouT is revolves around sports True Religion is focused on denim and clothing for men, women, and children How they stand out All three have stronger Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest presences than Ed Hardy. The various social media accounts have some overlap, but mostly diversified content on each platform. Solid branding with MMA, UFC, and other prominent endorsers. True Religion is the only brand of the three to have a Tumblr page Affliction and TapouT both have blogs that are linked on the main website How they fall behind Despite solid Facebook likes for all three brands, they still fail to match the volume that Ed Hardy has accrued. No ties with other brands mean they have more flexibility.
  • 12. Conclusions The theme across all of the mediums was consistent. They focused on the brand merchandise, tattoos, and pop culture. Posts featured links to discounts on various items, old and new photos of tattoos, and music videos, photos, and other media related to pop culture. On the other hand, the individual platforms are so similar that updating the other accounts becomes redundant. Facebook, having the biggest audience, stands out the most. However, a user who likes them on Facebook gains nothing new from following them on Twitter. They have a surprisingly small following on social media for how popular and big the brand is. They attract the kind of fan base that thrives within the social stratosphere, however, are not leveraging them for their full potential.
  • 13. Recommendations Diversify the different accounts. Different content needs to be created for each platform. The brand has yet to create a reason for fans to follow them across the different social media accounts. Making the various platforms different will help attract more users, and more engaging users. Utilize the accounts Pinterest and YouTube are currently wasting space for Ed Hardy. Adding boards on Pinterest and generating new, original videos would help the accounts grow and evolve. Give a backstage pass Ed Hardy is currently missing the behind-the-scenes angle in their social media. A regular blog or tumblr account would give fans a glimpse at the world of Ed Hardy while also diversifying the content they are providing. Promote the accounts on the main site Outside of Facebook and Twitter, all other social media accounts for Ed Hardy are not linked to the main Ed Hardy site. A simple link with the proper image for Pinterest and YouTube would add several hundreds of users instantly.
  • 14. Links Facebook Official Page http://www.facebook.com/edhardy http://www.facebook.com/search/results.php?q=ed %20hardy&init=quick&tas=0.7293323688209057 Twitter https://twitter.com/EdHardyOnline https://twitter.com/search/users/ed%20hardy Instagram http://web.stagram.com/n/officialedhardy/ YouTube EdHardyTV http://www.youtube.com/user/EdHardyTV Ed Hardy Brasil Shop http://www.youtube.com/user/EdHardyBrasilShop Ed Hardy Tattoo Movie http://www.youtube.com/user/edhardytattoomovie Pinterest http://pinterest.com/edhardyofficial/ http://pinterest.com/search/boards/?q=ed+hardy http://pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=ed+hardy App https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ed-hardy-tattoo-artist/id408945425?mt=8